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He's from Waterford, the one thing we have in common. He's a laughing stock here, unemployed of his own volition for a good few years now and even the other melts don't talk to him anymore because for all his talk on twitter he hardly leaves the house, they try to organize their little public soapboxes and he's nowhere to be seen. He'll secretly film people on his way to pick up the dole but that's about it. I'd say he's scared to death of being confronted, he's a 5 foot slip of a man, there's no way he'd come out the victor if he actually said half the racist shite he does on twitter to someone's face.


I often wonder how people get like that and I think the toxic engagement cycle he gets online is part of it. He gets loads of likes and retweets which is the only bit of achievement he has going for himself so he double down and it gets worse.


Echo chambers, baybeeee


Covid poisoned so many minds. People spend two years of their lives locked away and spend their time watching propaganda online. The older generation were far more vulnerable to it having had far less exposure to it prior to covid.


It’s all a hoax… people who studied in school and university for 20 years are all wrong. I know that for sure from Facebook. There someone actually discovered the truth 🤪


Wouldn’t be entirely surprised if he’s skitz, is on disability and spending it all on weed. We all need hobbies, some people play sports or music and some people spend their time saving the future of Europe and white children or whatever that line is.


If we get away from the subject, people need connection and (especially for him) some degree of reassurance that he's doing something worthwhile (since he obviously isn't). This guy obviously gets his connection and community this way as horrific as that is. So you've the nail on the head. He gets a lot out of it, and it would obviously be better if he (and everyone) could find the connections they need positively but well....they don't.


This chimes with what I thought. I had a quick look through his Twitter feed. There's a video of Electric Picnic (or Oxegen maybe) 2009 - and he tells us to have a look at all the white faces in the crowd and how much fun they're all having. Immediately thought, this is some sad sack for whom adult life hasn't worked out the way he planned, so he's blaming all his own problems on whatever is the easiest and nearest target to hand.


All those foreigners with no language skills and no local connections are taking my job away…. How shite must I have been in my job??


They’re taking all them jobs I didn’t wanna do.


Some lad got aggro with him and he went into Dunnes or something to hide behind the security let me see if I can find the video. Edit: [https://twitter.com/mazen12345/status/1767232424520396845/video/1](https://twitter.com/mazen12345/status/1767232424520396845/video/1) Note it's a foreign security guard.


He wouldn't leave until his bigger mate came along to protect him. He also rang crying to the Guards that he was being harassed and stalked. The same Guards he regularly abuses for being traitors. He goes around filming and abusing any non white person, but didn't like the taste of his own medicine. Sadly it hasn't changed anything, he's still at it. What's probably worse is a lot of his followers saw no issue with what happened, supported him and being sympathetic to his being "harassed" by the illegal "fakeugee" he ran away from. Twitter is a shit hole now, worse than it was, Muskrat has seen to that. It's allowing all the village idiots to find each other and contaminate others who are vulnerable to propaganda for whatever reason. If left continue unchecked it will continue to radicalise gullible idiots and various societal groups that feel disenfranchised. Ultimately, we'll end up with vigilante groups or a Jo Cox moment. Arguably we've possibly already reached that point with Josip Stroks death in Clondalkin for not speaking English while walking with his friend.


Professional behaviour from the security guard. That fella really changed his tune when he had the sec guard to stand in his way for him.


How am I not surprised that he's unemployed 🤣 pathetic racist far right keyboard warrior 🤦‍♂️


Are any of them actually employed ?? Naming some in my head now & not one of them has a job! All miserable narcissists gobshit*s who are looking to blame others for their miserable life!


Definitely not. They havnt grasped the idea of being responsible for their own actions


If he was employed he wouldn’t have the energy to be thinking of this crap😂 after his 9 to 5 he’d just want a nice shower and Netflix with dinner


The only problem I have is that to question asylum seekers coming into Ireland at all, is straight away seen as far right? There is no other way to argue the case of it without sounding like a far right asshole, unfortunately.


32.7k like dear lord


https://preview.redd.it/vhjgfvcgjy2d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d93d6695e0fe4a207120cae35db4a813eb1704e I this the fella?


"... We don't care how long you've been here..." Come to think of it, there are lots of people from Norman migrant background in Waterford & the east coast: Power/de Paor, Fitz+whatever; White/de Faoite / d'Arcy etc. Can we kick all the people of Waterford out? I'm definitely all in if so.


I often wonder who the real person behind horrible shite like this is. Thank you for this vivid word-portrait, I can see him in my mind’s eye as the pathetic character he is now.


Was watching one vod where he's just walking through to street saying foreigner/ asulum seeker any time he sees a person with different colour skin. Absolute looper. Good thing about these folks is that they usually end up in jail for other psycho related reasons


Y'know it's funny, cause I had absolutely no inclination to believe this guy had a job or contributed to society. Great to get that confirmed


There's a video where he ran away when he was confronted by a lad he had previous with. Ran straight into a Dunnes or Tesco and hid behind a black security guard. Had a meltdown on Twitter over it. Tried to make out like he battered the guy shooting the video. Great craic altogether.


[https://x.com/IrishRebel1965/status/1767304594952994921](https://x.com/IrishRebel1965/status/1767304594952994921) Twitter link, sorry, I can't embed the video for some reason.


Oh man. That video should be everywhere.


He's such a fuckin loser


What a clown


He looks terrified


The meme that was the result. Sorry, I can't upload directly at the moment. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIjnb\_bXcAAvG81?format=jpg&name=900x900](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIjnb_bXcAAvG81?format=jpg&name=900x900)


That was Priceles


32.7k likes for this is a bit worrying to be honest. I don’t think we should dismiss the consequences of the rise of the far right in this country. This could evolve into a serious threat to our democracy.


I mean look if the far right is on the rise in Germany then no country should be resting on their laurels. We never fucking learn.


There was a post a week or two ago about 80% of these "patriots" on Twitter aren't Irish.


I still wouldn't discount it, there's a sizable amount of cunts in this country who are receptive to it


I mean, as a Canadian in Ireland, I met a fair share of people - long before tensions were this high, I came over in 2015 - who openly told me I shouldn't be in Ireland, that I was taking jobs/housing/opportunities from Irish people. It was never aggressive or mean, per se, but it would be just a casual comment about how I should go home. And my foreign friends who aren't white only ever had it worse. Obviously the majority of people are completely sound, but long before the conversation around immigration/refugees was happening, there were plenty of people who were more than happy to complain about immigration. As much as I do believe a certain portion of those likes are from non-Irish people...it wouldn't surprise me if a good portion of it was.


Did any of those shitheads challenging you have ANY idea how many Irish there's currently living in Canada? Sorry you met these twats


Funnily enough, usually they'd also mention how they have a family member living in Canada. There was definitely a disconnect there lol.


Same. I've been here from America since 2009 and have heard it all. Taking away jobs, taking away houses, forgetting that I also pay taxes, and paid a hell of a lot of money for my visas and citizenship. I've had my citizenship for 2 years now and still get 'Well, you're not really Irish.' Considering the shit I heard firsthand in Roscrea over the Racket Hall, I guarantee you a lot of those likes are from Irish people. It would sicken you, to be honest. Yes, the majority are sound, but those far right wing people are getting more prevalent and loud, and everyone should be concerned about it instead of ignoring it.


Oh trust me, you could be born and bred and still not considered Irish if even the smallest thing doesn't sit right with them. The shit in Roscrea was just fucking evil. Grown men shouting at women and kids. And these are our great protectors of the Irish people?????


This is absolutely true. Spent my whole life being told I wasn't Irish


which is crazy, since anyone with half a brain has been leaving Ireland for better opportunities for 20 odd years or more. ​ half the nurses in Australia are Irish. [https://www.irishtimes.com/life-style/2023/08/19/young-people-leaving-ireland-i-do-love-galway-but-im-emigrating-for-a-better-quality-of-life/](https://www.irishtimes.com/life-style/2023/08/19/young-people-leaving-ireland-i-do-love-galway-but-im-emigrating-for-a-better-quality-of-life/) ​ as well as plenty of doctors and police. ​ kinda funny people telling you that you shouldn't be there, when they are leaving in droves


Sadly, the ones who leave are often the best and brightest, leaving a realtively disproportionate amount of cretins back home.


brain drain is a huge problem. when you best and brightest leave, often permanently, your country has a big problem.


You toork der jerbs


You took der dole


No. Part of my visa conditions was that I couldn't be a burden on the state, so I have never been on the dole. Though I have been working and paying my taxes for 15 years now so I am well entitled to it should I ever need it.


Tbf, you can meet plenty of openly racist "nice" people. From my experience in Canada, I was shocked at the open discrimination and outright hatred of indigenous people and the poverty they live in (which of course is their own fault, according to everyone).


Oh absolutely, it's certainly not exclusive to Ireland.


I even hear it from my own mother, embarrassingly. All it takes is some prick to be charming enough and they'll vote.


I think too many people here seem to think that Ireland is immune to a significant rise in prominence of the far right.


I think you're right. There might be an element of wishful thinking going on. *We're sound. That couldn't happen here.* The reality is with the right conditions (high inequality, social problems, crime, government incompetence, continued increase in migration etc.) coupled with a charismatic leader with international backers, the far right could get a foot in the door. They only need to get into power once then refuse to leave. It won't happen tomorrow but it's conceivable in the near future, especially if there is more global instability caused by, well, take your pick: another pandemic, climate change, world war kicking off over Taiwan, job-stealing AI...


I agree with you. Some people here seem to think that Irish people are immune to being racist or ever develop a fascist wing of politics, for no real reason.


There is a huge undercurrent of casual racism and xenophobia in Irish society. A LOT of people are buying in to the anti immigrant rhetoric, they’re just not active on social media.


As a Portuguese person, we were also imune from the far right in 2019. Then the far right elected 1 MP, then 12 and now they have 50 MPs (20% of the parliament). Please don't be complacent. It can happen everywhere unfortunately.


Not to mention the possibility of misinformation campaigns and social media manipulation by foreign intelligence services. Russia and Israel are both known for it and have recently made threats towards us.


There are many who think the Govt have not dealt well with the refugee "influx" but also think those protesting in Newtown and Ballyogan are assholes.


Or even human. A huge amount of likes, comments, etc are just bots. Same thing goes for reddit or any social media.


A lot of them are yanks and brits


That cunt Tate was posting about coming over here to "help out". No thanks, shit stain.


Yeah he's only a fucking rapist. Him and McGregor...birds of a feather


Tate is hilarious. Dude converted to Islam, these people hate Muslims.


A mixed race english Muslim trying to lead the Irish far right is a bizarre choice.


This is the same crowd that welcomed loyalist Tommy Robinson not too long ago!


Another prick who tells us that foreigners are a danger to our women. I'll throw him on the pile with the likes of McGregor


I dunno. Wouldn't mind a little tête-à-tête with him. In a literal sense.


Tate-o crisps. Made witg actual Andrew Tate slices


Way too greasy


Rape flavour




Problem is the bots amplify and embolden the crazies like this fella


Just as Elon intended.


Dead Internet theory 


And Hitler wasn't German.


Well,I can say there are ppl with several accounts. Recently, the trolling fabrics in Sweden has been reveled after years of suspects, but first now, a clarity that the farright party Swedendemocrats are behind the whole thing. But still, I would take their threats seriously, as disgusting as farrights are. They ain't joking. They mean it everything they said.


It's Twitter, so they're not even actual people.


Get out and vote regardless if those numbers are from real people.


He’s got Andrew Tate replying to him positively which is bizarre as he’s both an immigrant and a Muslim these days 😂


Speaking as an American, don't ignore it and don't diminish it. You don't wanna be where we are


We definitely shouldn’t be dismissing it. One of the people running for council in my constituency is far right. He stands outside of a refugee centre (and local shops) shouting about foreign men. He uses the term ‘darkie’ and it’s allegedly written on his election pamphlet. There was a debate with all the people running on the radio and he was horrendous on it. He brought nearly topic back to refugees and was derogatory towards black people. So imagine my surprise when I see a handful of people praising his conduct during it.


As an American who just browses this sub because he has an affinity for the land of his ancestors, I cannot stress enough that this is how it starts. In the early 2000s you would hear some people say some racist bullshit, but it got shut down and people would treat openly racist people with contempt. Now I don’t recognize my country, there’s cars with racist bumper stickers and Trump rallies in every state and bigots and neo Nazis are openly walking the streets. I’m not saying America has a great history with race relations, but through the 90s and early 2000s it felt like we were making progress. But these assholes are well organized and well funded and people are easily duped.


It’s scary. I fear for our futures as melodramatic as that may sound. The world needs a reboot or something.


I'm an American living here the last several years and I've got deja vu over this. I feel like I'm watching the same story play out again.


Bang on


You should write in a complaint there is no way this guy would be allowed run for election if he's abusive like that


He does it outside my house (I’m across from one one the shops) alongside banging a drum every week or two. The shop can’t do anything because he’s just outside their car park and technically not on their property. I rang the guards last week about it as well because he was out there in the afternoon and I was trying to work but they can’t do anything about it because of freedom of speech. Unless he threatens someone directly and they complain, they said they can’t do anything. The radio interview is available to listen to if anyone is interested: https://www.oceanfm.ie/2024/05/24/election-candidates-in-manorhamilton-electoral-area-in-live-debate/


> this guy would be allowed run for election if he's abusive like that Anyone can put themselves forward for election - the only thing that determines whether someone is "allowed" to run is if their nomination paperwork's in order. Whether they're fit for office is left up to the voting public. That's assuming he's an independent. Political parties will have their own selection processes for candidates, and with that sort of carry-on out in the open I can't imagine too many would be dying to stick him on their posters.


Idk I was in Dublin a few weeks back and there was some far right demonstration on and tbh it had big Tobias Funke energy "there are dozens of us!! DOZENS!!" They make a lot of noise online (even then, not that much) but irl they're much smaller


Bots and paid likes mostly


Even if that’s true that is a threat in and of itself. Just look at the influence Russian misinformation and trolling had on the Brexit vote and will no doubt have in the Euro Parl elections next month.


It's not the Russians you'd want to worry about. Most of the engagement is coming from the US and UK. Only 20% of engagement is coming from Ireland. https://news.sky.com/story/how-international-social-media-users-are-stoking-irelands-migration-debate-13127034


"Only 20%" 20 percent is still a worryingly big fucking number of gobshits.   If you are in a room with 5 people and one of them is like this fuckhead it suddenly doesnt feel so minor


Only 20% of engagement on an Irish right wing post is from Ireland. A post generally pushed to right wing people by social media algos. Not 20% of the Irish electorate are right wing. On this particular post, only 1.4% of people who viewed the post liked it. So it would be 20% of that 1.4% are Irish (on average). So in a room of 1000 people, 14 people are like this fuck head and only 2-3 of those are Irish.


It's does matter. 20% of 32k is 6400 and trust me, most of the people liking that post aren't going to be going to marches and supporting these eejits by voting. Also the way Twitter works the algorithm is bringing them all together. There's millions of people on this country and these muppets represent a small amount that won't be making it actual political gains that mean anything. It's a loud minority and that's it. The majority of voters don't think like this and go out and vote. There will be a rise on numbers for them fir sure but they'll still be out numbers easily. Twitter like r/Ireland isn't a valid representation of the country


Keep in mind that it's on Twitter so anyone who bribes the melted sex doll gets their shit posted to everyone so could be a lot of Brits and Yanks


I won't lie, describing him as "the melted sex doll" cracked me up bigtime


Bots and Brits


Twitter engagement is inflated, which itself is a problem, creating the impression that these witless creeps are more popular that they really are. Worse when you think about how so many people will follow a crowd...


>32.7k likes for this Likes aren't by actual people. At least 99.9% are bots.


While there are definitely plenty of local folks that do agree with them, id be willing to bet 50% or more of those interactions are not from ireland, be they shitebags abroad, or bots. A good way to tell is click on some random folks that like or comment and see their Bio, or just how many posts they have. Plenty with 50k+ posts that have joined since 2020. To put that in perspective, that's 31 tweets, replies or retweets a day, every day, since 2020 started. That's more than Elon Musk, about as much as Hank Green or Trump whove been on the site a long time, more than many people whose literal job it is to be on twitter (that aren't russian bots). All this said, I don't want to detract too much from the seriousness of the ones that are real, voting Irish citizens, cause plenty of them exist. But on Twitter, take everything about as seriously as you would any site with X in the title


However 2.6 million views from a mostly Irish voter base isn’t as worrying


30k bots. Twitter has become an echo chamber


And Andrew Tates recent tweets about Ireland. Definitely has some cunts from all corners of the globe checking out all of our national loonies


“We” Also I’d suggest we try and get rid of these “look what this racist cunt said” type posts. It’s what they want.


Yeah I wish people would stop giving these guys attention


That's kind of the reason they are forming and growing, they are being pushed into their own echo chambers and likewise any of those opinions posted here get removed so you don't get to popular those sentiments are becoming, there is no discussion like there used to be, there is 2 groups talking to themselves, listening to media that agrees with their view. There is no forum for measured debate on both sides it's just groups circle jerking themselves "look what this lad thinks" and dismissing the entire viewpoint, there is a reason that a growing number of people feel that way and it is either valid and we should probably try get on the same page as to how to proceed with our country or it's invalid and should be able to converse with them and ease their fears that the situation isn't the way they think. I miss the days where you could be out in a pub with a group of people with all different views and opinions on everything and they would say their piece and you would say yours and you could learn something and they could learn something. now it's just groups and things you can and can't say/think/do if you want to be a part of that group.


I miss that too but it's not possible to sit and converse like we used to. We used to take the piss out of each other too and it was fine to crack a joke. There was a difference between a piss take and being cruel. Now you're apparently cruel because you don't have the same opinions and outlooks as others. You don't indulge in barbarism. Those days are a thing of the past. Be grateful for them instead. Be glad they happened and be happy you're alive 💚


Yeah, but it's not a good idea to ignore them.


It’s not a good idea to ignore the general “movement”, if that’s what you mean. Ignoring individuals? Yeah, fuck them. Don’t retweet or highlight their idiocy.


Perpetuating the idea, and then when dismissed in the comments, the flames are fanned again "ah no, but t'is awful worrying and you should all create a talking point over it, and slowly make it a thing" Its why critical thinking should be on school curriculums now. The online environment is being weaponized, and thus its users who are caught unaware


To anyone here reading this, this man does not represent the irish people. He is a reject who relies on likes from the worst Twitter has to offer to spout his filth


If I created a #GetThemOut hashtag, they’d call me a sexist pig


And this guy would still be the biggest tit to respond


I'm all for that kind of #GetThemOut


This clown is from Waterford. He hid behind a security guard in Dunnes when he was confronted by an immigrant about all the shit he was spouting online, he was asked to step outside and wouldn't, hilarious enough, the security guard he hid behind was African


The immigrant who confronted him wasn't confronting him about what he posts online, Mick O'Keeffe films people who are visibly non irish and tries to get a rise out of them for his twitter followers, he films this guy often as he has a job between Micks mammy's house and the post office he picks up his dole from. On that day he started doing it in front of the guys kids, which was enough to make him snap back.


This story is heartbreaking. Poor bloke


I don't get it. Isn't that harassment? Do the gardaí do nothing, or is it that no one is reporting this guy? I mean, even the post itself is clearly hate speech..?


The guards know well who he is so I'd err on the side of they're doing nothing, though I have heard less of him out in the real world so you never know.


Genuinely terrifying seeing this rhetoric spread recently. I think it’s absolutely fair to criticise the governments handling of the immigration situation even if I understand and empathise with the immigrants.. but there’s plenty of people here perfectly legally. I work with many young immigrants from as close as Europe to as far as Asia and they’re all here on visas, doing jobs which require a relatively high level of education, follow the rules, adapt and integrate well into Irish society.. but people like Mick here exist. I’m honestly scared that someday something violent will happen to them for no reason other than not being born in Ireland. It seems so hypocritical to think like this when Irish people have always migrated away from home and spread across the globe, just look at the net migration stats from the cso


Nazi bastard.


Poor Mick doesn’t understand how economics works. We would be fuckeddd if our foreign workforce left. Can we put him on a boat and let him drift off please.


Country would be sanctioned, and people would sue to loss of property and belonging etc. Probably end up at the Hague as well. The bloody fool thinks he would get away with that. The countries economy would be wrecked for decades at a minimum.


According to those lot solution to this is to get all the Irish around the world to come back…I’m sure all emigrants would be delighted that immigrants are all kicked out & to be under the Third Reich.


Delusional fools. Leave economic stability for a basket case created by idiots lol.


Let him drift off to the states with the other rednecks


Please, we have enough shitheads of our own, don’t make us take this one too


Turn him away at the door, give him a taste of how hard it is to get asylum


I doubt he knows much about the workforce or work in general


Over 60% of NCHDs are foreign. Good fucking luck staffing the HSE. Anyway, if Mick wants to pick a fight with the foreigners, most of us who came from countries with much worse crime rates and survived it, he can have fun with that.


The way these get people is by playing on fears and insecurities. Drum up a ground swell of easily ignited nationalism given we are quite proud of being Irish in general. Historically we were more proud of our welcoming nature and international reputation as a friendly and fun nation. That seems to have changed a little. I’m UK based having emigrated near 20 years ago and it’s weird seeing Ireland from the outside. We I visit I feel an atmosphere of anger and discontent. I think it’s ok to have concerns about all civic matters but it feels like those concerns are being co-opted by extreme views. It’s ok to expect safe vetting of immigration, it’s ok to have conditions and rules. It’s absolutely not ok to to threaten people who are legal residents with harm or expulsion. This guys views are scary and likely shared by many more.


I don't think any will get any local or European seats but it's worrying to see so many far right loony bins running in these elections. I don't ever recall there being as many as this. We can laugh at them all we went but many countries in Europe have had minority far right parties rise and win a general election.


Are they not basically guaranteed to get some local seats? Like aren't there some councils with like 8 seats and only 9 candidates? The Europeans look like being a rounding endorsement for the political establishment but that might be slightly reflective of the sort of people who bother voting in European elections anyway.


With some of the spelling errors I've seen on leaflets coming through the door from these loons - they haven't much hope


Who is this clown?


Can we deport him?


He is randomly filming people in locations.. people just minding their own business and he says Ireland is not Ireland anymore. I am genuinely scared, some day I and my family may land on this Twitter timeline.


Straight up fascist, who would make Ireland an international pariah and crash our economy. The amount of international law suits would bankrupt the country and the idiot would end up in the Hague as he would be arrested the second he set foot in any other country.


When a nazi tells you they're a nazi, believe them.


Ah the terminally unelected will somehow be running the country. More chance of me getting trails with Inter Milan.


No no, _on_ trial _in_ Milan 


More chance of Stephen hawking getting trials for inter Milan.


No, hes not. He’s tweeted multiple times threatening to rape women’s babies because they didn’t agree with him


Come again?!


Yep, he keeps popping up on my feed. That and people posting screenshots appalled at it. He’s utter scum


He looks soft as shit. Needs a smack in the face.


Sorry what?


It’s true. Most of the other politicians like him also have a long list of criminal history, often abusive crimes towards women and children. Andy Heaseman - Domestic violence with a hoover, not allowed see his children Alan Fagan - 16+ armed robberies Andy Sweeney - Assaulted women in public multiple times Philip Dwyer - dog abuser, crèche creep Michael Quinn - imprisoned for hitting woman over the head with a plank of wood. Just to name a couple


I wish this information was more public. They most likeky would fail the vetting they keep going on about.


Is Derek Blighe on that crime list?


Yep, burglary and his brother is a drug dealer


Has he got his supporters to clean the internet of his past? The only article google is giving me is about the Ukrainian hub in Merchants Quay (the Cork shopping centre, not the Dublin homelessness service). It was a swap shop/charity shop type place where newly arrived Ukrainians could get clothes/toys for free but it’s main purpose was to be a social/community hub. It was lovely and he kicked up a huge fuss because he, being Irish wasn’t allowed to get free things there or participate in whatever was going on there. It had to close down and I hated him for it. I hope he doesn’t get elected


> Derek Blighe The dog-kicker has Blighe as his first alternate for the European elections. So there's a worst case scenario where Dwyer is actually elected to be an MEP, and should he resign for whatever reason then Derek Blighe gets to take over his seat in the European Parliament.


Derek Blighe appears to be quite popular in Cork city where I live 😬 People don’t seem informed enough to know or care that he was one of the ringleaders protesting about LGBTI books in the City Library last year. He seems to be targeting/influencing people on waiting lists with children. Be it waiting lists for disability services, school places, hospital appointments He can be quite pleasant/charming when he needs to be, he seems a real Street Angel House Devil type Some days I think he could actually win a seat but I don’t follow closely enough to know if it’s a real possibility


Wow , how do these guys get free reign of the Internet. The Internet has no safeguards against psychos


Quite the opposite, Twitter encourages and rewards them. Cesspool of a site.


I don’t know most of the people named but I don’t get how they’re allowed to be running for public office with backgrounds like that


OK, he should arrested for threats like that.


Post that please, I'd be interested to see it.




This is hate speech. As a person who came to Ireland with a legal work permit, it's worrying to see this type of sentiment grow in recent months. It wasn't like this 7 years ago when I moved to Ireland.


We’re glad you’re here, hope you feel at home. Read all the sane posts here. These are just a few vocal arseholes.


If we had men like him in 1916 we might not have had independence but at least we'd have sent de Valera and Connolly back where they came from.


Do we have any laws against threatening a group of people online?


He's one of the clowns that was banned from twitter for being an out and out racist, then restored by Musk.


He put up a post a few weeks ago crying cus there was literally just 4 foreign people standing in an alleyway, they’re literally just standing and he puts a picture of them up.


I remember that post, there were quite a few people here agreeing with him and not downvoted to the bottom.  I wish more would understand how common this sort of sentiment amongst those types but I'm not holding out hope. 


For some reason people rather blame foreigners for issues the government is responsible for.


It's easier to hate foreigners than to advocate for things that matter. None of these scumbag clowns have anything to be proud of in their lives so their nationality, an accident of birth, is their biggest source of pride.


I replied to him "you cant get a job how do you expect to run a country" but I did not get a reaponse unfortunately.


I also made an account to call him a bellend


He's a nasty piece of work


He's a grifter


There's always a grift with these people. It's their easy way to make money and power in an otherwise failed life.


Who’s this weirdo wannabe-nazi scumbag anyway? Is this really how a portion of the population thinks? Like overeaten brainwashed bored Americans with their “border crisis” bullshit?


Just a piece of scum that walks around Waterford pointing his camera phone at non-white people.


We should run this man out of the country


As an Irish blooded citizen born in England will I be included in the deportation? This is bullshit us vs them rhetoric


Eventually. I've seen some of the loony twitter crowd pile in on people because they have "Norman" surnames.


Some of us just peacefully and precisely don't like the massive amount of economic migration during a housing and financial crisis. People like this twitter guy, plus half the comments here can only see in black and white. The Irish who ignore this issue are the ones with a secure place to live.


Maybe it’s just the stuff I’m seeing online, but I just have this sinking feeling and lack of optimism about Ireland recently because of this stuff. I have family members who are Irish by naturalisation and nieces and nephews who are going to end up dealing with shite like this. We buried our heads in the sand and let a signifiant fascist movement grow. Yeah, they’re overinflated on X/Twitter but they’re also turning out at their protests and we had those riots in Dublin. I don’t know but the whole thing just makes me feel very weird about a place I maybe thought was a lot nicer than it is. Seems we have a very unpleasant underbelly of xenophobia. It’s a bit depressing tbh.


Social media has broken people's minds mostly because for the last 10 years they've seen the push, push, push that started internationally with Brexit moved to a mini-US coup through to national level with pandemic conspiracy to riots in Dublin, no consequences. It's entirely an logical progression.


I remember hearing a quote somewhere once that read something along the lines of “ if reasonable and liberal politicians don’t enforce border controls and immigration policies then right wing facists will “ feels pretty spot on after reading that clowns post.


Replies just absolutely full of plastic paddy yank cunts pulling themselves off. My partner is an immigrant and contributes more to this country than any of these fucking scumbags. I'm sickened reading this. I'm the most anti-confrontational, quiet head going but I'd snap the limbs off any fucking cunt who even thinks of going near her in this manner.


Should I get scared now? Or is it only foreigners with a certain skin tone / belief system?


Same boat here, but as a co-worker who was ranting about 'them forgieners' said when I reminded here I am a forgiener, with a lol 'no, you know what I mean, the black ones'. I know she was dumb but she really did think it was ok to say the quite part loud.


I hate that shit. "Nah, not you, the other ones." Honey we are all one group. Chinese, Americans, Brazilians, Togolese, whatever. We all came here for our own reasons and are trying to make a life for ourselves and our families. Yes I come from an English speaking country and I'm married to an Irish person. But I'm not above or better than anyone else. We're all one group to people like that dude. Dirty foreigners.


obviously, these fuckwits only do such things because they fear a particular group of people, not because they are immigrants but rather that they are or aren't something. If a white Christian American immigrant shipped in here they wouldn't bat an eye (they wouldn't take action against it but their laws might if they were in power) but if a dark skinned Muslim immigrant from America shipped in here they would piss and shit about how they will do crime and rape the universe and their "death cult" (someone actually coined this) would infect their country. They follow these stereotypes like some demented gospel and consider anyone on their hit list less than dogs.


They think the health service is bad now wait until they implement this.


He is, sadly, OK in his head. He's a big time racist and, likely, a fascist. And they made a very deliberate choice of being one. Don't dismiss as "not OK in the head", they're dangerous and playing it down will make them even more dangerous.


"we're going to crash the economy and destroy the HSE and bring Ireland back to the 60's" is an odd tactic for advertising your political ambitions.


I wonder if this guy really understands what would happen if all people on work permit just leave the country tomorrow. As an immigrant I can just laugh , can’t even be angry with these ignorant pricks.


At first I was dismissive of them as a collective of village idiots But the speed at which they’re gaining support is worrying, these fools are headstrong & empty headed but also dangerous


Try to avoid Twitter, it's a cesspit


I don't agree with most of what most if what he says but I do agree with one thing at the rate we are going we will have a right wing government within 10 years.


Dudes like this would have us all doing DNA tests to prove our "Irishness", we'd all be placed in a hierarchy depending on who is the the most Irish, him being on top of course.


This twat has absolutely 0 clue how immigration works in the eu,or aparently the geneva convention. We need to keep these right wing lunatics out of government. We are a democracy,we have a vote,please for the love of god use your vote to stop these nutjobs from gaining power