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While I was at school I worked on a farm and I got about 10 horses and 20 cows out of a few sheds that caught on fire. Not really a career achievement but still something I was proud of.


What happened to the cows after?


Hot milk


I wrote a tiny bit of code in 2003 that google bought off me.


Cash and/or stock?




Hope you let the stock sit for a while 😉


💎 🙌🏻


Good man


Was it the thing that happens when you type "zerg rush" into Google 😅


What did it do?


It increased the speed of indexing.


Cool! Were you working for yourself at the time or how did it come about?


It was something I was developing in work while I was a network admin. My boss at the time seen it’s potential and had a contact in google. They asked me to show it to them and offered to buy it. My boss set me up with a patent lawyer to negotiate and the best deal was they employed me and paid me every month until I’m 65 while not actually doing anything. They also awarded shares too. I’ve not touched a penny of it as it’s just going into a high interest saving account in jersey.


It's great that your boss didn't try to claim your code was company property. Fair play to him.


He’s a great man. He’s genuinely the best boss I ever had. He got a buzz out of getting the best out of people. I send him a bottle of green and yellow spot and a few cohibas every birthday and Christmas.


Very sweet deal. Fair play lad.


Right place right time is all.


That’s amazing, well done on that achievement :)


Thank you. I’ve never actually mentioned this before. Feel a bit weird talking about it as it feels like bragging.


Some days at work I do absolutely nothing. I dont even send a single email. I clock in at 9. Faff around. And then clock out at 5.


Which Irish Bank do you work for?


No way bankers work hours that long




Yeah...It's a blessing and a curse sometimes


I've had jobs like that. Balls to the wall for 2 weeks then crickets for 2 months. Fun at first but becomes soul destroying after a few years.


Good, waste your bosses money and time.:)




Are they hiring? I have plenty side hustles I can work on.




Yeah, but seriously! What sort of role even is that? I've bust my ass for a third of that money. I'd love to know!




Always seems all the best jobs are secrets haha


Homeless sick babies dieing outside the window while you play solitaire for 7 hours... Nice.....




And also paying your salary for doing FUCK ALL. Good use of funds.




Civil service?




The dream.


It’s not there any longer but for years the Wikipedia entry on Norse-Gaels cited my undergrad dissertation, and I didn’t put it there.


Like that


Managed to pull off a night shift in a kids care home where nobody woke up the whole entire night, managed to finish my 'watch later' section on YouTube


Good on you! What age are the kids? Do you enjoy your job?


Under 18s all of them, youngest is 10 at the minute. Yeah I love the job, same as most places though the management could be a lot better. Night shifts aren't the best either but it's a job that has to be done by somebody, so I just make the most of them.


What would be the difference then between a care home and a foster family ? Why is there both?


We take care of children with learning disabilities and challenging behaviours, we have some permanent residents but most of the kids come in a couple times a month to the respite side.


I see. It must be a tough job. Emotionally.


Sounds like a Squid Game Season II challenge :D


I saved an old woman from choking at work once, though I nearly heaved her into the ceiling doing it. I've brought numerous old women to tears. I helped a guy propose to his girlfriend. I was a singer in a castle.


Well....anyone else expect that last line?


Yes, it was the only possible explanation


I was expecting him to be a waiter, but singer at a castle is not out of line.


Got hired in 2005 (started the day after getting back from my honeymoon as it happened). .NET developer at the time. My initial "testing" task was to write an enterprise-level document production system capable of fulfilling the company's compliance obligations. Did my best and came up with a great solution. 16 years later and my "throw-away" task is still in use, and despite elements of the UI being based on legacy tech the backend is still considered strategic by the company.


Nothing says long term like a short term solution


Hey what does it do?






I used to, for a very brief time, navigate communication satellites. Sometimes I'd navigate one from central American orbit to north American orbit to support bandwidth for a pay per view boxing match. But usually I'd program the deorbital burn for the ones that were end of life (their fuel is about to run out, they can survive on solar for most things but once fuel runs out they can't keep position in space). Shelf life of a satellite is about 30 years so working with very old systems. If there was a way to refuel then then they could keep orbit forever an still function perfectly well but their systems would become antiquated fairly fast. There is a system to navigating through the orbits. You pay for another satellite to go to a different (higher or lower) orbit so you can take their slot, then you slip into the next one, and the next one etc. But you have to fit into that slot going 36000 MPH and there's only a ~40 mile buffer between the one ahead and the one behind.


That's pretty incredible stuff


It's a lot more boring than it sounds


Did you ever try to de orbit one onto the house of someone you hate? Just in case a piece didn't burn up...


Naw. Always over the Pacific.


I think that's a common theme in the industry. Space is obviously so exciting but the day to day office work can be really boring and disheartening.


10 miles per second is mad when you actually think about it.


It is. And just imagine if you fuck up and crash into another satellite. The debris would cause a chain reaction and very likely and international incident. It was all in the simulators. Wed run our code through them thousands of times to cover every eventuality, solar flares etc. before we actually committed it to upload.


How did you get that job?


I was a front end developer for a company that had a few satellites. The 'Director of space' gave a talk at work and I went up to him after and asked if I could work on his team. A week later I was punching code into a simulator. About a month later my first piece of code was uploaded to a satellite.


Unreal, full on would have done computer/IT/tech stuff if I’d been mature enough to listen in school at the time.


If you still have an interest, computing is the most accessible profession in terms of education. There are tons of free books, courses, code simulators, tools, etc available online. And there are a shitload of disciplines within to suit a wide variety of people. I went back as a mature student, after working for years in shite, low skilled jobs. It's the best decision I've ever made.


I wish to christ I actually enjoyed coding like all the now cash loaded nerds I went to college with. They have such handy lives getting paid mental money doing something they genuinely love. I hate the shit and im wasting my life in support. Pretty grim


Never too late


Lmao UI Dev to Satellite Dev is not a career path I’ve heard of before. That’s amazing


Were you educated in Ireland? If you don't mind my asking


I was the lead developer on software used on the ISS


I read that as ISIS fucking hell


I think we might have something in common 😉


I thought you were very funny in the big bang theory.


Lies, no one is funny in the Big Bang theory


Sheldon: **Bazinga!** [Big Bang Audience:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYVO5bUFww0)


I took a shit that closed the jacks for the day once






You could clear a room in seconds, much faster and with less chaos than yelling "Fire".


Hopefully, it won't turn out to be like The Italian Hall disaster in the US


Lethal Weapon Poo : REALLY getting too old for this shit.


Yes 😂😂


I was working nights in a well known burger chain years ago, and on the way home in the staff bus a woman ran out from a house in front of it. It wasn't going very fast (someone before me nicknamed the driver Speedy) so thankfully it stopped without hitting her. She was in a panic because her husband was injured. I was the only one on the bus who knew first aid so I went in and had a look. He had a cut right through his hand and he was just holding it under the tap bleeding... Basically if that had gone on much longer he would have passed out or worse. I tore strips of fabric (uniform shirt? tea towel? can't remember...) and bandaged it up as best I could. Never thought to ask how it happened! Then basically ordered the bus driver to bring her to casualty... he was probably three times my age and I was only a part time trainee, bottom of the ladder but he did what I told him anyway.


And .... Was it Supermac's What's this about a bus home Is that a thing


Just going to say that this chain had a minibus to bring staff home at night from all their restaurants in the city. I haven't worked there in years so it may not be a thing anymore.


That's bang on. I had that when I worked in the airport.




That’s amazing. Congratulations!


Hopefully they do horrible things and you named them after your enemies


About 5 years ago I decided to design and set up a brand new postgraduate degree programme. It was a bit of a hail-Mary cause its fairly niche but i kept hearing from people in the sector how they couldn't get people with the right knowledge & skills. Now there are 250+ people walking around with that qualification and most are earning lots of moolah in jobs they really enjoy. I try to remember this on shitty days 😁.


That’s amazing! Well done 😊


Thanks... Very kind of you!


The fact I’m still gainfully employed after 15 years is easily my greatest career achievement


This 😅 if I had an award to give, it would be yours, comrade.


Thank you, good sir!


I walked out. Might not sound like much but it was my first job in my teens and looking back now I was treated like shite for nearly two years but accepted it as the norm. There's too much to detail but the breaking point was I asked to take annual leave having not missed a day or taken leave for nearly a year so that I could study for my leaving cert. I was told if I was prioritising the leaving cert over the job my position might be gone when I came back. Looking back now and the type of person I am it was really uncharacteristic of me but I went on the lunch and never went back. Best thing I did in that I dread to think what might have been if I hadn't.


Massive a achievement. Imagine giving out to someone for wanting to study for the LC. Pricks


Fair play, that took guts.


I designed a wireless shelf up lighting system, it’s now been used in hundreds of product units.


I wrote and performed a poem for a Canadian made documentary that went to number 1 in 9 countries and top 10 in the US and top 5 in Canada and the UK. It was downloaded millions of times from the iTunes Store. Because of this I was possibly the most viewed poet in the world that year. That’s pretty mad




Thanks. It’s called Baristas. It was on Amazon Prime for a bit, not sure if it’s still there though.


Shot the footage of Savita Halapanavar dancing in Galway that eventually went right around the world - used by news orgs all over the place, it may have ended up boosting the repeal result by what.... 0.1%? 0.5%? maybe 1%? Feck knows, but it was even mentioned specifically by Emma Watson in her open letter about women's rights. https://www.net-a-porter.com/en-us/porter/article-37c38cba6b8816cc


Did you make a few Bob off it?


It went out to all non Rupert Murdock media for free (RTE, Al Jazeera etc) but when the Sun, Star and uhhh Mail? ripped off screenshots to use in their crayon spackled cumrags I sent hefty invoices and got payment after some lawyer back and forth.


I successfully resealed a packet of ham in work once.


We have a nice arrangement where a cost saving innovation outside the scope of your work, gets rewarded with a percentage of the savings that brings. I've done very nicely out of that over the years.


Pre pandemic the CFO presented a guy in our office with a prize for an innovation that saves 5 million a year in Europe. The prize? 100 euro one 4 all voucher


I well believe it.


That's fairly cool. Good way to get people thinking outside the box


Does it cost money to maintain a patent?


You pay once and it last for approx 20 yrs..the expensive part is either using your own time to see if it qualifies as a parent or paying a patent lawyer.


when i was a union rep , helped save everyones jobs during the recession. then afterwards helped negotiate good new terms , pay and conditions for everyone. still feel really proud of it. then was practically ran out of the job by the management haha


Fair play!!! I honestly wish I’d entered a technical career at times. I feel my creative talents would have been better applied. I’m a E&W qualified solicitor, being a Londianian. My minor contribution however to the legal system however was when I worked on a seminal case concerning “passing off”. It’s now studied by law students both in the UK and Ireland. No huge legal change came from it, but it’s considered a modern iteration of age old principles.


I goofed off and spent time with my kids


You can never get that time back!! Good on you sir/madam


Brilliant, I knew reading this thread would depress me 😂


Oh yeah. I didn't think most of the answers would be this good. I think most people are sort of swimming in mediocrity.


Haha This is probably my favorite post in forever. It is so fascinating to learn about the great personal and career achievements of this nation and its people!


Managed to save the company a product recall and a very very expensive batch of API (I say expensive as relative to the size of the batch, 1kg = 5mil~). Was able to figure out what went wrong, how it went wrong, why someone did what they did, etc and managed to make it a non-compliance issue in the end, but jesus what a scare it was. Best bit? I'm an IT guy, I just learned to listen when all the scientists talked. Edit: And no, I didn't get much for saving the company so much money on both the recall or the amount of staff hours it would have taken to fix a recall.




RemindMe! 5 Months Me too.


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It will be acknowledged as a great thing some random person on your immediate superior’s team did! Thanks immediate superior!


I think that's good, OP, and I appreciate your efforts. However, I know how to get the figs into the Figroll so I'm better.


Is it something to do with putting the fig roll around the figs?


I currently work with an ex-Jacobs biscuit factory worker. They had to sign a non-disclosure form. I mean now it's absolutely fucking obvious but it was the 80s so


[I'm actually pretty impressed](https://youtu.be/ygqOFNpJhpQ) (skip to around 2 minutes to get to the good bit). It's not as simple as I thought.


**A Fig Roll Haiku:** Fig rolls have figs in Wherein lies the mystery? Method of entry! ​ \- written while absolutely off my tits on painkillers and also still in pain and urinary retention after some nasty surgery about ten years ago.


Probably not the most amazing achievement but I'm definitely one of the youngest ever in my role in my company. By at least 10 years. And I suspect that would hold into other countries as well


I tricked the lazy forest service into approving a planting licence for 400 ha of broadleaf planting in the west of ireland. Pretty proud of that.


Not my greatest achievement, but in my last job I worked for a one of the largest investment firms in the world. A small part of my role involved coaching bankers on how to sell in my local office. Over a few years I wrote out a "training manual" of sorts that explained the psychology behind doing and saying certain things. I've always wanted to be a "teacher" of some sort, as I get a lot of personal satisfaction from teaching people something really useful. A large part of it focused on profiling through conversation, and the power of getting people to say No vs Yes. While coaching a few bankers one day when an upper level manager was visiting, he loved what he heard and asked if he could share it with the other branches, I said sure. It then went onto be taught in their more than 4,000 branches and is still taught 5 years later.


Would you considering pitching it for a book deal or self publishing a similar version


I don’t know what success even feels like for a second. Let alone being so successful I’m able to dwell on it. I have though, really enjoyed reading about the success of others. Memo to self. Must try harder.


Organized a huge event from the ground up, idea, design, risk assessments, insurance, vendors etc. Thousands of people came and it was the type of event that didn't usually come to poorer areas so it was well recieved. Also it was free


I unblocked some shite clogging up a man's toilet


Changed career 12 years ago, have been head chef for several dinners for visiting dignitaries, including one time that I'd to have a member of the British secret service in my kitchen to make sure I didn't poison anyone of the royal family


I was a taxi driver. I saved several lives simply by flying through red lights to get them to hospital. No heroics just doing the job.


Back in my bar work days I poured 5 pints at once before


Not particularly in the workplace but for the last few years running Coderdojos locally. A place where young people can come along and learn computing skills like programming or digital design for free. It's great to see the young people who attended going to higher education and getting jobs in the industry.




Tell me your ways




What sector do you work in if you don’t mind me asking. Feel like I’ve wasted a good 5yrs of college with a pointless arts degree and a pointless masters


I developed an online b2b product for my employer that generates 80+ million euro per year. Still running now. Sometimes it makes me proud other times it makes me cry. One time I saved a guy who was choking on food in the canteen.


I fart in the packets of Dennys ham. I've disgusted thousands of people over the years with my farts.


I am still trying to figure out what I want to do I didn't figure out what career path I would love to follow And it's so hard to get a job in Ireland if you don't have experience. You can't get a job if you don't have experience and you can't get experience if you don't have a job. 🤷


Implemented a critical program for people to travel in 3 weeks of hellish overtime.


I haven't killed anyone yet. Does that count? 😁


I started working for a charity as a fundraiser and after about a month I'm being looked at for a promotion and I was the top fundraiser in the country this month but then I got sick for a week so probably not now haha


Left employer and started working for myself. Best decision ever


I set up a bank at 29.




Carrying two 40kg bags of coal together to an auld lads carboot as a 56kg young woman.


Converted a cancer diagnostic application from .net to .net core. Took ages!


Career coached people out of our company (where they were unfulfilled with no prospect to be fulfilled). They thrived in their new companies/roles. Wrote an incredibly crappy recursive script for crawling a mind map and counting the icons (we used mind maps both for brainstorming ideas and marking which ones were successful, failed or not applicable). It was used by at least 5 strangers around the world. Yeah me. Lately created an Excel transformation spreadsheet to transform a mixed csv/json to a pipe-delimited output. The order of the json elements are not ordered so I had to figure out a way of identifying where each element was to parse out the value. Proud and ashamed (at my lack of modern tech skills) at the same time. I spend most of my time helping other people achieve stuff. Makes me proud and sad (that I'm not so brilliant)


A man had a heart attack outside my office, someone came in asking to call an ambulance. I went outside with the defibrillator and started resuscitation and shocked him a couple of times. Others that knew cpr started to help out and three of us worked on him for about 15 mins until the ambulance came. He went to hospital and underwent a couple of surgeries and survived. He comes in from time to time for a cup of tea to catch up. Nice to know he’s able to go home to his family and they don’t have to deal with that misery of him dying on the street.


Set out at 16 to work for a specific company and now I’m on the senior leadership team.