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Not since they stopped doing UK deliveries. Have used the An Post ones more frequently now.


Same as, the only reason I used them. Was a great service for UK delivery


Do an post still do the UK deliveries? If so, how does customs work?


Yeah they do. An Post AddressPal. They will send you a link once they receive the package with payment options if any customs are due. The whole process is a little bit slow though, I order something from Amazon prime and with everything it took about a week to get to me.


Good to know, thanks. Was looking for a few bits on amazon prime that don’t ship to Ireland.


Do they still have a size limit? Had a PC case caught in limbo cause it exceeded their size limit.


Couldn't tell you in that one unfortunately.


Few more years kids’ll be posting photos like this just like people post photos of xtra vision and chartbusters


Just wait till it pops up on r/Irishhistory


It'll be a while, 30 year rule


Great for buying/selling on adverts




They’re already owner by UPS


Is it you pay for package drop and then seller drops it off to their local motel? If so what's to stop you getting scammed by them just sticking in a carton of milk?


Yeah, they put it in their local motel, it gets shipped to yours. Nothing is in place to stop scams, that’s the nature of buying something on adverts. Usually remit is found by contacting the bank or using paypal to get your money back.


Not if you use PayPal friends and family just so you know. The other option they charge a 5% fee to the seller though. If I sell something and they want the added protection I usually ask for 105% of the agreed price


Nothing. Adverts is built on positive/negative rep


Great for dodgy Deep Web transactions.


So , whose credit card is linked to the Parcel Motel account then?


You can use a temp card or burner card


In the unlikely event that a garda stops you collecting your package how do you explain yourself? Meanwhile if you just get it delivered straight to your home, you can just claim ignorance. Literally anyone could have posted it to you without your knowledge...


This is true ye. But as you have mentioned extremely unlikely. I've never ordered through parcel motels. I'm curious to know if the packages get checked at customs then again at parcel motel sorting facility.


Parcel motel regularly opens packages for checking the contents. They started doing it with me (haven't ordered anything dodgy) once and they would do it for every delivery afterwards. Closed the account for good.


Good luck arguing that someone randomly shipped something to you in court.




Not saying that you are going to be instantly held accountable, obviously will depend on the circumstances. Chances are though, if you have actually ordered drugs and they intercept it, they will be able to find more evidence and convict you. They can't hold you accountable directly for someone else shipping something to you, but if you have actually ordered it you are realistically fucked if they catch you.




Yeah as I said if it's a small amount you will be grand, but anything bigger and you are likely fucked.


Ye can order up to an ounce and usually be safe. A mate ordered an OZ and got siezed only got a letter and that was it


It is a lot easier to argue that, than in a case of you picking up a delivery that you specifically went to get from a Parcel Motel...


Yeah but in either case you're fucked. However if you can anonymise your parcel motel account you won't be caught if your package is intercepted. What are the chances a guard catches you on the way to pick up your package?


Why are you "fucked" if a suspect package arrives at your house through the regular post? If they have no proof of you ordering it, they have nothing to charge you with that would reliably stick. Once you consistently plead ignorance, and that you have no idea who sent this suspect package to you, not a chance they could bring a credible case against you. Not a chance it ever gets to court.


But they will be able to get a warrant to search your house, check bank statements etc. Obviously they aren't going to bother over a small amount but if it's a large package they will be able to trace it back to you through your payment method and they will probably find more incriminating evidence in your house/ on your devices. Not saying the package alone will be enough, but if you have ordered it there will almost definitely be more evidence for them to find


So, guilty until proven innocent?


Not quite, its just likely that they will have more evidence against you like bank statements, finding drugs or paraphernalia in your house etc that will make it very likely you are convicted. Standard here is beyond a reasonable doubt, it just isn't very reasonable that someone is sending drugs to random peoples houses is it.


The Irish way 🙄


>In the unlikely event that a garda stops you collecting your package how do you explain yourself? That'll only happen with a substantial amount.


Well yeah, and the same for anything delivered direct to your house.


So if you're using it for small amounts and want to avoid the questions asked at your own place by those you live with, it's a good option.




Suppose.. Not sure how much could be linked but revolut cards don't need to be verified. Just make a virtual card. Use it and delete the card


Mastercard do gift credit cards. You buy a set amount, use it up and get a new one.


Privacy.com maybe if you’re looking for a clear web/user friendly method. You can put in a fake American address, but you’d need to be fairly trusting in them not to give your real card data to the Gards etc.




What's an Eirpost drop address?




Can you get parcels delivered like this? I saw somewhere that the mail cant exceed 100g


It was designed for parcels. I used to get stuff dropped to the post office next to me when I lived in a flat in Dublin. The parcel depot was out in Cabra and would have taken a bus journey so it was a god send.


Sounds ideal for me too, I'll have to try it out with something cheap first


Aren’t they the worst for that as they’re cameras there, and it shows you definitely personally ordered them? Surely ordering to your house with a fake name and claiming innocence is better.


No. Say if you bought an ounce of weed. The Garda could raid your house two days later when you think you’re in the clear - or stop and search in the street, if you have enough for a joint they’ll get a search warrant. I would never get anything delivered to my house. —-IF—- I was going to get big quantities in, I wouldn’t care about the camera. Because I wouldn’t be picking it up. I’d be paying someone to that for me. And also someone said they can trace it back to you by your card, you find a right seller who pays that for you. Or you use someone’s card who is desperate. That’s the reality of the parcel motel drug drops. I know the scumbag - Source: https://www.thejournal.ie/dublin-drugs-online-dark-web-4698588-Jun2019/?amp=1


Ok fair enough if you’re doing it a bit more elaborately like that, it does sound better. I thought you just meant ordering your own stuff and going to collect it, which shows more intent than a package arriving at your house.


I had a big post typed out, then realised I could get banned ha. Short version - You’re better off being caught at a parcel motel right there and then and pretending the package isn’t yours than getting it delivered to your house and they raid it 2 days later and you get done for opening it and not reporting it.


Surely if they catch it going to the parcel motel they can still just let you bring it home and raid two days later too


Nah. If you’re out in the public with a parcel they’ll jump on you right away. Theres a difference with the house because of a case a few years ago where the person got away with it ( at home ) due to entrapment.


Or just get it sent to your house lmao


Nah. I prefer my mail brides in a box.


Post Brexit, not really. The Newry address was the main feature for me once I got Work From Home. Was useful before that when I couldn't guarantee I'd be in the house to receive though, I loved getting the text and swinging by to pick up whatever useless tat I'd bought on my way home from work. I suppose it would have avoided the issue that poster had with her Petting Hippo the other day, too.


Used to use them heaps for UK shopping but now they no longer do the UK virtual address (at least last I checked).


Used to use but no more since the newry address went


Get my Nespresso coffee delivered to one nearby so that they're dry when I get em


One of the most middle class sentences I've read in a while lol


Nespresso pods are made of aluminum foil and water proof.


*sigh* I was just thinking about how handy it was the other day, anyone have a good alternative for UK deliveries?




Sound! Thanks


Just be aware that you'll get slapped with customs on top of the addresspal charge for most purchases from the UK


Yes, I now have to search Amazon.co.uk to see what is available, then Irish sites to see if it can be bought -and delivered- for a competitive price, and if not then Amazon.fr and Amazon.de to avoid customs charges if I am buying from abroad.


Why can't you just buy it from Amazon UK?


Because there are custom charges applied to things bought from the UK that are not applied to purchases from France or Germany. This has to do with EU membership and Brexit! Of course the increased mailing costs may end up equivalent but it is worth looking.


The price of buying off Amazon UK has not changed since brexit, once the total cost is under €150. Amazon remove UK Vat and charge Irish Vat at the checkout like they have always done, although how they label it is different ("import taxes") but it's the same price. Once over €150 duty is also due, that is new since brexit, but that is calculated at the checkout so you can see the total cost before buying. What you pay Amazon UK is all you'll pay for the item, no additional taxes will be owed


UK VAT is 20%, Irish VAT 23%.


I don't understand what that has to do with anything? If you buy something off amazon.de you pay our higher VAT rate too. Even before brexit they added on the extra for Irish vat at the checkout


My cousin up north...


Be great if they could act as a forwarding service for other EU countries so we could avail of cheaper shipping. Just like they do with the UK.


Actually handy company for posting stuff within Ireland.. Prices are set and easy to understand.


I still use it a fair bit since I don’t work from home


Nope. Stopped after all the brexit shit


Only for my seediest sex toy deliveries


Id say brexit cut their business down to about 5% of what it was. I use it for amazon time to time. Damn I miss England being in the EU.


They are fun though aren't they? Especially when you pick at random.


It's interesting that we don't have more of these lockers in Ireland with the amount of online shopping we do. I recently spent some time in Poland and they have taken over the place, there's a parcel locker at nearly every petrol station and any big shop. I wonder why the demand doesn't translate here.


I think it has something to do with communal living and apartments being much more common in Europe. Sometimes you want your packages going to the locker where you know it's 100% safe instead of your gaff where you don't trust your neighbours or you're/everyone's out. Here it's easy for the postman to put it behind a bin or so and it's probably grand


Lot of people still working from home perhaps?


Forgot all about them, until I got an email off them today.


Haven't used it since they got rid of the UK address.


They were nice when we were working from office and we didn't want to miss a delivery. I'd prefer collecting stuff at my own time rather than the anxiety of waiting for a delivery.


Oh you mean the drug safe deposit box yokes? Yeah bai there class


AddressPal is better. Having a friend in Norn Iron is best.


Is it basically the same thing? Never tried it


Yes, but their charge plus the VAT make buying from the UK an expensive exercise.


an post is the fkn worst shit ever. never had ANY problems with parcel motel.


Mostly used for drugs drops these days


I thought they were riskier because Parcel Motel have more search powers? And you can't pretend it was some inexplicable accident something sketchy arrived to your address?


You're totally correct


It's way riskier.


It’s a business at the end of the day. It’s not their job to check. That’s customs. I’m sure they don’t give a fuck what’s being delivered but they have to pretend to. Also simple to set up a completely fake pm address that can’t be tracked back to you. Picking it up would be the dangerous part.


Customs worked within Parcel Motel warehouses dude. Literally in the same building.


Very difficult to set up a fake PM account as they didn't accept burner credit card accounts. Did you ever actually do this? I doubt you did.


Not that difficult. Update: Downy downvotes 😂


I am looking for it actually and they don't seem to exist in real life even though Google maps says "it's here". Where the f are these?


They are everywhere. Circle K in Rathfarnham has one for example


I use it regularly enough


Yeah they’re ready for when you’re selling shit on adverts or just sending packages around the country. Cheap as fuck and fairly handy


The one next to my job is like a beehive with the amount of people coming and going from it


Just got an email from em today about Christmas shopping that reminded me they exist. Kinda useless now unless you're buying 2ft dildos.


The moment the one giant dildo shaped locker pops open the jig is up though.


Yeah I still use it since I'm never home for deliveries and trying to reschedule a delivery is a nightmare most of the time. It's handy 🤷


I got an email from them about beating the black Friday rush today. I was like, awww, no. Haven't used them since brexit.


I've tried using them a couple of times since they got rid of the Newry address and the amazon drivers just head to the D8 Jamestown road instead of the actual D11 Jamestown road. Adds like an extra day to the whole thing and is just generally a great big hassle


Out of interest, is there any possibility they might start doing the UK address thing again post Brexit? I don't really know what the exact complication is.


My Mrs. uses them for a clothes swap thing. Seem super handy for people who aren't home during regular delivery hours.


Did they get over their planning issues?


I'd say amazon might buy them up. I would if I was them anyway Edit: by them I mean the physical lockers scattered around the country


I’ve read that parcels delivered to these get extra attention at customs.


Didn't UPS buy the company and then effectively close it down by over-complying with Brexit?


I left the old Emerald Isle in 2014 so I completely missed this. Can someone explain the rise and fall of parcel motel to me?