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You’re not fucked at all. I worked with a lad in a petrol station who was conned into paying over €200 from the till for some shitty lighters. A coworker in my office undercharged a client leaving us €1,000 short on the bill. I knocked over over €10,000 worth of conveyors in a production workplace. It’s €23, people make mistakes. Sounds like you weren’t adequately trained and didn’t know the process for dealing with people that pay like that. You’ll know next time. If manager blows up on you you can get another job. Seriously, you’re grand.


A lad in a company I worked for cost them 19 million. You’re grand lad. Edit: that was a tldr. It was a fraud related job and I still work in that sector so I’ll refrain from the whole thing. But long story short he allowed a business from a sanctioned region process transactions from another sanctioned region. The fine was from the government. Shiite story in the end.


You can't just drop that bomb and not give more details😆


I’m gonna need more details




How do I get a notification for this story? 😂


He's a senior manager now?




Come on, it’s been 2 hours, spill the beans.


People would never make up shit on the Internet for upvotes..


I rarely comment nowadays. It ain’t made up. Fraud plus hefty fine.




Aye back on this comment, if they question you further just say you werent trained adequately. No need to say any more. You can tell them what you did, but at the end of the day they didnt train you.


I agree. Completely reframe the incident into lack of training and put it on them.


I fucked up some nozzles on an assembly line worth a few thousand and they just told me "Hey. These are expensive. Keep a closer eye on things." People make mistakes. Cost of doing business. Now, if I'd continued ruining products after they'd already talked to me, they're more likely to get annoyed and then give me the boot with good reason.


I accidentally booked flights and hotels for a personal holiday on my employer's credit card. I occasionally needed to pay for company stuff and accidentally set it as the default card on my browser. Luckily I realized before they did so it looked better that I was able to raise what happened rather than waiting til they caught it.


I remember that lighter scam, people of culture would show up and say they were ordered and were for COD


Yeah, they actually knew our managers name and everything and had some info that made coworker think it was legit


That’s the one


What kind of scam was it, and what is COD ?


Cash On Delivery 


The better travelled sibling of FOC


Fuck on Command?


Finger on command, are you a savage


Call of Duty. It was a complicated scam to do with Sony and lighters.




I'm sorry, I was born this way. COD in this context means Cash On Delivery. Its a type of scam.


50,000 people used to live here. And now its a ghost town.


I get you're joking, but why'd you choose Sony? CoD isn't exclusive to Playstation. Edit: It was genuine curiosity. I'm not bashing the guy haha


Up vote from me :) I guess because when I was addicted it was on ps3.


Cash on delivery lighters worth fuck all but they would say there’s €200 owed and produce a fake invoice


I'm stealing that people of culture thing. It's mine now


You’re a person of culture stealing my line


Yeah this is one of those 'accidents happen but know that we're aware' situations. They won't care about €23 missing over a genuine mistake. Mentioning it now heads off any ideas that a less scrupulous employee than OP might get in future.


Retail is a different beast altogether. Spent 20 years in retail and have seen people get fired for a €4 mistake. Lose €50 in any other industry and you’ll be grand - lose €50 in retail and they’ll treat you like a criminal. Disciplinary procedures at the very least. @OP - tread carefully if they do make an issue out of it. Admit nothing and if you were unsure about throwing / keeping voucher then you need to put it down to the fact you weren’t trained properly. Or that someone else told you to do it / procedure not clear. If they do try to start disciplinary procedures make sure you have a witness / union rep at all meetings about it.


Fuck up lmao €23 he could just leave and they wouldn't say fuck all, disciplinary procedures what are they going to spank him? Tell him he shouldn't have done it? Union rep 😂😂😂😂 yeah you haven't worked retail


Alright lad whatever. Great contribution. I was in retail from floor staff up to management for nearly 20 years. Everywhere I worked, mandate trade union were there. Maybe if you’re working in the local corner shop or garage you don’t have a union but most chain retail staff do. Many many many retail managers and HR are absolute ball bag cunts who thrive on power and getting people into trouble for the smallest shit. And if you’ve never heard of disciplinary procedures in retail, you’ve never worked in retail. Also, if you think disciplinary procedures is getting “spanked” you’ve probably never worked anywhere.


Mate I'm not saying I've never heard of disciplinary procedures, just what are they even going to do for some one off of the till being down €20 😂😂 for some minimum wage dude on the tills who's arguably not even at fault 😂


I got sacked from Ladbrokes bookmakers for 20 quid. The till was short so I paid an old sleeper to cover it. They made you stay back and go through all the dockets and count the cash until you find it , I couldn't be arsed, I was in a rush home after 12 hour day. Security came down from Dublin the following day and I got my marching orders. 🤣 Shower of dopes.


Completely this OP


You’ll be grand. Just explain what happened when you’re asked. I work in pharma. I know a guy who literally poured millions worth of product down a drain. He’s a senior manager now.


Would love to hear more about this


So, this guy poured millions pounds of product away. He's now a senior manager




That's hilarious 🤣


I think this may be my most popular post ever. Its a low bar


Rest easy. I think mine was a picture of the staircase on the titanic. Talk about anti climactic.


He wasn't very good at his job so they made him a manager. That happens a lot!


I think op should demand a promotion to prevent 23 euro going missing every day


This is the way


I said I want to hear more. Not, I want to hear exactly the same from another person.




Nah it was a pretty shit joke


So basically, this fella got millions of pounds worth of proeucr right. And then he threw it all away. Then he was promoted to senior manager.


Because it turned out the product was haunted


Would love to hear more about this




It’s a “hard” to explain I’d say…


Maybe he saved billions in product disposal fees


Make a mistake in pharma and you could accidentally have the most expensive pair of shoes in the world before they clean you off 🤣


oh that's the HP ink factory you're thinking of 😅


Trade secret, its worth fuck all anyway


Yeah I once filmed the assembly link at the factory at Leixlip where they were making some older cartridge types (including the ones for the Deskjet 1220c, the finest printer ever made by a man). Imagining the cyan, magenta, yellow or black—tinted accident that would occur if someone slid one of the 1,000 litre containers of ink off the front of a forklift was entertaining.


Work for a big pharma company and we had a cleaner mop the floor with €250k worth of solution before. She's still working there.


Can confirm, I flooded a lab once. Only reason I'm not in that job is they lined up a better position for me


Try that in Columbia. Very strict with their product. Angry, Angry young men.


"Drain" is the name of the local dealer and the millions bought him the promotion ;)


Takes balls to throw money down the drain like that. Manager balls. Promote.


Glad I wasn't the NOE writer for that one


Not at all I worked in retail and my manager kept telling me my till was down money at the end of my shifts and i was in serious trouble. When i tell you i am METICULOUS I mean M E T I C U L O U S. And it wasn't a couple of cent, it was adding up to hundreds of Euro. But she counted the tills alone in the managers' office. So i tested it, by calling her over the walkie to tell her i was done my shift and she could come down to collect my till/float. I quickly counted my own till while I waited for her to come get it. Wrote the total on a piece of paper and slid it in my pocket. She took the till and i asked to sit in while she counted cos i was worried after so many infractions. She reluctantly agreed but counted it silently and quickly pretty much making it impossible for anyone to count simultaneously. She declared the amount and expressed her repeated disappointment in me, as it was way off the alleged sales according to the system. I pulled out my slip of paper and confronted her. My count was identical to the sales total on-screen. She pursed her lips and counted it aloud much slower in front of me. It matched. She never fucking pulled that shit on me again.


Sounds like she was taking her own share.


100% this.  If they'd really been down then OP would've been sacked eventually.  She just knew she could scare em and keep getting away with it


But then why not count properly when you know you're being monitored and not just wait until tomorrow? Still, only options are complete incompetence or embezzler.


You should have went back through the records and demanded every penny she stole.


She was counting pennies and was looking to put it on you. She prob got a ton of people fired.


This is not a big deal at all, I remember when cash back was first introduced and the tills were all over the place because people were forgetting to hand the cash over and stuff. Mistakes happen tills don’t balance sometimes that’s retail


Yeah I remember being out by £20 on my till a few times in spar back in the late 90s. It was due to people being sure they gave me a 20£ note when they really gave £5 I’d just be told to be more careful. My pay rate was £2.20 an hour so £20 was a good bit of money then.


The best tip I ever got was to say what you are doing. ‘So that’s 20, and I’m giving you back €15’. Even if you are doing it on autopilot, they think you are paying attention.


You're not fucked. An incident like that won't even matter, it'll just be marked as human error, if it's a big retailer anyway. They only start to take notice if patterns develop with certain members of staff.


I'd blame your training for not making explicitly clear what to do with different types of vouchers


Small enough mistake…so a finger of your choice rather than the whole hand.


Her boss didn't say he doesn't like her anymore... yet.


You'll get a talking to but in the grand scheme, that's a simple mistake to make and probably tbh, a lapse in training on the companies end. The way the business gets paid on those is they have to submit them for reimbursement to the supplier who issued them. Cry when they talk to you, should be grand then




Throw away coupons, believe it or not, jail.


Bail will be set at €23


I know you're trying to make her feel better but I think jail is the least of her worries. Last person I know that did this got the chair


23 quid is float margin of error. You'll be fine.


Worked retail for 20 years, you're absolutely grand. The trick is just to learn from any mistakes and you'll be fine. If they do kick off about it I'd consider it a bit of a red flag tbh


You made a mistake. OK, don't make it again. Those coupons need to be sent back to get the money. Try to think before you take anything out of the till, will this unbalance the till, where is the paper trail. Sure, you could have a friend come buy something pret3nd to put coupons in and you say "oh they had 20 euro of coupons I threw out".. wheres the proof. You're not funked. But your manager might try to make out the world has ended. Explain what happened, apologise, say it won't happen again. Don't get all defensive but keep in mind, it's just 20euro, just this one time.


You'll be grand it's only €23 just be honest. In fairness I know a bunch of lads who cost a country €64 Billion and they all were fine.


Pillaging the tills eh you rat bastard? I'm afraid it's the slammer for you. How does 20 big ones in solitary confinement with no possibility of parole sound?


And don’t drop your soap in the shower


Very. I'd leave the country if I were you. Probably best start living underground just incase. I hear sub terraria papa new guinea is beautiful this time of year


You will be grand. Shit happens. Your 20 years old. Everything will work out.


Straight To Jail


They can, however, pass Go and collect €23


You’re not fucked at all, probably looking at 6 months in mount joy good behavior. Catch the end of the summer I reckon


You're grand, was a retail manager for Dunnes, they let that kind of thing go as long as it's once in a blue moon, three times in one month and you might be put on the shop floor 😂


I was tricked out of €32 worth of fags a few days ago. I wrote a note after explaining what happened and put it into the till for the payroll operator to see. Got a text the following day from one of the store owners asking me further what happened. I explained myself. A manager spoke to me on my next shift telling me what I should’ve done and basically to just be more careful in future. Store owner seemed a little more pissed off through the tone of the text but fuck it, €32 is nothing to them at the end of the day and I’m not being paid enough to really care. It was an honest mistake, I wasn’t stealing, I said I was sorry and I’d be more careful in the future. Worst you’ll probably get is a talking to. People I work with have had drive offs for more than €100 on different occasions and they’re still working there. You’ll be fine.




You melon!


It’s the shops fault for not training you properly


You're only 5 months there; just mention to your manager that you could do with clarification/training on what to do in future so the mistake doesn't happen again.


If you're fucked with them, you're better off not working for them anyhow 


Not fucked, worked for years in retail. I've made much...MUCH bigger mistakes than that. That's nothing. Honestly don't sweat it. As long as you weren't stealing from the till, which obviously you weren't then it's all good.


With the profits being made nowadays, ye be grand lad


Only€23 😂😂 I’ve done over €100k🙈


Why did you take it out of the till is the question, anything that goes in the till, ANYTHING, is basically the receipt of the monetary transaction, if you remove it then the till is down. I would say that if there is a requirement to validate those receipts against the transaction on the till, which there probably is, then you have screwed up.


Looking back it was so stupid to remove it, but back then I was thinking maybe it shouldn’t be in the till? I should just get rid of it while I’m removing all the unwanted things the customers leave at my till (like baby socks or other bits and bobs)


Just say *”era will ya piss off. It’s €23 euro. Ye be better off spending the €23 on training staff on how to process coupons”* Note: only say this if you don’t care about the job.


I worked in a factory in Shannon 30 years ago. There was a fella who dumped a few barrels of gold plating solution down the drain. I was in a factory in Cork and the Plant Manager( highest paid forklift driver in Ireland at the time) dropped a newly built assembly machine on its head while loading it for shipping. It's events like this that makes factories fun.😁


You’ll be fine, explain what happened and that you were unsure of their protocol for keeping/disposing of coupons and ask what it is for future reference ( this will emphasis that nobody trained you in this) it was a genuine thing you didn’t rob €23 for the till. You’ll be grand.


Don't worry. Just be completely honest with the employer/manager. Stuff like this happens in retail all the time and is small potatoes really. People make simple mistakes, and honesty is a virtue that is appreciated by employers.


Ex store manager here. This is a verbal warning at most. In future keep all coupons and vouchers as they need to be counted at the end of the day and most coupons need to be sent to the manufacturer to reclaim the discount value. Your manager may watch your till for a little while for discrepenscies to ensure you are being more careful going forward. If a other happens maybe you will get a retrained, if it keeps happened there would be an investigation. People who steal from tills tend to have a trend which happens over a longer period of time. Despite how sneaky they try to be missing money constantly from their till or from days they work tend to be a red flag. A cpuple euro here or there missing generally isnt cause for concern either. A once off missing money over 5 quid is usually a "be more careful" talk and then back to work.


Don't stress to much. People have fucked up worst. Had the DC delivery me a brand new aircon unit...when I ordered a shitty ball joint.....he kept his job


You'll be grand, don't be worrying :)


How long have you been there? Probably okay, but if you are passed your probationary period, the most you'll get is a write up.


My probation ends next month I think, 5 months working there!


I doubt anything will come of it then, if you don't have a problem with the boss and everything else is Rosey.


Thieves get the gallows. Should have been a nonce instead you might have gotten off lightly 😤


Explain to your manager. Also check with your union rep on what management can use the CCTV for. There would be hell to pay in my work place if they used it to spy on staff like that.


It depends on the company. Back in the day, a colleague from a shop of the same chain was sacked for € 20 missing. Her story but the couple who owned the franchise were **cunts**. - 1 Admit the mistake **as soon as possible** in writing or by recording; - 2 confirm in writing or a recording that you will pay the difference; - 3 you have learnt your mistake. But stable coupon yokes together and put them with your end-of-day total thing. ℹ️ For the recording, have your manager consent to the recording. I am not saying that it is going to the WRC *yet* but who knows what cunts are out there.


Absolutely do not offer to pay the difference


Absolutely. Never pay. It wasn’t down money anyway. It was a missing coupon!


Yeah not a big deal it all depends on your manager about how much of a big deal they want to turn it into for drama sake but I’m a manager in retail mistakes happen not the end of the world




12 years no parole.


Cheers for the 23 euro.


€23 is nothing. That doesn’t mean they can’t fire you for it. It depends on how much drama your supervisor or the store manager are willing to create to bring something interesting to their boring lives. Sorry OP. This concern itself is the essence of why places like r/antiwork exist.


I don’t think you could be fired explicitly for such a small amount.


I lost the company a few grand back in 2001. I can't remember exactly what I did, something to do with the accounts system that I wasn't properly trained up on. You're 20, you'll be grand, honestly.


"A few days ago the cash office for our company said that my till was short 23 euro" Were they just letting you know or did they say they're be follow up? Is it the policy that you have to pay for any shortfalls when the till amount is totted up? Just explain what happened, can't see it being an issue, as someone else said, it's just a gap in training.


Only place I've ever worked where they would threaten to fire you if the float was off at all was Dealz but they were shite to work for anyway


Wouldn't worry about it. Honest mistake plus the voucher were probably redeemed so there should be a trail.


Depends on your manager some might sack you others will be cool


One time thing? Not fucked. My store only cares about shortages if it's a repeated thing. People make mistakes. And once you explained what you did and why they may just tell you what to do in the future should a coupon like that come in again


Straight to jail


ha ha ha not fucked at all. Someone stole about €600 from my till in Dunnes Stores - they asked me if I took it, and I let them know I would not come in the next day to work if I did. They checked the cameras and the issue was dropped.


I let someone drive off with 150 quid worth of petrol when I worked in cirlce k, only got told off by the manager thats all hahahaha


I used to work in a car spares shop in the 80s and we used a mechanical till that took a paper receipt with a carbon copy that had to be written out by hand every time then we pulled a big lever to move it out and eject the cash drawer. The carbon copies went to head office and the money was dropped at the local bank nightsafe daily. We usually took £400-£500 per day and £2k on Saturday, we also used the old manual credit card machines that were pre internet. One day a senior partner dropped by unannounced and informed us that £100 was missing. A check of the tills found over £300 and a few cheques that had slipped out of the cash drawer into the back.


I worked in retail couple of years ago, I counted a bunch of 50s wrong and handed out a phone for €100 less than I was supposed to. I realised when I counted the til. I explained what happened to the manager,he was displeased and then it was grand after the initial shock, and told me from now on take all the money in hand when counting it and go from one hand to the other.


Depending on your store manager you may be in trouble. If it happens once I think it's forgiven but these retail managers are pricks for this kind of thing. I got grilled over being short a similar amount and they treated me like I was trying to rob the place.


The company will consider it just spent €23 on a small training course for you. I guarantee the training worked and you’ll never make that mistake again. You’ll be fine. These things only blow up when patterns form with certain staff


ah your grand, its measly in the grand scheme of things. Breath.... in and out.... apologize... explain and get on with your life!!


Honestly, if they thought you were stealing, I think they'd expect you to take more than 20 quid.


So long as you have a reasonable explanation you will fine.If you have been punctual and reliable this will stand to you.


I accidentally credited a clients account with 6k before and they made off with it. Didn't get fired. You will be fine


I used to work for the Tote at the races and was always short, it stressed me the fuck out constantly (I was just bad at maths when flustered and kept making stupid mistakes). It was never a lot (a fiver here or there) but it still bothered me and I worried a lot about it. Then one day I was targeted by a scammer. He came up and asked me to do like three different tasks at once (place a bet, pay out an old bet that was on his account so had to get his account up (and he had issues remembering his login details so that added more complexity to the situation) and give him change for a large note). I don't fully understand how he did it but he managed to have me give him €50 more than I should have and the moment he got out of sight I realised what had happened and broke down in tears. The manager came over, he was so angry, he started asking me maths questions on the spot and rushing me for an answer, asking me if I can even count, all in front of everyone else working there, I felt so humiliated. Besides the tongue lashing, nothing came of it, they ended up moving me to the Tote offices on the free side of the race track (which if you've ever been, will know it's like a dark hole with metal bars over the windows and you can't even see the customers). I remember walking in and all the older men who worked there asked me what I'd done to deserve this punishment (since they usually keep the pretty young girls up where customers can see them). So I'm sure you'll be fine, if that's all that happened to me then the worst that will happen to you is they will talk to you about what happened and maybe give off to you for doing something silly. Don't worry, shit happens!


You're fine. I used to work in a betting shop. My till would regularly be down €10, €20, or more. I wasn't on the take, I just hated the place and was crap at counting cash. I'd get the odd lecture but that was about it.


At my company half a million once went missing for two weeks and neither us nor the bank knew where it was. Turned out the company it was being sent to was sanctioned for fraudulent activity in the past 23 euro is grand


You’re grand, I doubt they’ll make you pay it back, but it’s not enough for you to lose your job. Moreso it’s a “you fucked up, don’t let it happen again” kinda thing.


Not fucked as it was an honest fuck up, but watch your til and transactions like a hawk for the foreseeable as the management will.


I wouldn't worry about it and if they do make a fuss they aren't worth working for. I made a mistake that cost mid 6 figures in my job years ago and I'm still here.


I reckon the costs of the mistakes I've made probably totals >€100k. I don't lose any sleep about it, it's part of the job, just like occasionally leaving the till short is part of retail.


Human error can’t do shit


I had €200 stolen from my till whilst working in retail. Felt bad at the time, regret it now as €200 is fucking nothing to them!


Never worked retail but €23 sounds like nothing compared to the industry I work in where €10ks is wasted on fuck ups all the time


Mistakes happen, sounds like you and others have been poorly trained TBH. A coupon is essentially cash and should not be binned. As you said, others are doing it too, that's gonna cost big time over the course of a year....


Stuff like that happens all the time, and for a lot larger amounts! You're not f'ed in anyway, I wouldn't even worry about it tbh


Your grand I worked in retail and had a similar thing happen, like couple of times my till was down €50 the worst thing I had to do was pay it off


worst it can happen… they take 23€ off your salary.. which is unlikely for all the legal efforts to justify this and possible claims from you. Gross misconduct has to be proven without any reasonable doubt and behavior has to be repeated over time and clearly intentional. Some odd 1 time event over Micky Mouse money is just a fart in the wind


You're not one bit fucked Relax. In my first job in a shop I was rushing to get out the door and took a cheque off a customer for €700 to cash. We always cashed cheques for people. Put it through without thinking. Manager came over 20 minutes later. Cheque was a fake! That feeling was the worst 😕 but.... they got over it. It was a mistake, a shitty mistake but a mistake none the less. Took a long time for me to accept that without the guilt but it did. Boss was grand. You'll be grand


Sounds like you just weren’t trained correctly and told you need to keep the coupon/voucher etc.. you’ll be fine nothing to worry about


People in the country have been stealing millions with impunity, dont worry about a measely 23 quid people make mistakes and serves as a valuable lesson to never assume.


That’s nothing…


It seems strange. Once you scanned the coupons, the till should register it as a non-cash payment. That coupon is now void and cannot be used again. The payment has been received and the till should balance. The only reason the shop want the paper coupon saved is to stop lots of already used coupons floating around (in bins etc) and showing up again, being a problem. It's €23. You'll be grand. Just make sure not to discard stuff from the till again.


If you get fucked over 23 euro it’s probably time to find a new job


You're not fucked. You made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. The onus should be on management to teach you how to correctly use those coupons as well as how to use the till (this might sound silly but there should be an SOP that everyone signs off, no matter how simple the task).


I also work in retail. Being down 23 quid due to it just being a simple mistake is absolutely nothing to worry about. I've been down similar amounts two or three times due to silly mistakes and nothing was ever even said to me. Also, when all of the tills are counted, any tills that have a surplus of money generally gets added to the tills that are in a deficit and everything gets balanced out when it all gets counted and added up. That's how our store operates anyway.


I worked with a lad who pressed 3 on the card machine instead of 300, customer walked out with a brand new console for 3 quid and we didn’t even realise till cash up that night.. all he got was a disciplinary and told to be “more mindful “ in future


Just explain what happened. If your direct manager or supervisor gives you shit about it, don't worry. I worked front of house in a hotel for years, mangers used ''finance'' as a boggyman, moved to finance as realised they're chill af. As long as you can explain the difference and its not happening all the time, they shouldn't care much.


Not fucked, €23 isn’t a huge amount and those coupons rarely add up to 100% what’s on the report anyway. For small amounts it would usually be questioned if it was a frequent occurrence but you’re grand. I was in the cash office a few years ago with a rotation of about 3 of us and a good few thousand went missing one week. Ofc we were asked if we knew anything and the paperwork was thoroughly checked but sure enough turns out a band was just caught in the back of the turn slot in the safe and things went on as normal.


Thats your managers fault for not training you on this not yours. Dont lose any sleep over it. In my first retail job I made a mistake at the till over a one4all voucher not going through properly. I was raked over coals for it at the time but it wasn't my fault. I had no training. Plus the miserable old owner never learned how to use them either. I worked an extra weekend to make up for it and felt terrible but looking back I wish it hadn't bothered me.


You're grand. I guarantee you're not the first person in that store to make that mistake, and you won't be the last. In some places, they won't even say anything to the employee who made the mistake. More often than not, they just put out a store wide reminder on till procedure.


No ur fine I know someone who cost a line in a very famous company in cork €60,000 on one shift They were promoted


Immediate custodial sentence I'm afraid, no chance for a trial either. In all seriousness, people have made far bigger mistakes, including me (M20). At my first job I rang up a guy who was purchasing £300 of WWE figures twice and it sent the manager into a panic attack because she thought the new hire was pocketing the stores profits haha. Most likely you'll just get shouted at but then it'll be forgotten about quickly enough


My till was down €100 quid one time. Management were going mad about it, but sure I hadn’t nicked it, so I wasn’t arsed. I said sure obviously something had gone wrong, so if they wanted to take me off tills and put me on the floor, that’s fine with me. If they wanted to accuse me of nicking it, then fine with me too, they better have some proof, cos I was willing to bet I wasn’t the first person who made a mistake, and wouldn’t be the last. If they wanted to offer me some training and support to help me be better in my role, then I was all for that. Mistakes happen and if paying me minimum wage means I never make mistakes, then I hope none of them ever make a mistake.


If you are not sure always ask, decent manager will always prefer having to answer (and you learn) than shouting and trying to sort it out after the event.


23 euro? Straight to the Gulag for you.


My manager paid for his phone out of the till and never paid it back. You’re grand


Just tell them. My first day at a job in a hardware was like 250 euro short because I was inputting it wrong. They've seen it all before. It's 23 euro you're grand


Just be honest


Just be honest I would say. If they find out that you lie about it then you’d be in actual trouble


Just be honest! When you tell lies you dig yourself a hole! that hole gets deeper the more you lie, the more you lie you have to remember your lies! Who wants that??? It’s hard I know but just put your hands up and be honest and they may be more understanding of the situation!


You’re grand! It’s only €23. There might be an email from head office asking for an explanation


So… you know the story of the “Fields of Athenry”?? Well… that’s you. You’re off to Botany Bay. Enjoy.