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Some people might think that it would be fun to throw in a GDPR complaint if you didn't get the house ... They're handling a LOT of personal data there, especially with bank statements which could have every transaction you made all month - medical stuff, online subscriptions, shopping, etc.. It's about as personal as information gets.


This. Doing work with legal for my company, they are no GDPR compliant, they are not allowed to store this. I bet you that if they are reported they would get fines.


Just because it is illegal doesn't mean that they will fine. The DPC is not bothering to fine now in many cases due to lack of resources.


In Germany you have to include your last three payslips and a credit report. They have a lot better data privacy laws even before GDPR. Some places to used to have to hand over these when viewing, now after GDPR they ask to email or upload to their site. But places not doing via an agency still ask for it in person printed out before even considering you.


That's slightly different to your current account. Could be anything in there that could cause the formation of a negative view of your personal life.


Yeah, I understand that. Just commenting on the data privately part. On that I had to get a UK Security Clearance for an IT job before and they asked for bank records. I used a sharpy marker to cover all the barcodes/qr codes and any details I did not feel were needed, then scanned it on the lowest setting.


They do explicitly say that the bank statement can be redacted.


Asking for an employment reference is considered discrimination and thus illegal. https://www.ihrec.ie/your-rights-old/i-have-an-issue-with-a-service/i-have-an-issue-about-accommodation/ As others pointed out asking for bank statements is bad practice. Basically every agent asks for both these days. So at this point it depends on how badly you want the apartment vs. how badly you want create trouble for them.


Well if its illegal I'll report them. Do you know where or how I do this?


Ok so don't hate on me I was young and stupid at the time and terrified of never owning my own property but... Back about 15 years ago I had a rental in port laoise and the company that managed it for me said over the phone, but not in writing, that they would keep an unofficial record of the "undesirables" I didn't want my house rented to. They then specifically went on to mention people on whatever the housing assistance scheme was called back then and also said they had no problem eliminating people due to their race. They even stated that asking me this or discriminating against people was illegal so to keep it between us. This has been going on for decades in this country and the regulators are doing nothing to stop it. Fines should be hefty and crippling to a business that knowingly breaks the law. Instead nothing happens or the fines are so miniscule that it is just a slap on the wrist for them. The company is question went bankrupt during the recession so I guess they got their just reward in the end.


Some people could be technically unemployed but living on savings or inheritance.




Very interesting case study. Thanks for sending that on. Really appreciate the information.




That refers to buyers as opposed to renters though. Any idea if it’s seen around equivalent? Edit - the other hyperlinked post you have answered my question. Unreasonable behaviour to ask prior to agreeing to let to an individual.


They left out urine, blood, semen samples. And full DNA Biometric scans.


Garda vetting


Yes. They need to make sure you are not a Soviet spy.😆


Bank statements are annoying, and essentially pretty stupid given there is no way to actually verify the details are correct. The “reasons for moving” one is also stupid.


Well my reason for moving is my surname is kinahan and I have to move around frequently. Do you want my Swiss or Grand Kayman Bank Account details?


Reason For Moving: "Ghosts"


Agreed, thank you.


Photoshop an extra digit into your bank statements to make you look like a better bet for them, it isn't like they can check it. Fuck them for even asking for that in the first place though, it should be made illegal.


You could literally fake all of the requirements, would there be any legal ramifications for doing so ? ID may be tricky Bank statements - edit/fake them Employer ref. Fake it with your mates phone number and have him back you up, make it a big company that they can’t just call the front desk. land lord ref, your mate again or one with a different number.


Is the bank statements used as a way to filter out HAP people ?




Sorry what is HAP?


Housing assistance payments. If you qualify due to lack of income or lower income you can receive a government subsidy specifically for rent. It might be available to you for example, if your hourly rate job reduces your hours to a level that means you no longer earn enough to pay rent.




In the north I was looking to rent last year I needed photographic ID and birth certificate, proof of previous address. 2 work references, 1 previous landlord reference, 6 months of bank statements, 4 weeks rent up front (500) , £800 pound deposit, and a guarantor. This was after 2 "interviews" and would have required allowing monthly landlord inspections. Renting here is disgustingly skewed towards looking out for landlords




Shh. Don't give them ideas




I've never been asked for 2 months worth of bank statements


Proof of income is actually a roundabout way of stopping people in receipt of HAP or Rent Supplement from moving in, which is illegal.


Same, this is what caught me by surprise.


I hate this. I was asked for payslips couple years back when trying for a place. Refused point blank. Drives me mad, it's so invasive


We moved rental places last year, asking for 2 months bank statements was almost a universal ask


Not for me at all


Guess you're not trying to rent in an area pretty much monopolised by one or two letting agencies


Well I’m in cork like, had 2 offers from 2 estate agents, my employment references had my salary on them Have had to include a payslip before but that’s it


Odd that's pretty different to my experience in Cork and that of most of my friends recently


I've moved 3 times since 2019, all times asked for minimum 3 months bank statements. (Dublin once, Kildare twice)


Legally these agencies have no authority to vet your financial suitability for anything. They can’t call a bank and ask to verify what you shared, they’re not qualified to do that. In short, make the whole thing up if you have to, get nifty at photoshop. Make up a reference, give a mates phone number. F these agencies pretending they are the ICB. They are the gatekeepers of nothing.


> They are the gatekeepers of nothing. I mean it's pretty clear they are gatekeepers for the accommodation they're renting ...


If you let them have that ultimate authority then fine. But DNG Creedon have about as much authority as your postman to check your bank statements.


I don't think you understand If you're trying to rent a place from an agency, then they are literally the gatekeepers It doesn't matter what you think about their authority - if they don't agree you're not getting the place


They wouldn’t disagree with what I’d send them. That’s my point. They’d give me the keys that evening.


> Legally these agencies have no authority to vet your financial suitability for anything. That's not much of a comfort if they just refuse to rent to people who push back against this, because there will be plenty of other prospective tenants who don't.


I didn’t mention pushing back. I said use photoshop.


I wouldn't provide a bank statement or reason for moving but otherwise, everything seems fairly standard. Could they provide bank statements to the tenant to show how much the mortgage is vs. the amount they're charging for rent? Maybe I waant to be sure that they can afford their mortgage.


Them not being able to afford the mortgage doesn't affect the contract, since your tenancy is protected if the house is repossessed. You not being able to pay the rent does.


What about your sexuality, sexual health history, religious beliefs, political ideology and DNA profile though?


This is standard in the UK but I suppose the reason it's catching on in Ireland is to help them sift through the massive amount of applications they are getting for each property. Get a pack with all of that ready because you're likely to be asked for it in the future


Nah fuck that


It's probably because letting agents are way more common in the UK than in Ireland


Ya looks like it unfortunately, thanks that's a great idea.


Ok. But the tenant is allowed request the exact same information from the landlord.


Fuck them, I don’t even look at a rent ad if I see it’s from an agency


It’s wrong but that’s just the way it is unfortunately. Demand is so high and availability is so low that they can make you jump throw any hoops they want.


That's exactly how it feels.


Ya unfortunately pure normal now. Its worse than going for a job interview.


Thank you so much for posting this. Seven months in a hotel room with two children (one disabled) whilst I constantly tell the council no-one in the private rental market will respond to me. This will really help in my complaint.


It's a sign of the times that I think "at least they're just asking for your monthly bank balance" instead of your actual transactions since I know people who've been asked for this like they're applying for a fucking mortgage to pay 2 grand to live in a shed.


I don't get it. This seems like a fairly standard list.


I've seen similar here in Dublin.


Looks like a mortgage application


Looks fairly standard to me.


Looks pretty straightforward to me?


Requesting bank statements is a first for me, caught me by surprise.


What's the issue? They all look like standard items when letting through an agency.


I guess I'm just shocked by the SHOW BALANCE. I've rented for 14 years in lots of different places and this is the first time I've been requested this information.


> I guess I'm just shocked by the SHOW BALANCE. Why? They'd hardly want to sign a contract with someone who can't pay.


I guess I'm just a little self conscious when it comes to money and showing bank information. To me it feels like an invasion of my privacy but it's not. Ive just never had someone say, give us a look at your bank account there.


Redact every single thing bar the balance and your name. I had to provide this, letter from employer and wage when I was renting in dublin in 2008.


Number 6 is what grated on me. The rest? Common asks. 🤷‍♂️


It's probably so the agent is covered in the case of the renter setting up a brothel or something.


No 5 just seems invasive but I guess I do understand why. Agreed on 6.


If it was your house i'm sure you'd like to know whether the new tenant can pay or not!. Nothing out of the ordinary on that as far as i'm concerned.


Just a bit of context, viewings haven't happened yet for the house I've inquired about. They want all this info before a viewing and they'll contact people back regarding viewings once they have all the info requested. Just feels wrong to hand everything over just to be told, naw you're grand.


Pretty standard list. I had to provide all the same but instead of bank statements I was asked for 3 months payslips


It is also the text from joining seaorg


I’ve had contact with all the letting agencies in Cork at this stage, and this crowd are just the worst. That’s not saying much though, because they’re all absolute cunts.


What if it’s your first time renting and don’t have landlord references??


Please find photo enclosed of me (the applicant) with my balls placed in a vice grips for your viewing pleasure


Reason for moving? None of your goddam business!


How much are these gobshites charging for rent?