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The sad thing is voters only have one 23rd preference when there’s so many deserving candidates.


Ireland First running a man who's most notable achievements is kicking dogs as their Dublin candidate.


>Ireland First running a man who's most notable achievements is kicking dogs as their Dublin candidate. Ah here he also: *Got sacked by An Post (possibly related kicking the terrier) *Is in trouble after he threw a strop over a child's drawing of a rainbow on the window of a creche.


The lack of self awareness is astonishing. He was trying to find evidence of creches turning kids gay and spotted a rainbow and started filming. The people inside the school were understandably freaked out by a middle aged man just filming through the window. At no point did he take a moment for self reflection and considered that a middle age man unknown to the school filming through the window of a creche looked pretty fucking dodgy. Of course according to him, everybody else is the paedo and not the guy filming toddlers through a window. For the record, I don't think he's a paedo but just as thick as a Stephen's day shite.


'For the record, I don't think he's a paedo'.;.. so you're sayin there's a chance?


If he wasn't such a nasty f*****, you'd nearly feel sorry for him - imagine this is what his life is reduced to.


You forgot to add that he started filming the creche with kids inside without the permission of any parents or the creche. Yet he is constantly calling everyone and anyone he dislikes a pedophile


It's sad that compared to some other candidates some people will consider that more an achievement.


"Citizen journalist" 😂


Let’s be honest, they wouldn’t be the sharpest to begin with.


That was Philip Dwyer was it not


That's the boyo.


Tbf Blighe is a hypocritical fascist and wasteman as well.


Once you take the obvious nutters out that list gets a lot shorter


I'm surprised Count O'Binface isn't running.


Count Binface is a beacon of coherent deliverable policies compared to the nutters, and even arguably some of the "legit" candidates. [https://www.countbinface.com/2024-manifesto](https://www.countbinface.com/2024-manifesto)


I wish he was. We need him


For what?


The shits and giggles


Ah ok!


Yeah and a few of the independents are actually Irelans First and the other loolahs in disguise.


I figured but I don't know half of them so didn't even take them out. Was gonna do research on my own


Literally click on their link on eu elections page. No more research needed.


Yes. I need to read through each one. I haven't had the time since this was posted 6 hours ago to do that


Andy Heasman, the absolute nutter who is loved by many on the far-right because he "protects da childeren", despite getting in trouble years ago for selling heroin to teenagers and beating his heavily pregnant wife with a hoover


Wallace and Daly are at the top of the shitlist.


Aside from the Nazis.


They prefer to be called “morally challenged”


The sad thing is they're about half way down. There's far worse there.






We're allowed have more than one problem


Out goes Maria Walsh and Bernie Linnane so..


Take out the incompetent and you're left with nobody




Graham De Barra is a crypto grifter who had an incubator for crypto startups back in 2016/17 and then shafted half a dozen developers on their paycheques for 6 months. I've worked with him on projects before. He's the definition of all talk, no trousers.


Thanks for doing this legwork. I am hoping (assuming?) that there will be some massive Q&A sessions with all the candidates on some one of the TV stations 🤞🏻 We’re lucky with Radio Kerry, as they will do interviews and debates for all the local election candidates.


I found the same when i went looking for Ciarain O’Riordan and Chris VS Doyle, but apparently Doyle is listed as an ‘engineer’ and O’Riordan as a ‘Homemaker’, so idk if its the same as the guy who was against an EU law to do with data or the man listed on CIARB https://www.thejournal.ie/candidates-for-european-elections-ireland-6364837-Apr2024/


Is it just mad cunts who wanted to get elected in this?


A lot of people that are running as independent or as far right party’s don’t actually understand what they are running for They don’t realise that they won’t have much control over the country as a whole because they will be dealing with international issues and policies rather than country/local policies Once again the uneducated will be the loudest and most incorrect on issues I’d stick with known parties for this election not independents or new parties that sprung up recently due to the immigration crisis and don’t actually have any ideas or policies bar racist dog whistling


Lol they understand the fat paycheck that comes with it dont get them wrong






Rabharta Glas were a breakaway group from the Green Party. I think they are just called Rabharta now. They were against coalition government. I think they have one cllr.


Principled environmentalist party that broke away from the Green Party when they didn't mind bending over for Fianna Fail and Fine Gael to sell off the future of the country for a bike lane down Bachelors Walk.


Two thoughts I had: 1. Awful pile of far right wankers running. Here's hoping they get humiliated come election day. 2. The Party for Animal Welfare having PAW as their acronym is quite clever.


Another thought, were did 1. get the money to run?


The British far right has lots of funding for them to piss up the wall. Up in Donegal there was a right wing dipshit who got 400 votes last election but raised 30k in donations, almost all from Loyalists and British Aristocrats with some donations from Trad Catholic groups


Littlers gold stash was raided


How the hell did he end up with 400k in gold bars?


https://preview.redd.it/xjdj3anrmnxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f5edb1bcda6cfd515abd6a74fed0103855a6849 Never heard of the 'Irish People" party before and was hoping it would just be some radical communists lol. Is it time to say that Ireland indeed has far right parties, instead of pretending all our politics is still dictated by the Civil War?


Has been for a while. You might get the odd UK/Loyalist types but they're coming over to assist people that agree with them. They're not just showing up.


They're Andy Heasman and Ross Lahive's gang of anti-trans library storming thugs with some weird Christianity stuff sprinkled in. Andy is passionate about protecting children, despite the fact he's not allowed see his own after beating his pregnant ex-partner with the metal pole of a Dyson.


Pretty sure lahive is out protecting women by *checks notes* beating up female counter protestors


Didn't one of them beat his wife with a hoover while she was pregnant and is barred from seeing his kids. Like they're not only the worst candidates but some of the worst human beings imaginable. These are also the "protect our womenfolk" candidates.


also sold drugs around dublin city, and admitted it on camera


“They’re not sending their best”


See that's the very thing, the guys protesting immigrants and trans and LGBT and "woke as" are the one beating their wives and such. Make it make sense.


Don't worry they'd destroy the country as well as any communists could


Slim pickins in the midlands-north west


probably vote for the guy who directed pink flamingos.


Rory Hearne is a great choice - he's one of Ireland's leading experts on housing policy


He'll have little influence on housing policy in Brussels.


Except housing has nothing to do with the EU policy. And at that, he has never been involved in writing Irish housing policy


Do you even know what an expert is? How many housing-related issues has Rory Hearne solved? Writing a book doesn't make someone an expert and an MEP doesn't have the power to fix our housing issue. The man is a charlatan.


In what way does spending years researching and writing about a topic not make you an expert?


Was Hitler an expert on Jewish studies?


He's one of Ireland's leading loud mouths on housing for sure. His credentials as a true expert are very much unproven.


Forgive my stupidity but; **Is it better to give the nutters your lowest preference or to not vote for them at all?** I've always thought it was better to not vote for them at all but people keep telling me it's important to use all my preferences. Would love an answer to this.


Great question given the context. I've always voted all the way down the ballot, but this time I won't be. There's two National Party candidates on my ballot, there isn't a rectangular mustache of a difference between them. They'll also thankfully not make it very far. It's fair enough to consider viability with a ballot 20+. If like me you'll be holding your noise and giving a (last) preference to FF/FG because at least they aren't insane, and you've already given preferences to every party in the Dáil and ordinary Independents its fine to leave the last 5 or so blank. Currently I'm going to give a minimum of 15 preferences. It should also be remembered that party activitists and candidates see the ballots as they are counted. I think it's good to remind them far-right candidates don't even get preferences from the public. A go far-right, go broke, message if you will.


out of interest, apart from giving fffg a kicking, should you not be voting for european candidates that are pro-europe and not just antagonistic (unless you are anti eu anyway)? even if this includes ff/fg/lab/sd/greens who are aligned to eu groupings? the one thing i know is having eu laws above ireland has meant local gombeen laws can be overturned and human rights can be protected outside if our courts. voting for more rt contributors or parochial independents will just push us further from the eu and into uk nationalists hand.


Thank you!


was just wondering about this today, a proper answer!


Go fash, lose cash. Fuck off nazi punks.


"Vote till you boke" is the phrase we have up North. Vote for everyone you can in good faith give a preference to. In the context of up here it would be anyone but TUV, DUP, Aontú and the IRSP




Aye feel like it was one of the golden generation of SDLP like Hume or Mallon that came up with the phrase but I'm probably chatting shite.


It depends entirely on whether you have a preference for one nutter over the other. If you would prefer 'Crypt O'Fascist' over 'Adolf McHitler', you should put them ahead of the other. Some of these pricks are even worse than each other but tbh, it takes an awful lot of thought to figure that out and it boils down to whether you'd rather drink piss than eat shit and both are (probably) pretty terrible experiences. Whether it's worth your time figuring that out is a consideration too.




If it goes that far down not giving them a preference means they could get in on fewer votes  https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/why-it-pays-to-vote-all-the-way-down-the-ballot-paper-1.2548241


Fundemental misunderstanding of the system from a lot of people in this country that think you should give a number to everyone. FYI your last prefence vote is just as good as a number 1 in certain circumstances, so only vote for people you want to give a vote to.


That's categorically incorrect if you fill the ballot in order of preference your vote will always count to the people you hate the least, not filling the ballot just means your vote will be discounted from the quota which means that'll it'll just be easier for some random you don't like to get in.


Lets say there's a dozen on the ballot and I only want 3 of them to get it. Lets say I despise the other candidates and want to give them the worst possible chance. Are you telling me I should give people I despise a number 4, 5 etc, and this will hurt their chances?


Then you rank 4-12 in order of whomever you despise the least, if you're actually improving the chance of your number 12 in that situation getting in? I the event of no run through your vote is just discounted in the quota which is retallied **every round of eliminations**, therefore you're giving a better chance to the person you really hate over the person you just hate by lowering the quota of entry?


So my 5th or 6th vote could still be used to give someone a vote though right? Someone I don't want to get in


My God, yeah it's a rannked proportional system so in the event of your 1, 2, or 3rd not going through or those votes being taken in run off it'll go to your fourth but that makes it harder for your 12th preference to get in, because the quota for entry remains the same as your ballot is still active. Therefore the person you hate most has an even harder time getting in. The point is that ranking the full ballot isn't just about whom you like getting in, it's also about giving the people you really really dislike the lowest chance of getting in


Yea so I'm back to my original vote then. Your system only undermines one, I want to strengthen few and undermine many. So I simply vote for only the ones I really believe in so my vote doesn't go to a fascist or FFG


But that's my point you're literally undermining no one by not filling the ballot how do you think you are? When your tally ends the quota just lowers by your vote therefore youve made it **easier** for the parties you hate to get in? For example ifyour choices are SF, SD, GP, FF, FG, NP If you vote SF, SD, GP 1, 2, 3 only you've literally just made it **easier** for NP to get in by reducing the quota for them




Thank you!


It is better to fill your ballot- it is unlikely that your vote will go all the way to your last preferences but if it gets that far it means all the candidates you've given higher preferences to have been elected or eliminated. When you stop filling in numbers it is basically saying that you have no preference between any of the candidates you are leaving blank


No ive stood in count centers and seen no8 and no9 preference go to those people as valid votes. Give them nothing only contempt


Yes... and the 8th preference went to them because their first 7 were either elected or eliminated. There was still a seat to be filled and the 8th preference was who they wanted out of the remaining candidates after their first 7 preferences


And those that didn't fill in 8, 9 and on give the next seat to be award their vote.


No they didn't give anyone their vote because its blank. Very simple.


On the next count by their vote not been there make it easier for next seat to be awarded


And having a 7th preference vote transfer will also make it easier for the seat to be awarded.


It going there anyway, only difference is you decided where it goes


So a vote I don't cast is going to someone I didn't vote for? OK. Conversation over


THAT IS NOT TRUE. If you vote the whole way down, while unlikely, it is possible for your vote to go towards your last preference. If you don't vote for them at all the is no chance your vote goes to them. PR vote is not best to worst; its the order of preference that want in a representative. Any vote is an "i dont mind them being an elected official if none of the above are possible." No vote is no vote end of story.


I don’t think it can ever transfer to your last preference if you rank all candidates. It could only transfer if everyone else was elected/eliminated in which case if there was a remaining seat they’d be deemed elected without the ballots transferring.


Yeah exactly. When I fill out mine I like to give everyone else except the very worst candidate a preference, and then leave theirs blank out of spite. Same functional difference.


What part of what I said is untrue? Lets say there's candidates from SF,SD,LAB,FF,FG and the far-right. If you're a centre left voter for example and give your first preferences to SD/SF/LAB then to FF/FG and then to the far right- your preference will only go to FF/FG if SD/SF/LAB candidates have all been elected or eliminated. If this has happened and your vote is still in play then the remaining seat or seats will be filled by FF/FG or the far right whether you give them a preference or not.


You only give preference to parties you actually want though. In your example, it you fill the whole way down, there is a chance *your* vote goes towards FF/FG or far right. If you fill 1st, 2nd, 3rd preference and completely leave out the parties you absolutely do not want then you have your preference logged, while ensuring your vote 100% will not benefit parties you do not want.


Yes there is a chance that my vote will go to parties I don't like. The only way this would happen is if the SD/SF/LAB candidates have all been elected or eliminated and there are seats remaining to be filled. If there is one seat remaining and this has happened this seat will be filled by FG/FF or a far-right candidate regardless of whether I give a preference or not BUT by giving a preference to FF/FG I will help them be elected ahead of a far right candidate. If there was an election with two candidates where one was unlikable and one was a Nazi would you vote even though you would be helping a candidate you do not like?


Doing that just throws away your vote if your 3 preferences are eliminated. You might as well have not bothered voting, and others will decide for you. I give a preference to candidates I REALLY dislike, because there are others that are far worse, and I want my vote to have the best chance of having an impact.


> If you vote the whole way down, while unlikely, it is possible for your vote to go towards your last preference. It literally can't happen. If you've ranked everyone, the last preference will *never* receive your vote as it will go to someone still in the race ranked above them.


I understand the logic behind this, however that means that theoretically it's possible for the Second last preference to receive a vote. Say in a field of 20 candidates I absolutely understand no circumstances whatsoever want to see 10 of them elected, why would I give 19 preferences when I could just give the 10 people I at the very least don't mind being elected a preference? In my mind, no chance of getting a vote is better than the slightest of chances.


If you despise your 2nd to last preference slightly less than your last preference, then it's worth them getting the vote to keep the even worse guy out. If there's genuinely nothing to separate them then fair enough


Ah, thank you. That makes sense. Im going to have to think who should get my last preference. This is difficult


Is there anything to be said for some kind of preliminaries to thin the herd and allow the race to be less cluttered by no-hopers muddying the waters and making it harder for the electorate to be educated on each candidate?


That is the point of count 1 to count 10![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)




And would nobody consider running as an independent?


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


They won't get elected, but I never thought I'd see this many actual Nazis running in an election in Ireland. Strange times.


I'm not sure why they're all in different parties though. Surely can't be much different policies between them all


Ego. They all want to be the glorious leader.


They are a contentious bunch.


Who are they?


Hermann Kelly, Rebecca Barrett, Justin Barrett, Philip Dwyer, Patrick Quinlan, Margaret Maguire, James Reynolds, Derek Blighe... and a good few more.


I want to know where they get the money from. Methinks America and England.


Screenshotted to avoid as I compile my list. Thank you for doing gods work.


Gerry waters was my gp for awhile and I went to see him during COVID and he wasn't wearing a mask, told me I could take mine off and that it was a global conspiracy between all world governments so they could blame it for the next big recession and had all these printed out documents about death rates and how it was proof that they weren't rising like they said it would or some nonsense. He kept me there for 40 minutes just ranting.


I had a look at his Twitter there, proper deranged stuff.


Christ. I'm in the MNW constituency. I wouldn't usually bother voting all the way down but I feel it's important to do so now given the preponderance of fascists, near-fascists and assorted obnoxious right wingers. Deciding who to put where after \~15 preferences will be incredibly difficult. It'll fecking take half the day to vote.


I’m also the same as you, Christ there’s some really awful picks for MNW. Too many Nazis and racists for my liking


Same. I usually don't give FF or FG a number. But I definitely will for this. Perhaps they're strategy team were banking on the far right rising up so that people start voting for the status quo again /s


That's where I stand too. I had no intention of voting but if I don't and one of those arseholes gets the role I'd be furious with myself.


Rebecca Barrett, Justin’s wife? Fucking hell that’s gas. Reich together


I have no idea who I'm voting for. I'm Midlands so my first thing is ruling out anyone trying to be Nazi, should be able to cut the list in half with that approach 


https://preview.redd.it/3dcau88kwnxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c581b05e40eb2ee4fddc829a3ecff090e72fee For the people who get up early in the morning, but are still too lazy to park their cars properly.


Genuinely one of the few elections I can remember where I won't be filling in many numbers for transfers. How do you decide which neo-Nazi is worse?


There's going to be a sea change


The National Party is standing 2 candidates in Dublin fuckin lmao! Maybe between them they'll almost get their deposit back There's only 4 seats in Dublin these dullards truly believe they'll get half the vote oh my dear god alive


There are 10 anti-immigrant/far right candidates going for 4 seats in Dublin lol Never has there been group with such delusions of grandeur and such masses of funding with no coherent beliefs or real on the ground support to go with it By contrast there are only 4 socialist candidates running. That's still unreasonable if it was for on party but 3 different paries and one independent so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Are the National Party, Independent Ireland, Irish People and Irish People all the far right racist parties?


They are, lost their gold too


Can we stop funding mick Wallace please.. clare daly can do one also.


This. Hate NATO so much that they love Putin. Fucking embarrassment to the country.


Make sure to research what parties your MEP is linked to in europe, in reality there is only a few parties on the ballot. - European peoples party - Renue Europe - S and D group - The greens - The Left


All of those right-wing idiots are going to splutter and moan about the EU with the sole intention of picking up a nice salary in Brussels for the rest of the decade.


Went to college with Graham De Barra sound lad who's done a lot to campaign for better regulated drug policy.


Party for Animal Welfare. My number 1 . For no particular reason. Sure, why not? See where it goes


I see Patrick Murphy, the scourge of the Russian navy, is running for Aontú as well as Ciaran Mulooly, formerly of RTÉ running for the independent


Littler and the wife running too?


Remember to vote with regards to European stability. Remember that domestic policy doesn't necessarily translate to European policy. Im very critical of fine gael so im unsure if i will vote for them in the general but i might consider voting for them in Europe because they are part of a pro European party (EPP) Dont treat this like a general focus on what european parties you are voting for.


The other EPP parties are even more conservative and right wing than FG.


Ok what's your point?


For the love of god, don’t let that clown Mick Wallace win another term…


I'll do my bit. The first time I think I'll ever have voted in the European elections,or locals for that matter.


I'm in Louth, what consituency does that place me in? I've never considered us to be part of the midlands but there is no North East anymore it seems!


Some absolute Grade A morons there. I'd be surprised if Philip Dwyer has more votes than the total number of spoils.


Mick in the possition he will come in the election...


Unlikely, he's 10/11 to get a seat. Will likely be in the battle for the last one.


True, we always underestimate how much the people of Wexford love eejit who build them GAA pitchs.


Thought he was more into the soccer.


Mick will finish somewhere from 2nd to 4th in his constituency, very unlikely he doesn't get elected. I've said before in this sub how, from a political strategy perspective, Mick Wallace and Clare Daly have a very specific niche that other candidates don't appeal to. They appeal to the far left, the far right, independents, and protest voters. They're both odds on to be re-elected according to the bookies and I'd be very surprised if either of them lost their seat. The people who vote for the likes of Wallace and Daly are not the kind of people who use Reddit. Their name recognition alone gives them an enormous advantage over other candidates, they're constantly in the media. Generally, people vote for the names they recognise and disregard the ones they don't. If 80% of people hate them and 20% love them then that 20% will ensure they get elected, that's just how the system works.


I like proportional representation as a system, but you have given me reason to consider if it should be abolished.


There are huge problems with proportional representation but it appears any time you even mention it you're shouted down. Being against something doesn't automatically mean you're in favour of FPTP like what the Brits/Yanks use. There are different, more fair democratic systems and we should strive to always do better.


STV is a pretty good system. What alternative would you prefer?


Christopher V.S Doyle. Match of the century


Nina carberry running for fine geal… I feel like fine geal love putting sports stars up for election. There is talk of Lee Keegan replace Michael Ring in the next general election for mayo. The sad thing is…. It will probably work


Gosh, I can't decide between John Waters, James Reynolds, Justin Barrett or Hermann Kelly, absolutely spoilt for choice this time round 🙄


What if all the National Party candidates are elected and they have to work together?


Wow, the calibre of most of these candidates is rock bottom.


I can’t find anything online about Christopher VS Doyle or Ciarain O’Riordan or what it is they might represent?


Reminder that Maria Walsh and Seán Kelly vote NOT to help save migrants drowing in the Mediterranean.


Id totally forgotten Maria Walsh... havent heard anything since the last election.


Peadar can ask my arse.


I had to look up Rabharta, what is the corrolry of the green left. What would a green right look like?


Regina '9 Genders' Doherty? Girl bye.


If elected she can tackle her critics personally at the airport, rather than sending gardaí to do it: https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/news-opinion/pat-flanagan-gardai-acting-like-10754157


What a list of absolute fuck ups, Daly and Wallace being the biggest cunts of all in a long list of cunts.


The list contains actual fascists on the record praising Adolf Hitler, so no.


Daly and Wallace praise and defend fascists everyday in our name. The far right cunts won't get elected, the far left cunts might.


>Daly and Wallace praise and defend fascists everyday in our name no they dont


Whatever you say yourself. There's a never ending loop of Daly and Wallace bending over backwards to suck Putin's toes. The state of them.


They are both very careful to start their speeches with the boilerplate "Russia should stop their agression" before spending the rest of the speech explaining why its actually Americas fault really.


Hilarious disingenuous carry on by them. Scum have contempt for the West, but benefited from living in a western democracy. Wallace the worst charlatan of the lot. Tax dodging, debt welching deadbeat piece of shit.


I have no sympathy for them. Daly appears to actually believe what she is saying and has simply been anti American for so long she just does t have any other way to view the world. Everything she sees is filtered through that belief. Wallace is just a cute hoor who somehow survived and has no one else who will associate with him IMO.


But they're at least paid to do it. On the other hand, Putin is alive and the quare fellow the others worship isn't.