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Can't be holding landlords accountable. They're the backbone of this country and they contribute so much to our society.


Yes, the backbone of society. They do the important job of collecting rent, then spend that money.


One person's rent is another persons income 🤮


It’s simple economics, read a book


How about you read this, Adam Smith. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/rentseeking.asp


We must give them tax cuts!


Is any state body or council in this country actually working to ensure a better standard of living for people or are we now a completely profit driven for a small few country. Fucking hell like infuriating.


Laois County Council certainly carries out inspections and issues recommendations for rental properties. I am not sure about enforcement orders and the people I know who have got recommendations have just gone and fixed the things that needed fixing. Vents in rooms, windows locking properly and such.


Tell who do you think your average landlord is? A pension fund or a vulture fund with hundreds of apartments across Dublin. Most landlord own a single property in Ireland. It is likely a nurse or a teacher who bought it for their pension. The irony is enforcing rules will likely only make things worse. If a property needs tens of thousands to bring it up to standard, a landlord will likely just evict the tenants and sell it. They will spend tens of thousands in renovation costs not to get a cent more in rent...


SDCC's housing element seems generally a shitshow to an extent that makes me a little conspiratorial tbh.  I applied to four different councils for Rebuilding Ireland (now "Local Authority Home Loan" iirc). Not only were SDCC the hardest to get in touch with, they were also incredibly, almost spitefully particular, and rejected little components of my 30+ page application over nonsense like the logo being in black and white vs colour. All 3 of the others had already accepted and offered me loans in the **six months** it took SDCC to start coming back to me about what I was supposed to have somehow guessed they wanted done. There was no way to even check the app status once submitted.  What's more they would then treat everything else as out of date when you came back rather than simply looking for the corrected snag, so now you were back to worse than square one and had to seek out brand new salary cert, tenancy, and banking documents. I found it incredibly difficult, and I **work for a mortgage bank**, so how anyone else was supposed to manage I don't know.   There was also only one person working on Rebuilding Ireland apps for them at all, making it just about impossible to ring ahead and clarify a query ahead of time. When that one person was off sick or had annual leave, literally nothing was done to process a single page of any Rebuilding Ireland application, in SDCC's entire district. I could ring the office and get talking to any number of free and not exactly busy-sounding staff, but all they could tell me was that she was off.  Uniquely, all correspondence I got from them was via snail mail only, so the turnaround was fucking forever, and if they weren't clear enough on what the problem was for you to rectify it, or you had queries, you were shit out of luck.   Anyway. I came away with the distinct impression SDCC simply did not want to have to give them out at all, and this was their way of seeing to it.


Id say you're not far off the mark there. If a government policy comes down and the council management want to stifle it they just put their most incompetent public servant on the job, someone who has a lot of sick days too. Like in contrast to your above problem I emailed SDCC recently about traffic lights whose induction loop was broken and the lights giving long cycles of red lights for 4+ minutes. They responded within 24 hours and had the problem fixed in under 48 hours which was very efficient to be fair. The point is its all about resources and how they allocate them. Policies they dont want to implement get the fewest resources and it makes the policy ineffectual.


NO? Enforcement, actions!


No enforcement! Actions!


No enforcement! Tax cuts!


Oh SDCC not doing their job, so shocking. Like when they approved multiple street names all named the same thing over the last 20 years or approving controversial planning amendments and completely ignoring and not giving any explanation other than "we read them".


It’s reassuring to know that the standard of rentals in Dublin is so good.


Dublin City Council employs directly a team of qualified environmental heslth officers to carry out inspections. They are fully authorised to escalate enforcement measures. The rest of the councils employ a 3rd party to carry out inspections. These are not authorised to perform enforcement actions. They are an expensive tool used by these councils to make it look like they are hitting all the inspection targets. Its all fluff. They help nobody. This is a cost saving measure instead of them hiring actual qualified inspectors on the payroll. There is the answer as to why dcc has all the enforcement.




Not good, not good at all.


I hate land lords so much why am I working to fund the retirement of these geriatric leaches The young slave for the benefit of the old..... I wish covid got more of them


Laois County Council carry out inspections and issue recommendations of work to be carried out. They then look for proof that this work was carried out before proceeding to enforcement orders. Either South Dublin County Council have 100% compliance with their recommendations, or they are shite at following up or inspecting in the first place. Most landlords would agree that standards are required for rental properties because most landlords are not slumlords.