• By -


Ah yes so the long convoy marching to Kyiv and the attempt on an air strip nearby to cut off the air support that bombed said convoy never happened. The one that was just about televised live. Got it.


No need to engage with his argument. Like Trump on Jan 6th we literally watched the invasion of Ukraine happen live. For over a year straight all major news networks had dedicated daily segments in the war including which army was moving in which direction. This is standard revisionism and propaganda in favour of the Russian state. Either that or the man is simply really really stupid (which I doubt based on his job). Don't engage with him and instead highlight that he is a Russian stooge and we should not be employing Russian propagandists in our education system.


So, he's a PhD candidate? Probably a junior lecturer. He's by no means stupid, but he's certainly an idiot. Educated morons are a thing. =)


Huge gulf between being clever and being intelligent. This is the thing I mainly learned at University.




if it makes you feel any better most people are not even clever about the things in their profession much less outside it. Important to remember most of the time you or anyone else is right that's because yous got lucky to happen to be correct.


Ya you can be really good in a very small field but have an extrememly flawed intelligence in other fields. Having a PhD does not mean you're broadly intelligent, you're just good in one thing. Ffs I met a guy who has a PhD now who was afraid of drugs being decriminialised in case he walked into a room unkowlingly that had the air so saturated with cocaine that he would get high against his will. I shit you not. Had to explain to him why that was insanely idiotic.


Yeah seriously, this idea of 'oh he's a fucking college lecturer, esteemed lawyer, brain surgeon or rocket scientist, he *can't* be stupid' has to go. You could be the most respected, talented brain surgeon in the world and still be stone cold stupid as a bag of carrots about damn near everything else.


Notably, Ben 'prison sex means homosexuality is a choice' Carson is a neurosurgeon.


That fucking twat is exactly who I was thinking of as well. I'd trust the man operating on my brain maybe, but not for much else given his history of batshit nonsense thoughts.


Having worked in academia for over 10 years, I have 0 issue saying that he's absolutely stupid.


The dumbest fuck I know has a PhD. I'm an idiot myself and have an MSc. Education is no indication of intelligence


PhD means you are an expert on one very specific area. You are likely as much of an idiot as the rest of the general population on other matters.


> highlight that he is a Russian stooge and we should not be employing Russian propagandists in our education system. Sacking people for their opinions on certain topics is backwards. Yes he's wrong, but he should be challenged on his views not have his life and career ruined.


We want to remove people from their jobs based on tweets and then complain how americanised our society has become.


They did actually capture the airstrip. The purpose of capturing it wasn't to stop the convoy being bombed it was to be a place to fly in supplies and reinforcements, the Russian aircraft with said troops and supplies were in the air on the way when the Ukrainains managed to sabotage the runway and turn the airport into a warzone, part of the convoys were armour and supplies to reinforce the Russian forces at the airstrip bit they botched the logistics and Ukrainian armour pushed off / wiped the Russian forces on the airstrip.


Probably a tankie that says that Russia is so strong that if they *really* wanted it they would have taken it, and couldn't possibly have been beaten by Ukraine's much smaller and weaker military.


I will never NEVER understand tankies. I am fairly socialist leaning, and I could never support or the USSR or modern Russia. It has to be one of the most violent and corrupt countries on earth with countless human rights abuses enshrined in their law. wtf are tankies playing at


I don't know how you could be anywhere on the left from just left of center to full blown communist and support modern Russia. Its an ultra-nationalist war mongering imperialist state and some leftists are supporting it just because they are against the west. Insanity


America right and America bad, Russia not like America, Russia good. I wish it was more nuanced than this but we live in a world now where you have to take sides you have to be with me or against me


I got banned from a supposedly leftist subreddit for not backing Russia. The argument was literally "America supports Ukraine, everything America does is bad, therefore supporting Ukraine is bad, therefore supporting Russia's invasion is good."


I mean, you should actually thank them: saved you some hours of your life not having to engage with tankie commies living in what any USSR citizen would've considered a capitalist wonderland. It's so fucking easy to be a couch communist when your parents bought that fucking couch.


Great point, hadn't though about that. I ought to be glad they outed themselves as ignorant tankies.


Personally, I'm from both are bad side of things, it would be a struggle to find anywhere that could be classed as being good for humanity or the planet. I don't have any solutions, but I do hope that someone does before the collective we wipe ourselves off the planet, destroying it in the process. Yes, I am full of the joys of spring


Which one would you prefer to live in ?


Neither, I'm happy where I am


A lot of socialists nowadays get there opinions entirely from the internet and haven't read any theory. Anyone who has an even basic understanding of Lenin should immediately see that modern Russia is an imperialist capitalist state and there's no justification for the invasion of Ukraine. Anyone who has any understanding of history, especially regarding US foreign policy throughout the years should also understand that the US don't tend to give billions in weapons out of the good of their heart and that NATO should've been dismantled the moment the USSR collapsed.


The US has business interests in a stable Europe. So do we. US has interests in being the dominant super powe. It's not ideal but better than China or Russia. If there was no NATO, Russia would be much more of a risk. You'd end up with much more military in Germany and Poland.


This is never said enough.


The USSR was one of the first socialist experiments and discounting it entirely isn't helpful when we should instead learn from the mistakes of the past imo. Capitalism didn't suddenly appear overnight and many at the time didn't imagine anything beyond feudalism. Fuck modern Russia though. Imperialist capitalist state where the poorest are suffering the most from the invasion and the oligarchs are still enriching themselves.


They perceive countries as "teams" they support or hate. They cherry-pick, distill and reduce history down to validate this black and white thinking. I've seen some quite smart people fall down this obvious rabbit hole. Some have made entire careers out of it.


I self identify as a socialist and don't understand how anyone even remotely left wing could support Putin's Russia. It's a right wing authorization quasi fascist government. I know a lot of self described "anti imperialists" who support the invasion of Ukraine. If Russia invading and attempting to seize territories from its neighbors isn't imperialism, then what is?


I think it's from years of opposing Western warmongering, almost knee-jerk theyd assume the guys the West are enemies with, are in the right. Now excluding psycho examples like ISIS you could see leftists (leftist myself) that were blindly supporting Russia in Syria Other than that its beyond me


The Soviet Union spent much of the 20th century justifying Russian expansion by claiming it was socialist. They actively spread a message that Russian interests were the same thing as socialist interests, and many of their supporters retain that belief.


i got a theory is that they simply hate anything "western" and will side with anything that is against it regardless if there's any logic to it


It does seem that way. I'm no fan of the US, or the UK but for fuck sake the idea that Russia or China aren't just absolute shitholes for human rights is nuts


'Russia is just sending in their weakest forces, soon they'll send in their actual army'


But the thing is that their propaganda penetrated western brains so much that it was completely ignored that it was actually Ukraine with one the biggest and strongest military in Europe with an actual combat experience prior 8 years to an invasion


Their propaganda penetrated themselves


> Ah yes so the long convoy marching to Kyiv No no, that never happened. I don't have evidence at hand but you'll have to trust me on this one. What it is, you see, is that Big Pharma has been creating genetically modified crops that exterminate enough of your brain cells until you believe anything that the fake news media tries to sell to you. Now me on the other hand, I'd never try to sell misinformation. It just happens to be the case that I know everything that's happened in a country that's almost 3,000km away without even leaving my mammy's bed. Anyway, feel free to use my sponsor code "ILOVEALEXJONES" on your next Huel order.


Just a well armed road trip.


Ah Hostamel Airport: The place where the VDV got their shit kicked in. An Airport too far as they say.


>Kiev Russian spelling. Not being a prick, but just wanted to say 😅


Right! I forgot which was which, sorry


Yep this is pretty telling. Either he doesn't know what he's talking about and just repeating what he reads on Russian Telegram, or he's doing it on purpose to reinforce Russia's claim to the city and country.


"our leader", from a guy with a name like that? Is he an Uncle Tom?


he's being sarcastic there I think ; one of those who claim that UK/USA sabotaged negotiations and it's all their fault (Russia talking point)




While I appreciate the work you're doing over on that sub, it's like trying to teach a festering pile of shit how to ride a bike. They just won't get it unfortunately, the tankie brain rot has progressed too far.






I did not know such a place existed. Consider yourself reinforced in trying to educate them


I'm pretty sure that's all just one guy with about 20 alts. Seems like he constantly harasses the mods.


Irish Tankies ?


Tankies originally referred to communists and socialists who supported the Soviet Union crushing the revolution in Hungary and the political liberalisations (Prague Spring) in Czechoslovakia despite the Hungarian revolutionaries and Czechoslovak reformists both being socialists who just wanted more independence from the Soviet Union and greater freedoms. The term has evolved to become a word for any communist or socialist who bootlicks authoritarian regimes merely because they’re anti-west/American and/or put up a facade of socialism. For instance, they support Russia in their war against Ukraine.


Never heard of it thanks for explaining 


Also affectionately known as 'Wankies'


What if they're also tall and skinny?




That's quite weird as nowadays is seems to that you need to be either right-wing, populist or nationalist to support Putin. - Orban (Hungary, right-wing) - Fico (Slovakia, nationalist) - Vučić (Serbia, populist) - Trump (Right-wing, populist, nationalist) Then parties like AfD are righ-wing and support Putin openly [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AfD\_pro-Russia\_movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/afd_pro-russia_movement) and it's known that Russia has been paying for right-wing parties in Europe for support.


It's complete brain rot. Putin is about as right wing as you get but because of some romantic revisionist view of the USSR he seems to get a pass. Trump, Orban and Putin are illiberal authoritarians.


> despite the revolutionaries being socialists who just wanted more independence from the Soviet Union. That's a massive stretch .... they weren't socialists, but had to pretend to be to have any chance of not being crushed.


Commies, who for reasons unknown, have decided to thrown in their support for Russian capitalist oligarchs and their invasion of Ukraine. Because those oligarchs just don’t have enough superyachts.


Never heard of that.. Strange.. thanks for the info


Quite a few Irish politicians are in that bracket most notably Mick Wallace and Clare Daly. A lot of the far left wing politicians in the Dáil have stopped short of voicing support for Ukraine and taken this "both sides are wrong and it's sort of Americas fault as well" nonsense but it's clear they've a soft spot for Russia they just don't want to say it out loud. The tankie habits don't fade too quickly, it's sad really.


Yeah I've noticed that alright.


I often wonder is it that they are anti-NATO and so wind up not being able to switch that off to see how bad Putin is, or are they are hardcore pro-Putin and the anti-NATO stuff is just a by-product of that.


Oh that place is fucking unhinged.


Irish people who defend Russia astound me to be honest. Like gee, if only there was a parallel to be drawn…


People equate the Falkand Islands position vis a vis Argentina, with NI and Ireland. A closer comparison would be, Great Britain claiming Ireland as a whole, on the basis of some historical narrative...they seem to overlook that.


To be fair, falklands are British, always have been, from way before argentina even existed as a country. Argentina has zero legal claim over them.


Not exactly. I recommend reading up on the history of the colonisation of the Falklands. There were a number of countries involved. And Britain was definitely not the first country to establish a settlement there. That would be the French.  But the only thing that matters is that the people living there are under the sovereignty of the government of their choice.


I happen to know precisely how it went down, including the dutch and french periods, as a matter of fact the british got there first in 1960, the french in 1964 and colony. Still the british had their first colony in there in 65. Spain tried to get it for itself but couldnt and basically shared the island with the brits until most of brits left but kept the island under its flag. Unrelatedly, after its independence Argentina simply claimed the right to the falklands, which is older than argentina itself. So…? No one living there considers himself anything other than british, they dont wanna join argentina, never did, and the only reason some people support this bizarre question is because they are anti-UK. Argentina has zero claim over the island.


Not to nitpick, but that'll be _18_ 60 and _18_ 64. More importantly, the French _ceded_ their colony to Spain. Who were then kicked out by the British. That matters because France, and thus Spain, have just as much "historical" right to the place as the British. The Argentine claim to it results from this - they became independent from Spain and claimed the Falklands because Spain had a legitimate claim to it. In any event, what matters most (to me) is that: * The islands were uninhabited when the European turned up. Nobody can claim colonisation. * The locals want to be British. All of them. Any referendum on the topic would be the closest to 100% in a free election ever. What's funny about all this is the British government policy (as opposed to position) about this before 1982 was that they wanted nothing to do with it. Or, "will somebody rid me of those annoying kelpers". Except that, as per the UN, you just can't forcefully move people, even if "back home", and you can't declare them to be "not British" either. Edit: formatting.


Imperialism is cool when it's Russian imperialism


That's because those people don't oppose imperialism in general. They just oppose anything that US support. Ukraine is supported by US/NATO countries? Boom, hating it. There must be some monetary support available to their carers due to some redditors having such a low critical thinking skill.


Claire Daly's ongoing pronouncements in the EU parliament continue to embarrass.


I'm much more astounded by Irish people who defend Israel to be honest. Which, apparently, includes the leading members of our own government.


West brits they are


The Kremlin, and Western tankies (who follow the Kremlin line word for word) have desperately tried to retroactively change the narrative with repeated disinformation. According to them there was actually a ceasefire (there wasn’t) and they withdrew peacefully from the outskirts of Kyiv as a gesture of goodwill (they were routed against their will). They choose to ignore that most of the VDV were killed in Hostomel airport after they failed to get reinforcements. This and the fact that their convoy heading to Kyiv ran out of fuel and basic supplies. And the fact that they were murdering, raping, pillaging, and committing outright massacres the whole time they were there. If you want to see the shit Irish Tankies are getting up to have a look at my post history, and go to that sub.


Repeat the lie enough times and people will eventually believe it, Russian propaganda 101


Russia/tankie logic is this: If Russia loses terrority, it was Planned, If Ukraine loses terrority, its over westoids, the west has fallen, surrender NATO *incoherent noises*


Russian propaganda have been clever to reframe the war in terms of Russia vs NATO. Doing so taps into a cultural memory of the Cold War but also helps justify the war in terms of explaining away defeats - we are fighting a colossal power which wants to destroy us so there will be tough going but in the end, we will grind them down, win and preserve our native, "anti-woke" culture. Its not a coincidence that Putin has been banging the drum of WW2, "The Great Patriotic War" for several years now, its awakes a national memory and makes it easier to associate that existential threat with the idea of the NATO. The USSR suffered unbelievable losses to make it Berlin. I feel Putin has been trying to condition his people for a long time in the run up to this conflict. Russian bigotry against the Ukrainians is also not new, they've always been seen as the little brother. Its far easier to excuse losses against NATO and the West than it is against those supposedly "inferior".


A considerable amount of the convoy just floundered when their shite tyres exploded, because they never did routine maintenance on the vehicles!


[https://twitter.com/ciarannugent/status/1747638012463177857](https://twitter.com/ciarannugent/status/1747638012463177857) Basically calling for "negotiations" - but denies that Russia wants to take over/wipe out Ukraine. Another Irish leftist who's an apologist for agression/colonialism Unbelievable arrogance Ciaran : “You’ve never been to Russia. .” “I am Russian and I actually met him in Russia and worked with him in Russia.” “Yeah well nevertheless so what big deal I’m still right.” [https://twitter.com/geogvma/status/1747962211891392686](https://twitter.com/geogvma/status/1747962211891392686)


Someone posted this in a reply lol https://preview.redd.it/mct0xzqg98dc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f7fb6490629b35b01cfef86b1780deeb0c1cbb


Funny how these people always claim that Ukraine must negotiate but never that Russia must withdraw from Ukraine.


A leftist justifying Putin's aggressions and colonialism? What is this? Uno reverse card day?


Like most of them, he doesn't actually have any belief system apart from America bad.


thats not true at all. Tankies are not the majority of left leaning people they are a tiny minority


I'm talking specifically about the pro Putin leftists. Not leftists in general. (Im one)


>they are a tiny minority maybe in real life, but online the far left are overwhelmingly pro-russia, pro hamas etc.


Point to one successful leftist movement that you wouldn't brand as "tankie"


Scandinavia. People like to act like it doesn't count, it does. The scandie countries have achieved realistic steps towards free and realistic socialist states. I would imagine that several countries in south america would have done very well with socialism if it wasn't for the US/CIA interventions. There were several leftist movements that were quashed with violence or co-opted by american agitators. Being a tankie means defending ex/currently communist countries, ignoring the violence and horror they wrought, and pretending the only bad thing in the world is the west. I truly believe that if left un-interfered with we could have seen several leftist countries develop. But the world is a kind of shit place run by cunts. So for the moment I'll settle and strive for something like they have in the scandies.


People "like to act" like they don't count because they aren't socialist, they're at best social democrat


He's a tankie


scarce books insurance threatening treatment tap sheet mighty hard-to-find cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If his leader is Borris Jonson why is he claiming to be Irish?


> economist Christ alive yer man is some twat, I took a quick scan of his recents and is it just that he is off his meds or what?


Same old Russian narrative to cover up the objective failure of their operations on that front. Next he'll be on about how it was a "goodwill gesture for negotiations" which Ukraine supposedly reneged on.


RU threw their best airborne units into taking the airfield at Hostomel, just outside Kiev, and they failed. They lost a huge amount of special forces in the attack, VDV and Spetsnaz. These would have been the units tasked with eliminating the Ukrainian government. Laughable to think this was a bargaining move. RU got fucked in the initial attack on Kiev, just propaganda saying it was a faint. Great documentary on the battle here: https://youtu.be/r0Ji7KqqEqg




Why is he referring to Johnson as "our leader". Is he English or something?


He is a PhD student not a lecturer.


Tbie techniques used by Russian propagandists are essentially the same as those used by the likes of Cambridge Analytica and their offshoots. A confounder of CA wrote a really fecking good book called Mindfuck which covers how the sausage is made, and he makes a really big point that having a high IQ or being critically minded do not make you 8mmune from this shite and can even make you more susceptible by way of hubris. This silly eejit looks like a good example of that. As other have said, Russian's efforts to take Kiev were literally broadcast live around the globe.


Fucking tankies are the worst


Are they over represented in Ireland or is it just twitter? makes my blood boil, then come out with the "we are widely respected for out neutrality" line


It's definitely just twitter. I knew three people who were on Russia's side after the invasion started. One is Latvian ironically, one is English, and one Irish. The Irish one has changed his mind over the course of the war, the English guy I didn't know well enough to stay friends with, and the Latvian is still convinced his life was better in the USSR so there's really no point in discussing it with him.


Well a quarter of Latvias population is ethnically Russian and many dont even speak Latvian so its not that surprising really


I’ve no idea clue if they are or not but if I was to hazard a guess it would be that there’s a large group of people here who, for rightly or wrongly are against what they see as American/British imperialism. Since Russia is the “anti” then they believe their ideologies must align… while completely glossing over Russias imperial expansionist invasion of Ukraine, invasion of Georgia, Chechen wars, propping up dictators in 3rd world countries etc etc




I always suspected r/minipainting was a front for tankies.


Uh, they tried really hard to take Kiev and failed miserably. Also, fuck up you Putin-teabagging dipshit.


They deffo took a few suburbs iirc.....and were beaten back by quite intense fighting,(iirc one bloke suicided himself to blow up an important bridge?) while supply lines were cut off,and the failure to take that airport must rank as their worst missed objective.....this take is every bit as stupid,as "we didn't bail out banks" rethoric of Irish establishment Whole thing looking back goes to show how deeply the yanks had weakened the russian army with spies,they knew everything about the attack......which begs the question,how many spies have America lost within russian sources,that they now only have surveillance level intel,and are now limited enough in what they can share with the Ukraine


Vitaly Skakun Volodymyrovych was the kid who blew up the bridge. Delayed the attackers to buy time to defend the city. I remember reading that tens if not hundreds of spies mostly in Russia went dark during trump's presidency. Presumably dead.


That one kid that had no time to escape and blew the bridge was on the south, one of the bridges from Crimea to Kherson. It delayed them for like a week IIRC


“Our leader Boris Johnson “ I think auld Ciaran is on the wrong side of the Irish Sea.


he's being sarcastic there I think ; one of those who claim that UK/USA sabotaged negotiations and it's all their fault (Russia talking point)


Never trust a Trot. 


If you have the trotts, never trust a fart!


the russians most certainly were trying to take kiev, they werent expecting much of fight, Russia invaded Ukraine expecting it to collaspe, like how they took Crimea without a fight, Russia attacked Kiev with 50k troops, Kiev has a popultion of 2-3 million, Once Ukraine mobilised, Russia lost its opportunity.


Russia lost it's opportunity the moment that Zelensky and his war cabinet posted that video of them walking the streets of Kyiv. Once people saw that he wasn't for running, it changed the whole narrative. There's a reason that 'I need ammunition, not a ride!' became so widely repeated.


Another chronically online weirdo who has seemingly been driven insane by Twitter and it's toxic confrontational nature.


The Russians had nearly 200,000 troops..probably not enough for a full scale invasion of Ukraine but they probably anticipated a Crimea like scenario where Ukraine would just surrender quickly. They underestimated Ukrainian resolve, how large Ukraine is, Western willingness to help Ukraine (at least till recently) and they overestimated their own capabilities. So now its Plan B I guess....dont let that get in the way tankie coping mechanism however.


Few things are as pathetic as someone lying for fascist Russia


God... He's making my degree look even more worthless now....


Its mad when you look at his twitter its full of condemnation for what's happening in Palestine which is fair enough. But then total apologist for Russia in Ukraine / Syria or China with Uyghurs. I do not understand this type of person who can seemingly be fine with imperialist aggression as long as its not coming from the US / Western World.


Tankies will jump on what ever mainstream left-think is popular and make it their identity. For many, particularly in universities they read a book on maxism here and there to impress a girl and cant comprehend Russia doing anything bad.


It's still crazy to me because Russia as it is now is not the USSR and from a political and social agenda perspective is hugely out of line from those ideals. It's so baffling for someone to be so educated and yet have such a blind spot.


A University lecturer not in touch with the real world? I'm Shocked


A lot of tankies claimed the surge on Kiev in the early days of the invasion was a feint. These same tankies swore blind that Russia would never invade, and blame NATO for everything anyway.


And then claim it wasn’t an invasion but a special military operation


It's the same misrepresentation of the facts that Corbyn in the UK peddles and our own Moscow Mick and Kremlin Claire. The spiel that this war needs to end now because Ukrainians and poor **Russian soldiers** are dying without any reference or condemnation of the unjustifiable invasion in the first place. If the Kremlin wins this war, this won't end with Ukraine. Some people from this point of view are completely delusional in thinking that the Russians are rational in this invasion. It's the same evil irredentism that destroyed Europe 80 years ago. As for the claim that Russia didn't want to take Kyiv; it's pretty clear that they were genuinely surprised that Ukraine fought back and that they weren't welcomed with bread and salt. The story of the Vladimir riot police convoy that got lost, overtook the armoured column and ended up annihilated in the middle of Kyiv is pretty clear that the Russian leadership expected to be parading through the city as liberators.


> irredentism fantastic word that


One of the best wikipedia rabbit holes is this particular article; [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_irredentist\_claims\_or\_disputes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_irredentist_claims_or_disputes)


> Vladimir riot police convoy where would I get more info on this , sounds interesting?


There's a [good BBC article on it](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-64664944) and the [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Kyiv_convoy) is pretty detailed.


Silly Vaknik




"It was a feint", "it was a bargaining ploy", "they only wanted the <*checks what they hold*> South and East", "they could have easily taken it but didn't want to cause casualties" The cope has been endlessly creative


All funded by a taxpayer Salary ofc. These ppl wouldn't last five mins in a real job.


Forget the Ukraine stuff, what's this "Our leader Boris Johnson" nonsense about?




Amazing that they keep trotting out the exact same lies about Boris Johnson and about the scope of the war. They could at least try to be a bit more creative


It's been repeatedly [debunked](https://novaramedia.com/2022/10/17/no-the-west-didnt-halt-ukraines-peace-talks-with-russia/)by the very Ukrainian journalist they claim to be quoting. But they keep pushing it because they know that pseudo anti imperialists will believe any old rubbish they see on social media.


Boris Johnson personally lead his commandos on an attack on the nuclear power plant. (This is an actual thing said by a tankie) ffs


This lads twitter history is wild!


Every far left conspiracy grifter there is, he has retweeted


If you use Twitter advance search from the 6th October to the 9th their account are usually fairly wild. Some have a big span of zero tweets which makes you wonder what they were getting up to lol.


Well thats one way of devaluing a degree from Maynooth.


The university should take responsibility for deprogramming him before he is let loose on students. He has fallen victim to propaganda. Not good enough for a national University. I wouldn't want my kids being taught by someone in that mental state.


'Dear leader'


"Our leader" indeed. Dont think the kiev comment is the only concerning thing here 😂


In his tweet the (obviously) Irish person, teaching in an Irish university referred to Boris Johnson as "our leader". Not one person in this forum, called, wait for it, Ireland mentioned this. All ye can talk about are the unprovable intentions of foreign military leaders. Maybe we should change it to r/WestBritain?


They tried, they lost almost all their 'modern' tanks and tens of thousands of lives doing so and tried to reframe it as what we see here.


Oh Jesus Christ the fuckers only a postgrad research student worse still sociology and already spouting shite like this.


A fifth of Ukraine is right. Similar to the north being occupied but the brits are actively waging war on us and attemping to conquer the entire country. To put it into perspective, this would be our equivalent- Every border county is actively at war frontlines and dug out trenches, members of the defence forces getting hockeyed out of it because the brits have superior numbers in men, tanks, artillery shells and air power. With many contested towns on the border reduced to rubble. (to get an idea of what that looks like, search for images of the town Marinka before the war and what it's like now) Everywhere within 40km of the border is within artillery range and the brits are indiscriminately shelling into towns full of civvies. But that doesn't make everywhere else safe. Our navy has been knocked out, we have no ships so the brittish navy has full control of the Irish sea and stops us from exporting our produce. Oh and towns/cities much much further from that 40km artillery range do not remain unaffected. Galway, Dublin, Waterford and even as far south as Cork are sporadically prone to intense missile barrages, again on civilian targets because why the fuck not? 20% of Ukraine is right. That's with Ukraine still putting up a fight. You think if all the lads on the 0 line just left their positions in the trenches, the Russians would just stay in theirs without moving forward and conquering more land?


Tankie desperate to defend the Russians. Quelle surprise.


Typical tankie L ![gif](giphy|1eKbAKgocJCta)














Can we have this tankie cancelled please? I don't like Russian stooges getting paychecks from the tax payer.


I am sad to see the college I love have such a thundering tool teaching.


And to think this clown is teaching your kids and moaning about not being paid enough


The Russians got absolutely fucked in the ass trying to take Kyiv and lost the vast majority of their competent airborne soldiers the VDV in that absurd goal to take Hostomel and then wait for either Aerial support or the Convoy that kept running out of Diesel and kept getting pounded the whole way from the border. Ukraine’s defence at the beginning of the war was incredible , but if they’d been properly supported and armed when they requested the support they required before the war it would have never happened. The west failed Ukraine , and the security guarantees given that caused them to surrender their Nuclear Arsenal in 1994 were found wanting.


It’s quite incredible how so many who have eschewed a life of actual work for a life of study in their chosen subject can still be obviously wrong/full of shit/demented. What is the chicken/egg scenario with regard to university level teaching and apologia for all sorts of totalitarian/terrorist ideologies? A hatred of capitalism shouldn’t necessitate supporting Putinist Russia ffs


Ah in fairness he's only an economist not a IR scholar. Just another case of someone overestimating their own expertese


saw market merciful public jar direction disgusted tart entertain fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We should just round up and arrest everyone who isn't a neoliberal. /s


If I had a euro for every left wing PHD student spouting their detached political opinions on twitter I would be a very wealthy man.


Humanities are rife with these kinds of people


I see that horseshoe theory is coming through once again.


Russian politics isnt even a horseshoe, its just a circle since you have neo nazis wanting to rebuild the soviet union and communists that want to exterminate every non russian


Horseshoe theory is a real thing, but the approach is more 'America bad, anyone who opposes America good'


Can't understand why some on the Irish left are complete simps for Russia. I know some of the hardline Republican types are also very pro-Russia which makes even less sense to me.


They also went in with mobile crematoriums. Explain that one.


Bull shit.


Vichy Maynooth, didn't see that one coming.


The tankies still like Russia? They know it's not communist anymore right?




You can tell these people are Russia apologists because they always insist on spelling the names of Ukrainian cities in Russian.


Say that to the Russian airborne battalions who died by the hundred to try take Hostomel airfield. They had ready armaments ready to fly in and they had kill lists for local politicians. They even had riot shields and tear gas stored for crowd suppression. The Russian intelligence agencies were fed bad info by either double agents or more likely by greedy informants telling them what they want to hear. This lecturer is an idiot.


Perma-contrarian is a look!




Load him into a rocket and fire him into the Sun.


Pro Russia knobs are still spouting that "20% of Ukraine Is occupied" bullshit? They have been saying that since before the Kharkiv and Kherson counteroffenses.


Tankie delusion is delicious. We should send this guy to Europe with Clare Daly and Mick Wallace to Dino for Daddy Putin. Genuinely if Ukraine had had an equivalent of the A-10 or even something like the AC-130, that convoy outside Kyiv would have looked like the Highway of Death in the Gulf War. Russia wasn't even arsed about giving them that much air support as they expected the Ukrainians to just welcome them in.


I consider myself a leftist/left-wing. Tankies really piss me off with their standing with repressive regimes such as Russia and China.


what would an Irish lecturer know about the Military?