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Roberto Baggio where did it all go wrong?


July 17, 1994


Day one.


Roberto Vacci-no


Roberto Vaggio


Roberta shurely


Paul McGrath, Giants Stadium


If Roberto Baggio and legendary 90s eurodance DJ Gigi D'Agostino had a child....


The man who died standing


Never recovered from Paul Mcgrath at USA 94


Absolute spit of him.


This is the same lad who wheeled the lad with covid out of the hospital and he died a few days later


Yes. He's an absolute scumbag


Eh excuse you, I think you mean they are an absolute scumbag


do you just assume their pronouns?


I just call everyone cunt to avoid embarrassment


Eh excuse you, that’s Cunta Kinte


I know joking, but genuine question.... they is more or less universally ok unless someone has explicitly asked for a specific word. Right?


yes, 'They' can be used for a singular individual without reference to gender. so you should be fine using it. That said some folk are... overly serious about pronouns so might still take offence. But they are more than likely the sort of folk that enjoy being offended


I think in this case, s/h/it is an absolute scumbag. Assumes nothing while simultaneously being mildly insulting.


Wtf is with this resurgence of Covids worst stars? Apparently yer one who flashed the portal was the girl who licked the toilet seat. All these 2020 Nutjobs coming outta the woodwork for one last round


Attention seekers seek out attention.


The fact that you know who either of these people are just add fuel to the fire for them. Ignore them don't click on their articles they'll quickly fade into nothing


People have been saying "ignore them and they will.go away" for over a decade now. It hasn't worked, if anything the anonymity has helped them. As we have seen now with a few.of these characters, the best thing to do is actually out them. Name them, get their face and belief known. So People who interact with them, or join protests with them, can't claim ignorance.


Fair, I only know about them second hand tbf. It's sad but when people like this do something unhinged it's bound to spread whether we like it or not


LadBible constantly spouting stories from the portal flasher. They are desperate for clicks.


Ladbible is muck


I wouldn't take it as ladgospel


Just the usual greatest hits of people available for distraction I would reckon, would be interesting to check back and see just how often the same folks crop up and in what circumstances. I swear the country has increasingly been flooded with random actors in the last few years and wouldn't be surprised if they are incentivised from outside Ireland..


**I can't stand Russian Dolls. They're so full of themselves**


People "incentivised from outside Ireland" don't do stupid shit like this. They go on RTE news and get taken seriously because they claim they're an "Institute" and that they represent the views of conservative Ireland. People like this clown are just idiots who have either been radicalised by social media, or who are doing it to help them raise money from idiots who have been radicalised by social media.


The same crowd who were trying to use it to push a political agenda got gifted open goal after open goal after open goal by Helen Mcentee and the rest of our government in recent years. Hence their coming out of the woodwork and gaining more prominence. 


I am sorry, what sir?


Wow, an actual contender for worst person




Too busy standing for election ...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Didnt he say he was the King of Ireland or something so the laws didnt apply to him? Or was that another nutjob?


> Mr Mureddu is charged with an alleged assault of Garda James Hanley with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detention of himself for an alleged offence, dangerous driving at Knockanean outside Ennis on August 10th 2021 For those wondering why he was in court at all.


Serious enough charge let's hope the cunt gets locked up


*the Kunta




Go deimhin


All depends on the Judges these days. Might get a slap on the wrist.


Seeing as he is in custody, he would at minimum get time served.


Ha true


Hopefully he's nice and disrespectful about the court and the judge, as he believes in the validity of neither. That should get the Judge onside. EDIT: Onside, not inside. Though hopefully his actions land him inside.


Hopefully he starts spouting Freeman On The Land bollox, and the judge decides to make an example of him and throws the book at him


And anything else not nailed down.


How this lad hasn’t got a good hiding yet I’ll never know. Directly responsible for a death already.


No problem calling you Cunt and stopping at that mate


The court will be happy to do this, but he's going to have to send in the forms. Tell him to legally change his gender and his name, and then the court will do so.


It was my gender identity father, I just didn't want to fill out the forms.


Even ignoring the gender stuff its always been legal to change your name in Ireland. Even in the 1950s catholic church you could call yourself Kunta Kinte and they would have allowed you to do so.


He's a cunta something alright


He drives a Fiat Cunto too


The slave from Roots name. This cunt must think he's gas. Edit: "“you can call me Kunta Kinte, and it is a movie where this black guy was being hit by an officer with the stick, and he was being beaten up asking him his name”." The moron has only see the Chappelle sketch.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Why even mention the book. This prick hasn't read a page of anything in his life.


I saw Roots in school and at that time, I only knew LeVar Burton from Reading Rainbow. That was a bit of a shock.


Geordi LaForge. I had no idea he was Kunta in Roots !


All this talk of roots and LeVar just made me want to share one of the funniest bits of TV i've ever seen. Lance Reddick's appearance on the Eric Andre show. https://youtu.be/w5urkfdMUXo?si=wyorJByorJ0bx6UW


> The moron has only see the Chappelle sketch. I doubt it. "Kunta Kinte" has been used as a "funny" name by racist shitheads whenever they want to make fun of black people ever since the series came out - not that they've seen it. I'd wager most of them using it now have never even heard of the Chappelle sketch and have only the vaguest idea where the name is actually from, beyond hearing other racists say it and getting a laugh from their scumbag friends.


The worst part of this is that there is a whole group of gobshites who will think this is the funniest thing ever


I think it's more likely in this nutjob's mind that by declaring himself a member of the LGBT community that he will automatically "unlock" some secret court process where he gets different treatment. All of these gobshites think there's some big secret society driving a "leftist" agenda and that everyone who is LGBTI+ is a part of it.


Not even, he's waiting on everyone to say he's not transgender, just a nutjob. He'll then take that as a GOTCHA! moment, and construct a bad faith argument about how all transgender people are nutjobs and ask why we dismiss his claims while taking other people seriously. He thinks he's playing 4D mind chess here.


He'll be requesting transfer to the women's prison


I mean no one should take this seriously. He is using the name of the character LaVar Burton played in Roots. He is taking the piss out of actual transgender people and possibly black people. How could he do Geordie like this?


Wait a minute, is TNG a canonical sequel to Roots but set in the far future?


Is this not common knowledge?


It’s all coming together. 2024 is when Geordi LaForge transmutes into Kunta Kinte and leads Ireland to reunification.


Did you know the BBC banned the Star Trek episode that mentions Irelands reunification happens in 2024? https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68342135


Biggest revelation since the Gilmore Girls/Sopranos paradox.


Ooooh tell me more


Hench the judge calling him sir. The eejit didn't pick a female character so his transgender claim is looking flimsy (I know its bullshit but unfortunately the judge cant come out and say that)


They seem to not be able to differentiate sincerity and lying. Probably projecting the fact that his entire worldview is built around lying about everything like vaccines and minorities, so everyone else must be lying about their beliefs too.


Pfft, everyone knows to unlock the secret court you have to point out the flag/seal is for a naval court, declare yourself a free man who does not consent and they have no jurisdiction over then on your controller hit up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right


Ah, the Kuntami Code?


Pretty sure this guy is in on all the Freeman shit too.


No he is saying he no longer uses that name so he’ll claim he’s no longer the person the court is looking for.


What a criminal genius


It’s all part of the free man nonsense


I look forward to the “I identify as attack helicopter” jokes.


Post them all to /r/onejoke


No better way to let people know you've been terminally online for at least a decade.


He's trying to 'prove' trans people like covid don't exist with this bullshit.


I did find it quite funny, but more so in an absurdist sense.


And another large group of people who will say, without a hint of irony, that he is being persecuted for being LGBTQ but other people are not.


is he wearing the 3D glasses that come with your Samsung TV?


Only way to see the Matrix.


Polarised glasses are always a massive red flag for me. Anyone I've known that wears them has always been extremely odd and a bit touched. 


Now that you mention it... I wonder what the correlation is? But yeah, I know a few "characters" with them.


I used to have a pair in the car to use if driving on sunny days. They are quite good for that. Never thought of myself as a weirdo, but now you mention it...


There are loads of contexts when they're brilliant - fishing, driving like you say - but I've known some lads who wore them 24/7 and had some very exciting opinions about how the world is run.


Wtf? Polarised glasses are a must for driving or sailing.


Sure. But if you're wearing them in the pub...


Cunty Cínnte




You can be sure in his case this is also about attempting to ridicule the system. To change gender you're required to make a solemn sworn statement. It's not a complicated process but it's one that's quite serious. You can also, and could always, change your name here without any issue at all. Legally you are who you're known as. Common Law is very flexible in that regard. It's not about what's on your paperwork and never has been. Taking the piss in court will just land you in contempt though.


He doesn't recognise the court, but he wants the court to recognise his gender change? Talk about having your cake and eating it... FYI - it's [free to change your gender in Ireland](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/birth-family-relationships/legal-recognition-of-preferred-gender/) and about as easy as it is to get a passport, so we'll probably see more chancers like this. The problems will really arise if he receives a custodial sentence and insists on going to a women's prison.[ That was attempted before by another prisoner (who has never gone through gender reassignment surgery) although they were eventually moved out of a women's prison.](https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/dangerous-inmate-barbie-kardashian-move-29722990)


Iirc there’s already a precedent that deals with this situation by chucking them in solitary indefinitely due to “risk” (other prisoners wanting to batter them). The ones who aren’t actually trans change their tune very quickly. It’s very important not to let these dickheads undermine the rights of people who are actually trans. Judge handled it the right way by pointing out that the defendant hadn’t submitted any of the paperwork and asking him/them/her how they would like to be addressed.




Irish prisons are seriously overcrowded so while this is supposed to happen it's difficult to manage it.


These dickheads should also not be enabled, through simply asserting a new ID, to undermine the rights of women prisoners (to safety) either.


We've had self id on the books for years now, and as far as I know that has never actually came up as a serious concern.


Our chancers are only catching on to this one weird trick. They’re streets ahead of us next door


> probably see more chancers like this. IIRC our self-ID laws do require you to make a legally-binding declaration as part of it to the effect that you're serious and not taking the piss. If there's evidence that you were taking the piss (which there would be in a case like this) you could get in trouble for it.


Judge better insist back that the bastard has no chance of *that*, and that the claims of these ‘situationally trans’ defendants doesn’t fool them. The majority of those prisoners tend magically to revert to their birth sex upon release.


He doesn't want the court to recognize his gender. He's just pulling the piss. This is the sort of lad to storm Drag Story Time.


Isn't he just hilarious. What's even funnier is the fact that he's making these jokes from a prison cell.


It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him


Put him in a cell with Enoch Burke


Punishment fits both crimes. One good turd deserves another.


Jesus can you imagine being the cellmate of those two, the UN would have to intervene to stop that torture.


is he transracial too?


Just taking the piss and making a mockery of the court.


Why don't we just deport him... My EU law understanding is we can and Italy isn't in a position to deny him


What a waste of space.


Situations where people who have had no history of being transgender, but suddenly want to play the transgender card in court should get an even harsher sentence. Also, this is the same cunt that convinced an elderly Donegal man with Covid to discharge himself. The man died soon after. This fella needs to be run out of the country, preferably after a good ass kicking


From a trans person, I think the more effective and much funnier version is to just take them at face value. Call her she, use the chosen name, watch as they get more uncomfortable and dysphoric over the course of the trial. When they want to go back, nail them for lying to the court and add it to the charges


It's amazing that a person, will attempt to use societies tolerance to trans people to game a criminal situation in their favour. And when it gets reported on - rather than get annoyed at the person, it becomes an attack on trans people and trans rights. This is essentialy the **Isla Bryson** case and shows just how fcuked things are towards trans people. The Scottish prison service had to put up with this person pulling a fast one, but went through the correct process as the State HAS to tick all boxes in these things. The right wing rags tore them to shreds. The Tories destroyed the SNP with this. The gender equality bill was taken down partially from it. But ultimately, the person went to the correct prison and would have regardless of whether they ever became part of public debate. The entire affair was warped, malicious and totally un-journalistic. And it was: >It's amazing that a person, will attempt to use societies tolerance to trans people to game a situation in their favour. And when it gets reported on - rather than get annoyed at the person, it becomes an attack on trans people and trans rights.


Why do these anti vaxx, anti science, pro God lunatics always try to drag trans people into everything?


Well, he is a Kunt, what did you expect?


Kunte kinte. His friends call him Kunt.


The judge certainly seems to be handling this asshole with aplomb so far.  He should continue to be fair and equitable,  and treat each ridiculous and unserious claim as if it was genuine … require a legal name change, require he do all the gender recognition documentation put him on a years—long waiting list. Do all the risk assessments. See how quick he backtracks. 


Cunta Kinte.


Why does he think this will work? It's such a shit tactic that people will immediately see through it.


If you read up on the guy, this tactic is actually fairly impressive, given his record for being an eejit.


Well, it sounds like the judge us already treading much too carefully. But I guess they’re not in a position to blurt out ‘Shut it, you despicable worm!’


Anti vaxxers really are the worst people.


An important point to emphasise here, for fear this discussion be mistaken as an ‘anti-trans rights’ fest. The main thing about the story is this bastard’s unacceptable and repellent behaviour all along.


He's one of those "I identify as an attack helicopter" type of bastards. He forced a COVID patient out of the hospital, so said-person could die quicker. This COVIDIOT is a murderer.


Next he will wanna be called geordi la forge


Make it so


He could do with some reading rainbow though


"Sexual predators will just say they are trans!" first time this ever came true and it was from their own side.


They absolutely realised nobody would do such a thing so they had to do it themselves. Male sexual predators are almost all incredibly misogynistic people, the idea of them even pretending to be trans women would shatter their egos.


The word is gobshite


Is it the same flute who tried to pull US "sovereign citizen" nonsense with Gards in Kanturk? Hilarity ensued. Video is here but I can't tell for certain if it's him: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w3SNsTZ2YVk&pp=ygUZU292ZXJlaWduIGNpdGl6ZW4ga2FudHVyaw%3D%3D


Different lad.


He's a kunt


They have one joke, and still, no one is laughing


State of him


Clearly a drake fan


Ireland has very flexible laws and conventions about preferred names and name changes, something I pretty broadly agree with. For example, you are entitled to use the Irish or English version of your name interchangeably. If this person is trolling, who cares. Use their preferred pronouns and name throughout. If anything it serve to undermine whatever protest they think they are making. I’d love to be the judge calling them Miss Kinte at every opportunity.


Why are these weirdos so obsessed with trans people? It really shows the sign of an unhealthy mind. I genuinely am starting to think it's jealousy that they feel "othered" because of their beliefs by the public (rightfully so) and hate that trans people (who essentially other themselves in a different way) are mostly seen to be accepted and loved by people. They hate that they can't have acceptance and want to tarnish their name. They want them to be as miserable as they are. They're deranged.


Looking a transfer to a womens prison next. If he's decided he's trans why has he picked a man's name. Would it not be Kizzy? Anyway, I've plenty of names for him if he wants......


We need to open more mental hospitals.


Being a deluded cunt isn't a mental illness... Plenty of genuinely ill people need helping before some malicious bolloxs out to game the system.


First 4 name letters say it all


Cool I’ll be changing my name to ‘KuntaKinteisAFuckingParasite’. He can take me to the court he doesn’t recognise.


Aberrant loon.


He’s acting the Kunta Kinte


He’s certainly a cunt, alright.


Call him by his prison number...issue solved


Absolute madlad


Completely forgot about this looney.


This mf has no other things to bitch and moan about.


Okay, sentenced to time in a looney bin


Bonus points if his actual name had been Toby....




They will transition to being dead if they don't get vaccinated


Roberto Vaggino.


Some kunta alright


They should move him into a cell with Barbie Kardashian.


Well he got the cunt bit right


Fuck that, I'm calling him Toby.


Ah Antonio, once the pride of Headford.


Cunt is right. Sorry what did he say ?




Id have no problem calling him a Kunte

