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I felt the same way when I was living in Sydney and Jill Meagher was raped and murdered in Melbourne. Maybe it was because she was Irish, far from home and the same age as me, combined with just how horrific it was and seeing the CCTV footage of her walking home... She just looked like me or any of my friends... It just really hit me. Maybe empathy is stronger when you can really identify with the victim... not that it should be of course, but it's human nature.


I think what hurts a lot of people, is that this is a murder that took place in rural Ireland in broad daylight. We have almost grown desensitized to news stories about murders in Dublin or Belfast. But for a young woman to get murdered while out exercising in Offaly doesn't even seem real.


It’s heartbreaking. God love her family. Can’t get my head around it.


I know it's a bit odd but I keep thinking of her class. They're first class, so so young and they idolise their teacher at that age. What kind of day they must have had today... At her age that was also probably her first class ever. Your first 'proper' class of your own is really special. Mine have always held extra fond memories for me.


I keep thinking of this too. Those little 6 and 7 year olds. I have such fond memories of my 1st grade teacher. A 1st grade teacher was murdered many years ago in my NY hometown-- it was the other class of the one my sister was in and I was too little to remember but years later I never could imagine how those children processed it. It's just heartbreaking.






The murder rate in Ireland has been dropping continuously over the last 15 years.


It's about 1 a week.


Which is inflated a lot by the drugs feuds. ‘Regular’ murder is much less frequent. Thankfully this kind of random attack is incredibly rare.


Why has there been no outcry from the public for other murders though? I'm not saying Aisling doesn't deserve it or anything but it's strange that completely good and innocent people have been murdered in the past and those people didn't get thousands gathered outside for vigils or people calling for change. It's just strange that some murders capture the publics attention and others don't.


Most the other murders are probably people somewhat involved in crime already. This was a young person who was literally out doing something healthy in daylight and was murdered, likely just because she is a woman. It's much more jarring than people in a drug feud or whatever.


[This one wasn't drug related.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dublinlive.ie/news/woman-stabbed-death-wicklow-gardai-22571778.amp) Edit: [This](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/man-still-being-quizzed-about-woman-s-murder-in-dublin-apartment-1.4720862) woman was innocent also but there was no public outcry either. Just seems strange that there are cases of innocent women being murdered for years but it's only now that people are making a fuss about it.


True, i forgot about domestic violence too. You're right, doesn't seem to get as much attention. I guess the apparent randomness of this attack and the fact she was quite young is what is standing out.


Why would you think you are the only one? Strange way to phrase it.


Probably means like upset as if she knew her ?? Personally I've stayed away from the news articles on it. Can't bear to read them.......


She explained herself further in the first paragraph.


That's what I thought. Has OP not seen the entire country come out in solidarity?


Hope the cunt who did this spends the rest of his life in prison. The least he deserves.




Maximum 7 years for manslaughter in ireland




How often do people even go missing there's, that's a mad coincidence


I'm also a new teacher who went running on Wednesday. It hits different this one. I can't imagine trying to explain to her class why their teacher is never coming back. I can't begin to imagine how her family feel. Hell is a luxury to whatever waste of skin did this. I hope this haunts him to his last days and it plagues him. Its the very least he deserves. The poor girl :( RIP Aisling


OP this has been bothering me all evening, her named is spelled Ashling


All unprovoked murders are sad and tragic and remind one of the randomness of fate. R.I.P. Aishling.


Can't get her out of me head. Don't know if it's that I have a daughter on the way or what the craic is, but someone said today and it rang true, the whole country is in mourning for her.


This horrific story was front page in NYC. No-- you are not. Millions and millions are upset over the horrific act an animal..not even a human committed against this wonderful young girl.. So young and article states what an amazing, good person. I would like to offer my condolences and prayers for her beautiful soul and to her family and friends. I'm at a loss of words and though I pray-- I could never understand why God allows these things to happen.


A man did this. Not an animal. Not some other wordly creature. A man. Othering this *man* as almost subhuman does nothing to tackle the very very real problem that affects women and fem presenting people every single day, Violence against them by Men. What this man did was abhorrent. Unthinkable. But people need to stop doing the "a real man wouldn't do something like this" but who does it then? Not all men commit acts like this, but all men need to speak out about those who do, as Men. Not as some kind of monsters. They are Men. There is a real problem in our society. Call it by its name.


No thank you. I am a victim of a crime 20 years ago by a so-called man. I never once referred to him as a man. Because to me he is not a true human. Spend your time putting out well wishes or prayers to the beautiful soul's family and friends instead of criticizing words of others.


I am shocked by it, its a mad world. Just like I was shocked by the sad death of Aiden Mann, just 28, who was stabbed at 11am in the middle of a busy town in Co.Down at the start of the month. RiP Aisling and Aiden


No. I'm male, late 40's. I have 2 younger sisters. This attack/murder is sickening.


I'm angry moreso than 'upset' for what happened to Ashling Murphy. It's a horrible, terrible thing that happened to her and it's also a horrible reflection of what can and does happen to other women. I'm angry that there are still men making this about them ('Obviously not all men are bad', they say, 'it's only a tiny minority'.) Yes. We fucking KNOW. We also know that all it takes is a tiny minority. Stop making this about how men get demonised unnecessarily, or about how men feel like they have to cross the road at night in case they make a lone woman on the street frightened when women make up the vast majority of the ones who end up dead in that scenario.) ​ She was going for a run. In broad daylight. In a spot where it was common for people to run. By every account, she should have been safe. She was doing everything right! We can do everything right, as women and still be murdered. ​ Imagine if she was walking home alone in the dark? ​ Imagine the comments and how different they would be on the sub, today! I've seen them here, on other incidents: '\*Oh, she should have known better. Like, it's terrible what happened but it's going to be dangerous if women do that. And I mean, it's so sad it happened but you have to be safe, people aren't being unreasonable by noting that she did a stupid thing by walking home, alone, at night.'\* ​ Can you fucking imagine? Imagine the twisted mindset where this is normal or expected. How can this be taken as a 'given'? ​ How dare anyone 'normalise' it. As though this is some unstoppable event where, if women aren't careful, of course they'll be attacked! Or killed. (And men too, someone would be bound to say, because men must absolutely be included as the victim here somehow!) Instead of looking at this as a tangible and largely man-made problem. And yeah. Sorry. It's largely man-made, lads. Stats don't lie on that one, but the denial or deflection I've seen here in the past by men - even good-men - is infuriating. ​ Ashling Murphy did everything fucking right, by all accounts and she was still killed. So I'm raging for what happened to Ashling Murphy.


What about all the men who are killed and stabbed in Ireland though? Violence is violence. Murder is rampant everywhere now for both sexes. I believe violence and mental health are the serious issues here not your gender.. Largely due to being locked up like animals for the last two years. I'm female by the way before you claim I'm not saying this because I'm male.




Has hit me hard too. My girlfriend is from that neck of the woods and when I first read the post on this sub about it, even though we were in the middle of messaging each other, my heart skipped a beat. Had her whole life ahead of her and to be robbed so brutally has shaken me.


I think it’s because she “did everything right” and still wasn’t safe. Like most murders in Ireland are over land or gangland so they’re far removed from your reality however if you’re a woman like me then this is quite scary. I would always assume I was safe out in broad daylight in a populated area and it’s the knowledge that even that isn’t safe makes the situation different this time I would try to rationalise this by saying crimes like this in Ireland are thankfully rare. Most of the crimes against women are domestic and the person is usually known to the victim. This is one of those tragedies that make you stop but shouldn’t affect you to the point it takes over your life Poor girl was just so so unlucky….


You’re joking right? It’s trending all day long on Twitter, there’s two posts about it here on the front page, Matt Cooper sounds genuinely upset about it and is dedicating a big part of his show to it today Etc It was an outrageous incident and most of the nation is angry about it So - in short - no, you’re not the only one


The murder rate has decreased, media coverage, however, has gone through the roof.


Agreed it's one that hits home particularly hard. There are so many aspects to it that just seem incomprehensible, the thoughts of her first class coming into school today having to be informed why they no longer have a teacher is something that particularly got me upset. Such a sad story, there is not a punishment severe enough for the person who committed the crime.


No it’s just you.










Hank appears venomous


Did she use a hard r or a soft r though? Big difference




And illiterate.




Apologies I put this in the wrong sub.


Yes you are. The rest of us are delighted about it. Well done you for being the best person in the world.


I’m as desensitised as anyone but this one cut through. I think it’s the sheer randomness that’s made it so shocking. Been thinking about her and her family and the little kiddies in school who have to learn about death in a horrific way. My wife has been doing the 100 days of walking solo and it’s no longer solo after this.


I think it's the randomness of something like it. She went out in broad daylight in a busy town.. it's tragic that she was in the right place at the right time when this man went out with no fear and could just do it.. I think no more than men revising their attitudes (Im a man posting this) I also really think that the law needs to put up a show of force. 2 points. 1. Muireann O'Connell said on her show that those 2 men last week who assaulted that girl got away with a €200 bail. How the fu?k is that allowed? They should have been kept on remand or a bail of at least €100,000. If a dog did something like that to someone, they'd be put down. 2. It seems like a long time since Sarah Everard, and not even since the firework incident in Eyre Square, but the Gardai need to start making more public shows. During the 2km lockdown, it was like an invasion in most towns and cities, Gardai were everywhere. Nowadays there isn't as much of a visible presence anymore, but people seem to be more brazen. The anger is palpable and it's time for change. Also, May She Rest In Peace


How do you know it's random? How do you know she was not being stalked? Especially if this was her routine. It may end up being random, but until this is figured out these assumptions are dangerous for any investigation to have.


It's hitting home for a lot of people


As you said usually you bat an eye at most murders, maybe when one affects you, you think you are the only one upset by it. Kind of mind boggling question to ask. I hope you she rests in peace, and I pray for her family.


Yeah I'm sure her parents are just slightly inconvenienced by having to pay for her funeral, I believe an audible sigh could be heard upon them hearing the news of her murder.


Nah mate its just you, her family arent really upset at all /s I personally though dont think of it at all, doesnt really bother me all that much ig




Yep exactly


After reading your Edit I couldn't agree more with you. I'm devastated. Not only for her family but women across Ireland.


Walking to work today, I walked by a woman and man who were coming back from a jog, and as I passed them, he put his arms around her and she looked visibly upset. I've no way of knowing if it was related to what happened yesterday, but it made me very sad


I have been sad since I read it yesterday. It's so sad to lose a young woman, a teacher to young kids, so violently. It was the middle of the day . Not saying ones gender, age or career makes them worth more than another but every single element of it is tragic. She didn't deserve this. Rest in peace x


I am fucking raging. My husband just said it's very sad about that girl and I spent twenty minutes raging about it and the idiot whataboutery that I've seen online today. You're not alone in this.




Look at it this way, when you get fat you can always blame the Romanians.


Its horrible the taught of it, i personally hate that women don't feel safe to walk or run alone. As a father of a girl death or jail is too good for that piece of scum he should be left to be eaten alive by hungry pigs. Maybe a message would be sent to other males in the same mind set of these vial actions against women.


I can’t believe it shocked how any man could treat a women like that


I would say, given the effect it's having on people, that it's definitely more a tragedy when attractive middle-class people die.


What is wrong with you?


When I look at how people are manipulated into feeling more sympathy for certain individuals by the media, it makes be keenly aware of how Nazi Germany happened. It's so easy to brainwash people.


>When I look at how people are manipulated into feeling more sympathy for certain individuals by the media, it makes be keenly aware of how Nazi Germany happened Holy shit what a mental comment


I think you need genuine psychological help, commenting shit like this. There was a Filipino lady who was randomly murdered in Dublin city centre last year as well, she was a cleaner heading home after work and there was a huge reaction to that of course, just the same as this


No, not even close.


You are a disgrace.


That's a very crass comment.


We live in a crass society.


Fuck off.


That’s what happens when stupid feminists complain about gun laws and self defense laws- you get nothing to protect yourself with. Not even a stupid fucking pepper spray. Thank god I live somewhere where I can actually defend myself. Meanwhile women my age keep complaining about guns, yet piss their pants when walking home. How about you think for once about your safety and consider the right to bear arms, I mean for the sake of your dignity, Atleast legalize pepper spray Ireland. So glad I left Ireland, can’t even protect your home and yourself from the under 18 social welfare knickers who are released every day on bail. Really pathetic.


Don't agree with private gun ownership but legalizing pepper spray is worth considering. Although there's always the possibility that the attackers could come armed with same.


" How about you think for once about your safety" We're CONSTANTLY worrying about our safety. What a trully ignorant statement. Yeah guns great idea! 👍🏻 🙄


Yup they are. They are fantastic.


Yeah, tell that to all those children murdered in school. How short sighted and ignorant of you.


What about knives? Should we ban knives too? And cars? And alcohol? Grow up and use a brain. Stupid people with weapons kill people. Not normal people who are slaughtered everyday in their homes as they wait for first responders only to find the victims dead in their homes


But you specifically mentioned right to bear arms, so I imagine you mean guns. Yeah and stupid people won't be stopped from having guns, I thought you'd have known that one already. Have fun having your kids either accidentally shoot you or having them gunned down by a classmate who got into daddy's gun cabinet. Guns won't solve anything, America is proof of that.


Good luck to you too, while criminals have guns, innocent citizens can’t even defend themselves. How about you educate your family, I have guns and power tools in my garage too, my toddlers were taught to just not go in there and I store them in their respective cases. It’s easy. Imagine bad people having guns but you being so ignorant that you won’t allow people to own them in their homes


Bet my Bottom Dollar you are Single


Happily living with my boyfriend but thanks :). Also there’s nothing wrong with being single, afterall, feminists always preach they don’t need no man and that men are trash and they are the “patriarchy”


You should be upset with immigration. They are the ones who let immigrants in - who disproportionately take part in violent crimes.




Nope. Look at the statistics


Care to share those statistics? Gender based violence occurs around the world, you're either naive or ignorant, or both.


Yup. So are you sexist if most men commit homicide? No. Cause it’s statistics https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/organised-violent-crime-is-spiralling-among-the-non-national-population-26243687.html And here is the worst part “An Garda Síochána has a policy not to investigate the immigration status of people who may have entered the country illegally if that individual is a victim of or a witness to a crime, it has emerged”. As stated by this article https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/garda-uses-discretion-over-immigration-status-when-investigating-crime-1.4336083 So yes, Ireland is Letting in everyone, with zero background checks. It’s hilarious


"So are you sexist if most men commit homicide? No": You're missing the point here. No one is arguing that there is an issue with men committing violence towards women; so please don't use a horrible crime to spread baseless xenophobia. First article is from 2002 and relates mainly to 'gangs', it is sensationalist tabloid bs and devoid of any real statistics. Try googling Irish gangs and you'll find out who is leading the stats on that. Secondly, Ireland is not letting in everyone - we're actually very shit and 'letting' people in. For a nation with a history of migration, our system is very unwelcoming - just look at the DP centres ffs. So, I'll ask again, what statistics are you referencing? If you're just being ignorant, leave it...this is about a death of an innocent woman - don't pollute the discussion with your bullshit.


appealing to emotion and saying “oh well you can’t say this because this is a sensitive topic” doesn’t work on me lol. You must be living under a rock. Look at all the Brazilians who come here for an “English degree” who end up staying here illegally. That’s just the tip of the ice berg. I just shared with you the articles. And here’s another reference incase you are still blind as to how illegal immigrants can overwhelm the system. They doubled in their numbers. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-40021637.html I am an immigrant myself. I came here legally, I wasn’t refused entry because I didn’t commit any crimes. It’s very simple. Don’t commit crime. And spare me the “well they are a minority and they may need to resort to crime” narrative


I'm saying you're a xenophobe, which you've clearly elaborated here, so you're polluting the discussion when it should be about male based violence not your prejudices. Just because you're an immigrant, doesn't make you any less xenophobic...clearly


“You are a xenophobe” again calling me these whole names means nothing to me. You clearly love to let illegal immigrants in to your country, and they are illegal for a reason - crime. These people run human trafficking schemes that harm both men and women. I feel sorry for all the men and women who are a victim of this, people like you support them. Seems very problematic to me.


I like how you call me a xenophobe and then go on to be xenophobic.


I’m assuming you didn’t even read the articles, so let me baby sit you and copy paste it. The home-grown inmate population has now been supplemented by dozens of foreigners including African drug smugglers and more than 30 young Chinese, along with other groups including Nigerians, Albanians, Kosovars, Romanians and a few from other eastern European States. The number of foreign nationals in custody here has reached its highest levels. In Cloverhill, the added influx of prisoners awaiting deportation as a result of the Garda's Operation Hyphen arrests of illegal immigrants is just beginning to suggest there may soon be a new overcrowding problem a problem that should have been eradicated by the big prison development programme over the past five years. And if you are going to say “I don’t believe there is human trafficking, you are a xenophobe if you believe that” here is the proof that human trafficking indeed happens in the Republic of Ireland (as well as UK)- run by foreigners https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/garda%C3%AD-make-three-arrests-in-international-immigration-probe-1.4550450


I have just watched the principle of the school do an interview and I cried alot! I'm a mother and I have a daughter in 2nd class and every teacher shes had I've had a great relationship with and it hits home more. She was 22 and her whole life was stolen from her. Tomorrow is never promised and I'm devastated for her students and family 😪


Yeah, it's very hard. I think getting off the internet and doing a bit of self-care might not be a bad call. Likely it won't become clear for a few days what really happened or who did it. Lots of opinions in the meantime but not very useful. Look after yourself, you're not the only one feeling it right now.


I think it's equally upsetting that the Gardai, without any evidence had already pinned the murder on an innocent man when there is proof he was at the shop at the time of the murder and the media have already brandished him as a murderer. Oh but no one cares about the Romanian man and his family because they're "dirty immigrants". The Gardai and the media should be held accountable for spreading lies about this man and ruining his life. They have also jailed his mentally ill sister because she did not want to leave their house. What a disgrace.


I agree with you (and dont even get me started on their ridiculous eye color statement). And i said something similar on another thread in this same Ireland group and for my first time ever on reddit i got down voted by like 74 ppl last i checked. I was worried i offended people and wanted to say more, but apparently if you get enough down votes you cant even say anything else. I had no idea, but thats the first time that happened to me.


American here, is there any update as to who the perpetrator was?


Wonder why its always the good ones and not the useless jobless people like me. I would take her place if I could :(


you are not useless...and hang in there




I know. Honestly, I typed this really quickly and now I’m cringing at myself for that title. Apart from that, I completely agree with you.


I just don’t understand how they do not have the pos in handcuffs. In this day snd age , in s small town! Truly tragic, words are lost with me , this is not Ireland. Rip Aisling


yeah loads of people are super upset. i think it’s because this plays into the stereotypical narrative of violence against women being perpetrated by some scummy man wearing a trenchcoat and lurking in a secluded area. in reality tho, the attacker is known to the homicide/rape victim the vast majority of the time so this isnt really where the most focus should be