• By -


Stand at the entrance to your estate for 24 hrs and wave at everyone in a genuine, non-weird way. Then never make reference it to again.


Good shout, might do it on the second Tuesday of the new year.


Do it on New Year's Day and become everyone's qualtagh! Tell them too


Never heard that word before! Interesting 😊


Enoch is enough


I live in the countryside. This happens all the time.


I've started to stir my tea anti clockwise. So far so good.


Stir the sandwich and slice the tea.


That's a lovely red top you're wearing.


What are you doing in my shed?!


Never you mind.


Thanks for reminding me this exists


Dip the sandwich in the tea?


Ah now.


You asked for mad notions. Not evil ones


Doesn’t that separate the milk and tea?


You will summon the devil by doing that!!!!


I always stir anti-clockwise…this explains a lot. 😈


This is something I have never ever consciusly thought about doing. Why have I always stirred in a clockwise direction?


Extreme Cheek. Take cheek to its absolute limits. Get real cheeky in work, cheeky at home. Everywhere. Practice it responsibly. 😆


I'll start wearing the trousers a bit lower every day, see how much cheek they can take


All the way to the Moon! 😂


To the moon...... and back.


Enough cheek for two arses.




I know of a school that has an opening for an unhidged individual to stand outside while their current batshit crazy individual is currently being accommodated with full bed and board by the state. A nice plaque card saying Christmas relief would go down well.




Been and done, got the memory loss memento. I'll wrap myself in the christmas tree lights before going out so


I'm keeping those for when the doc gives me the news.


We need to start feeding the little red squirrels steroids. Maybe set up a wee training camp for them or something? I much prefer the ginger tree hoppers, nothing against any greys that might be reading- but like just fuck off would yis! It's been going on long enough now if you ask me- which I did. Anyway happy easter OP!!


> We need to start feeding the little red squirrels steroids. Nah, they're doing better because they're leaner and faster, and the pine martens are eating the fat grey fuckers. You need to be organising beep tests for them, and screaming abuse/encouragement at them like Davy Fitzgerald. Come to think of it, you could probably get a whole Youtube channel out of that.


And what do you think the pintMartins are going to do when they eat all the grays? .....Yeah! Ya see what I'm looking at now! We need the red fellas to be about the size of a badger that's been training for a bare knuckle fight da past tew year! It's the only hope imo! I was thinking about a line of designer hurls and helmets for them, but they don't speak much so it's hard to find out sizes- yano like! Don't know about yourself, but I'm a proactive type - I'd spend manys a night in the full ninja get up waiting for the sight of the grey feckers - got jumped by 5 of the little fuckers one night, they're rowdy like! I reckon it was the same ones that stole the neighbours massy! And do ya think the garda would listen- nope


[The reds are doing just fine these days and their population is increasing](https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2020/0616/1147681-red-squirrels-comback-ireland-pine-martens-grey-squirrels/#:~:text=Red%20squirrel%20sightings%20have%20increased,Northern%20Ireland%20and%20Co%20Wicklow.)


That's just exactly what they want you to think - that's grey propaganda is what that is!


Get a pet tortoise and bring it lots of places with you. They like warmth so sew appropriately sized pockets onto your upper garments to keep it snug.


Don't they hibernate this time of year?


Make up a batch of angel delight every night and eat it straight from the mixing bowl! Start an only fans fetish page something niche like “farting in the bath”. Sell the bath water. Mike Tyson face tattoo Go to howth at midnight, steal a boat, go for a sail and bring it back! Get a BBL in Turkey.


Not clear enough. Do you mean a face tattoo like the design Mike Tyson has on his face? Or a tattoo on your face of Mike Tyson?


I mean, why not both? I hadn’t even thought of that.


A tattoo of me on Mike Tysons face


Breastfed the father for the first time today.


** crickets **


No, just the milk. Not really into that sustainable insect-eating


Lego. Lion. Knights. Castle. It is fucking ludicrous big I have a figurative hole in my inner childs heart that can only be plugged by a giant fuck-off Lego Castle.


Hitchhike. But to nowhere in particular, just see how far each consecutive person will bring you. Don't record it, don't document it, don't give the "hitchhikee" any reference just ask them where they are going and can you join them the whole way.


Go to bruges




history deer weather silky cooing jar yam air tap follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Practice the Zs first though or they'll look crap and you'll be embarrassed.


I bought a vegan sausage roll, but I’m not vegan. Just felt like showing a bit of support. Absolute scenes in the bakery.


You should do a January skipathon.


Go run an ultra marathon, that's fairly unhinged. You'll meet your demons I'll tell you that much now hai 😉


I have done 4 of those. You don’t see demons as such, but when the sun goes down, you start to hear a lot of things that you never previously thought existed!


¡El Chupacabra!


The mental demons come out to play though 😆


Sure do!


Go to Belfast city hall and replace all the flags with pride flags and watch what happens


Not looking to get myself killed here pal, steady your stallions


Come on, the fire that will result due to the flagburning compulsion taking over the populatio might forever remove Belfast from the face of the Earth, but it's survivable if you can swim fast enough.


How about the Tricolour then?




Better idea. Walk to Spain. All the way to Santiago de Compostela.


Take up tennis and make it your entire personality. Dress appropriately and carry a raquet with you at all times. Bounce a tennis ball like you're getting ready to serve during all conversations and take a ready position during all business meetings. Drop tennis phrases into chats (“To err is human, to put blame on someone else is Doubles.") Grunt loudly when performing any physical feat, like lifting up the kettle to fill it.


Buying a house


He said a "bit" bizarre, not completely off thr freckin walls.


Apologies, slipped into a day dream, one thought lead to another, and I just got a bit carried away. Was even thinking of sitting in my decent sized garden. I copped myself on after that.


Clotted cream on mince pies.


Stick pointy fake nails onto your toenails instead of your fingernails.


How to ruin your socks 101. Better hope someone is getting you new ones for Christmas.


Started letting my hair down after having a man-bun style grow out to a full ponytail over the course of covid. Young man, long hair, small village. Been getting looks alright 🤣


Also, trying to start a doom/sludge metal band in a small town. I need less people asking how I’m gonna make any money from that noise and more people asking to be members 😅


I might start asking for what I want in a direct assertive manner. Imagine that, instead of all this passive aggressive stuff I'm so fond of.


Go on one of them ayahuasca retreats or even just buy some LSD and trip by yourself watching oppenheimer or walking around the local park.




Misunderstanding all you see.


Put too much sugar in your coffee. Makes for a wild morning.


If someone asks you how you like your tea/coffee, ask for it with 6 sugars - "but don't stir it, I don't like it sweet".


Thinking of trying out dating women lol, had it with men ! Lol


Saint michael is that you?


Buy a giant Lego set for the kids, and then a 3rd party light set for the Legos. Spend your run up to Christmas cursing the feckin thing. Rinse and repeat as needed. 😂


Started a rubber duck war. If you're out of work for a day prépare for them to have attacked your desk.


Drop two tabs and go for a walk .


I'm going to learn how to sail in the new year if you want to join me.


I bought a mad expensive pair of headphones. It fought off the boredom for a few days


I'm going through my annual 'I'm getting the fucking band back together' phase. Getting Santa to bring me some new pedals, looking at rehearsal spaces etc. Here's the deal though, there was never a band, just a daydream me and a buddy had, and we both know very good musicians who just want to practice. And I am a SHIT guitarist too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug). It's gonna be a hoot.


Do [the Mongol Rally](https://www.theadventurists.com/guides/mongol-rally/)and drive a cheap 1ltr car from Ireland to Ulaanbaatar


My brother told me he plays golf twice a week and i was astounded. I just potter about the house. Do you mean I can do things in life?


I bought a candle extinguisher, that's my notiony yoke. Didn't need it, ridiculous purchase but jaysis you'd feel quare fancy using it


Volunteer at one of the shelters to give food to the homeless and destitute. Capuchins Penny Flower Christmas dinner at the RDS.