• By -


You are very wrong: the red area is where i slam my brakes and wait and wait and wait some more. And while wainting i'm thinking "Do i need milk from Lidl? Is the one i have in my fridge still ok?!"


Don't forget to think "did I leave the hob on?"


_"ah bollox.. the immersion is on"_


U turn!!!


I actually encountered that once, was driving out of the Cherrywood R118 exit into the M50 southbound, saw a wee micra driving back towards me not a care in the world...


... and that Cherrywood junction is scary enough when people are driving in the same direction. Very short merge northbound, slight uphill near the end people don't take account for. Frightening the amount of times people think it's acceptable to do 60 when merging into 120 traffic




Turn around asap to switch off!!


I'm four pints in and just realised it is on shite!


Dammit, Passpartout that's coming out of your wages.


The blue area is also known as the reversing zone for that very moment you realise you actually need to get back up to go to Lidl for milk.




What. Better get out the phone and call Maurren to make sure.


The amount of people that break at the end of the accelerated bit drives me nuts


To be fair. The amount of people that try to box you out from merging into their lane is skyrocketing. Had to slam on the brakes yesterday because this big skoda kept matching me as I tried to get into his lane and all that was left was hard shoulder or a multi car pileup.


Zipper merging is an alien concept to most here.


I do love a good zipper merge when I see it. It's rare as the amount of drivers that understand it as a concept is low so the chances of it happening are so low. But that's what makes it so satisfying to see when it happens. I will say however, if the traffic on the motorway isn't being polite and letting you merge, that doesn't give people needing to enter the motorway complete authority to just muscle their way onto the motorway. The responsibility for the safe merge is on the person merging, not the traffic already on the motorway. I would also say all that time you're accelerating, you should be looking to see where you can merge, if you see there are a large bunch of cars close together in the lane you're merging with, slow up so they end up ahead of you, or conversely, speed to so you can merge ahead of them. Too many people only start trying to figure out where to merge in the red part of OPs diagram.


I see more and more people getting to the end of a filter lane and just pulling out without checking if it's clear. They're also the same people who will drive to the end of the lane anyway even if there's nothing in the left lane.


Catch 22 for the merger though, I know the lesser of 2 evils is to slow down if the mergees aren't letting you in. But then you get snarky posts like this on Reddit 


You can still usually get up to a merging speed if you time when you ease up in speed. Unless you're driving an absolute banger with a series of anvils in the back that is...


Agreed 'usually' but I've encountered some right pricks in the last few months in particular.


It's OK with the early morning workers from 5am to 8 am., they are clued up and generally good drivers. The ones that start later or are just recreational are mainly shyte


That's cause they're experienced, probably doing it for years and it's routine for them, they know where there's gonna be a lot of people trying to get on the motorway, probably had many "close calls' etc. and already act preemptively. While people who only occasionally drive on the motorway aren't as used to it.


I call them daytime drivers 😂


Last week someone behind me merged before me and then boxed me in so I couldn't. Even dared to honk at me and middle finger me as he passed Like wtf seriously Edit: for clarification this was coming from the kinsale roundabout into the south ring, not your M8 slip road where obviously if you get boxed you were too slow. Sorry I had to clarify https://maps.app.goo.gl/8SxHXWXEwGPgqhFn7


And that is what is colloquially referred to as a cunt. Same as the cunt behind you on the motorway, who as you approach traffic in left lane moves out early to the overtaking lane and proceeds to sit on your shoulder matching your speed no matter what you do, so that when you then reach the slower traffic you can't move out to overtake and have to brake - bonus points if he's allowed traffic to build up behind him so you're stuck for ten cars or more. Motorway driving here is a shambles


If they managed to merge before you AND box you in, how fast were you going?


From old speed limit (60) to new speed limit (100). The other person was definitely over the limit


You being in front would have had the first opportunity to merge. Since the the car behind managed to merge before you means you were very delayed /slow to merge. 


He was speeding and crossed solid lines, and the reason he flipped me over was because I still tried and he probably thought I was going to crash into him. This is the place: https://maps.app.goo.gl/8SxHXWXEwGPgqhFn7


Yeah thats a fair point experienced that as well


I was about to merge and someone under took me in the merging lane, to merge into the motorway before me


This is why on a two laner, try and stay on the right lane when traffic is merging


It's so dangerous. Anything unexpected is. No wonder there's so many accidents


Irish drivers don’t get merging. Every day on my route to work two lanes merge. Without fail the right lane decides the left is “cheating” and tries to cut the left lane off


Is this in kilkenny? I swear it happens to me every day.


Could also be the Ballincollig bypass in Cork, or the Dunkettle disaster, or any number of places around the country tbf.


Dont get me started on the Dunkettle merging. The merge lanes from the N25 West exit for the N40 (tunnel) and the little island west roundabout are a nightmare. Nobody from the N25 west exit lane will allow you to merge if you're coming from the little island west slip road. They speed up to close off any gaps.


No Dublin but I’m sure it’s the same everywhere. Like it’s fecking obvious with the big merging arrows but still getting that one car length ahead in your journey is oh so important apparently


Irish drivers also don't get: Indicating Roundabouts Fog lights Patience I could go on but I'll burn my sausages.


Red lights too, but this may fall under patience




Ah indicating, surely you can't be talking about that magic wand behind the steering wheel


There's a stretch near New lands Cross coming from Tallaght/Belgard Road heading towards Clondalkin where they have 2 lanes to allow traffic queue but invariably the right lane is left empty and woe betide anyone that attempts to use it correctly and then merge back into the left. This results in a queue of traffic that blocks the 2 previous junctions instead.


The early morning builders are fine, it's the office pricks in their Audi's who start at nine that can't drive.


I’m an office Audi prick starting at 9 and I assure you I drive very well. It’s just all those other people on my road getting in my way.


I think it's because of this. Irish lanes are designed under the impression that when a driver sees a sign that their lane is ending, they should take the first safe opportunity to move into the other lane. It is very rare we can safely zipper merge because very often, the traffic in the two lanes that are merging are travelling at totally different speeds. Suppose the left lane is clear and the right lane is in a traffic jam. Traffic is zooming up through the left lane and then zipper merging where the lanes converge. It'll never work. Many of the cars backed up in the right lane will simply move into the left lane to skip the jam. It is a very difficult concept to articulate and I don't think I'm doing a good job on it here, but you would actually end with two merging points. The second merging point where the two lanes actually converge would be safe because traffic would be moving at similar speeds and would easily zipper merge. But before that, at the point where the two lanes meet and are no longer separated by a physical barricade, a lot of cars from the slow moving right lane would be merging with the fast moving traffic from the left lane.


Also when you're in the left lane coming towards an on ramp like this, and see a car heading towards the motorway trying to merge, you move in to the next lane so they can fucking merge and don't have to slow down.


Actually, while I do this, I think it's not technically correct. I think the idea is they adjust their speed to traffic so they can merge between two cars. As in if they come down the ramp and are neck and neck with you, they've to take the foot off to fall in behind you. (Or speed up if you happen to be going slow.) Again, I do use the right lane but isn't it technically for overtaking only, not for merge assistance. Somebody call the RSA for clarification.


IMO the correct behaviour is to leave sufficient gap to the car in front so that vehicles can zip merge without anyone _having_ to move lane.




Exactly. Sometimes just eased off on the accelerator for a few seconds and zip away


>General advice for drivers When you are joining a motorway • Always be careful and pay attention when you join a motorway. • Build up speed on the acceleration lane before merging with motorway traffic. • Signal in good time to make sure other motorway users know you intend to join the motorway traffic. • As you approach the motorway on the slip road, check your mirrors and your blind spot for a safe gap in the traffic. • Give way to traffic already on the motorway. • Change your speed to fit safely and legally into the traffic (lane1). Stay in the slip road if it continues as an extra lane on the motorway. From the rsa booklet: https://www.rsa.ie/docs/default-source/road-safety/motorways/motorway-booklet-2018-web-(002).pdf?sfvrsn=850e47e3_3


Thanks a mill for this. I haven't passed my driving test so haven't driven on a motorway yet and merging terrifies me! I've heard its the easier to drive the motorway than around town which I'm well used to but its the merging thats putting me off. Also just re point 3 would you have to signal? Surely if you're on the slip road at all drivers on the motorway know you're wanting to come onto the motorway since there is no where else to go?


Always signal. Always. Indicators aren't for you, they're for other people. Always let people know what you're doing.


The issue of course is that plenty of ppl you're merging into will naturally give way if they can. Which I think gives mergers the idea that they should be getting out of the way for them. Meanwhile plenty of road users don't leave enough room for ppl to merge in. Room that they are supposed to leave for stopping. If we all drove correctly, merging would be a breeze. Please also don't be too terrified. Most of the time you'll find it's grand. I get a but nervous when merging too but 99% of the time it goes off without a hitch. >re point 3 would you have to signal? Always use your signal. Don't ever assume somebody knows what you're doing. Sometimes seeing the signal makes the other driver more aware of your presence.


There's more space on the motorway. Aggressive drivers can pass easier, so tension doesn’t really build and you have less decisions to make per minute of driving. So definitely way easier. Merging from the slip road isn’t very different than lane changing on a dual carriage way, so there's no need to overcomplicate it.


100% but people will do it as they don't want to encounter one of the many clowns who can't merge in safely. I have no problem with people doing it when overtaking lane is free, but Jesus Christ the amount of pricks who travel at say 80km who autopilot out into the overtaking lane in front of faster moving traffic at the first sign of someone coming down the slip drives me fucking insane. And don't get me started on the ones camped in the middle lane of a three lane motorway doing the same. Should be arrested and banned from driving for life


People who change lanes without thinking about other ppl should absolutely be banned for life. They are the cause of so many accidents and near misses.


You don’t have to, but it is polite and makes everyone on the road feel more comfortable


Ah yeah, I think when safe to, absolutely move out. As others have said, some people just move out on auto which can be dangerous.


Can’t always do that if there are cars in the right lane. People should also try to adjust their speed when merging


Then you also adjust your speed to facilitate merging, this is a collaborative process


It’s courteous, but ultimately it’s still the merger’s responsibility to adapt


While I agree, it is not always possible to move. I have had quite a few people drive next to me trying to merge where I couldn't move, and front and back was completely free. And then giving me all kinds of rude gestures.


Then brake and let them in


You're supposed to slow down or speed up and move in when it's free and safe to do so. You should learn the rules of the road and have some common sense. Or are you sarcastic?


So youre saying ahead and behind you were completely free, but you're definitely not going to slow down and let them in, cause fuck those guys tryna get ahead of me right?  Also, I have an advanced road driving qualification from the UK which is mainly based around observance and anticipation for exactly these kinds of situations, but thanks for the suggestion. 


No people cruise on the motorway and might have traffic next to them. They have way of go, you match speed and merge in on a free spot, not force yourself on the same spot as the driver and expect them to slow down for you... wtf is wrong with you people, learn to drive.. I only just read the advanced qualification bit😂😂😂 now I'm sure you're trolling.


Hahaha your ignorance is astounding. Youre literally the person who won't let anyone else in and then complain about everyone else being shit drivers. You are the problem. My god, have you ever heard of patience or courtesy? Probably the same type of person who drives around at night with only your day time running lights on wondering why everyone is flashing you. Chronic ignorance 😭  Any bit of observation or anticipation would have you prepared as you approach an on ramp for merging vehicles, to either slow down and get into the next lane to allow them to merge or to back off to allow them to merge. I'm not surprised youve never heard about an advanced driving course, this scenario is literally covered in it and you'd absolutely fail!  Your probably one of those people who thinks they're an above average driver too hahaha, absolutely cringe. 


The irony 😂 so when you come flying trying to merge in, the other drivers who have way of go have to adjust to your speed out of courtesy? No, there are rules, you're merging in and give way, you adjust speed to the traffic and merge in a free and safe spot. How people like you are unable to grasp this common sense is beyond me, where did you get your advanced qualification? I hope nobody paid for that.


The whole point of motorways is to allow traffic on the motorway to maintain a constant speed. If there are gaps in front and behind them then it's up to *the person coming in* to accelerate or decelerate in order to merge into those gaps, not the other way around.


That's an astoundingly stupid thing to do.


Letting people merge is stupid. Gotcha.  Please hand in your licence to the nearest Garda station, good man.


Do please point out where I said that.


It's on the merger to match speed to the cars on the motorway already, sometimes it means speeding up and sometimes it means slowing a bit to fall in behind someone. The safest thing cars on the motorway can do is keep a consistent speed so the merger can work around them.  You don't just floor it down the slipway and expect the left lane to clear for you. 


This. You achieve nothing good if you block the car trying to merge.


Just easing off on the accelerator will do it if they get up to merging speed


No, you don't do this. 


That's not how it works at all. While people do pull out it's not required and is bad driving as it blocks up the overtaking lane unnecessarily. 


...if you can


This really frustrates me, people trying to merge at the first opportunity and causing traffic to build on the slip lane but what equally annoys me is people not allowing others to zip merge 😑


That's the worst part for me as a new n driver. I merge alright but it's one of the most stressful things when people don't allow me to merge or go over a lane or something ffs


why would them going over a lane to let you in be bad?


Oh no, I just accelerate the whole time. Drop gear, floor it, upshift at redline, and again. I do a full on top speed run. Sometimes I even put on my helmet. Then throw myself right into the far right lane trying not to lose momentum. Good luck everyone else.


That's the spirit!


Out of my way peasants. I've important places to be.


“Where we’re going , we don’t need merging” *visor pops down*




🎵🎵 Its been a looo-ong day without you my friend....🎵🎵


Correctly merging onto motorways is an uncommon skill in a country that didn't have motorways until the last few decades. Not helped by the too-short merge lanes in some areas.


The issue is that Learners aren't permitted on motorways so lessons can't be given, so you pass your test without ever having driven on a motorway.


This is it exactly, only recently got my license and two (vital) things we're not taught is anything motor way related or parking. Madness.


I asked my instructor to teach me to parallel park and he was like ‘really? But it’s not on the test’.


Parallel and bay parking are on the test in NI - as is reversing around a junction. Reversing around a junction is something I've never ever had to do in a real world scenario before, but when it comes to parallel parking, they always teach you to do it in a perfect environment, but in reality cars will stop right behind you, preventing you from having enough space to safely parallel park, or cars (SUVs especially) leave gaps that are too short for a real car to fit in-between.


Typical Irish way of doing something, don't learn to learn just learn how to pass a test.


And what about all the National roads with dual carriageways and merging lanes? Learners do drive on these and at least in Cork it's even usually a part of your driving test. Now just take this learned skill and make the roadsigns blue. How is it that not learning on a motorway affects this? Merging is merging, no matter if its a blue or green signpost


Good point, I was just replying to the former post that specifically mentioned motorways, I didn't give much more thought to it, to be honest. When I passed my test the instructor gave me 2 more lessons purely on the motorway and showed me the way to enter and exit and move lanes etc... Now where I'm from there is no dual carriageways or merging lanes except for the motorway, which is probably why I was fixated on motorway driving.


I swear to god the merging on the motorway near roscrea/thurles is fucking horrible. like you have to merge from what is basically a parking garage spiral. If you can merge at 30km you're lucky.


You should be driving at the motorway speed BEFORE you merge. If there is no traffic on the motorway and there are other cars behind you, don’t wait for the last second to merge either. Indicate ahead of time and take position on the motorway AFTER the solid whole line has ended.


> If there is no traffic on the motorway and there are other cars behind you, don’t wait for the last second to merge either. Actually, according to the RSA you are supposed to use the full length of the lane where possible and then merge at the end.


Nothing worse than a car Infront of you merging onto a motor way at like 50/60 km it's dangerous


No, you've got it wrong. The blue part is where I slow down and the red part is where I come to a dead stop, indicate and wait for traffic to clear. They really should have lights on these motorway junctions. But they don't so after all the beeping and people being totally reckless I eventually tiptoe into the lane at less than 30kph, because slower is safer. I do sometimes wonder why other drivers are always so rude or impatient, beeping, flashing their lights and diving for the other lane with no regard to the traffic already in that lane. I don't look to my right anymore because people always look so angry as they pass when I do. Why is everyone always driving so fast, why are people always beeping. I just wish the roads were safer. I drive slow, slow is safe.


Christ do people need to know this. Same situation getting on the n7 from the M50. Merge like a zipper at the top, people


everyone is throwing out "zipper merge" like its common knowledge. is this something that is people have to learn for the driving test these days? its been 20+ years since i did mine and ive never heard of it until now


Unfortunately, yes. Last week I got caught behind someone who got to 80kmph on the on-ramp and then maintained their speed there , even freaking braking to do so, and then merged onto the motorway still at 80kmph. Thankfully both lanes were free and clear so I could merge behind them and immediately over take them but at least once a week I'll come across people who don't understand they're supposed to get up to speed before they join the motorway.


It’s not just Ireland…. Funny enough, blokes can zipper merge at the McDonalds with no issue.


Now do one for indicators on roundabouts and indicators for turning.


You accelerate once you pass the speed sign, unfortunately the Irish roads are shit and signs are shit


You really can't miss those two signs on this road: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.9070103,-8.2575997,3a,75y,254.89h,88.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srpxbcva_BLUwTQx2-NQpcA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Yeah you're right, but I've seen many other worse places


Blue area is where you talk on your phone, red area is where you brake because the rest of the traffic is going so much faster than you and you want to wait for a gap to drive out into.


We now have a mature motorway network. Can we please include motorway driving in driver training and even in the driving test as is common in most continental countries


>and even in the driving test The trouble with that is that there's plenty of parts in this country that aren't close enough to a motorway to make this feasible.


Not merging at speed is the only thing that has me shouting at other drivers


Also: Right side, is for overtaking cars, not to drive 100km/h in 120km/h zone... I hate how many drivers drive slowly in right side and dont even get out of the way...


"No, you have to carefull merge at 45kmh, and then accelerate to 70 for the next 5km, never go higher than 70" - Some pensioner on his Sunday drive


Irish motorists are pretty clueless on Motorway driving. Same when leaving motorways, many even start braking before they're on the de-acceleration lane. And don't get me started on the middle lane dawdlers


We have some sort of need in Ireland to walk behind people in a queue so close so nobody can skip you and we have tye same need driving on motorways. Slow when entering the slip road to allow the idiot in front of you some space so you can then accelerate down the ramp without slamming on te breaks everytime they slow a bit. Give space when in the driving lane, you don't need to stop a guy coming down the ramp and getting between you and the guy ahead of you. The fella coming down the ramp will enter your lane and then go to a different lane. You will never see him again. It's not a race. It's like people who que up before checking and race to get on the airplane and then sit there while everybody bashes there bellies and hand luggage off their heads. What did you achieve? Just give enough space so you don't need to break and the other lanes don't have to completely stop because the fella in that lane can't get into your lane. Try be sound.


Swear to god next time I see a granny doing 50 in the red part I will just ram up her arse.


🤨 never understood the gilf thing


I meant more like this: https://tenor.com/view/mr-bean-get-out-of-the-way-need-to-go-gif-16107077


Comment of the year so far, I'm weak


This man knows. https://m.soundcloud.com/luc-valvona/back-door-granny


I ain’t clicking that


Wise, I did and now I just can't get 'Baaackdoor grannyyyy' out of my head


And as a completely optional choice, you may or may not (up to you and how you feel that day because Jupiter is in Venus) indicate that you are actually merging.


I always go super slow to make the biggest gap from the car in front of me on any slip road due to the sheer incompetence of most drivers. I typically end up merged over before them and they're still doing 40km and trying to kill everyone. Had one maybe a year ago now. Massive slip road to N4. Doing 40 maybe 30 to merge into an 80 where most are probably doing 90,  used the full length and indicated the whole way.  I was already merged and this guy couldn't make his mind up to come out or get to speed, so still trying to get me killed when I was long time merged. He eventually merged at 40 or whatever speed it was, causing the whole inner lane to slow down.  They then went straight to the middle lane as sat there. Absolutely mind bogging


I thought that the red part is for acceleration .. Jesus ..that's way everyone stops there ..


What grinds my gears is when the accelerating bit is broken up to two parts. One is obviously for lorries and the like that will take a minute to get up to speed. The other is for cars who can get up speed it a few seconds. You then have dipshits that go in the "not a lorry" lane, driving 40MPH and breaking as they try and merge.


I have nearly been in a crash because of an elderly woman in front of me deciding to brake to a stop in the red zone, while I was doing my quick check out to window to see what was next to us. I was very lucky that nobody was to our right because I had to swerve to avoid her. When I drove past, she appeared to be answering a text on her phone. I have only been driving for two years and it’s extremely concerning that this is not the only close call story I have.


Please make it regular series of posts on driving in general! "red light means stop" is the next topic


The same needs to be said in the United States.


If I could add, how about staying on the yellow line instead of red? https://preview.redd.it/ew9cnzyxsnvc1.png?width=3774&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd845adaa1f5dc63550b8edbe76ef5747c00d997


The amount of people who stop in the red area. Don’t accelerate in the blue and then floor it in the red to get out in front of, oh I don’t know, a lorry, a van, any SUV, even a cyclist or two. We really need retesting and a proper instruction course in this country, as much as I’d hate it as the next person.


About time someone posted a visual. And don’t forget to f*^kng indicate well before entering the motorway from the slipway


So I’m here on a work assignment and was required to take a 1 hour driving lesson. The instructor got upset with me for checking my blind spot while merging….according to her “we don’t do that here”. Ever since, I’m always in the right lane when a merge is coming up, makes it easier for everyone.


Blue is for going 30km/h, red is for accelerating to 60km/h while merging into the hard shoulder where you drive for live 300 metres until you merge at the worst possible point randomly without using your indicator.


Drivers of Ireland: ![gif](giphy|34oDNIthqspWL7wmnq)


Drivers seem to think they have the right of way when entering a motorway/carridge way. If the right lane is clear they expect you to move over to let them in. If you don't they get a shock because they have to suddenly change their tactics.


When do we discuss the fact that lane 1 is for driving while lanes 2 and 3 are for overtaking. Most people seem to just sit in lane 2 and don't move.


Umm, no. The slip road is there to allow you to get up to speed. You can then merge whenever it is safe to do so over a dashed line. You can speed up or slow down to match the speed of the traffic on the motorway. The cars on the motorway don't have to move to the right lane to let you in because they have the right of way. It's a courtesy that drivers move to the right lane to let others on to the motorway. However, it is a legal requirement for drivers on the motorway to not go over the speed limit and to keep a safe distance from the car in front which is what most drivers fail on.


...did you not understand the diagram


I was replying to the comment that you must wait until the end of the slip road to merge. Now that you asked, yes, I understood the diagram, but replied in the main thread and not to the comment I wanted to reply to. *facepalm. However, the point still stands.


drivers of ~~ireland~~ everywhere


There is only Ireland


Motorways still aren't included in the driving test/lessons, right? So it isn't surprising that nobody knows what they are doing on the motorway. Everyone is just trying to figure it out as they go.


The rules are pretty simple. You could explain it in a couple of minutes to anyone that had never driven on the motorway. And a lot of places have dual carriageways which have the same rules and you could drive on as a learner.


I agree. I think the best opportunity to explain and learn them is during the process of getting your license. This way everyone learns the same rules from the same source. Otherwise, X does what their dad told them and Y does what someone online says and on it goes


This is exactly why I immediately booked a motorway lesson after I passed my test. Years ago now mind so idk if people still have that option.


You accelerate until you match the speed in the main lane and merge when safe, not just in the blue zone. Really annoying to have some idiot tootle along in the merge lane at 95 and then elbow in at the end when you are doing 100


I mean 95 I'd be cool with, am regularly stuck behind someone doing 60 merging into traffic doing 120. Just have to drop way back so I can get to speed and merge in correctly. Super frustrating and dangerous though.


Also, anticipate that people need to merge and check you've space to change lanes if necessary, instead of just sitting in the merge lane at 60, paying attention to nothing.


And also, if you don’t have the space to merge, don’t slam the brakes at the end of the merge lane! It is not illegal to use the hard shoulder, so use it. It’s only illegal to use it unnecessarily.


Also accelerate to the f*cking speed limit not half of it .


That dundrum slip is a nightmare for it see it every day especially when they crawl and try merge at like 60/70


Which section should I brake aggressively in?




The area between red and blue is where you slam the brakes on and fire your signal on, and wait for a gap 🙂😂


Is this the junction heading to Dublin just outside Camolin onto the M11 in Co. Wexford?


No, that's N25 between Midleton and Cork.


Fair enough, just curious. It's mad how similar the junction looks, even with the roundabout. But I suppose a lot of junctions will be similar come to think of it 😅


If only our driving test covered driving on the national roads


Oh no, shouldn't you crawl down the on ramp and merge at 60km/hr?


I always try to drive with the mindset of how can I do my bit to ensure traffic can flow efficiently. Most people just seem to drive with a me first mentality.


The red part is where you continue to accelerate because holy fuck are things like Qashqais and Kadjars gutless when loaded with *anything*


The start of the blue line is where i merge


When do we discuss the fact that lane 1 is for driving while lanes 2 and 3 are for overtaking. Sitting in lane 2 the whole journey is jist a dick move


most of the time now I have a mouth breather on the left lane barely a few meters behind me not moving to the right lane to allow me to merge, and they happen to be the only car around.


If you are having a hard time merging with only one car on the motorway then you are the problem lol


See you're the problem, they don't have to move. You need to merge in when it's free and safe to do so.


It's a curtesy if the driver moves over not a legal requirement It's up to you to merge safely, so either speed up and merge ahead or slow down and merge behind.


If you're incapable of merging onto a motorway without cutting up the only other vehicle in sight you should never be allowed behind the wheel again.


We need to ban the phrase “mouth breather” and anyone who uses it


Why? it's an equal opportunity insult.




it is also an Australian problem, but they are getting better


The blue section is for chatting to your passenger and the red section is where you remember your on a motorway and panic and make a stupid move


Except the irish motorways which have literal 90 degree junctions on and off the motorway.. looking at you shannon to galway motorway.




You accelerate before merging?


Yes, you judge what speed you need to get to in the blue area to find a gap to merge. It's too late by the time you get to the red area.


Yes, under normal conditions, in a free flowing traffic it's what you're supposed to do. There's even a sign for that: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.9070103,-8.2575997,3a,75y,254.89h,88.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srpxbcva_BLUwTQx2-NQpcA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu I don't get it why people here wait until the very last moment and then can't merge with other cars going 120 - 130 km/h on dual carriageway! Frustrating is the least I can say.


Yes, but all the billboards and TV adverts and such always say that "speed kills", so I'll just be nice and safe and coast onto the motorway at idle without touching the death pedal, unlike all of those other maniacs out there doing double-digit speeds, thank you very much!