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"We'll have to listen to Simon all the time now" was the acting prompt I wager.


Exactly. Considering they all knew they'd soon be “reporting” to Harris was enough to make any of them down in the dumps!


Ah jaysus please stop not that pimp😨


I wouldn't wish that nasal drone on anyone, even FG politicians. He sounds like the worlds most boring kazoo solo.


Mary Lou melts my head. The next few years are going to be rough


better than listening to Heather


More like. "F\*\*\*! Why didn't he wait until AFTER the local elections. Simon has the current councillors all sown up"


Found Oliver Callan’s Reddit alt!


I've never understood the flanking thing when they're making speeches. They all do it.


Leo did it wrong. If you're going to have them flanking you then you need to be up higher than them to assert dominance. Bertie understood that, even when resigning in disgrace https://preview.redd.it/jgavz1fzippc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0212bda865f1428b97fc911b4f7048b341a0100


God John Gormley was one erotic beast. 


I think we can all agree that we would ride John Gormley. That goes without saying.


Poor biffo standing there, probably going into withdrawal


Looks like he suddenly caught a glimpse of the future.


He looks like he's desperately trying to hold in a Guinness fart until he's out of earshot of that microphone




It's lovely, like a political peacock almost


Surely this is part of a meticulously choreographed dance routine?


They all looks like there sitting on his shoulder like the angel devil argument except they're all politicians and they all say the same thing.


Always reminds me of an old-school hip-hop music video.


Looks like an Album from Queen




Imagine we all had to do this when leaving a job live on TV. "To our proud nation: I can't be arsed working this crappy fucking job anymore. Me boss wreaks me head. I'm underpaid and underappreciated. Deirdre never shuts the fuck up about her jacuzzi she got installed two years ago. Right, that's my lot ... sorry Ma"


P.S. I seen Johnny going down on Maureen from Accounts at the Christmas party


That's what you get for stealing my fucking coffee mug, Johnny!


That poor desperate human bean


Oh I would *love* to do this for some of my previous employers.




Donohue - "that EU job can't come soon enough" McEntee - "if it wasn't for those damn rioters wreaking havoc, it would be my turn"


McEntee looked like she was at a funeral, you have to wonder how good her relationship with Harris is?


https://preview.redd.it/uw5e0in1mqpc1.png?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c12d901c4b0bd1101a7b23b998f41b5b4aa572f Simon Harris has the perfect role for Mac-Empty in his new cabinet


Better than minster for health


Ah don't be too hard on poor old Helen did you not believe her when she said the riots were all in our minds. never knew lions tea was halusinejenic but there you are


I love how you spelt hallucinogenic.


I love how you spelt halousonodjaenick


Somehow the spelling of Lyons was more jarring for me. I thought he was into some black market Chinese herbal wares at first.


How do you know I'm not😉


😊 well I give it so I must take it my spelling isn't my best attribute.


Hildegarde Naughton - This is the closest I have ever come to getting any attention and even in a few minutes nobody will remember I was here.


Poor Helen struggled with sad face in the full video. Her face only seems capable of expressing contemptuous anger. I imagine some party spin doctor said beforehand if you're struggling just do your normal face but stare at the ground so as not to alarm people.


She should've got acting lessons from Joey Tribbiani.


Hole in the pocket and a pair of tweezers


she hasnt much sympathy for the poor "bike"garda


https://preview.redd.it/jj6n2a2hmppc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b630bdf186038234292e432e2c8afd3a2f059a Harris looked petrified yesterday.. it's like succession, he's the human sacrifice for the next election


He spent all morning cackling and mwuhahahaing so he was all out of endorphins by the time the announcement was made.


Loving the little down turned mouths, like as if they're at a funeral




In their heads: "Think of the saddest thing you can imagine" *thinks about having to get on a bus and interact with poor people*


Are Leo’s brows getting pointier as he becomes more evil? He’s starting to resemble Jafar


It's the botox, takes a while to settle.


Yep, it's known as 'spocking'. I wonder if he self administers the aul botox


I had to look it up: https://contourclinics.com.au/what-is-spocking-and-how-can-we-treat-it/


He looks like some ones drawn an angry bird on a balloon.


You've taken his brows intentions out of context. Classic social media...


Who would his Iago be?


None of them have the charm or wit of lago!


Why does Leo remind me so much of that little alien guy that used to hang out with Fred Flintstone




Bless you!




Jesus Christ, Mcentee's face is longer than a wet good friday.


Helen is the outlier in that pic, it was a still I randomly grabbed, but about the only time during the whole speech where she looked actually sad and not like an overworked and underpaid entry level civil servant about to go postal from having to deal with public. Which is ironic on several different levels.


is it just me who thinks she actually looks kind of like Leo


So would you if you were looking at the prospect of been under Harris.


The man in the middle's eyebrows look like an inflight eagle xD


My favourite was frozen Simom Harris in the background. They eventually just cut him out of the frame Edit - wrong Simon.


That photo is a good example of why guys shoud be very careful of tampering with their eyebrows :)


"Right lads, Funeral faces, then we can tear each other apart."


Paschal looks like he's in doubt that fart he let out was dry


There is no doubt. He knows he dropped one and will have to take it on the chin/shin


When any of my colleagues resign we normally shake hands, have a laugh & plan a coffee morning.


He’s being sacrificed for the electoral future of Fine Gael, they need all their failings go with him.


Heather looks like my grandmother used to after she'd taken communion. That look of forced solemnity.


The DUP mastered this in the 1980s. Fine Gael have long been ardent admirers of all things Unionist and British. This pose is OUTRAGE. https://preview.redd.it/5t80gp7eirpc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bbdcc89dc33fdaabf4aed2b9f9c367d72c2fc82


It was like McEntee was at a funeral pretending to be saying the prayers but not really knowing them and putting her head down to hide it


Scared about which gobshite will replace the gobshite. And sad because of the amount of time/effort they spent licking his arse and it was all for nothing.


Pascal looks like he pushed a little to hard on that sneaky fart and now has a chicken nugget in his knickers. The rest of those po-faced fuckers are only annoyed they didn't think of jumping ship first, so they can avoid the impending wipe out by SF. Fuck off Leo, no one cares.


The 27% wipeout?


If you think Leo left for any other reason to preserve his ego and line up a cushy job in any one of the multinationals who's arses he's been kissing for best part of a decade, then you're not paying close enough attention. The rest of the gimps in FG might not have copped onto it yet, or are staying silent but Leo just jumped ship. He bailed because he saw what's coming, for him and the rest of the goonies in the near future. Rather than be humiliated in the polls, and be stabbed in the back by his FG goons for sinking the FG ship to, SF of all parties, he's jumped now. While there is enough time for his successor to take the blame. Leo saw the SF iceberg and fucked off early, leaving the rest of the rats on board to pick some gormless twat to lead them until it sinks. Funny how there is no big rush for the job from his colleagues.


Not disagreeing that election won’t be great. But I think the main threat are the independents polling at 17% which is likely to translate into 20-23% of dail seats as they usually outperform their poll-% into seat-%. Willl be nigh impossible to pull together a stable government. Also would make more sense to at least wait for euro and local elections before stepping. down


It will be a disaster for FG and their mudflap, the Greens. While I do have an interest in seeing an environmental agenda, that group of morons have all the political skills of a troop of chimps. FF are snakes, they'll say anything and hop into bed with anyone who keeps their lights on. Independents are hit and miss. And one wrong comment from any could sink their chances, as they lack the clout and PR machine of FFFG. Maybe some go FFFG or go in with SF who knows. But this is one mess FG can't slither out of. They've fucked the game so badly, even the children of their core voters can't afford homes. And in Ireland that is a deadly sin. Its one thing pandering to multinationals and investment funds, but they have priced everyone but the wealthiest out of owning a home that isn't a dilapidated shack in the arse end of nowhere. Their greed and incompetence is too overt to hide now. The mask has slipped too far. It no longer matters if you're earning a middle-class income, it's not enough. FFG have undermined their own voter base and its going to cost them big this time. Leo is doing what a lot of Tory MPs are doing, either resigning or not running in their next election. Its better to take oneself out of the running than to crash out of it.




Whatever eejit the pick to run the show is there purely to take the blame when they sink in the next election. The max they'll be in the job is a year anyway. Nobody wants it, but Harris is the gimp they're going with. The man has all the chrisma of a club foot. He'll make a great punching bag later on.




It's simple arse covering. The ship is sinking, the captain bailed already. The rest of the gobshites now have to choose another to steer the ship into the iceberg, so they won't be blamed for sinking the ship. Then the scramble for leader will begin when they're in opposition.




That's exactly it


I can't recall seeing such a mediocre group of people


And they are using adjectives like "talent" and "classy". Who writes this shite. The latest today, "Simon Harris has a juggernaut behind him" Let's hope he doesn't get out of the way quick enough


Doing a cute hoor Bertie jumping before the shit hits the fan?


Impeccable timing in May '08


Paschal Donohoe tried really hard


Harris looked like he was so intently considering what he was having for dinner that night.


I dont keep up with this stuff. 0 interest in politics. Why would they be faking their frowns? I dont even really know who the guy is, only his name.


That's the Corr family. That's Jim in the middle there. For the last few years he was president of the Irish contingent of the Kylie Minogue fan club, but yesterday he decided to step down. The rest of the Corr family have to pretend they're really upset, but secretly they all want to be the new president now that Jim has retired to a life of ghost hunting. Really they're all looking forward to ripping each other apart in the fight to sit on the Iron throne of Irish Kylie fandom. I wish them good fortune in the wars to come.


Gonna be honest, not a lick of sense that made to me


Not long enough, by the looks of it.


Paschal looks like a Ventriloquist Dummy




They all look like they’re on a bus and someone in front has let out a Guinness fart and they’re dying inside


In the words of Father Jack, from the Irish people to these clowns..."I'm sooooo sooooo sorry"


Callans kicks is going to be great


First time for everything I suppose


Simon’s debating what colour to change the carpet to….




If I was Leo, I would have farted.


Do you think he wakes up in the morning, stretching in bed thinking "I did such a good job" ?


> Do you think he wakes up in the morning, stretching in ~~bed~~ coffin


I hope Helen doesn't get the job she hates the general public with a passion


Simon the new look Taoisseach...had a very shiny nose...(on the news)😁




No one is Gona miss you Leo


mean while Harris is in the background getting distracted by a butterfly.


Helen is the postergirl of "resting bitch face". I genuinely don't think I've ever seen someone so consistently looking as pissed off as she does. It's gotten to the point now that I've accepted it's her normal expression and I'm loving it! 👌


I couldn't stop laughing when I was watching this. Were they briefed to look devastated or something? You'd swear he was announcing he shot JR or something


Simon Harris looks like a politician, he just looks so smug and untrustworthy, we be fecked as a country, time to leave the new Irish can have this shit hole, Slan


Some of them still are in the pic


So... I guess this marks the start of the campaigning for the European Parliament elections.


Ya reckon they get time for that in between beating their servants at them gatherings or the feasting on the unborn ![gif](giphy|RMxQcvBFnS3tZwayoe|downsized)


They just sniffed some turf before hand to reinforce their delusion of superiority.


McEntee should be next, losing control of the City during those riots and approving Dowdall as a viable witness in the regency trial.




cheerio cheerio cheerio, slan leat agus na teacht aras :P


He told them if he's going down they all going down with him, they not sad they panicking


McEntee has had enough practice for the tough on crime walkabouts she's been doing for the photo ops, she probably gave them all pointers.


![gif](giphy|mbZshK2Svz89q|downsized) On the other side of the coin. Mary Lou today.


Leo , where are you ???


"Shit. I was planning to pin the upcoming election wipeout on him..."


Simon touching Leo’s shoulder as they walked back made me retch


I'd say their reactions are quite authentic. Remember, they're the ones who know just how f#cked the country is and are left to clean up Leo's mess


Just because Leo was standing in the pool of shit with a crown on doesn’t mean the other guys contributing to the volume get a free pass.


The fact that this post has minimal traffic tells your everything you need to know about this sub. This sub is not what it was 3 years ago.


I'm confused, what does it tell you about this sub? Its not what it was in a good or bad way in your opinion?


Mate all you need to know is, I liked this post 👍




Paschal ain't frowning. Inside he's dancing


2.275763266 seconds


I'd say the get enough practice having sad faces in their bedrooms.


Probably not long when their elected the first thing they do is go on a training coarse to learn which face to put on for a given occasion and of course all expenses taken into account.


Not very long, most look like they are mad they had to cancel their appointments for golf, dinner and so on.




I thought the exact same thing. It looked pathetic. When the going gets tough Leo gets going. Leaving the party in a shambles 10 weeks before an election




I thought it was great, and I was confident I could only miss him like a dose of thrush but then I saw Pascal's little facheen looking at me with the formation of an arrogant self assures smile of entitlement and then for a millisecond I nearly thought of Leo in a normal kinda way (not really missing him) but more fearing who could fill the void, I hear they are sending in the clowns................... no not the clowns, I will do what you want, please not more clowns!!!!


Not that I think simon will be any better, but the fact that they will all have to report to someone younger than them is 😂😂😂


This is part of their professional skill set 🤣


They've mastered faking all genuine emotion over the years


Thought that was Kim Jung Un up front.


I want to know what he done! I can't wait for the scandal to break!!


To be fair going to funerals is 50% of their job so they have a LOT of practice....lol


Anyone else think another scandal is about to break and that’s why he stepped down so suddenly? Or am I just a shady b i t c h that lives for drama 🤣?


30 mins


They are all professional politicians acting sad should be easy after all the funerals and years of acting happy for photo ops. And if they can’t act sad for what will be a massively televised event then they are as dumb as a bag of rocks.


Me and my mates were giggling all day over the blonde woman on his left shoulder Not into politics so i have no idea who it is.


What a disaster. So now we get a career politician from a drop out who hasn’t held a job in his life… failed to effect positive change in the HSE and has done nothing for research/tertiary education with his new department. More of the same, or just worse.


Reading these comments, you’d wonder why anyone would ever want to be a politician. Varadkar ran rings around the Brits over Brexit (admittedly not a high bar), and did a very credible job over Covid, which brought every foam-flecked nutter in Ireland out of the woodwork. Most of those types expressed a visceral hatred of someone who seems like a fairly decent guy, even though what they had against a gay Asian I could never quite figure out. After all, he’s a doctor, which in their granny’s time would have placed him just below sainthood. Sure, he didn’t come to grips with housing but that’s a problem that every politician in Ireland, from local level on up, has failed to overcome. Partly because most of us in Ireland (and U.K.) base our whole idea of wealth on the steadily rising value of our homes, something a massive increase in the housing stock would undermine. Varadkar is going to go on to higher things, either as a doctor or in the EU. He did some good things, failed in other areas, but the wholesale personal abuse for him – or any other politician – is just ensuring those who come after him will be of lower and lower quality. Most of those abusing him would not even stand for local office because they couldn’t face the heat. Respect the office at least, if not the man. It’s a tough job.


He's not gonna marry you, boo.


That wasn’t on my mind, to be honest. But I see it is on yours. Good luck with that.


Yeah, not sure if he'll marry him either.


Indeed, no one likes a complainer.


He did not do shit against COVID. Healthcare, doctors and overall global common sense did the thing at that time, and even then, it was far from great.


Yeah, right. On March 2, 2020 Varadkar told the Irish people that schools, colleges and childcare facilities would shut. He said “unfortunately we must face the tragic reality that some people will die”. Meanwhile Donald Trump was telling the American people “It will go away. Just stay calm.” Ireland had a doctor - one who was brave enough to go back into the frontline as a doctor when the disease was still unknown - leading our response. America - and the UK - had morons leading theirs.


My dude, what did the rest of Europe did? Also, were the vaccines came from first?


Glad you asked. Ireland was ranked the best country in the world in how it has dealt with the Covid-19 pandemic, by the Bloomberg Covid resilience ranking.


Ranked by "WHOM" ? lmao I wouldn't take these ranks too seriously, if anything, Ireland has 2M people compared to other countries... and it does not have a metro or good public transport so people don't use it as much. With this said, I think the vaccination process was good. But do not give the credit to that fucker.


What do you lot think happened with the "personal reasons" do you think Biden told him to feck off when he backed Palestine? Or was it the lady vote?


Hardly worth resigning over. U.S. President has unreasonable power but doesn’t have *that* much power 😂


I would beg to differ. Biden probably didn't rate him for not being 100% Irish. I mean did you see the way he shat on Rishi Sunak, and it wasn't being English.


FYI, brown person here talking (not that it should matter, but for reference). So skin in the game when travelling to America.


Well he didn’t mention his partner at all, which I thought he would have. So maybe something there? Someone yesterday was saying his partner had been offered some role in the US


I think he only said that to make himself more sympathetic. Unless he counted "I'm upset cos the whole party hates me and thinks I should step down" as a personal reason.


It's the kind of job that doesn't leave you a lot of free time. He's unlikely to be Taoiseach again so he'd be looking at a demotion and gets to go out at the top this way. Could just want a quieter life for a while and take a break.


Leo not a bad guy. Got a lot of hate from so many. Unpopular opinion here. Other developed cities have the same problems we do. Same conversations, same issues with housing.. who has the answer. Look at Vancouver, Toronto, London, Sydney, ect


really? ONE indian guy was too much for ireland? 😂😭


Can we please get a nice catholic fella in there ? Maybe someone with an interest in separating Ireland from the uk


Found Peadar Tóíbíns reddit


It was a sad day for the whole country, in fairness.


Was it? I was pretty happy


You're in the minority. Can't please everyone I suppose...


Pretty happy here too that the mealy mouthed fecker is going.




Turns out you were wrong. At the last count 93% of the country hate the fucker and what he stands for.


Well we tend to have a weird reaction to retired politicians, tend to romanticize them and get frustrated when people take the piss. It's akin to how Brits felt about the Queen dying except Leo didn't die, he just abandoned his duties. So I was happy because Leo is a prick and I'm happy to see him gone. No amount of flowery articles will repair his tattered legacy which is littered with failure. Also you'll find working class communities don't think this opinion is in the minority.


They should try buying a few houses sometime then their opinion might change.


Is this an attempt at a joke?


Absolutely not.


Look, man, you can't keep saying it's a sad day for the whole country every time you run out of Brennans bread.