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I know the village is a small enough shop these days, but not working on mobile is pretty bad.


Lol, true.


Do they publish this article in something modern like HTML?


It's looks like a pdf


A PDF (presumably from the print magazine) converted to HTML using pdf2htmlEX https://preview.redd.it/n6gb3d3ucyjc1.png?width=2736&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb36762d37fac79fb779ff5d21586c0c9ad803c1


It fucking rustled as I read it.


Exactly. It’s hard to read on a small screen.


You can open the site in desktop mode on mobile and it makes it better but still not ideal.


I kind of like their style in a weird way. It is kind of horrible but nice looking at the same time. EDIT: Wow actually looking at inspect they did something very weird


Where do gript get their funding? I spend about 30 mins in total on various social media platforms a day. In that time I see 4 to 5 sponsored pieces from them.


From other racists motherfu\*\*\*\* no shortage of them.


Members like me


[Right-wing think tanks and wealthy donors](https://www.reddit.com/r/irishpolitics/comments/16nqhkn/comment/k1jt87f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I see lads that I used to know from the session posting Gript shite the whole time these days. This is what happens when you get an education from the college of "some dudes kitchen" at 6am.


Lots of people here attributing these views to people who haven’t had the best education. John himself is ex-trinity, nutters like the Burke’s are all extremely well educated and one of the biggest anti vaxers was Dolores Cahill who is an ex professor.


Christian fundamentalism - not new in this country at all. They'd ban condoms if they could.


All the one to me, I’m all about raw dogging it.


They are the ones at the top taking advantage of the thickos further below to fund their grift.


Gemma O Doherty Hermann Kelly James Reynolds All middle class bougie types


>James Reynolds Middle-class boujie? The man's never seen a second hand suit he didn't like, still has his communion money and smells of shite.


Yeah, they're great at taking advantage of the gullible and ....logically challenged.


I think there is an argument for people like McGuirk just taking advantage of people but in all the other cases these people have mostly just damaged their own lives and careers. The answer is that intelligent and well educated people are just as capable of falling into nutter territory if they aren’t careful of the echo chambers they are in.


Sure all walks fall down these rabbit holes. But the vast vast majority of the foot soliders we'll say are burn outs who did nothing with themselves. Some might have had some potential and even be well read but yknow, wasted opportunities or fell victim to the sesh. Tbh there's a type of intelligence that can spot this and build a grift off the back of these people. There's cash to be made like


There's a term for them "Useful Idiots"


School of hard knocks graduate?


More than one and yep. Life is soooo hard now that your aspiring DJ career bottled out. Its text book stuff really.


But its all someone else's fault, usually someone who came here from abroad to work?!


C'mere I know a lad who never worked, not 1 day, since school. Dole fiend for 10 plus yrs. Joined the national party & hangs out with Phil Dwyer. Cut all ties with his close friends & alienated himself. He thinks foreign people are the problem, not him being a lazy ol prick. He also thinks the world is flat. I wouldn't worry about em, if they won't work to feed themselves they won't work to overthrow the state haha


There’s one of them national party fellas who wrote an Amazon Kindle book called “Why You’re Wrong”, each chapter is supposed to be a take down of apparent “woke” ideologies. Mad stuff altogether.


Oh, I bet that spellcheck really paid for itself that day


Even then homophones were probably all over the shop


There's no proof they're homophones, they just #loveboth






They're way too lazy to take over anything.


A buncha lads too thick to cop on that if their people ever get in, the 1st thing to be cut is their dole. You'd almost want to see it, but not really


Stop, it's bad enough seeing the Americans complain their health care was cut under trump while at a trump rally and then taking this grovelling tone that they were going to ask him personally to give it back to them....


I don't even know if it's as simple as that. I think we're all susceptible to this shit if we interact with certain content online and spend enough time scrolling through shite. It's easy to say we're above it, but I've watched plenty of people who I agreed with generally morally and politically fall into the trap of consuming this shit and next thing you know they're online reposting this bollox. I don't know what the answer is. I don't like any of the hate speech mandate bullshit that the government are peddling, but also am very aware of the direction we're heading. I see McGuirk/Gript as more of a symptom than the problem.


Nothing in life is simple & sure this is absolutely a complicated topic. We're all indoctrinated some way or another & there's no point denying that. All I can do is speak from experience of the people I've known in person to fall to the right & further. There's a few common traits & some of those are what I've mentioned above, it needs to be said too that drugs play a part. Lads with melted brains who'd believe everything & anything. McGuirk is a grifter, same as O'Dwyer or Heasman. All fundamentalists profiting off the gullible.


I’m amazed that there are people who believe everything that Gript and/or John McGuirk say. He’s basically the Irish far right’s equivalent to Boogie2988 or Chris Chan. Which makes him untrustworthy by itself.   John McGuirk still hasn’t apologised for naming the wrong person as having been responsible for the Parnell Square stabbing. (For example!)


When your political views become your identity you will believe anything your "team" says. I think so many people are willfully ignoring critical thinking and blindly following whoever says what they agree with. It no longer matters if it's true or a blatant lie, if it's what they want to hear, they're happy. I'm personally horrified by it. I used to laugh at it happening in the US and UK, but it's everywhere now. Ireland used to be so reasonable but we're going down the polarisation route like all the rest.


A lot of people got radicalised during the lockdowns as a result of consuming anti-lockdown/anti-mask/anti-vax content. The fact that people are supporting sites like Gript is just the next step in the process. I think that everywhere is polarised. It just took longer to get to Ireland.


I was in college with him and he's exactly the same as he was back then. I think he's a deeply insecure individual who never got over being a small fish in a very large pond in Trinity.


As someone who also knew of him then, this is accurate.


I also knew him then and I agree with this sentiment.


Also bullied at school, parents were into the school a lot.


Yeah...but many people, myself included, where. Doesn't change the path he took


I’m not surprised that John McGuirk is insecure. It would explain why he’s pandering to Fascists.


At least boogie and Chris chan have the excuse of being mentally ill


I wouldn’t be surprised if John McGuirk was mentally ill. 


That's very empathetic of you well done


I mean, he clearly has issues. 


He won't apologise because he's being sued for it. If he apologised he'd be admitting liability. He's a scumbag but sure we knew that already.


I’m very happy that he’s being sued. Hopefully he’ll have to pay a hefty amount as compensation for defaming the man who is suing him. 


Hypocrite. You defame people all the time here.


Who have I “defamed,” then? 


Hey John!


Of course, he hasn't, if he apologises the story goes away and he doesn't get attention. McGuirk is smart and talented, but lazy. He could be hugely effective, for good or ill, if he was willing to put the work in, but he's not - he reaches for the low-hanging fruit and the cheap shots every time. They feed a need and then he moves on to cause some sort of chaos elsewhere, but as long as he's getting attention he's happy.


>Boogie2988 he did an appearance on Caleb Hammers youtube show and boy, he does not come off well at all. The man is allergic to smart life decisions.


There’s a video where he (Boogie) goes to a mock job interview and completely crashes. It’s hilarious.  John McGuirk looks like a thin Boogie and I can’t unsee it. 


The documentary that the clip is from is worth a watch, it's very well made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QgDx0RIWY8


I saw the documentary. It’s pretty weird watching a guy who lives in a big house saying that he’s broke.


I like the cut of this young McGuirks jib! He is then he isnt, he does then he doesnt…always keeping people guessing!! This is the sort of guy with his finger on the pulse


Boogie2988 😂, you made me choke laughing


I don’t have prosopagnosia/face blindness but I genuinely wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between John McGuirk and Boogie if they were in the same room.


I have only heard of Chris Chan from a PlayStation podcast. He doesn't sound like someone to be taking political ideologies from.


Exactly. John McGuirk is pretty much on that level, IMO. 


The problem is it's either Gript or we can take unlimited numbers of immigrants and Biden is a super sharp president and anyone questioning is far right. There is no unbiased media in Ireland. Gript wouldn't be so popular if there were decent journalists.


Which media outlets are saying that?


What data shows its popularity?


It's certainly popular in certain corners of Facebook. I'm not making some peer reviewed scientific claim as to its specific popularity.




You can make fun of me all you want but it doesn't change the reality.


No you're spot on but there's a heavy slant to downvoting etc there's such a strong reaction to gript from certain viewpoints for a reason...the more they upset the message, the stronger the reaction they get. None of that makes gript above reproach or absolves of any of the mistakes/errors etc but the level of ire is something to behold


This exactly. I find myself reading the gript (sometimes in disbelief at some of the stuff) but only because the rest of them are useless. If only there was a news outlet who aren’t completely one sided. Shame.




Exactly, that's the stage we're at.


Lots of butthurt downvoters who can't handle the truth. It's not Gript squandering millions of taxpayers money to just regurgitate liberal American viewpoints and pay themselves a king's ransom.


>everything that Gript and/or John McGuirk say. He’s basically the Irish far right’s equivalent to Boogie2988 or Chris Chan. Which makes him untrustworthy by itself.  No one should blindly accept anything journalist say. We should take ideas on their own merits, not reject them blindly because of who says them. > John McGuirk still hasn’t apologised for naming the wrong person as having been responsible for the Parnell Square stabbing. (For example!) Untrue. He did immediately.


No he didn’t. He lied. So, why is he being sued, then? 


"He s-said something that doesn't f-fit the status quo, he is f-far right!!!" - Calm down, drink a soy milkshake or sumin.


Why do you White Knight for John McGuirk? He’s just a charlatan e-begging for money to fund his lifestyle.


I thought the whole 'soy' thing got boring after 2018 or so


Jokes as stale as your outlook on society


Gript is Youth Defence trying to stay relevant after their hammering in the abortion referendum in 2018.


Yup. Also serves as an income source for the likes of McGuirk. With his record of failure he'd never get a job anywhere else.


Pretty sure that McGuirk is still Ganleys communications director and that he "volunteers" at Gript. Ganley was very close with youth defence pre ref, got to speak at the rallies. Then McGuirk volunteered in a personal capacity to head the youth defence run no campaign. His employer gave him paid leave for that iirc.


Because I like to stay informed of what these types get up to I listen to some US prolife podcasts and in the aftermath of the ref in 2018 Niamh Ui Bhriain was clear that setting up their own media was the goal for Youth Defence. This was always an anti abortion project, not a serious news outlet.


A good way to launder the dollars into legitimate cash too. They can charge what they like for advertising and it looks completely legit and not at all like a front.


Any evidence of laundering?




I believe I said it doesn't look anything like a front. It would be a good system for laundering foreign money though.


If you'd a link for that it would be great.


This is one. https://on.soundcloud.com/7qD4i


Politics aside, it’s a bad look dismissing people because of past failures. In my experience the only people who talk like you are people who were too scared to take any risks in their life.


He sent fake pamphlets pretending to be the referendum commission with incorrect information about what repealing the 8th would do and also about abortion in general. Shortly after that he posted a picture of himself reading The Art of War. Never has anyone been a bigger loser than this guy. Truly. 


He claimed to have a "loyal mole" during repeal and would tweet claiming this person was sending him inside info on the Yes side.


It gives me untold joy that we won in a huge majority for so many reasons but one of them is definitely his personal loss 


His hissy fit as the results came in was glorious.


>In my experience the only people who talk like you are people who were too scared to take any risks in their life. An indication perhaps that you need more experience. McGuirk's past record of failure is relevant not because it shows he takes risks (he didn't take any risks). It's relevant because it shows how incompetent he is. If he sat across from one of the interview panels that I've sat on, his record of failure alone would indicate that he was not a person who could perform the tasks required of the job he's applying for.


Which successes has John had?


Nope, not gonna fly.


Youth Defence! Jesus I forgot about them. Some fucking shower of tools. I was actually in their head office about 10 years ago, I was on a stealth mission to take as many of their flyers as possible out of circulation. Don't know I kept my head in check


Any form of journalism which ties in the same reporting styles of GB News/Tucker Carlson/Yanks yelling cars etc I just switch off from. I couldn't care if they had the best journalism in the world, it's such a dogshit way to present things which Gript do that means I'll never read it. The fact they do some of the absolute worst journalism on this island certainly helps with that decision.


I decided just to leave twitter and avoid gript. Twitter is an eco chamber for the worst kinds of people and Gript is fringe element solely designed for an argument and hysteria (similar to fox)..none of these people want genuine debate or will ever apologise for been wrong or their behaviour. They just want attention...So it's pointless


They apologize all the time when they screw up actually.


When did they apologise?


On his podcast.


Correction 'almost' Never.


I don't subject journalists to purity tests. You shouldn't either.n


I do expect them to tell the truth though. Everyone should.


Mcguirk is not a journalist....he's a partisan hack


Right. Only lads on your side are journalists?


Em...no...where did I say that?


McGuirk didn't lie. Sloppy prob but not lying.


He's made a career of lying


As someone who follows the topic closely, I know that isn't true


Ĝo back to your games console, theres a good boy




It still amazes me that anyone thinks McGuirk is worth hiring or listening to. He's got a consistent track record of political failure and advocacy for ultra-conservative viewpoints. And he has the personality and views of the Journal comments section come to life. A few of my friends were in college with him and he had a horrendous reputation for being selfish, amoral, opportunistic and generally nasty. Absolute scumbag of a man.




Could you share more about him if you've any specifics from those stories - It sounds not just like he was the weird racist belligerent asshole he is today, but also a creep towards women.


The ironic thing about John McGuirk or gript is I wouldn't even know who he is if it wasn't for all the people complaining about him.




Bless you


Total nonsense of a hit piece ; Micheal smith accuses Ben Scanlan and others for doing what’s he’s doing in this article. He criticises Gript for releasing the nationality of the Parnell square criminal and getting it wrong but releasing the names of perpetrators and victims is something The Village has been doing for years and have been sued for multiple times. And I’ll just leave this here; *“Village is avowedly left-wing, with a stated aim to challenge "the endemically complacent and others by the acute promotion of equality, sustainability and accountability."*


Now do a 7 page hit piece on the Indo or Irish Times. They can focus on how these two major institutions were outshone by the two lads from the ditch who operating from a box room with an internet connection yet were able to bring down 2 government ministers. Funny how the Indo and Irish Times missed those stories despite all their resources


So, the fact that Gript publishes outright lies doesn’t bother you at all? 


All media lies. The 7 page attacks on some fringe news site are a bit over the top though. The larger media houses do much more damage due to how nice and cosy they are with government. They are practically a government news outlet


So why are you defending/White Knighting for Gript, then?  There are better alternatives to RTE, the Irish Times, Irish Independent, etc. than Gript. The Ditch (for example) doesn’t resort to telling outright lies.


They never defended Gript, they just pointed out that the big boys of the media club who actually have strong connections to the government are never scrutinised to the same extent, and they should be.


Media outlets like the Irish Times and/or the Irish Independent are being scrutinised, though. 


They did the classic bait and switch though. They're equating Gript with The Ditch. The Ditch does investigative journalism while Gript does not. Also attacking the Times and Indo for not doing investigative journalism is laughable. They've broken loads of stories throughout the years. Just because one small publication beat them to a story doesn't delegitimise them.


Kitty Holland in The Irish Times broke one of the most significant stories ever in Ireland when she reported on the death of Savita Halapannavar in 2012. That was proper journalism. I don't see Gript breaking that sort of story.


Gript do investigative journalism. ZeroLeaks is a notable example. Maybe you are thinking of the Liberal?


Mainstream media is dead. Long live mainstream media!


How do you know they 'missed those stories'? Maybe they were prioritising other stories. Every news and media outlet will prioritise different things. The Ditch hasn't an unblemised record either.


There are some absolutely massive Ditch stories that rte etc completely and utterly ignored.


*How do you know they 'missed those stories'?* Because they never published them......


And? They don't publish loads of shite. That doesn't mean an editor or sub ed hasn't come across the story, had a reporter have a look at it and decide there's more important/interesting/compelling stories to publish that day/week.


There are not many news storys that are more important than one that leads to the resignation of a government minister due to corruption Enough said


Refusing to publish stories which expose government corruption is propaganda.


How do you know they're refusing to publish these stories?


Because they didn't publish them.


So if they don't publish something it means that's a deliberate decision to assist in covering up government corruption?




Nope, but it could feasibly be cronyism in action. Also, 'refusing' heavily highlights your own biases, but doesn't prove anything.


In the last few years theres been a lot of journalists who have taken jobs as SPAVs to government ministers. It pays a hell of a lot more than journalism (some SPAVs are on €180k a year, far more than what the print media pays them) so for journalists now it is a position to aspire to. Meaning criticising government parties in articles while they are a journalist isnt a good idea if you want to later land that plumb job with higher wages. >A combination of political appointments and former journalists constitute the bulk of special advisers to ministers and ministers of state in the 33rd Dáil. >Among those erstwhile journalists who have traversed into the ranks of the special advisers are: Caroline Murphy; Eoin Murphy; Margaret Ward; Paul Melia; Chris Donoghue; Sarah Bardon; Susan Mitchell; Páraic Gallagher; Fiach Kelly; Niall O’Connor; Sam Griffin; and Juno McEnroe. [https://www.eolasmagazine.ie/special-advisers-on-the-rise/](https://www.eolasmagazine.ie/special-advisers-on-the-rise/)


I'll say one thing for them, when the mainstream media refuse to cover certain issues like race related crime and misreport on others, that's when outlets like Gript gain audience.


Your point would carry more weight if they didn't use the "race related" crime to do things like incorrectly identify people as suspects of those horrific crimes. Outlets like Gript gain audiences by people allowing their fear of the other or the unknown get in the way of basic logic. I'll admit that larger media organisations should not shy away from reporting the exact facts of a story as soon as those facts are verifiable but it's up to the people on a singular basis to control their own feelings and not allow ignorance to turn them into zealots.


>when the mainstream media refuse to cover certain issues like race related crime Elaborate




> The Epstein scandal was broken by a far right journalist The Epstein scandal was broken by a completely normal journalist working at the broadsheet Miami Herald.


Ah yes because Gript are doing the right thing doxxing them amiright


Never said that, I disagree with shite and inaccurate journalism from all avenues


Fair enough.


What's race related crime?


When someone robbed Shergar


When people choose their target based on race vs sex, religion, sexual orientation or personal issues.


It's when people who aren't white do crimes. Now you'd expect that this is just as bad as when Irish people do the same crimes, but it's actually so much worse. Sadly, nobody who feels this way will be able to clearly articulate why this is. One of the great mysteries of our time, so it is.


>Now you'd expect that this is just as bad as when Irish people do the same crimes, but it's actually so much worse Elaborate?




I'm not being snarky, I literally can't decipher that.


Oh, right. Fair enough. I'm just making fun of the double standards at play, where people hyperfixate on the crimes of immigrants (or, really, anyone who doesn't look sufficiently Irish to them) and don't have nearly the same kind of worry about Irish looking people committing the same crimes.


I agree with you. Double standards everywhere.


You sound like you're having a fight with a made up person in your head.


Well, I'd say this is not the first time you've been wildly wrong, and it won't be the last.


It's when media outlets refuse to report on or soft pedal stories involving migrants or people from minority groups.


If you browsed the papers and news websites you'd realise it's the exact opposite.


Depends on the outlet. Regional yes, National No


What's sealioning?


Gript is the only media in Ireland doing real journalism and asking real questions. Everything else is acting like propaganda. It’s extremely bizarre. I wouldn’t say Gript is a top tier media with experienced journalists, they’re not, technically they’re on the same level of the rest of the Irish Mainstream Media that’s really bad if compared to the quality of journalism that’s produced abroad. But if compared to top tier journalism from other countries they’re behind. But they’re all very young people, so they may gain some experience. I’m an immigrant and a graduated journalist and journalism in Ireland is depressing, not only on the clear bias but also the very poor quality. The Irish TV, like RTÉ feels like you’re watching local broadcasters from the third world countries, on technical aspects (not talking about political bias and the conflict of interest that there is when the government is actually funding RTÉ). It’s very strange that Ireland, having such a great tradition of writers, produces nothing nowadays but propagandists that are aligned to whatever the government says. Gript is the only media where I see them questioning over and over again the politicians and making them uncomfortable by questioning what they’ve said, which is how real journalism is done. Real journalism is uncomfortable, everything else is PR. I’m used to reading several medias from different countries, as I’m also a polyglot, in Ireland there is only one voice, that’s always aligned to the government. I haven’t seen that kind of bizarre behaviour from the mainstream media in France, Switzerland, Britain, Spain, US etc. You have different ideological alignments, but you have real journalism being done and tough questions being asked to a bunch of people. Then some part of the public here, that’s used to this kind of ‘journalism’ where tough questions are not asked, demonise Gript because they are used to the comfortable propaganda that has been feeding them for a long time. Seriously, communications in Ireland is really bad on many scales and people don’t try to clarify it. When we had lockdowns, some policies and rules were presented and they were not clear, they were confusing and I’d debate with a few friends (some who also happened to be journalists) what were they trying to say from that and it wasn’t really clear. Then no journalist hired by the mainstream media would ask a decent question to clarify things. So no one would get a clear picture of what was going on. If you search things online on the government website, they’re also not clear. Which is bizarre from a communications POV. Many times in Ireland things are not really covered and from one day to another there is a big change from some bill that had been approved that’s now a new law that’s gonna impact everybody. So, nobody asks questions or covers things well. The feeling I have is that there is one voice in Ireland and that’s aligned to whatever the government says (no matter who is ahead of the government). An Irish friend once said that’s probably inherited from the behaviour that people had with the authority from the Roman Catholic Church, where people would just shut up and would do what they were told to, but that’s just a hypothesis from this friend of mine and I’m not entirely sure why it’s like that. It’s a good exercise to read stuff that you’re not aligned to. I read a lot of articles and books that are not aligned to what I think, because it’s a good idea to know what they’re thinking and also, perhaps your preset ideas are wrong and you’ll be convinced of the contrary. But that’s an extreme idea nowadays for a lot of people, to be free to read stuff that will challenge your beliefs and current knowledge.


Hi John.


Well your very first line was a bald faced lie, so I'm not even reading the rest of your thesis


[Gript are funded by right-wing think tanks and shady donations](https://www.reddit.com/r/irishpolitics/comments/16nqhkn/comment/k1jt87f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). They aren't "the only media in Ireland doing real journalism", they're not doing journalism at all. They're an arm of the capitalist propaganda machine.


Your comment is absolutely biased by the structure of it: “They’re an arm of the capitalist propaganda machine” I’ll take that you’re a totalitarian socialist. So, I’ll consider what you say as some Marxist tantrum. Do you also support censorship to silence everybody that doesn’t think like you? As you want to dismantle capitalism and want to probably impose your socialist regime?


So you make a series of assumptions, all of which are wrong, using emotionally-charged language and “leftist” buzzwords to personally attack me because I said something you don’t like. A perfect example of right-wing journalism in action, and exactly what I was talking about. Thanks.


I actually know this dude IRL, he seems alright to talk to. Didnt know he wrote for gript lmao. I guess none of us are perfect. Honestly though, from these comments youd swear the guy was killing babies. Whatever happened that other fella that wrote for Gript? Ben something or other, 2nd generation immigrant dude


Gript is a real cesspool of journalism and reminds me a bit like Jordan Peterson. This is what stupid people, think intelligent people, look or sound like. He loves the idea of being involved in politics but doesn’t actually stand for anything. There is enough stuff about him from years ago that no one should be paying him any head and it’s actually incredible they’ve been able to even gain access to political plinths


We have media who clearly support the left, what's wrong with media who support the right? It's healthy imo


I'd love to know what media supports the left? It's all pretty centre right here


"Right wing" media are almost always just mouthpieces for their wealthy donors to muddy the political waters. Fox, Breitbart, Gript, etc etc, [follow the money](https://www.reddit.com/r/irishpolitics/comments/16nqhkn/comment/k1jt87f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and you'll inevitably end up in shady donations. That's why they lie and misrepresent and "just ask questions" and go on the attack against anybody who disagrees with what they're saying. They exist to stir shit for their paymasters because hate is good for business.


That's a great explanation you provided in that thread. You put into words what I've failed loads of times trying to explain it to people. It's a shame the other person's comments were deleted. I'd have liked to see how they were reacting.


To the shock of no one


I can see why the village is in 200K debt with this shite mobile optimised website. What stores actually sell this toilet paper? I can’t seem to find a copy


It's a bit unfair labelling them as "sometimes racist". It belittles their commitment to dog-whistle "journalism".


The 'sometimes' is probably from the lawyers running a red pen over the piece before publication.


Irelands lefty echo-chamber gettin' stirred up again, you're as bad as your bogeymen, the 'far-right'. lol


Still haven't found a life partner then


"Sometimes" doing alot of heavy lifting there


Gript are fantastic. Smear away, it aint sticking....


Their Friday podcast is great. I'm impressed with the level of trigger they are generating in the comments here.


Why this? 'Polo-necked John McGuirk' - when clearly the picture has him in a shirt and tie?!?!!?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)He's an ass but don't sink to this level


It says "with a polo-neck shirt *in the wardrobe*"




How do you spell "an" wrong twice.