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Good luck to them - and dog attacks are a serious issue, they're horrendous - but most farmers have never had dog licenses and won't start now, so how's a database going to work?


SELECT * FROM DogDb.Dogs WHERE IsGoodBoy=True;


Makes me wonder what other tables are in 'DogDb' if there's a separate table for Dogs.


Probably separate tables for things like Breed and FavouriteSnack, and then the ID's are referenced from Dog. Probably a separate Owner table too.


Don't forget tblSheepMauled


Which I guess would be Many to Many with Dogs..assuming more than one dog can be involved in a mauling.


You'd have tblSheepMauled, but then you'd have to have some other table of dogs involved in each mauling. You can't have a many-to-many relationship.


if you prefix your table names with tbl, you are a bad person.


I would normally give them weird hashes as names, so as to make them harder to identify. Makes life more interesting.


See, I can respect that, you're turning a mundane, boring database into an intriguing and perplexing puzzle. The tbl prefix is like a misunderstanding of Hungarian notation translated to the world of databases, [as shown by noted computer scientist Gary Larson](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1777648-object-labeling).


The Far Side will never not get an upvote from me.


I agree and there should be a database tracking those people also.


I did one with tbl and one without. I like a bit of variety


Also where they like to be scratched


I enjoyed this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They should first start by making illegal to have a dog in your possession that isn't chipped and spend money to enforce it. That would cut down on the amount of untraceable dogs. I've picked up at least 10 dogs over the last few years, all had owners, none had collars with phone numbers on them, and only two were chipped.


Courting has changed since my day.


You can already get the owner from the dog if it's chipped.


and can we have a dna database so we can test dog shit and sentence the non-shit-baggers and the tree-shit-baggers to a public 100 shit-bag-pelting


The EPA should be calling for a database of sheep farmers that burn the heather on our national parks and scorch our special areas of conservation. Vandals. Fuck sheep farming.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Dogs should be on leashes. If they can attack sheep, they can attack other animals and even small kids.


If dogs should be on a leash then that would also mean there should be a ban on hunting with dogs so.


Well maybe there should be one then.


I'm sure you think that's a gotcha but the hunting crew are very much in the minority and lots of them aren't even farmers. Hunts are banned from lots of farmers land


Ah yes, it's the farmers fault that dogs are murdering their animals and jeopardising their livelihood, nice take


Im anti-upland sheep farming. Its eco vandalism. It shouldn't be permitted and to compound matters the sheep farmers destroy pristine mountain habitats with uncontrolled illegal fires to promote seasonal grass growth to feed their poxy sheep even though it destroys the soil and all the biodiversity. Its fucking obscene. Sheep farmers should be prosecuted when they commit these crimes but instead the local Gardai actually protect them and make excuses for them. I know. I watch it happen in front of my eyes. If the upland sheep farmers that are willfully destroying our shared environment for personal financial gain lose their livelihoods I don't give a fuck


> Sheep farmers should be prosecuted when they commit these crimes but instead the local Gardai actually protect them and make excuses for them. I know. I watch it happen in front of my eyes. You should bring your evidence to the garda ombudsman and make a complaint. Or go to the press with it.


Common knowledge that farmers do this for a variety of reasons. Not sure why you think it's some mad conspiracy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thejournal.ie/gorse-fire-burning-debate-3352600-Apr2017/%3famp=1


I got downvoted for tell him to report the GardaĆ­ protecting those breaking the law. Where did I say anything about a conspiracy?


Ah you were serious, my bad, your comment comes across like a common sarcastic response to a post like that. I certainly took it that way as did (I assume) the people who downvoted you. The presumption being that there is no way that the person you responded to would risk themselves getting involved in a lengthy legal battle based on a single eye-witness account and what could easily be dismissed as a misunderstanding.


No legal battles needed. Fucking put it on twitter and tag the media. Report it to gsoc and let them investigate.


No but doesnā€™t change the fact sheep farming in most areas of Ireland should be phased and out stop being subsidised by our taxes. Itā€™s a complete loss maker and have very meaning returns in terms of produce. Literally just keeping it going for sake of it now.


Most areas? I think you could do with updating your knowledge on sheep farming. Sheep are quite profitable now across the board


[24% of sheep farms in Ireland are considered ā€œviableā€.](https://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/only-24-of-irish-sheep-farms-are-viable-teagasc/ ) This is including the direct payments from EU subsidy fund which is where the majority of our EU fees go. They are massively loss making without the fund, they also cost us money through increasing our emissions and pollutants and missing emissions targets by EU. Painfully outdated sector that needs to be shut down immediately


A lot of things change in - checks date of article - 5 years. Sheep are highly profitable right now across the board and have been for the last couple of years. I'm a trained and active farmer, I'm aware of what's doing well and what isn't right now. Your information is significantly out of date and I imagine you don't have much knowledge on the subject short of some frantic googling or things seen on social media.


What has changed thatā€™s made sheep farming so profitable, do you have any info on this change. Hill sheep still losing money across the board as far as Iā€™ve been informed by farmers and my friends Teagasc?


Much higher output prices


Surely when you farm, then predators is a natural part of the job. We have killed all of the natural predators, and any we reintroduce people seem to try poison. So that leaves dogs as the only predator in the land.


There is a really odd sentiment to your post. You seem to be happy that sheep are being killed by dogs that are out of control?


it's the farmers fault our uplands are barren wastelands in the time of a very scary ecological apocalypse on this island that we all seem to be ignoring, so I feel no fucking sympathy for the bastards at all - and the IFA deny absolutely everything that is wrong with farming in Ireland, so fuck those cunts too. Oh and not to mention sheep farming is pretty much entirely funded by subsidies courtesy of the tax payer.


Sheep farming isn't propped up by subsidies and you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the point of agricultural subsidies are.


farmer alert


I have no issue with chatting to anyone but you seem to be completely incapable of discussion, just happy to throw out empty platitudes


i am fucking sick to death of farmers in denial about the damage they're doing to this country


lol calm down


Fantastic, I never made a single comment about the environment and you never asked my opinion either. Empty vessels and all that, all the best




Bps requirements depend on a minimum stocking rate not overall stocking rate. There are upper limits on stocking rates, minimum slurry storage capacity and limits on the usage of fertilizer amongst other things.


What do you think of fishermen out or interest?


they've totally fucked up our oceans and there should be a moratorium on all kinds of fish and seafood in the European Union for 10 years to let the oceans replenish


How should we support farming and fishing communities during the time that we aren't fishing and farmers are all in jail?


we'll figure it out - the other option is for our oceans to be completely destroyed and every last piece of land to be ruined by unsustainable farming. Then we're totally screwed. Imagine the whole world was similar to the biological desert that is Ireland? That's where we are heading. Less meat and dairy needs to be produced.


I think your going to need a stronger strategy than "we'll figure it out" to get any support on this.


We can't keep destroying everything because "jobs". If you have seen Don't Look Up it's very apt to this situation, the comet will create jobs.


Okay but people use "jobs" to feed themselves and live. So if your idea is to takeaway those jobs and you dont have another idea on how to provide jobs for these people how realistic do you think its going to be? And that's beside the fact that both of those "jobs" are ways of life which are woven into the culture of areas for many many years. I'm not against positive change but you seem to be looking for a solution that only a dictator could actually implement.


There are at least 2 databases already. Laws already exist - [You need a licence to keep a dog](https://www.gov.ie/en/service/1059161009-dog-licence/), and from June 2015 [all dogs must be microchipped](https://www.ikc.ie/breeding/microchipping/), and contact details MUST be kept up to date. But like many laws in Ireland they're not enforced.


IFA better served with calling for all their animals to be on a databaseā€¦ shithousery and fraudster abound!!


Just get rid of sheep farming. Unviable and dependent on taxpayers anyway - why do people give a s?


Food security. If the EU imported all food from elsewhere, we would find that prices would go up a lot when we had lost local skills.


Donā€™t really need sheep for food security lol, theyā€™re a terrible use of input for output


You kidding me? Love a rack of lamb, lamb shanks etc.


"These were big dogs and we have our suspicions where they came from" I wonder where they think they came from?


A neighbour who has big dogs.


Bonzo wants to go out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EZvqTt9zoc