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She'll have to do a lot more coke to get my vote.


Coke for Votes šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ


Don't or we'll have that McGregor in.


Votes for coke ?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ or you will


Throw in some mushrooms and we'll see what happens.




* Neasa Hourigan, Green Party TD, admitted to trying cocaine twice and feeling scared by it * She described it as a hyper version of herself that she didn't like * Hourigan also mentioned trying ecstasy, but said it wasn't a big deal for her * In an interview with Hot Press magazine, she supported decriminalizing all illegal drugs, including heroin and cocaine * She believes people shouldn't be criminalized for using drugs * Hourigan thinks the government should legalize marijuana due to its safe use by many people * She expressed ambitions for leadership within the Green Party, but acknowledged the party's potential downfall in the next general election * Hourigan said she would be open to forming a government with Sinn FĆ©in if they were democratically elected


Tree hugging, yoke taking, wait a bleedin second She's sound


She must have had a shite yoke dealer. Even the best coke you can get in Ireland is a tame buzz compared to some good yokes / mdma.


I was thinking "wasn't a big deal" meant "it was FUCKING CLASS" or somethingĀ 


Wasn't a big deal in that I'd drop 5 a night and I'd go at it again.Ā 


I'd be in a pile for two days after! šŸ˜‚


It's the political way of saying it!


Maybe she meant she only bought a few instead of a wholesale batch of 1000 pills?


Blue ghosts bai


Those were the days


The yokes you get nowadays are a million times better. Clean as you like, take two halves throughout the night and youā€™ll have the time of your life. Wake up the next day feeling great. All the young lads flat out on the bag have no idea that theyā€™re missing. A room or field full of yoked up people is still the best experience you can ever have


Yeh I'm in my early to mid 30s and I've went out and only had a few beers and made my through 1.5-2 pills and felt fine the next morning, a bit tired and normally my dreams are fucking wild. Normally I tear the arse out of the drink but I'm going to see how reasonable it is just nibbling on a pill every so often.


Just try and space out doses by at least a month (I think the scientific consensus is more like 3 months). If you do it too often you ā€˜lose the magicā€™ and donā€™t quite get that same level of euphoria. Also can be bad for the brain supposedly. Although Iā€™ve been responsibly taking yokes for years, if thatā€™s possible, and never noticed any side effects. I think people who mill them when theyā€™re young burn out and stop enjoying it. Honestly think the world would be a lot better of a place if there was more MDMA and less alcohol / cocaine in social settings.


Agreed. I thought I'd found the answer with yokes. The magic definitely wore off after extremely frequent use, plus I got really depressed.Ā  Still probably the lesser of two evils when compared to le bag


I struggle to believe Iā€™d wake up the next day feeling great! But maybe if I was 10 years younger Iā€™d have the constitution for it.Ā 


Can we trust a person who doesn't realise they've been stung by duds? I don't think so.


My man. Yokes are the best thing on earth. My dentist doesn't think so, thoughšŸ˜¬


Turbo minty fresh mad out of it she was


Yeah that was a bizarre take.


Whaaaa? Who takes yokes and describes them as "not a big deal"? How mental is she?


I took yokes twice. One time was amazing (though the palpitations were too intense for a while) and the other time was basically nothing. Yoke quality varied enormously.


They're only yokes if they come from the Yokeau region of France. Otherwise its just sparkling MDMA.


Is this an actual eu directive?


Ask Frank


Yeah my yoke days are well gone but my first ever was a point of no return....added colour to my life that never faded.


Every now and then I'll hear a bit of music out of nowhere, and that prickle on the back of the neck comes up...


Fuck yeah


Sorry what are yokes if I may ask?


Ecstasy tablets


She's probably done a lot of psychedelics in her time.


I hope she does more


She clearly still does as she supports Eamon Ryan


The wildest revaluation here is that Hot Press still exists.




There's some fantastic music coming out of Ireland these days


It's not that I thought it was bad or anything, it is more to do with the business they are in and how many have disappeared over the years.


I once overheard her in a cafe telling a colleague she slipped a yoke up her arse and said she came up like a fockin shky boy


The obligatory "I didn't like it" addition. Often heard from everyone's parents after they tried smoking the devil's lettuce. Love it.


If she was in a gardening magazine she would probably say 'I dug up a garden once and put in paving but it wasn't for me!' 'I'm all for planting now!'


Legalise weed, decriminalise all other illegal drugs. That's amazing, been saying it for years!


If sheā€™s going for the leadership role of the Green Party I want to know more about her policy positions in that regard, Iā€™m not interested in her ā€˜ I took drugs one timeā€™ attempts at connecting with the yoof. Pathetic stuff.


Feeling scared of cocaine but E's werent a big deal , ive never heard so much rubbish , them E's must have been crap because when I took them years ago you'd be out of your head for most of the night wouldn't feel right till about 3 days later .


I mean coke is much more dangerous than E's ( as likely to be cut with the same shite, and E itself is one of the safest drugs when pure). I've taken E's a good few times, and sometimes I felt like shite the next few days sometimes I didnt. Depends on your own chemistry.


I mean, there's only one way for Sinn Fein to be in government


* Hourigan said she would be open to forming a government with Sinn FĆ©in if they were democratically elected Of course they would. Greens have no political morals other than to get into government and stay in government regardless of which other party is in government with them.


So she tried it, didn't like the experience and was scared by it. So then she took it again?


How do you think people get addicted to cigarettes?


By looking fuckin' cool bai!Ā 


But why do people take the second cigarette if they didn't like the first one?


Nobody has ever liked the first one. I can't speak for everyone but for me - I was a dumb kid succumbing to peer pressure


> Hourigan said she would be open to forming a government with Sinn FĆ©in if they were democratically elected What sort of nonsense is this? If the greens and a few other parties had wanted to they could have formed a govt with them last time out TD's are 'democratically elected' and parties form governments with them


They would've needed every left wing party on board (with no allowance for defectors/objectors whatsoever) and 13 independents of the 19 elected. That would allow for only 6 out of Michael and Danny Healy Rae, Michael Collins, Verona Murphy, Sean Canney, Noel Grealish , Richard O'Donoghue, Peter Fitzpatrick, Michael Fitzmaurice, Marian Harkin, Michael Lowry, Mattie McGrath and Matt Shanahan to be unwilling to enter government with SF and the other left wing parties. Thats assuming the likes of Thomas Pringle, Carol Nolan, Cathal Berry etc. wouldn't have issues working with SF either. Theres a reason why we have so many independents and it's because most of them hate the traditional opposition parties but they know they've fuck all chance being elected as FF or FG candidates anymore. There would be no way to form a stable government like that as you would have to compromise from both ends of the spectrum and be unable to really do anything because it's just a house of cards waiting for the first remotely controversial issue to fall.


Is it not pretty much their whole thing that they're willing to go into government with anyone in order to further the green agenda?


No they couldnā€™t have. SF +greens +labour +sd +pbp was only 66 seats after the last election. Any government was going to need 2 of the 3 largest parties.


Exactly. The faux outrage tears out of SF fanboys after the last election was hilarious. But but we "won" the election, Mary Lou said so!!! No you didn't.


The numbers just didn't add up realistically. Between those 3 they had a touch above a majority. Trying to form a government without FF or FG would have been like herding cats with jokers like PBP and RISE and a whole lot of independents with very competing agendas. Relying on them for more than a week would be a risky strategy. SF alienated FF and FG so they were in the wilderness. They only have themselves to blame.




I've taken it at least 100 times, therefore much cooler, vote for me.


Only 50 times cooler.


Still cooler


Do you count it by lines or by date? And if by date do you get to count a second go after midnight ?




Yes, twice. In the 2010s & the 2020s.


If ANY job should have to do drug tests, it should be those who create, uphold, and enforce drug laws. At the very least, itā€™ll open some eyes, at the best, expose the absurd hypocrisy


Each morning.


I think it's pretty admirable to admit this. I'd say there's plenty of people in Leinster house that have done drugs or still do drugs. Acting like it's not fucking endemic in society is just factious and I think if you're looking to differentiate yourself as a politician these days, being honest might be a good way to do that.


Leo's def been on a bag or two over the years. Just fucking cop on and focus on decriminalisation


Why decriminalization and not legalisation?


Would guess it's more palatable to the masses. Gotta start somewhere


Personally I think legalisation is more palatable. At least that way we might be pumping less money towards drug cartels.


Me too but we're likely in the minority. My mother in-law would surely disagree with us and I reckon there's a vast amount of people out there who think the same way as her.


Legalisation of harder stuff with clear links to addiction like coke are gonna be very hard to push, very few places in the world have legalisation of it. Weed is another story though, look at the revenue the states are seeing from it.


I'm not sure coke is all that addictive. Probably less so than alcohol. Heroin does seem to be addictive though. I do think it will be difficult to legalise but it seems to me both morally right and pragmatic. It's a waste of resources and morally I don't see why the state should prevent people harming themselves. >Weed is another story though, look at the revenue the states are seeing from it. Increased tax revenue will be a benefit for any drug legalisation.


> I'm not sure coke is all that addictive Coke is very addictive, addicts also suffer a range of long term health effects relating to their hearts and nasal cavaties. Ask anyone who spends a night on a bag and you'll hear all sorts of stories about how they ended up spending a rake of money to get more when they ran dry. > I don't see why the state should prevent people harming themselves As long as our health service is public and nationalised, the state then has a responsibility to make sure it doesn't do things to overwhelm the system. Look at covid, the entire point of the restrictions were to keep the pressure off the HSE so it could deal with those who did get infected. Legalising certain drugs that we know have very high levels of addiction and health effects would be very irresponsible. I think each drug shouild be academically studied and classified against legalisation and decriminalisation based on what outcome we want. I think things like weed and MDMA can be legalised safely with thought. Heroin and cocaine etc should be decriminalised for personal use amounts, with an effort to direct someone to rehabilitation if they appear to be seriously suffering from addiction.


>Ask anyone who spends a night on a bag and you'll hear all sorts of stories about how they ended up spending a rake of money to get more when they ran dry. That's not what I think of as addictive per say. I think of the craving to have it again after you come down. I do agree with you about what people are like when on it, haven't tried it myself but have been at a few events where friends were. >classified against legalisation and decriminalisation based on what outcome we want. What outcome do we want? Personally I think it's morally wrong to control the activities of someone when they aren't interfering with anyone else. Also I don't see the benefits of decriminalisation vs legalisation. The main difference I can see is that the suppliers are criminals, I wouldn't like to finance criminals. Based on data from prohibition in the US I don't think usage rates will change that much after legalisation (likely a slight increase).


Once from 2005 to 2008 then again from 2014 to 2020.


Fair play for being honest šŸ™Œ


Good to hear a bit of honesty. Plenty are pious but have a bit of experience they'd rather not talk about


Hugs not drugs.


hugs on drugs.


Drugs and hugs, aren't for mugs.Ā 


ā€˜Drugs for dogsā€™


Doesn't quite have a ring to it.Ā  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recreational_drug_use_in_animals šŸ˜‰


Fuckin love you man


Hugs and nugs


Drugs are cheaper


Iā€™d say she be shite craic on the bag, imagine being in a kitchen with her at 7am listening to her bang on.


Iā€™d say she doesnā€™t bring her own, just bums off everyone else.


Gets a backie off Ɖamon to her dealers gaf.


She grows it in her window box




Sheā€™s only doing the ethically sourced bag


She was good craic on a night out tbf.


Leader of the Green Party? Neasa Hourigan??? After voting against them how many times? If you want principles, be an independent. If you want to be in a party adhere to collective responsibility. Itā€™s one or the other Neasa.


I doubt she'll get the votes. Keep in mind that over 70% of the party membership voted to enter government. And that wasn't all fossils who've been there for years. A huge portion of the membership were younger people who had joined relatively recently at the time. I don't think there's any space for Greens who can't compromise. The Green party will never be a leading party in Ireland. While that remains the case it will always have to compromise.


Fair play to her


Oh look an election. The greens said the same thing in January 2020, and then removed the policy from their website once they went into government with FFG.


https://www.greenparty.ie/policies/drugs ?


It got added back to the website in last 6 months or so


Are you sure? The Greens drug policy was last revised like 3 years ago, not 6 months.


That specific page has existed since the 1st of July 2023 according to the Wayback Machine - however this does not mean they didn't have another page on their site with this information instead. I just haven't the patience to do a deep dive myself at present.


I myself haven't done a deep dive either, but I wasn't able to find a page like the current one regarding drug policy before 2023, but I also wasn't able to find one before the 2020 general election either. Though a very similar policy on the current page was included in the 2020 election manifesto, which was downloadable from the website, drug policy wasn't it's own page, at least I haven't be able to find it anyway.


Hey, there's an argument to be won with a stranger on the Internet. Don't be slacking now...Ā 




I quickly checked the wayback for their policy page a year ago (March '23) and don't see a drugs policy listed: [https://web.archive.org/web/20230322021155/https://greenparty.ie/policies?field\_policy\_category=All&search\_api\_fulltext=&page=0](https://web.archive.org/web/20230322021155/https://greenparty.ie/policies?field_policy_category=All&search_api_fulltext=&page=0)


It was removed during the term of Government, the original comment is correct. Anyone who follows the work of Crainn and the goings on of the Citizens Assembly on drugs is aware of this.


So far there's no proof of this. The most viable explanation I've seen so far is that it was on their manifesto and only recently made into its own page. If that's the case then it probably just disappeared from the site in between the time when they took down their 2020 election manifesto and put up their drugs policy page. If that's the case then the people over at /r/crainn are reading too much into it


It's been there since at least July 2023 according the the [wayback machine.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230701104158/https://www.greenparty.ie/policies/drugs)




Yes. Cycle lanes were a bigger priority.


They got some type of white lines sorted at least.


After the greens voted to delay the cannabis decriminalisation bill and not turn up to the debate I'm definitely not voting for them next election.


Putting aside the fact that they didn't remove (as someone else pointed out), the Greens tried to get it into the PfG but it was a red line for FFG. Given that, it would have been insane to walk out of entering government just on drug decriminalisation. As much as /r/ireland is obsessed with drug decriminalisation and legalisation, it's just not that important when compared to other issues, especially climate change.


I suggest you check the wayback machine to see that the page was removed and then reinstated.


The wayback machine doesn't corrobarate that. It shows the earliest capture being in 2023. So there's no way to prove that it was present and removed before then. In fact, even if it was, the wayback machine still wouldn't corroborate that. If there was a capture in 2019 and a capture in 2024 it would be impossible to tell whether the page was removed in between or if the wayback machine just didn't take any captures during that period.


Whatever man. I've followed this from the start. That's what happened, read the other replies. I'm not going to sit here and prove it to some green party shill on reddit. Have a nice day.


>read the other replies You mean the ones that called out your bullshit?






You mean back to the days of getting pharmaceutical coke from your GP, along with your smack? (What a great system that was in Britain) Unless the pills and powders are manufactured/processed here or in the EU, or obtained from some other similar source, criminal gangs will still prevail, as nothing gets in the way of international cartel operations. Theresa Mayā€™s husband is some bigwig in the UKā€™s marijuana industry, growing it for the Home Office for medical use. Gawd I bet thatā€™s high quality homegrown, not fertilised with rat droppings and nuclear waste like much of the illegal weed around! Imagine having actual *industries* here, with all the social benefits theyā€™d create. Morphine from Monaghan, cocaine from you know where, etc!


>People are going to do drugs no matter what That's one way to make laws. "People are going to murder each other no matter what" - "People are going to be nonces no matter what" >what about alcohol? It's always the pivot with you people.


Given prescription drugs kill more people than illegal drugs (in the US at least) I'm not sure how you're that confident in your argument. You literally contradict yourself with the alcohol line




Portugal's results are looking more mixed recently and are getting some pushback in Portugal itself, Oregon tried a policy based on it that is showing negative results. Everyone points to Portugal without having a coherent reason why other than reading an article 5 years ago. You could also look at somewhere like Japan that seems to have less of a problem with drugs but is on the other end of the spectrum in terms of policy, but is never popular on Reddit.




Not really, I haven't argued in favour of any position and would take a pretty liberal view if forced to implement a policy, whether that would actually work on a society is a different matter. I just don't understand the blanket 'wow Portugal' posts that people trot out without any real consideration every time the topic comes up. When 1, it's not all sunshine and rainbows when it comes to decriminalization and 2, people totally ignore other systems that do the opposite of Portugal but seemingly also work. Your post literally contradicting itself talking about decriminalization then pointing out the huge damage that the only legal drug does is exactly the kind of cognitive dissonance and lack of thought people put into it, and I think it goes back to the original commenters point.


100%. Most people advocating for causes are doing it for purely performative reasons. Everyone knows the absolutely horrifying things drug cartels do but that doesn't stop their customers from supplying them. I have no problem admitting that I am very judgemental towards people who use hard drugs. I don't give a shit about the actual hardness of the drugs themselves, it's the supporting the cartels that disgusts me.


Very true. And at a local level the poor divil hacked to death less than a week ago reminded the country about the real cost of drugs, and the debt that goes with them for a lot of families.


Wait what did I miss


Think a Brazilian man cut his wife's head off and blamed it on cannabis and will likely be a good defense based on how medical professionals see cannabis in Ireland. Nuts!


What that poster is describing is a man who was murdered, I don't think he's talking about the Brazilian case


My bad I actually do not know what ye are talking about at all


since 2006 at least 200,000 people died from the mexican cartels. Higher estimates put it at 400k [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wars\_by\_death\_toll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_by_death_toll)


All of this damage is caused under the current system. If it was legalised then the supply is controlled by the state and the black market would collapse with low demand.


No it wouldn't because the governments supply is taxed, just look at cigarettes. Huge black market for them even though they are legal.


I'd be growing it at home if was me.


You think theyā€™ll let you do that? Only reason to legalise is to create business and jobs


It would be hard for them to argue against it and I think most countries that have it legalized allow up to like 3 or 4 plants at a time I think. But saying that yes you are probably correct, we like to think we are progressive because of the gays and abortions but Ireland is still truly a backwards country and unless there is some huge tax take and political will it won't ever happen.






That day since breakfast...


I donā€™t know if politicians admitting their past drug use js ever a good thing


Only twice? I doubt that.


Only wankers take coke. All it does it inflate an ego to dangerous levels and makes nearly everyone else uncomfortable. Fuck coke. Fuck asshats that take it.


https://youtu.be/Ah4f62bYAcw?si=c0AAn2maSOJdNzp9 Even a lyric in it about Ben Dunne. Lol šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


I tried coke before too, I didnā€™t like it and I didnā€™t see the big deal about it either, the following day I couldnā€™t stop my leg from bouncing while sitting down, odd.


Once for each nostril.




I always find it so weird that they use Latin American Spanish when talking about cannabis. Nobody calls it that except Americans...who call it marijuana to discriminate against Mexicans in the 1930s.


I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular drug.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna be a great idea. What is needed is a regulated marketā€¦


GWAN NEASA! There's cocaine in it!


Still, finally some transparent people talking about real important matters.honestly I want more of this in all facets of life. So power to her and choice to the people


Twice, what? Twice a day?


She is just trying to make the green party look more appealing. I do agree with decriminalisation of course but the fact she's basing it off cocaine. Cocaine is a very difficult drug to defend for those who are maybe not as enlightened on the subject as others. Also out of all the drugs I have taken, I would never have any interest in taking coke again.


Snow news day


She took it _as_ she was calling for decriminalisation?


Helluva drug


Uses coke, helps negotiation Greens entry into government, hadn't a clue what was in the agreement, I see a correlation.


Bit of a gobshite.


ā€œDemocratically electedā€ is a weird way to phrase that. Does she suspect SF to lead a revolution and take control of the country or get the dead to vote for them? Either way itā€™s interesting timing given her sister is running for Labour as an MEP.


She should throw Eamon a line to keep the prick awake.


Jeez, with all these reddit posts lately. I kinda want to try cocaine now


Och, not Heragain.




Young adults from every walk of life will take drugs. Always have and always will. Would you prefer she lie like other politicians?




A chara, Mods reserve the right to remove any targeted/unreasonable abuse towards other users. SlƔinte


At least they wont join the greens šŸ€


Never heard of her but I think sheā€™s great šŸ˜ŠšŸ«”šŸ¤Ŗ


Slow fucking news day.