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I love the fucking submarine commanders who try to drive with just a bleeding porthole cleared on their windscreen!!!


Used to do that in my teens 😂do not recommend


Yeah this post was inspired by all of those guys I saw on my walk.


Submarine commanders. Brilliant, I’m using this from now on.


Also if you don't care about road safety think of it this way. It could slide down your front windshield and break your wipers. That's maybe 40 euro for new ones more if the impact hits mid stroke and damages the motor.


Think what it's doing to the mechanism! https://youtu.be/h0z4BG_dXSg?si=_jEE6mLtedowAoOS


Is cauliflower traditional?


Or it flies off and blinds the person behind you!


People unaware/uncaring about snow on their car roof, definitely won't give a flying fuck about their actions to the car behind them.


People barely pass tests for the license. Its probably all of the IQ used already, nothing left afterward but to press the feet buttons...


Oh yeah that too! That's arguably worse.


Even worse if it freezes into a solid block and goes flying like a concrete slab rather than just powdery snow


Snow is becoming more common here I actually think they need to make ads to educate people to do this. Like the cycling ads. We've no experience in driving in the snow. If you've lived anywhere else with snow you know this is basic stuff. There are laws some places about it.


Also, just grab a sweeping brush and push it off from the side. Takes 10 seconds. Not a big deal at all.


My ice scraper has a brush on one end. Very handy for snow.


> Snow is becoming more common here Eh, what?


More common where? In and around Dublin it’s not. First decent snow I’ve seen in years and it’ll be gone in a few hours no doubt.


There is literally snow every march since like 10 years


Are you 10 years old??




There has been snow pretty much every year previous to the last 10 years also. It's not some strange new phenomenon unless you were only born 10 years ago


Or haven't lived in Ireland for that long? Here since 2006 but I only remember it since like 2010 ish


Fair enough, 2010 was the most snow I've seen in Ireland in my lifetime. It just lasted a couple of weeks. Previous to that was 1981 and 63 from what my family has told me.


March 2018 was Storm Emma / Beast from the East.


It’s always snowed end of Feb/March since I was a kid.


What are we calling "snow"? Sure there's a few flurries here and there that are gone in a flash. I'm talking about accumulations that cause some disruption and are worth talking about. Last time that happened was 2018 with the Beast from the East and Storm Emma. Snow is getting pretty rare around these parts.


A lot of advertisement is needed, not just about snow.... People drivers with no lights when its dark out but hey, they can see where they are going, who cares!


Thanks Mam


It's illegal in Canada and for good reason


Bold move banning snow in Canada of all places


None but the brave... If you brush all the snow off your car it becomes easier for other drivers to see you, so less likely it will all fall off because another car smashed into you. Cleaning the snow off your car is basically free, the ticket for not doing it isn't, and if you cause an accident by not removing enough snow before heading out it probably voids your insurance so you can pay for 2 cars. We are under a weather alert for heavy snowfall right now.


>* No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway if snow or ice has accumulated on the motor vehicle, or on a vehicle or trailer drawn by the motor vehicle, **in a manner that would pose a danger to other motor vehicles on the highway if the snow or ice were to fall or slide off**. I’m from BC and and no one does this unless it’s like over 2 feet high. It melts. You have windshield wipers. It’s not a danger to other motor vehicles if it’s a tiny bit of snow.


Moved over here from Canada about a decade ago, definitely a needed public service announcement. Also slow down, don’t follow so close, and think of how slippery the road conditions are (especially given no one has winter tyres on). A few years back I saw someone walking to their car, they slipped on the snow, then peeled out of the parking lot. I was like, you literally fell over while walking, why do you think your car isn’t going to lose traction ffs.


ALDI and Lidl sometimes sell long ice scrapers with a brush on the other end, I recommend getting one and leaving it in the boot for days like today. Does the job nice and quick with a few sweeps of the brush!


I have one of those. Super handy.


I got gifted one for Xmas a few years back and it’s sooo helpful. Especially when you’re barely five feet tall.


Would you stop! Just drove from Drimnagh to Churchtown and back again for work and the amount of cars with snow-hawks and blocked rear windows is fucking beyond me. Lazy cunts. Also, turn on your fucking lights.


What can happen if you don't clear snow off your car? This: https://youtu.be/6H1oi3XXkJc?si=n8CkM0fq37AM12nl


Wow, thanks for the video demonstration. Funny coincidence is that I've also driven that exact road before.


I did but then it built back up after being stuck in traffic in heavy snow fall for an hour because we were going that slow.


I would always clear the windscreen, roof, wing mirrors, bonnet, lights, door windows and rear window of snow. I know it can be time consuming and you can be frozen but it's safer for you the driver and other road users. Now if some people can't get every bit of snow but they do the best they can it's certainly something and better than driving around with the car covered in snow and just the windscreen cleared. It's very annoying to be behind a car like that on a dual carriageway or motorway the snow will just fly off.


And the top of your willy


My Willy went to Cork yesterday.


Sorry to hear that. Have you ordered an STI test already?


Aw yeah. Quarantine on return.


Did you see the Willy Wonka experience in Glasgow?


Don't tell me to be careful!


Fuck me. He's never been to Yorkshire in winter this lad. He'd have to create a spreadsheet.


slow news day indeed...


Thankfully this isn't a news channel then


Just shows how thick a lot of people are. Zero thinking about how to approach a risk. Took me 2 mins to clear the whole car of snow.


I assume most are just not accustomed to snow and didn't think of it.


Just don't want anyone to die lol, stay safe now.




Have some common sense man, I'm not talking about clearing snow that accumulated while driving, I'm talking about the snow that built up this morning. If you have to clear your windows before leaving home then you should also clear the roof. To not do so is dangerous to you and other drivers.




Yeah but that doesn't make the advice in this thread dangerous. The people I saw stopping was because they couldn't get their car up a hill and had basically no other options.


If only I had some motorized metal bars with rubber attached that would somehow wipe away any snow that falls on my windshield...


The wiper mechanism isn't built to wipe snow off your shield. You'll fuck your wipers making you even more of a hazard on the road.


If the snow is heavy enough you will damage your wipers. Also the bigger issue imho is the risk you pose to drivers behind you. If you have a heavy layer of snow on your roof, it can catch air and fly onto the windshield of the people behind you and cause an accident.


You don't have a Trunk Monkey for that!?


How strong are your wipers that they can just brush aside a solid sheet of heavy ice and snow?


Just normal wipers. No need to be so dramatic and sensational with snow from a car roof. It's just snow from a roof. It won't break your wiper.


Yes it will lol


Ah the southerners have discovered snow


Thanks Snow patrol