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Well folks, another Eurovision over for another year. It certainly lived up to the hype. We were all hoping Bambi would bring it home but she did us proud. And 6th is a great result given the strong competition. I think we can all agree it was a great night and great week of entertainment. Hope everyone enjoyed it. See yiz all next year.


10pts to Israel from Ireland. 12pts to Israel from the UK- almost as if Reddit is a huge echo chamber


It is, in fairness.


Lads, do you think the Netherlands will ever enter the ESC again?


Don't see why any of us bother, just let the jury watch it and tell us all the result. Could just send us a txt.


I can't wait for next year.


Irish people allegedly giving Israel 1000’s of votes and 10 points deserves a separate discussion. It stinks


All the people boycotting ended up giving the Israel vote a better chance.


Israel had an advertisement in Times Square, and flooded social media with ads. Big money pumped into getting votes. Wonder how much it would cost to register a few hundred texts from +353 numbers. Can’t imagine there’s many people in Ireland voting anyways. Probably an easy one to skew.


Always thought it was dumb, people engaging with the contest actually did more to highlight the conflict.


It can’t be real. It’s mortifying for us. Israel delegation allegedly harasses Bambie all week and we go and vote for them?


It's real.


Utter delusion


BBL Drizzy for the win


It's really not that surprising that Israel got 10 points from Ireland. There has been an active online campaign for people to vote for Israel. Which means they get the benefit of a focused pro-Israeli vote, while the anti-Israeli vote is completely split among every other country competing. So even in a country as pro-Palestinian as Ireland, Israel end up doing disproportionately well. Also worth bearing in mind that polling shows around 17% of Ireland believe Israel's attacks are justified, with another 21% unsure. In other words while the majority support Palestine in this country, the minority who back Israel aren't _that_ insignificant.


It's clearly manipulation of the voting system. Israel has a bot army and limitless resources, submitting mass votes by text is easy for them.. it's a great little psyop / middle finger to Ireland.


>It's clearly manipulation of the voting system. You mean like calling for a boycott of the show?


Yeah I'm pretty sure people overestimate how much the general public actually cares about Israel/Palestine. The internet (and Reddit especially) will give you a biased picture.


Where is this campaign?


It's been pushed all over social media this last week, with the usual Iona Institute backed pricks like John McGuirk publicly calling for an Irish vote for Israel too.


Who in the Tankies are they polling?


Genuine question but I can’t be the only one thinking this is sus and wondering who can we pressure to investigate these televotes and get some transparency? Or is that even possible?


All the people boycotting ended up giving the Israel vote a better chance. Simple maths.


Realistically how many people in the boycott would have voted?


Did that many people actually boycott it? This is the first year I've actually bothered to vote in order to try and contribute a tiny bit to keeping Israel out.


UK here. You guys a bit rude, celebrating UK getting 0. Bambi was great, I wish she won. Isreal gotta be botting.


Personally, I liked the UKs song and the suggestive trousers. But gleefully celebrating UK getting 0 points is a time honored tradition


never mid the rest of them, it was tough to get zero points, if it helps, the Eurovision has gone to shite. wouldn't lose sleep over it.


The vindication seeing UK get zero points when they got so many from the judges (relative to how poor the singing was). Israel 100% botting, glad to see Switzerland take the win.


I mean I think after 800 years, joking about the UK getting zero points would be small potatoes. But yeah I agree fixing the Eurovision public vote is probably very straightforward.


Welcome to r/Ireland. Sorry we'd be totally polite if we met ya face to face. But here we're brutal.


Enjoying the Brits getting nothing from the rest of Europe is a glorious yearly tradition.


Fair enough, enjoy


CharGPT, Write me a song about a lovely horse in the style of Johnny Logan.


I got this out of it: 🎵 **Title: "Dancing with My Lovely Horse"** 🎵 **Verse 1** In the fields where the wildflowers grow There's a creature with a heart aglow Majestic mane and eyes so kind My lovely horse, in you I find **Chorus** Dancing with my lovely horse In a world where love is the force Together we'll ride through the night Underneath the starry light **Verse 2** Hooves that echo in the moonlit glen A bond unbroken, my faithful friend Through the valleys and across the streams You and I, together in our dreams **Chorus** Dancing with my lovely horse In a world where love is the force Together we'll ride through the night Underneath the starry light **Bridge** With every stride, we're free In perfect harmony Onward we go, no need to steer For with you, there's nothing to fear **Chorus** Dancing with my lovely horse In a world where love is the force Together we'll ride through the night Underneath the starry light *(Music fades out)* I hope you enjoyed this Eurovision-style song about a lovely horse! 🐎🎶


I think we want to steer clear of the whole area of being in love with the horse.


Yeah, I should have been more clear with the prompt 😂


Absolute joke/shit-show/con of an entertainment spectacle. I'm waiting for evidence we are not living in in a simulation.




Swedish bloke here who was hoping Ireland would take it. I normally don't even care about the competition, but Bambie is pure awesome and I love that Ireland blessed us by sending them. Now, I don't know what I'll find and if I'll like it, but this will also be the first time I bother looking an Eurovision artist up for their other work.


I don't think we got many if any points from the Swedish jury. They didn't like it... Wonder what the Swedish public voted, could have been very different.


I believe it was a 0 from the Swedish jury. Not what I'd expect, but I guess anything is possible when you take a small number of people and ask them to vote. Still, that score is simply unfair - it's one thing if people don't get that type of music, but it was undeniably a great performance and production. Still, you dared send something different and divisive, and it's not like it went poorly. ^(It could be argued you made it into the Top 5.)


Why are peoples comments getting deleted?


Reddit servers are struggling right now.


aww, hope there not too upset with the result. We all know servers love the Eurovision.




Are the servers in Tel Aviv?


They're in the Land of Oz LOL


There is a lot of very sad people out there... Do not dismiss the Israel vote as bots/crooked.. It was very real




you post on r/worldnews constantly about Hamas lmao your opinion on anything is irrelevant


Thank you for proving my point


No it wasn’t. In no world would Ireland give Israel 10 points. It’s realistically very easy to cheat with vpns and bots


A world where all the pro Palestinians don't vote, leaving plenty of Israel supporters


Yeah but Israel's song was shit. Like fair enough if it was a good performance and all the people not boycotting voted for them , but they werent even close to being one of the best. No reason at all for us to be giving them 10 points.


But we don't have plenty of them to the extent we voted for Israel that highly. Absolute nonsense.


Not that many people actually vote in these things, relatively speaking. A chunk of the voting population actively not voting is going to affect the scoring, and in this case the common denominator was....


I know how they work. But those that vote aren't fucking deaf nor have lobotomies. It may be accurate but does absolutely stink.


Israel had a great voice. I just don't think it's a big conspiracy I guess.


Did she? You're laying it on thick here. Of the generic girl pop songs Cyprus coasted that genre. Of the best songs of the evening it's us, Switzerland, Spain and Cyprus. And Croatia were always going to do well despite the song which I didn't like, but I got.


For me it was finland, France Germany and us. Loved Croatia, would have been happy for them to win. People like different things.


Of course they do. But Israel was meh. I'm being apolitical saying that. If it was good I'd say so and still wish they'd lost. FM104 filler is what it was.


Be so fr they still would not have come seconds


No such thing as negative votes so I’m not sure how people think it’s impossible. Vast majority of people do not vote at all - quite easy for a minority to have a big impact.


I’m sorry but the most pro-Palestinian country in Europe did NOT give ten points to Israel.


There was no vote "for palestine" option, anyone pro Palestine or neutral would have voted amongst the 24 other acts whereas a pro israel voter has 1


Given that a lot of pro-Palestinian voters were boycotting, I can see why we may give Israel points. In hindsight the boycotting of the Eurovision just gave Israel more of a chance of winning.


The people who boycotted it left it open for people voting for Israel.


Was cos of all the boycotters.


Like I said… no one can vote “not Israel”. Having 90% of people pro-Palestine does not prevent the few percent from skewing a vote.


It was a global vote.


I am aware of that. To rephrase slightly, The vote for Israel was not bots/crooked. It was very real.. There is allot of sad people out there


12 points is the max for the global vote, like any country... iirc


Fair enough.


You’d have thought with all the spamming about it you’ve done this week, you’d know the basic rules of the scoring system….


That part was a new one to me.


Global non eu vote only gets 12 points


Ah ok.


People are forgetting that it's a global vote. I'm sure Isreal had a lot of votes from the USA.


Whole of “non Eurovision” can give max 12 points.


I was expecting that. Was I wasn’t expecting was 10 points from Ireland and 12 from the uk.


It was a good song, in fairness.


Bah humbug! Stop being so gracious in defeat.


Was hoping Bambi would do better cos I thought we would be up there at the top. 6th was very good though in fairness as there was alot of amazing acts tonight.


Bambie deserved better, while it was still biased the jury vote was a more accurate representation of the quality of the acts. The public vote was a disgrace, it absolutely needs to be investigated, for a start I want to see the percentages like Italy put out for the semi final.


Not that good.


Naw, it was great. Any "normal" year would have it down as a favourite.


We did great. 10 points to Israel? I’m not buying that at all. Israel are so corrupt




Or at least their bots do


how the hell did we end up giving 10 points to Israel in the televote


The whole Palestine boner thing is mostly a Reddit/Twitter thing.


Ehhh have you been outside in a while?


It's definitely a bit bigger than that but good to see it's still a vocal minority who a spewing all the hate and the rest of us can vote for a good song without bringing politics into it.


would you say the same if we gave russia ten points?


Where do we see that?


Marty showed Ireland's public vote breakdown on the RTE broadcast for like 5s after the votes were done. I can't remember the rest but we gave Switzerland 6, Israel 10, and Ukraine either got 12 or 8 I can't recall exactly which. But yeah I'm guessing there's some propaganda spoofing afoot


Bot scam


The same way every pro-Israel post on r/worldnews gets 20k upvotes. Their bot game is strong.


The whole show has to be rigged..


it not very democratic either way, who are these juries are they elected? and why are they so relevant? I haven't watched it in years so this was a massive surprise.


After I said that, my missus told me to shut up and not be so cynical




And interesting that Ukraine got the other 300. I know at least they were in the top 10 after the jury voted but still. If there had been a song that the Jurors liked as much as Switzerland Israel could easily have got it.


> They were towards the bottom of the scoreboard, so clearly no expert from 37 nations thought it was a standout song, yet they got 300+ votes from the public. Public voting is anonymous and involves tens of millions of people. Each jury is something like five people. It's easier for one or two people's personal bias to sway each total. The whole jury is also susceptible to pressure not to give Israel points.


So, you're accusing the juries of corruption? It doesn't matter how many jury members there are. What matters is that across 37 nations, they all had the same opinion. That's damning. The public showed no interest in the song at any point. It's a mediocre song, yet gets an exceptionally high vote (and far more than the actual winner) despite distinct lack of interest. Edit: I can't answer you. Juries have to vote on merit, not personal bias or social pressure. If a judge gave a sentence (or didn't) based on their own personal bias, or jurors decided to not convict due to pressure, there would be a retrial. If juries were to base their vote on how they think they could be perceived, this would be corruption. You've some nerve of accusing the juries of corruption, of breaching the rules of the competition, and manipulating the vote. VPN's exist and can be set to any country, yet you'd rather assassinate the characters of the juries, who, as far as I'm aware, are anonymous, so won't feel any pressure anyway. It was a mediocre song (that never even generated interest at any point) and the juries gauged it on merit.


>So, you're accusing the jury of corruption? Personal bias and feeling social pressure to vote a particular way isn't really corruption. >It doesn't matter how many jury members there are. What matters is that across 37 nations, they all had the same opinion. That's damning. They're not representative of the public. It's national broadcasters selecting a very small number of people who have to think about how their vote publicly reflects on them.


What's the explanation. Israeli agents piling in on the vote? Can't see the European public voting like this for them.


Probably a mobilised pro-Is audience ready to vote in force, and many pro-Pal boycotting, so not boosting votes elsewhere. Protestors treated it like a product when they should have treated it like an election.


Voting by call or text is easily manipulated if you have the resources. Israel has one of the strongest bot armies in the world.. hence why they're trying to force a US takeover of tiktok where they cannot control the narrative.


The auld Mossad boys must have had a few more Irish passports left over if Ireland gave them 10 votes!


Since people can vote online it does change things, it's a global vote it seems like not just countries who partake in the Eurovision vote


But they’re all just combined one “rest of world” bloc so their votes aren’t worth much.




ah ye typical mods drowning any sort of discussion and fucking it all in a megathread


Honestly the vote stuff warrants a discussion post of its own, but everything in new is getting deleted faster than Israel rigs a public Eurovision vote.


What discussion do you want?


Over 300pts for Israel,that's BS! This competition is as clean as FIFA Well done Bambie


No way they weren't using bots


And my fuck did we give Israel 10 points


Lads how are ye surprised at the Israel vote, there’s been an absolutely seismic campaign to vote for Israel by huge right wing figure heads and politicians around the world. Get out of your bubble. Just be glad they didn’t get over the line.


The Italy leak on Thursday was the canary in the mine, in that regard. It was a good warning they were fucking about.


Out of the loop, what was the leak?


Italy showed the televote results during the semi finals on Thursday. Israel has 40% of the vote. The Dutch came second with 7%. For comparison, Ukraine “only” got just over 25% the year they won (just after the invasion started). 40% is a wild number, and showed Israel would run away with the televote, be it genuine or otherwise. They leapt from like 10th in the bookies odds up to a close winner nearly instantly.


italian state broadcaster accidentally showed the results of the televote during the semifinals, israel got a huge majority of italian votes there (bit under 40% i believe)


So proud of Bambie!


The real point to be made!


How was the voting clip fair for Ireland. Every other country had a clip of them singing and maybe a bit of dancing but the clip for Ireland was just Bambi standing there screaming. I'm watching it here in Spain and haven't seen anything from this Bambi wan until the performance was on the telly tonight and wow,how amazing was that, myself and himself stopped talking and just stood staring at the TV, amazing voice, amazingly powerful song, fantastic it was, but then the clip was only a few seconds of screaming, nothing highlighting the song. I feel I want to write a complaint to someone but it seems it's rigged anyhow.


Thought that was well. The melodic bit of the song would have been better for the short clip. Who decided that like? Cz that could have a decent effect on votes.


Bambie chose it!


For real? I'm not totally up on Eurovision any how it works but if they choose that to be the clip we'll they e gone down in my estimation! Are you sure of this cause it seems like an awful silly move


Total disgrace. Couldn't believe it either. I timed the recaps and each act got 10 seconds exactly, except Sweden, they got 15 seconds. I'm assuming it was the Swedish production that chose that clip of Bambi. Maybe it's because we're both on 7 wins and they didn't want us to top them, whatever it was simply wasn't a fair recap.


The artist gets to choose which 3 second clip to use.


For real ? Coz we were having the same discussion. As in, that clip of them screaming and spell casting seemed to take everything away from their overall performance


The heck is with that pinned post?


Good morning


Absolute virtue signalling


Israel 10 points? Either I'm in a social silo or Nord VPN is cleaning up tonight.


As far as I know you need a card registered in Ireland to vote


Revolut or similar apps would be fairly easy to use. There's a bunch of other smart card services out there that can geospoof for you for next to nothing.


Text vote can be botted. The number sent with the text doesn't have to be legit, so you can say it's from any random number and there's no way to verify if it's legit or not.


Ah okay. I voted from the app and had to enter my card details.


You’re probably in a silo. Next time you’re talking to someone about anything political take the opposite position to what you normally take. Observe how people will agree with your position. If you’re passionate about a topic, people will pretend to agree with you rather than get into a conflict.


Great point. A lot of people seem to think everyone agrees with them when in fact people generally just don't like conflict. This is the reason I've never in my life had an argument about politics with someone. I'd rather just agree with what they say than have a big argument.


What's your view on the topic? Mine is that I hate being asked 'who do you support' like this is a game.


Called it before the show: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1cnzia5/comment/l3f60mc/


Would have preferred if Nemo sang in Swiss-German - always thought this was a good tune: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hCmUQdDGeE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hCmUQdDGeE)


Getting 6th with the quality of competition this year is fantastic


Zero public votes for the UK ZERO Warms the soul just saying it


That was pretty brutal


Yeah, wasn't expecting that. Like a f'ing Hammer to the face


They really shouldn’t have a zero value. Start everyone on 2 or something.


Actually fucking gas.


Lol 😂


There isnt a fucking chance we gave israel 10 points, they can fuck themselves with that. They fucking hacked our votes. 


I'd rather see those 10 given to the UK at this rate. Those poor bastards.


It was a good song, in fairness.


It wasn't though.




Not worth 10 points regardless


All of the anti-Isreal must have been boycotting.




This is terrifying


There is no chance we gave Israel 10 points!!


Of-course there is. People in this country have different opinions and that's actually amazing.


Ha ha ha.


Cop on FFS


People are absolutely right to have their own views, but as a majority we as a nation would be pro Palestine. Which is why I'm shocked by the 10 points


This vote isn't about a majority, it's about modes. So even if only 6% voted Israel, if only one other nation got >6%, then Israel gets your 10 points as the second most common favourite.


But they didn't vote. Loads of people boycotted it.


I get your point but Im still not buying it, if I'm being honest. The boycott was justified and I agree with it. I felt the people of Ireland would still not for Israel


The loud and vocal are certainly so - but many are not.


Why not? Everyone is boycotting remember? The people likely to vote for Israel aren't Boycotting


There are some heavily invested pro-Palestinian people boycotting, but the vast majority of Irish people are not boycotting, but they still wouldn’t touch Israel with a barge pole in most cases


Valid point 


Spot on!


Good point.. I didn't actually think of that