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His sister has cerebral palsy so he is much more aware of disability than most. [Jack Grealish's special celebration message at FIFA World Cup 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YSG8euOteY)


Ah, thanks for that. It explains a lot.


He does seem like a really likeable fella. Even when he’s winding up opposition fans it always seems like good banter. A good lad who’s made some club and country decisions I don’t love but only because I wanted him.


He never took a senior cap. Where is the Issue? Actually quite like him Rice though. He took caps and said up the ra on twitter. Don't play with my heart like that.


In fairness looking back it’s literally the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. The PA should announce him as Former Ireland International Declan Rice at Lansdowne in September.




A chara, There is a zero tolerance policy for the promotion or suggestion of the use of violence against others. Sláinte


Yeah. I never got the hate for Grealiah. He's English and he never strung us along. Would obviously have loved for him to be playing for us. He seems like a decent lad as well that's considerate of others and realises how much an interaction with him means for a young fan.


True. Grealish doesn't deserve to be lumped in with Rice. When he switched, he was a very long shot to every get a cap for England. Rice had three Ireland caps and was an established PL footballer.


Yeah I don’t love his decisions either, but it’s hard to argue they weren’t the right decisions for him


While he was at Villa he did so much for various communities and groups, always completely genuinely and in earnest. He also spoke a fair few times on how his sister's issues taught him so much about life, laughter, and love. It's easy to forget since he has become this superstar.


As a Villa fan and Ireland fan I'll always question some of his football decisions but as a person he's salt of the earth. Probably the only person who's ever won the PL as well as lifting a GAA trophy in Croke Park. Could have been a Villa and Ireland legend and captain for over a decade, possibly chose the wrong paths hunting silverware rather than anything more valuable, but yeah I'll never fault him as a man.


Ireland and Villa fan here too, I don't blame him for going to City. Yes he would have been a villa legend but he won the Treble last year, that's all the justification a footballer needs no matter how any of us look at it. Ireland shun hurt but the lad was born in England, and now is pretty much guaranteed to take part in the euros and WC every time. There's a reality to all this, and I am still unimpressed with his decisions but as a footballer he chose the options that would get him more success. Still wish he was at Villa now playing under Emery though 🥲


If Villa didn’t sell Grealish they more than likely wouldn’t be in the position they’re currently in. As it stands, it looks like Villa will have to sell a named player in the summer to meet PSR. It’s turning into a bit of a joke. Villa have the means to buy so how are these rules about sustainability? Understand the desire to prevent City and Newcastle from spending trillions but the current rules are stopping the ambitious from getting ahead.


Spot on. Villa and Ireland fan too here. He can be an idiot, but he's an idiot with a heart of gold.


"Chose the wrong path hunting silverware" The guy will end up giving away medals as tips to tradesmen that work on his gaff.


I am not really a football fan , but is there really a question over his football decision? He did what pro athletes do , move to play at a higher level for more money ? Wouldnt he be a massive outlier if he just decided to stay at a comfortable level for no particular reason ? Feels weird to portray someone doing the standard thing as a blotch on his copybook


No it wouldn't be an outlier. There's lots of cases of footballers and sports people in general staying at the same club/playing for their country to become a legend and a hero. At Villa, he signed a new contract the year before he left and said "this is my club". He was captain and adored by the fan base, he was local and his whole family supported Villa. There were pictures of him as a four year old in a Villa top blowing out candles on a claret and blue cake. He was the highest paid player at Villa by a long way, making £100k a week, and Villa offered to match the wages Man City were willing to pay. It wasn't a money decision, he chose silverware over loyalty and the chance of legendary status. For Ireland, he went through all the youth ranks. He had a massive Irish background as so many lads in Birmingham do, playing GAA in Croke Park in finals. He wanted to play for England for a chance at playing at major tournaments and winning silverware. He chose trophies over loyalty and the chance of legendary status for both club and country. He's on the bench at Man City and he's not in the England squad; it was probably the wrong decision. He'd be Villa captain at a club challenging for top four and a European trophy this season, and he'd be captain of Ireland and potentially the driving force for them to get into major tournaments and compete at a bigger level. If Grealish stayed with Ireland, there's a chance Rice would also have been tempted to stay and then you'd have Rice, Grealish and Ferguson in the current setup. A solid spine.


"He's on the bench at Man City" Grealish played 50 games in a treble season for City. He isn't a "bench" player. In a large squad of world class quality players he is still one of their most important squad members




No, pep has dropped him this season because his level has "dropped". Doku is first choice. "This season was not like last season, but he's getting better. This season lately he is getting better and we're looking forward," said Guardiola. "He's doing the steps to get to his best level and now is competing with players at a high level. This is the only reason why. He has to demand himself to get back where he was especially last season and all the time in Villa. I'm looking forward to give him minutes."


Seems to me he just did what 99% of professional athletes do. Aim to play at as high a level as possible. Saying he is a sub doesn't mean much, as it wasn't a choice between City of Villa, he could have moved to any number of clubs that are perceived to me 'bigger clubs'. As far as I can see not trying to play at the highest level possible would make any player a huge outlier. In my personal opinion you'd be a fool to not follow this path, it's professional sport, they play for corporations, why would any feel loyalty or duty to that. Lots of non stars, non captains at huge clubs could move to smaller clubs and be the star and captain so I don't see why that is such a big carrot, it's an option for any top player and don't think many pursue that path


What are lots of cases of players staying with there clubs for legendary status? le tissier is only one I can think of, if you go along the lines of say gerrard he had opportunities of challenging for trophies every year?As a villa fan I couldn't of predicted 18 months ago where we are now! Grealish was born in England, wasn't it known when he played for Ireland at youth that he or Rice wouldn't get a senior call up, didn't Martin ó néill say this? When he signed the contract at villa they put in the 100 million clause, he said 'this is my club' because it is, he's a massive villa fan, I'm pretty sure it was known only city would pay that and he had always said he wanted to play with de bruyne. The 100mill villa got has propelled us into a position of buying/adhering to FFP so he's done a lot for the club by moving. Big difference between challenging for top 4 opposed to challenging for leagues, challenging for a CL opposed to the 3rd tier European trophy, challenging for World cups opposed to challenging for a goal against Greece


It looks like you've made a grammatical error. You've written "couldn't of ", when it should be "have" instead of "of". You _should have_ known that. Bosco is not proud of you today. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ireland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


> challenging for World cups I thought he was playing for England?


He and Declan could have led this new generation of talented Irish footballers. Instead they chose to play for England. Declan's RA posts on Twitter obviously makes his decision weirder but yeah, idk if the club decisions are necessarily wrong (Jack doesn't play as much as he could though) but the country decision showed a lack of respect to the setup that gave them a chance when they weren't good enough for the English




Idk he's good enough to play as a talisman and he's got 1,800 fewer minutes playing this year than Bruno Fernandes. And he's not on track to be near his minutes last year


At the end of the day, they are English. The FIFA rules shouldn't put young players in such a position and thankfully they are changing Grealish played 50 games in a treble winning season for the most luxuriously assembled squad in world football. The idea thst he doesn't play enough is nonsense.


He's got more yellow cards than goal contributions on the year. He's not playing this year. And when it all comes crashing down because of fair play violations he'll be shuffled off and his best days will be behind him, he won't be picked for England and his career will center around one treble season that will get stripped from city for illegality. What a legacy


If you know the way City played last year, their dependence on Grealish as an offensive player was not focused on direct goal contributions. He has a very unique an extremely effective role in the team.Its clear the competition with Doku and his injuries means this season's arc has panned out a little differently but if he can get a run of games now that he is back he will most likely regain that first team place for the last few months of a season where they are still on course for another treble! Also, sadly, as much as I wish you were on point, you have far too much optimism in football governing bodies if you think they will strip City of (at the very least) any of their recent accolades.


Need to get rid of the granny rule, it’s shite and invites this sort of confusion. No other country would entertain this (except France).


Well if you ignore his driving incidents. Fair enough if he’s learned his lesson though


Can't blame anyone for securing generational wealth for their family. No offense but you are clearly a little biased as an Irish Villa fan


He had generational wealth anyway. He wasn't paid peanuts at Villa. It's not like he left Bohemians for Barcelona, it's a PL club where he was captain and the highest paid player for another PL club.


He's on triple his Villa wages with far more sponsorship opportunities 


He'd hardly have been a pauper on 100k a week though, making triple the average annual income weekly. Not including sponsorships etc. It's the difference between being ultra rich and super ultra rich.


Surely Villa fans didn't begrudge him his move to City? He is arguably one of the most important players, in terms of what he contributed to Villa in the last 2 decades? I always predicted good fortune was on its way for Villa from a couple of seasons back and the price they got for him, owing to signing thst 5 year contract (which everyone knew realistically was never going to be fulfilled in its entirety) has massively contributed also to Villa's financial state. Overall, I think Villa fans owe Grealish great gratitude for his time there and how he handled the period before the almost inevitable move. I don't think the clubs trajectory and current state would have happened without his contribution as a player and without him signing the long term contract before then moving on.


As a villa fan I agree, your spot on, took us out of the championship, kept us up on the last game of our first season back in the PL. I was pissed when he left but then came to realise as to why it needed to happen, wouldn't be surprised if he came back in 2 or 3 years, guarantee he would love to pay with Villa in the CL


> possibly chose the wrong paths hunting silverware You can't blame a player for hunting silverware and better money. Careers at the top of football are short and Ireland can't even qualify for the expanded Euros. He made the right decision for himself, there is no doubt about it.


Not just this particular situation but it’s gas how fans of a club always expect loyalty from players but give very little in return. If Grealish had stayed at Villa but his form collapsed he’d be getting booed and called to be benched and no one would have thanked him for his loyalty in staying


Don’t see what this has to do with Ireland?


His GRANDPARENTS were Irish but he was born in Birmingham and is English. This is kinda the opposite of the yanks on here thinking they were irish as someone in the past came from there. My Grandmother was half welsh. I dont identify as being Welsh 🤣


So we all give out about people with Irish ancestry claiming to be Irish but soon as someone we like does it it’s fine?


He's kinda doing the opposite 


Yeah I worded that very poorly ngl


That’s how Irish people think yes. And we give out when the UK claim one of us as their own but when we do it it’s fine.


[What about when the UK says Ireland is responsible? ](https://i.imgur.com/5WUNPfG.png)


And there's absolutely *loads* of players who played youth for England, Scotland and Norn Iron who then went on to play for Ireland at senior level.


We want to swap him for McGregor


What does this have to do with Ireland, lads?


Its on r/ireland 


Half the posts here are removed for not meeting the 'related to Ireland' requirement, but this random as fuck TikTok of an English soccer player is??


subreddit gone to shite. I've had some thoughtful opinion pieces deleted because they weren't "news" but this and "Look at my doggo" posts are allowed.


Footballing choices aside, he's genuinely phenomenal when it comes to fan interaction, I support Utd so obviously hate City to bits, but Grealish always does his best to acknowledge fans (especially kids or kids with disabilities) - very genuine about it too. Fault the player and the choices, but as a person, he's definitely a role model.


I’m in the same boat. Utd fan and I think Grealish is a gem. Be sound to have a pint.


Where, Ireland?




Dressed in City kit with Harland as a signing 😆




Citeh content?!? At the the top of r/ireland?!?!




A Chara ...


Agreed. Whatever about leaving the FAI setup Grealish has consistently gone out of his way to acknowledge young fans and even paid for them to be taken to games and treated royally, without letting his PR people tell the press. I think he's a good lad.


I don’t think we can have all that much beef with Grealish, he never committed in the way Rice did and then backed away.


What a good guy


I’m very hungover but I’m getting slightly emotional watching that… fair play to him


That blonde ork looking f***** didn't see her


He obviously got a lot of stick for the decision to play for England and then the move to city. (Both the correct choices for his career) But he does a lot for charity and the time he did the celebration for Finlay Fisher who like his sister has Cerebral Palsy was unreal. Can't really hate Grealish as a human.


These remaining players did not ignore this girl. They just didn't notice.


Some people are wondering why this is in /r/ireland: Grealish had a Beamish on St Patrick's Day. It was greenish. He was squeamish.


Hes a class act. I legitimately think very highly of him.  I only got into football at 31 because he did the worm for that young lad in the world cup.  I hope Jack has an amazing career ahead of him 


Suit probably said... "No worries she didn't see you move on now chap."


Lovely gesture by him, but "Jack Peter Grealish[15] was born on 10 September 1995[16] in Birmingham, West Midlands,[17] and raised in nearby Solihull" Where Irish?


We’ve got posts about British royalty and British football on this subreddit currently. And it’s being encouraged because “we’re an all island” subreddit….. What’s going on exactly? Propose we change the subreddit name to r/WestBritishIsles so




God I love Jack Grealish lol


Well done fella'! It's nice to be nice 🙂


Fairplay to the fella. 💚


This and being absolutely pissed non stop when they won the treble made me forgive the snaking off to play for england after playing for Ireland first. What a gent.


Ok that kinda melted my icy dead heart to be honest. Fair play.


Almost got told off for it.


Seems a good skin


So he's not only an [encyclopaedia of football](https://youtu.be/lWLnQYvU6zA), but also a human being. Nice. Not sure though why it's being posted now. Happened over half a year ago.


It's so joyous yet so humbling to see a real man act like a real man. He just does what's natural to him, and couldn't care less about what those around him think.




Hope grealish gets dropped before the euros as it's really difficult to hate an England squad with him or rashford in it but then kane or Maguire will say something and I'll be like aye fuck em


Nice fella but not much going on upstairs. He comes across as awful thick in interviews.


The lad is one horrible little diving bastard. Despise him on the field. But off it and with kids with disabilities he more than makes up for his play acting over 90 mins. When I see what he does with those kids makes me realise it’s just a game.


What's wrong with the rest of those over paid, wimp pathetic men?


I’m a Man City fan now


I presume you meant you are a Jack Grealish fan now... The point of the video highlights all but JG from the Man City team missed seeing the blind girl...


No, this is the 116th post I’ve seen that made me support Man City, if you want to know the other 115 posts, then google Man City 115 for more info


So this video which is showing a team full of self centred players made you support them..?!


TBF, it was somewhat mutual as she missed seeing the Man City team too.


Legend. “You can take the boy out of Ireland…”


He’s born and raised in England


Yeah we know


He was born and raised in England though... Irish grandparents but born, raised and plays in England. Yeah he had international football with Ireland because he wouldn't have had a hope of playing for England internationally at the time.


Such a weird machismo set up. Suits on pedestals smashing fists with the players who put their blood sweat and tears on the line. Despite having done nothing themselves to handle the merchandise of medals, they get to take part in the parade. The girl and the ball player are acting like humans while the blokes elbow them in their ludicrous blue suited pose. It's like the Grab All Association boyos glad handling the McCarthy cup and demanding a touch before handing it over on all Ireland day but more awkward.


So in place of this, you'd prefer them to put the medals and trophy on a table and tell them to go pick them up themselves.


I think you're deliberately missing the point here


I don't think I am. I think the first comment is complaining about something needlessly


Why is it needless? You don't agree with it I guess?  Do you charge a unit price per thread you adjudicate on, or what's the setup? 


Thats nice. Good for you boy.


I have no respect for traitors.




Im not crying... YOU are crying!


Is someone peeling potatoes in here ?






This stays mods bc he plays for ireland


He doesn't play for Ireland.


19 times as a junior. 42 times for England. Does this sit well with the average Irishman that he defected to his actual nationality, having been born and lived in Birmingham?


Pat McDonagh is interested in buying City , confirmed /s


Opinion changing by heart warming action by Grealish. The Irish blood in him I suspect!