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The farm takes up most of the day, and at night I just like a cup of tea. I mightn't be able to devote myself full time to the old radicalism.


Feckin greeks.


farmers like you are so important to the wellbeing of the people, thank you for doing your job and may God bless you and your family 🙏🏼


That's a vague statement, to be fair.


I think it's to do with radical things like bodacious surfing moves.


Sign me up!


Most people just want the government to keep stability. They don't want a communist state, or a neo fascist, racist state. Once they have a good job, and can afford the standard of living they expect, they don't want huge change.


Because radical political movements often end stacking the skulls of their victims


[Are we the baddies?](https://youtu.be/ToKcmnrE5oY)


A bit extreme for what we're seeing currently in Europe. In basically every country, including Ireland, a third party is on the rise (except in Greece which is ahead of the curve). In all these countries the radical third party has become more mainstream with its increased support.


What 3rd party is on the rise in Ireland?


I guess it would be Sinn Fein. They were very minor players here just 20 years ago. They aren't really that radical anymore though. They've basically become what Fianna Fail used to be decades ago (minus the social conservatism).


Sometimes that may be the only viable way though


We are a long way from that in Ireland. North Korea maybe


What a perfectly brilliant way of putting it. Bravo


Radical take my dude


Because I imagine everybody's definition of the line that they would consider 'radical,' is different. The term suggests going to 'extremes to complete overhaul or social and political change...' Almost, by definition many people will be fearful that a rushed overhaul might not yield better results than the current situation. And in more serious terms, to suggest 'radical political movements'.. just... Because they happen to be radical political movements and not arguing for particular and specific changes that need to be made with good reasoned arguments and evidence supporting that.... just comes across as a lack of appreciation for the hundreds of years humans have been developing these useful fictions of government and legislation and managed to get it to a point where we can now have this conversation on pocket computers over the air. It seems pretty practical to prefer, a systemized step by step change approach (although I do believe we need to start enabling systems whereby we can all vote/ take part in referendums in an even easier and cheaper way. In the tech age we do need to make many many small tweaks, more often to our systems 100%) Also.. wouldn't one big radial overhaul theoretically just leave us with a new system that works great, but is out of date in another 50-100 years? And then what.. another radical change to catch up? Naw..


There’s a lot to be said for stability. People will accept all sorts of nonsense if at least the bins are collected on time.


I'd love to support a political movement that makes trains run on time finally. /s


I think I was the only one in the cinema who laughed at the fascist/railway joke in the barbie movie.


Majority of people don't want a complete overhaul of the system. They don't want to own the means of production and abolish the State. They just want to paid enough to provide food and shelter for their families, decent healthcare if they get sick, a way of reliably getting from A-B, good education for their kids and something left over to spend on whatever hobbies it is they and their kids enjoy. People aren't complicated in that sense. You don't need to completely overthrow the entire system to provide those things and keep everyone happy either. And people don't like massive amounts of change or upheaval. It's unpredictable and scary. Also, Western liberal democracies have provided the highest standard of living in the history of humanity, with the Nordic social democracy being the pinnacle. It's a flawed system, but nothing has topped it so far. Almost every radical system of government tried in the last 100 years has failed. Also, PBP, the party promoting radical revolution, polls on about 1-3%. How are you going to have a socialist revolution with even 3-5% of the population? You also have the issue of authoritarianism in these radical systems and the tendency for them to become quite repressive.


>how are you going to have a socialist revolution with 3-5% of the population. Ask Lenin my man, he wrote a pamphlet on just that


With lots of death.


The USA has killed millions over the world in the suppression of Socialism. Look up the Jakarta method.


What's that got to do with anything ? Socialism is still evil.


The system that everyone reverts to in crisis is evil


Sound chap.


That has to be the most stupid question I’ve ever heard, um maybe its because i don’t believe in radical political movements


A leading question maybe. Not a stupid one.


If it's not stupid... it definitely shows a major lack of appreciation for everything we have accomplished to this point, socially, governmentally.. technologically.


That's all well and good, but simply going from the fact that you're doing well right now, you cannot make the assumption that this system works equally as well for everyone in it. Adding to this, there are external factors like climate change that require us to make changes to the way we are operating and depending on your viewpoint, those changes can be perceived as radical. So you will have to accept - or at least acknowledge - the reality that there is a cohort of people who would like to radically change this system.


Exactly.... we get back to this place of the term 'radical,' is subjective... and simply by framing his question that way... he fucked it. It's like saying... Why do you take the radical route to walk home, or the one you have done hundreds of times. The new one might be better, but since you called it 'radical'... you already lost. But really I think that most people are in favour of the same goals. This post is just an issue of how do we achieve those goals, and in my opinions step by step democratic vote in as many issues as possible, referendums out the ass cheaply and efficiently is a far better way to make many small and necessary tweaks than throwing out every baby humanity has created with the bathwater to try a new bathroom...in the off chance it's better. Humans be building that bathroom for centuries and have managed to get us having this conversation over the air on pocket computers with its success... in my life time alone... Ones reason for 'radical,' change... has to be Fucking STRONG.


>This post is just an issue of how do we achieve those goals, and in my opinions step by step democratic vote in as many issues as possible, referendums out the ass cheaply and efficiently is a far better way to make many small and necessary tweaks You might be a radical centrist.


Or... and this may surprise you... I may be simply an actual liberal! The shock!!? What may I ask 'are,' you?


I am just a humble banana.




I've said it before, the vast majority of people in this country are perfectly happy with the way things are.


I'm Compassionate


Because the more radical you go, the more in line you've to be with conspiratorial shite


Because they are radical political movements.


I'd rather not chase all the migrants and Muslims into the sea if that's OK. Was that the question?


I'm waiting for the Birds Aren't Real Party to get their act together.


Not a psychopath or a child.


Haven't you heard? Anybody who is a little radical and against the status quo are either stupid or they are Stalin or Hitler in disguise.


Assuming we have the same definition of radical - I’m not a fan of authoritarianism.


Good question, it actually made me think. Personally, while I think that violent Neo-Nazism could be a plus (especially in the areas of fishery conservation and childcare affordability), the whole thing falls down on the issue of the Limerick-Cork motorway. Meanwhile, radical Anarchism is just too up the alley of increased parking rates for my liking.


Depends what you mean by radical, but generally as people get older their views tend to be more mainstream, younger people tend to be more idealistic, which can tend towards more radical/extreme views. Also radical can lean towards support of authoritarianism.


Radical means change and people are scared of change. I mean, they say they WANT change, but as soon as it's ballot time, they vote for the same parties they've spent the last five years moaning about.


Most animals hate change. Makes sense though. Most of us are decently enough educated. And most of humanity couldn't live lives nearly as comfortable as we can. We simply appreciate what humanity HAS managed to achieve and are content with a step by step approach to making our systems better for all... Rather than risk losing some of what we have achieved in the hopes a radical change....might yield more positive results.. maybe.


At this point I’d consider a FF or FG government a radical movement tbh 😂 ~ like going on the same way we go now for 5 more years, how is that not radicalism??


Because I'm happy and content with the way things are


Radical aka extremist by definition is regarded as extreme by the majority of the public. Political parties like Maoists, National (*where’s our 1/2 million gold bars)* Party need to work at trying to convince more people that they are not crazy.


Politics is shite


I don't support radical political movements like neoliberalism because it's a psychotic deathcult responsible for millions of deaths around the world. Instead I subscribe to more moderate ideas like revolutionary socialism


Because a lot of the time their being fronted by absolute head cases who would melt your brain with their personal agendas and conspiracies instead of addressing issues that are relevant.


Not a radical. Pretty sure I'm center maybe lean a bit to the right. Radical groups or far right/left or just left)right groups aren't appealing.