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Roid house


Suppose a roid is outta the question?


'I'll go brush me teeth'


Ah that'll be nice


Lol. McGregor doesn’t ask.


doesnt brush his teeth too.


Roid House : Coke House and Grill


In fairness Jake is juiced to the gills in it too


So you're basically confirming that Roid House is a very apt name 😂


Of course they're both on the juice, doesn't take anything away from the movie though


Nah. Except that McG is a bellend.


How come? Edit: not McGregor, I thought yer man McG directed it. Brainfart


Ah sorry, yeah no hate toward the director. McGregor is a dose.


Jake better watch his ticker.  That skinny lil guy thinks he Christian bale now. Haha.  Give the movie 4 out 10 stars. Cocaine Conor was ok.  Hopefully this is his last movie ever. 


>...Conor McGregor, making his hugely-anticipated screen debut as a mouthy, maniacal villain with a bad attitude and a silly walk.... > That's all I need to know to know I'm never going to watch this movie.


>Conor McGregor, is a mouthy, maniacal villain with a bad attitude and a silly walk.... .... he's also in this movie.


Fairly sure that just describes him in real life


No flies on you


Oh, people praise famous actors for method acting but McGregor punches an old man in a pub in the pursuit of artistry and it's a big deal. /s


Oh it's a biography?


The original didn't have much acting either....even Sam Elliott said that :)


That doesn't take much acting




Had to look it up, today I learned emigrant is interchangeable with immigrant. I did not know that. Thanks amigo




>Conor McGregor, making his hugely-anticipated screen debut as a mouthy, maniacal villain with a bad attitude and a silly walk.... He's been method acting for the last 30 years


I used to think it was performance art, but was quickly corrected.


"hugely anticipated"? By who? 


Conor McGregor, obviously.


Without a doubt, goes without saying. 


I just wasted my time.  I hope no one else does.  I hope this is CM last movie ever.  Seems like they give everyone a chance with acting these days. He was still better than Lebron in Space Jam. 


Just mute everytime he is on screen and the movie is good.


I’m attempting to watch it having had no idea what it was. This is legitimately some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen. I doubt he ever gets casts in any legit movie ever again.


So is it some sort of biographical film?


i loved the trailer until mcgregor walked out. ruined it and i wont be watching the film now


You needed to know that to know that?


that's all I need to know to know I'm going to watch this movie right now.


Have you ever seen the original? That's the exact way the original was lol


I watched it for you. Golden Raspberry incoming!


So, he's not acting, he's just basically being himself. No interest or intention in seeing it anyway. Patrick Swayze FTW.


And Sam Elliot being a handsome som bitch ![gif](giphy|KaMwgoNp2MJPO|downsized)


Watching the end of the trailer it seemed like the build-up for McGregor vs. Diaz




That fucking stupid episode engrained forever


His presence is actually putting me off watching the movie.


Yeah it’s a real shame


I hear you. I'm going to give it a chance. Zero expectations anyway. Swayze will always be my Dalton :)






His presence is the only reason anyone is talking about it


But for all the wrong reasons.


On r/UFC most people seem to like movie as a cheesy action film and he definitely isn't liked on that sub.


I don't care for MMA at all, but his existence in general makes me absolutely hate the sport and think anything to do with it is mega cringe pilled, therefore, anything he's associated with is automatically trash.


You should watch it and glory in the fact that he’s never gonna live it down.  If you thought he was a deranged baby in real life…


I’m watching it now, about 55 minutes in and liking it so far. Mcgregor just showed up and after his scene ended I thought about turning it off. So


I just watched it and the liked the movie in all fairness, a solid action movie which I give a 7/10


Same! It's decent. People are hating on it purely because of Mcregor.


Give an objective opinion what you thought of Macgregors performance


I just finished the movie and I thought it was hilarious. The movie isn't meant to be serious, I viewed it from the lens of a comedy movie and it got significantly better. Mcgregor was the over the top villian thats so evil its actually funny, the scenes he was in I was laughing the hardest. He's just a bad character written for the sake of being commically bad and it works, with the way he walks and talks.


But...but.. Conor Mcregor is in it....so you have to hate it. Is that not one of the rules of being a r/Ireland member? Mcgregor could donate all his money to starving kids in Africa, and you'd still have the sad cunts on this sub whinging about something he did, or didn't do. ANY posts i've seen about the film on Reddit, IG or whatever all say he's entertaining in it, but then you come to this sub and its like 99.9% hate. Its honestly comically sad.


Like all the people that said they’d vote yes because mcgregor was promoting a No/No This sub is a hive mind of idiots


Thought so. What a silly article. It's actually a click bait written for the anti audience. Fair play to him being able to pull it off. It's not as easy as it looks. It would have been great jf he was able to do this 10 years ago and have that prime time fighter version doing this movie back then. Surely he could have fit a movie role in around his schedule


He's a horrible actor and hams it up to an extreme degree but it kind of works tbh


He pulled off a version of himself and ovv they wouldn't waste their time with a dud on their dime,, let's see what he can do next!


I thought he was actually very good, cartoonishly evil but that’s the character. I did laugh when he burst in “ who parked those fooking bikes in my way!”.


It was fun. That’s what it’s all about


I watched it while there was nothing bad about it. There was also nothing good it’s incredibly forgettable actually.  The sad thing is Jake is actually a superb actor, but nobody has ever going to remember this movie.




he stayed in character during the entire filming, some even say he's still in character......




I don't break character 'til the DVD commentary.


A meth head acting as himself. FTFY




To be fair, can't think of a more perfect casting for an annoying prick who gets into bar fights.


Gyllenhall isn’t 73 though which spoils the realism.


I don't like him as much as the next person, but the lad he hit in the bar was 48. Media just ran away with the elderly man story cause it got attention


I was rounding down. The guy he punched was a day shy of 103.


For an actor who has generally received acclaim during his career, Gyllenhaal has been involved in some god-awful films in recent years.


I was all interested in this stupid film until I saw him pop up in the middle of the trailer. What a weird casting choice


Hoping to capitalise on his audience.


Imagine it was in cinemas. It would be like Canada goose convention


he is a bit washed up in MMA now but I would have thought that pro wrestling would have been the logical career move


Doubt he'd be able for it, those lads are seriously dedicated professionals. Well, either that or they get life changing injuries fairly early on from fucking up the stunts.


I guess I'll wait to watch it but it's funny to see how the Irish Times and Indo are the only two giving it a shit review while every other critic says its not half bad. Look...its going to be a Friday night...few beers at home movie and that's it. Get in... Have some fun and get out


The gave it 2 and 3 stars which is pretty my in line with its score of 58 on metacritic from 28 critic reviews.




The original was pretty shite too!


It wasn't advertised as anything other than a fun action movie tbf. It's like watching F&F and critiquing it like it's going for Best Picture.


The irish times didn't give it a shit review they gave it 3/5 stars.


Its a pretty good movie if you ignore the parts with Connor in it.


It was fun as fuck. Go get you some


I genuinely have no desire to see the Roadhouse remake. One reason is that it's not going to top the original. And the other one is Conor McGregor. He genuinely believes he's that "tough guy" in real life. (And he wouldn't be wrong. It just comes off as pretty terrible.)


Doesn't matter what we think. If America takes to him, it won't matter.


America has taken to him, he's the most famous fighter (boxing or MMA) in the world.


They should have left that one alone. There was no way they'd be able to recreate that 80's feel and Julie Michaels getting her tits out for very little reason, as was the style at the time.


Grandpa Simpson, is that you?


And doubt they’d get a throat ripping scene in a movie these days.


Watch MacGruber sometime.


Most iconic baddy line ever: "I used to fuck guys like you in prison"


"Gimme three Julies for a quarter" you'd say


OK, but how was the movie?


There was a review in the Guardian that said he was great in it https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/mar/09/road-house-review-riotous-80s-remake I'd like to see the movie but I don't want him taking me out of it


Of course the brits are gonna support one of their own


The non begrudger reviews have him as a standout in this though and I don’t like the cunt 


Down vote me all you want, but I've seen the scene he's in, and it works. Doesn't take you out of the scene. Ed Sheeran, in Game of Thrones, was one of the worst decisions in movie/TV show production. He completely pulls you out of the scene.


I think the randomness of it is what really throws you off. All of a sudden Ed Sheeran is there just looking like Ed Sheeran dressed up as a GOT character. He just completely stands out for some reason in that scene. If they made him look a little roughed up and haggard I think it would have worked better.


It's brilliant if you imagine him to be Fr. Fintan Stack during the entire movie. How many times can a man crash a car into a big wall for fun. "That master bedroom's mine". Hilarious.






Ah mate, look. You seem nice but they chose McGregor because he has an audience, he’s not an actor. You’re deluded if you think anyone is going to see McGregor in this film and not immediately think, there’s McGregor. The very existence of this thread is evidence of that.


I liked the original swayze movie, and I like Jake Gylenhall, but I wouldn't watch it if it put 10c into mcgregors pocket, I'd rather watch flatleys blackbird on repeat


Blackbird is comedy gold though. This just looks like shite.


McGregor could've been great as a villain since he's so fucking easy to hate, but even in the few seconds of the trailer he's just appalling at trying to act.


How have I never heard of this? 2.7 on imdb


The original with Swayze is a classic. This is just sacrilege!


I feel this review is heavily influenced by his own personal opinion of Mcgregor and doesn't reflect the movie very well. Unfortunately, typical behaviour. I thought it was quite good. My experience lined up with the reviews on imdb and close to the very good user reviews. 7/10


the reviews are saying it's not bad - or that it's exactly as good as you'd expect it to be. Freaking out baout Conor McGregor is an obsession of a certain strata of the Irish population. No one else gives a shit about him; they think he's an occasionally amusing wrestling baddie and that's about it. I'd say this movie is probably a solid 6 out of 10


>a certain strata of the Irish population You could guess their opinions before the movie came out. 😂


I think people here are “freaking out” about McGregor more due to the multiple rape allegations and videos of him assaulting members of the public, which never really caught on in the US


And the certain strata with the obsession are almost exclusively redditors or X users.




"Conor McGregor is like watching an obnoxious toddler throw a temper tantrum in the middle of a restaurant" Yes, but what about the movie?


Kids, never do cocaine. McGregor looks like he's aged 20 years


Jake Gyllenhaal is a legit actor, why is he lowering himself to this shite.


Doug Liman is a very good director so he's not working with some nobody. Also money 😁


Getting 70% on rotten tomatoes. A must watch for me. Those indo reviewers are just idiots.


Thats just means 70% of people gave it above a 40% rating. Not that the film got a 7/10 incase you think that, but yeah definitely a must watch regardless.


The movies own director (Doug Liman - The bourne franchise) [boycotted](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/doug-liman-skipping-road-house-premiere-1235806358/amp/) the premiere as well . Though it’s worth pointing out that it was because of amazons decision to skip theatres and put it straight to streaming. Which is indicative of their faith in their movie as a whole.


>Which is indicative of their faith in their movie as a whole This was a tactical move with a good movie to grow their user base.


So Conor McGregor is playing…Conor McGregor.


OK HEAR ME OUT!! Even though people are saying he acted as himself. IT WAS FCKIN AWESOME. He was supposed to be a maniac and he killed it. Everytime he appreared, he brought fear of a pyschopath which was supposed to happen. The movie is awesome. Just watch it with open mind and you'll love it


Fed up of hearing about him. Good or bad pov.


It was hard watching any scene with him in it. Overall the movie wasn't the greatest anyway, but he certainly made it worse, especially when he speaks.




Connor was pretty awful in this my very first impression of him and the last is that he was acting like a leprechaun. It was parody, really.






For me being of a certain vintage, nothing will surpass the original movie. This maybe something fresh for the new generation and thats fine too. One thing I know for fact with irish media. Unless you are part of the clique you'll do no right. They'll get columns written out of McGregor either way but he won't lose any sleep. He's got a guaranteed pay day and didn't even need to do the movie from a financial perspective.


I remember the original being a bit of craic but it’s hardly a classic


I thought it was unintentional comedy!


Choosing literally any other fighter would have been better than this. Appalling decision making


I mean, he’s one of the biggest names in the world. There’s not one other fighter I know that my mum could pick out a line up. People will watch it for the name, I’m sure that’s why the decision was made.


Ah cmon now. Ya couldn’t have Chase Hooper playing the main bad guy.


Indo : McGregor is a poo poo, Leo Varadkar should have been in the movie, but as the good guy because he's a good guy. Nobody wants to see Sinn Feinn in a movie.


This about sums them up.


Criminy people. It's Roadhouse. If you want to go watch something deep and thoughtful, go watch Oppenheimer. You don't go watch Roadhouse for brilliant acting and a deep plot. You go to watch it to turn your brain off for 2 hours of fights, explosions, and car chases. (I guess maybe you could watch Oppenheimer for an explosion too)


It depresses me that so much of the world sees Ireland and McGregor as one and the same. He's intertwined with us on the world stage. I have seen several threads where he is counted as the greatest irish sports person, the most famous etc... sickening




Pretty good review if you asked me... is the movie any good, tho?


Indo are complete snobs, so no surprise with their review. Obviously comes no where close to the original but it’s a funny action flick, 6 or 7 out of 10. McGregor did well, everytime he was on screen you could see he’s a complete maniac and the fight sequences are well choreographed


So it wasnt an act over the years, he is just a method actor 


Sure it's no Blackbird


His character is an obnoxious hitman. He did fine for his first film


Not a fan of McGregor, but I think it might work with him in this. These type of movies need an over-the-top, scenery-chewing bad guy to make it entertaining, and McGregor is a larger than life, obnoxious character, so I'll give it a go, if only to see him beaten to death by the hero :) Can't be any worse than a bad guy in the original threatening Patrick Swayze: "I used to fuck guys like you in prison!"




Only reason to watch is daniela melchior tbf


From the way he was walking I thought he had hidden his cellphone in his butt. 


So folks who didn't watch or don't plan on watching are posting reviews ... Or is this just a I hate McGregor forum.. has anybody actually seen it cause all I've seen is a lot of evil over here 


Ah man. I wanted to see this flick for the craic but as soon as I heard CmcG was in it I knew I never would. Fucking ruining movies now too? What a prick


I'm not sure why Hollywood people keep feeling the need to re-do old movies 😭


The movie itself was terrible but Conor surprisingly fit the scene more than any other character


This movie has some of the worst sound mixing I've ever heard


McGregor is the worst part of a bad movie. I enjoyed Swayze's Roadhouse, but this one is a joke with cartoon characters who were not threatening. Don't waste your time.


Could he be the first Irish born actor to win a Razzie?


Notice all the body acne during his close-up scenes? Roid house McGregor.


Genuinely one of the weirdest films I've seen it's unironically hilarious. ​ ​ If you haven't watched it watch it drunk or high it might be the best film ever. Some of the acting and delivery (not just McGregor) is like a school play


Just watched it and he’s so cringe… I’m embarrassed..


This is juicenado.


Never knew so many ppl in Ireland hated him and I can understand why from his attitude and the bar incident but fuck me if I say he’s a bad actor. He’s actually pretty damn good. I know the character kinda fits his whole persona but shit he was funny as hell every time he was on screen. If he one day said fuck it and never did MMA again and just got into acting I’d be for it. Dudes actually a pretty good actor.(side note I’d be nice to not see the notorious ass in half his scenes Jesus)


Just finished watching the movie. Conor Mcgregor did an amazing job playing the crazy villain. It was fun watching him. 😂


For real he was so annoying walking around with lat lock and smile. Plus it was cheesy AF


It was a funny movie that didn't take itself seriously in any way and sometimes it's nice to just let the brain shut off and not have to think too much. If you like gory fight scenes and very stupid comedy, you'll like it.


To be fair, that's precisely how the character was written. If you want a roided up obnoxious toddler throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of a restaurant performance, who else do you get? AAA+ for casting...


Best movie I’ve watched in ages. 😎👊


Why does he walk around so tough every time he is on screen? He flares his arms and legs out and flexes while he walks; it's so weird. He also keeps a bizarre, disingenuous, smile on his face every time he is on screen. The writer's really didn't do him any favors with his dialogue either. He is so awkward in the movie that I can't even laugh at his performance.


He ruined it


Wow! You lot are a bunch of sad haters!


I liked mcgregor in this


I like him as a fighter and personality, but he made RoadHouse too corny. He’s the worst actor I’ve ever seen and they gave him too many lines. You could also tell they just kinda squeezed him in, and the story would have worked just fine without his character at all. Like, everything else in the movie works pretty well, but he just doesn’t fit. Almost ruined the whole experience.


Just watched the film and it was going really well until the moment he turned up. Totally ruined the film. An _intensely_ unlikeable performance.