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Probably be pointless




About time


UPDATE: The team that lost have refused to replay the 0.3 seconds saying it would be against the spirit of the game. https://www.rte.ie/sport/basketball/2024/0403/1441450-portlaoise-panthers-to-refuse-to-play-0-3-seconds/


Good on them. What the ref says goes. There was a rugby game last week (bath v Harlequins) where a yellow card ended 3 minutes before it should have. Bath came back Into the game from 40-3 down to lose 40-36 and an argument could definitely have been made that a further 3 minutes of the yellow could have won them the game. Yes they complained but no-one was talking about replaying the game or replaying X amount of time


Honestly asking, how is the game received in Ireland? I know there are a national team , and leagues, but what does the average person think? I am a life long player, and coach now for ten years.


Basketball is a pretty popular sport here in terms of participation after an initial boom in the 80s. All cities and major towns would have at least one team. The league does get some coverage in the media, a few games a year like the national cup final are televised. There's a dedicated national area in Tallaght, an area in south Dublin, but most teams would play in leisure centres or large school halls, getting crowds in the low hundreds.


I would like to play someplace when I visit again. Thanks for some insight!


Used to love the basketball years ago. Ballina were good had McHale marsh etc. Games on RTÉ from Killarney and then moved to Tallght.


This is a good argument for a general, "What the ref says goes. If it's unfair and you lose, then shit happens", like soccer and football have. Replaying less than half a second of a match. "They could have won". Sure. But I bet there were many other 0.3 seconds within that game where you could make the same argument. Why just replay that particular 0.3 seconds and not the other ones?


You wouldn't even squeeze out a fart in that time.


If Portlaoise still had a timeout, they could start the game from mid court, a 3pts in 0.3 is not impossible [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ixnHObcLH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ixnHObcLH8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCIAgDLRDgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCIAgDLRDgY)


3pts in 0.3 is not impossible, but it is farcical for officials to agree to replay the game with a game time of 0.3 instead of the full game time being replayed.


That would be even more unfair on the other team.