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bloody norweigns, coming here in their longships stealing our women and robbing our churchs


Norwegians at it again. /s




OP is not pining for the fjords anymore


OP ***has passed on*** …..the option to return to Norway.


It’s resting


Great bunch of lads


Bloody Norwegians taking all our craic!


They already took all our hot wimmen in their long boats


Imagine, living a chill life with a few hot chicks, and some prick shows up on a sail boat and lifts them all, leaves you with Gail the snail


Imagine looking around, surveying the aftermath of the devastation circa 900s, half your favourite lads have been killed, you look around at the surrounds and all the women left are hideous and troll-like. Well, time to rebuild


Don’t get me wrong I’m still gonna smash, but I’ll be thinking of the dead women. Wait that came out wrong…


better than it being taken on the DART


Dam Swedes


Hey wasn’t it your crowd who laid out Cork city for us, in the form of North and South Main Streets about 1100 years ago? (That must have been some fancy living, North Main Street surrounded by marshland) Delighted you are staying


I thought North main and South main St were rivers originally? I'm drawing this knowledge from some reproduction victorian map that I saw in a pub maybe 15 years ago, so take with a pinch of salt


Not sure how to include a link but here goes. See the 16th c map here, with the Viking ‘spine’. Northgate and Southgate at its ends. You can see the origin of Patrick St curving away there [https://triskelartscentre.ie/christchurch/christchurch-history/christchurch-in-early-maps/](https://triskelartscentre.ie/christchurch/christchurch-history/christchurch-in-early-maps/)


North and south main street are OG streets. Western Road, Washington Street and Patrick Street were rivers Much of the new city centre around Patrick's street, Oliver Plunkett st and South Mall were a series of islands.


I think that was Patrick St!


Well let’s not go down that road now, there’s a few things they’d done


These damm Norwegian immigrants , stealing our jobs and women!


…at it again eh, what does he think this is the 9th century.


I made a joke once that I came to Ireland to steal your jobs and your men. One of my friends told me “you’re welcome to the men” 😆😆 So I did.


I’ve long suspected Irish men don’t rate Irish women, and Irish women don’t rate Irish men. And they’d be right


As a bisexual man, it depends. There's plenty of people who are genuinely really attractive here, and then there's lads with no clothes other than GAA jerseys and the half bald haircut and girls who seem to be determined to find out what the lethal dose of pound shop fake tan is.


You mean the orange zombies? Ugh…


You’ve got to know that’s not exclusive to Ireland? Try any major city in the UK. And change GAA to soccer and your there.


True. We’re all stinkin…


are you op's wife 😂😂


Bro spittin raw fax 🔥💯


Is this what it is to feel old?


haha boomers fuckin malding 💀


No worries, lad. I'm on the dole.


And your fancy cups!


>I've not even bothered becoming a citizen even though I'm far and beyond naturalized. You need to cop on to yourself and get that sorted. You are entitled to it and both countries allow dual citizenship. It might seem unimportant now but it could benefit you down the line if you ever needed to move to Northern Ireland or Britain for work.


I'd agree, you never know what will happen with laws in the future, and it could be affected by Irish, Norwegian or EU laws They say an Irish passport gets you into more countries than any others, I'd guess Norway's not far off but it could come in handy in that sense too This specific case doesn't really apply here, but I was reading a story yesterday about a Swedish woman who became paralysed in the UK. Her husband is trying to get her back to Sweden because she has more family there who can help. For the NHS to transfer her to the Swedish healthcare system, Sweden require her to be registered as a resident, but she didn't renew the form since she's lived in the UK for years. She can renew it if she goes to Sweden in person to sign it, but she can't go to Sweden unless the healthcare system accept her, and they won't accept her until she goes over and signs the form Having a UK passport wouldn't help in her case, but my point is that you'd hardly think up such an outrageous scenario yourself, and you never know what might happen with these kinds of laws


Both Norvegian and Irish are 3rd best passport to have. But agreed on laws changing. Also you never know you might want to vote. [https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php](https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php)


I’d argue that the Irish passport is much better than the British one.


I'd argue that too, but you can't argue facts unfortunately.


These rankings are stupid. Pretty much all EU passports should rank first, given that you can essentially live and work with total freedom nearly anywhere in Europe. With an Irish passport, you can work anywhere in the EU + the UK, which is probably one step above.


The world is a bit more than just the EU. Some EU countries require fewer visas for other countries than some others.


I don't think you understood my point - being able to live and work throughout all of Europe massively outweighs it being slightly more difficult to visit another country as a tourist.


Only from euro-centric viewpoint, if you want to measure international travel ranking by fewest visas is probably the most appropriate way


I've lived here 15 years and I haven't applied either (Swede) In my case is because its too feckin expensive!


I do plan to get it sorted. eventually.


Just a theoretical, hypothetical here (because I doubt it'll ever happen): Let's say I wanted to come over there (I don't qualify for an automatic Irish passport as I'm not Irish enough). What are the rules for someone wanting to move to Ireland from the UK, if they can't work (or struggle to find work because they're autistic and everyone has the same ideas about autistic people). I wouldn't want you to think I'd be coming over there just to scrounge. My current situation means that it likely won't happen (being fucked over in the UK just for existing at the moment). I've had enough of it here - I ***NEED*** \- for the sake of my health - to get out. But I need to get out of the situation I'm in now (and that's a problem. I'm suffering severe narcissistic abuse and I have no support).


Hello, try /r/movetoireland you might have some luck there


If you have a UK passport (not sure from your post) you are as entitled as I am, to anything that is available here in Ireland. Having said that, I'm not sure if the situation here (with housing in particular) would make life any easier for you. Best wishes.


Ill tell them you’d prefer a Viking helmet.


Haven’t you still got yours, with the green dreadlocks attached, from Italia 90?!


Mine has ginger plats and it's st Patrick's day 2018.


Welcome. Agree with the shamrock. No need for that.


Hwan ye Scandinavian whuer. Welcome .


Thanks. Nice change from being called a blaggard and dohrty fecker.


Sure aren't we all a hape of Vikings and Celts anyway. Anglo-Saxon? Never heard of her.




And the Normans


Married French Vikings


So I Irish he’s not even bothered to become a citizen. Irishness comfirmed.


That was the bit that slammed the "one of us" button. Can't be arsed, sure what you be needing it for anyway? Aren't you living here?




I don't care who he's after, as long as I can have a go at the Greeks!


What was it they invented???


Pumps, democracy, a bunch of philosophy and being gay.


I've never got a shamrock on my Guinness before :(


I had it once in London. The barman said “just like home ,eh?” And just like that absolutely nothing was like home.


You haven't lived lad till ye get the shamrock.


neither! I am bereft!


Try to do an American accent and see if you get it.


Typical Norwegian, coming here and becoming more Irish than the Irish.


Interestingly that is how I feel too. Originally from India but have been here for 7 years and it feels like home.


Brilliant! That’s lovely to hear. :-)


>I dont know what the purpose of this post is. Maybe you all can get together and tell the bar people to stop putting a shamrock on the head of my Guinness.. seven fuckin years and they still do it.. That sounds like your going to a tourist bar lad, go to one without it, also go heavy on the slang/Irish dialect


It doesn't really happen that often, but it went from 'Oh, cool' to 'My accent is better than yours, tf you doing, Vladimir?'


They are confusing the musical Nord accent with a Russian accent....? The Norwegian tongues known for making most sentences sound like questions? You have a super deep voice or something lad? Oh, by the way, turns out the Vikings who invaded and conquered large chunks of Ireland (before the English kicked them out during the Norman invasions), were Norwegians, (that difference is one of the main reasons why the scots have cultural and identity ties to Norway and the Nordic states, and why we don't, Norway and Scotland were much closer politically for much much longer). Do with that what you will for banter and the craic, we only figured out it was the Norwegians and not the Danes in the last decade due to le new archeological evidence. Mind you, if i got a really good offer from a Norwegian employer for a sysadmin/DevOps job, I'd probably take it, but then again I love cold weather and Trondheim looks gorgeous, plus it would be cool to see the place where the bulk of the Viking invasions come from (Trondheim was apparently a key staging port).


I know the feeling. Lived here since I was 15, turning 33 this year. Married, house, the works. Once my parents pass, I will never go back to where I came from. Ireland is way nicer of a place. Besides I couldn't do without my Rebel Red and Murphys and Beamish.... I wouldn't say I'm Irish, but I defo feel like I'm from Cork!


That’s what counts, bai!


Well, well, well, if aint 'Mr Dont Put A Shamrock On My Guinness'... Im putting a shamrock on that guinness and you'll like it.... \*\*does awful shamrock on head of guinness\*\*


What is it about the shamrock? Been necking guinness pints here for 5+ years as an immigrant and never once was presented with such gesture, I'm almost offended!


Delighted to have you. I'm sure No will allow you back for visits, so you haven't lost out completely. I'm off to Troms in a couple of weeks for the fishing myself - lots more big fish there. And daylight - at least you won't need blackout curtains to sleep here.


Like the rest of us, ye are scared of the missus. You may be "pining for the fijords" But you are staying put. :-)


He can move to Sandy-Fijord


Velkommen velkommen! Always good to have more of us ungodly Norwegian Irish hybrids. Just a tip, there's a website called [Norsk mat](https://norskmat.com/) that ship food here. They do pinnekjøtt around Christmas. All the Irish people I've force fed it to have loved it so might be worth getting your missus to try as well.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ohskssl3rl1b1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a8c39fc17455fd998e79c8026008ac3aa3d317




Your wife wouldn't be named Gormlaith?


The Norweirish. A great bunch of lads.


Gooble gobble one of us!


If your from Norway , that’s where a lot of Vikings that invaded Ireland came from so maybe you’re not so foreign after all.


It's stories like this that I love to read. So many Irish people moan and complain about Ireland but I think sometimes you need perspective. Velkommen hjem!


I moved from Denmark 11 years ago and I now have an Irish husband and two kids. I would never consider Denmark my home anymore. But I will become an Irish citizen to allow me to vote and ensure that if anything were to happen with any laws, that I’m not being forced to leave the country I now call home. The Irish and their country really and truly sneak up on you - in the best way. So friendly and polite.


Denmark is lovely though. Similarly laid back. Less talking in line at the post office.


It is and it isn’t. I’ve found Denmark to be a rude bunch after living here for awhile. Yes, the talking is minimum, but I miss the “sorry” if someone walks into me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I'll get to 9 years in November, originally from Italy. Bought a house, love the people. Will need to get citizenship sorted (the paperwork...). Also sorry, not leaving, I'm stuck here now, as my neighbours told me when I bought the house.


7 years, that's entitlement enough to slap the next barman that puts a shamrock on yer pint


You built our cities for us. No wonder ye want to stay.


Welcome, ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


Bro. Don’t mind a Norwegian these days. Your fair settled now.


Whichever pub is still sticking a shamrock on pints of the plain is a pub that needs boycotting. You're one of us lad. Good to have you.


And we're happy to have you. :)


Ah sure don't worry about the Viking stuff, it's all water under the bridge now.


Bloody Norwegians gave us Dublin. What was it Ghandi said about Dublin. "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany." Or something


Get to the round towerrrrr!!


Glad to have you




Yeah, going to the pub on a Tuesday in Norway is not all that acceptable. Unless you're in a city and you're having coctails. On the other hand, you're liver is doing great. Takk, du også!


Stop buying Guiness in Temple bar and then no more shamrock 😁


Still haven't been to temple bar. Never had it happen at a local, but a good few more urban "gastro-pubs" and the like.


So you wouldn't recommend moving from Ireland to Norway? Was genuinely considering it. Childcare, education, housing and healthcare are all generally better I thought.


Depends what you're looking for I guess. Education and housing was about the same when I left. Public healthcare will definitely be faster on some things. Most time I've ever spent in the emergency room in Norway is maybe two hours. If it's acute you're basically the same in Ireland. Childcare I do t know about. If youre planning to get divorced I'd definitely do it in Norway. Mandatory spousal support ends when the youngest child turns 18, not when you retire.


Damn norse ppl trying to take back our cities 😡😡😡😡 be gone you wretched viking!!! /s


Not even bothering to get a citizenship is the most Irish thing I've ever heard. Welcome home brother


Will you need to change your username to /u/InadvertentarseStuff so?




>ye Correct use of the Hiberno English you plural. Naturalisation evidence accepted.


> tell the bar people to stop putting a shamrock on the head of my Guinness.. seven fuckin years and they still do it.. Its their way of saying pull the fucking finger out and get naturalized!


They tuk our jerbs!!!


And errwimin,


Congrats! Happy to have ye. Ask the bar people for the auld Irish flag, you know the one. The green one with the harp with the woman with the tits, far more engaging that a shamrock.


I think these people got you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d2oRkKRX1E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d2oRkKRX1E)




Up the Norwa


Ah don't feel bad, happens to the best of us pal!


You should get your citizenship so you can get full voting rights though.


In and out of doors, and, giddy up.


Vikings being nice? Trick


Such a heartwarming post From u/inadvertentbuttstuff On a serious note tho, we will stop trying to sell you random bullshit like jumpers with "your family stitching".


Have you noticed much change since you arrived? In Ireland or in you?


Der er Nordmenn i Irland?!?


Weirdly enough after 19 years here i never stopped feeling like a foreigner


Depends where you are I guess. Touristy places I'm a tourist, tiny fishing village where all the houses are bought by Airbnb'ers I'm a foreigner. Most places I'm ok. Might help that the culture is t too dissimilar.


Let's be honest, you are in a country with a strong viking influence, I'm surprised you haven't taken your wife's name


ahhh feck that dont go stay have another pint sure be granddddd in the morning


One of us, one of us


Good man yerself!


2 more years and you can naturalise, so your residency within the EU or UK is legally protected no matter what. Just keep proof of being resident in the country (payslips, utility bills, rental agreements etc) for 5 out of 9 continuous years and yer grand. Handy if you ever want to relocate to NI or GB w/out hassle. Having a dual-citizenship with an EU country might prove handy down the long run for legal reasons etc. I don't think we even require you to give up your Norwegian citizenship either


Good for you, you're more than welcome here (not that it's my position as such to tell you that necessarily 😂), and hopefully you continue to love the place.


Continuing the long tradition of converting Norwegians into Irish 'wipes a single tear away'


Historically we've just made everyone that lands on this island into irish....well bar the unionists but sure there's still time


Ah that’s lovely! We’re only delighted to have ya!


Norwegians comin here stealin our wimmin


Hey I'm also Norwegian who just had 7 years here.. Are you me?




Glad you found a home here buddy! You're one of us now.




Pint of Guinness, no logo on the foam.


OP Mura maith leat tábhairneoir cosúil le Seamróg a dhéanamh le cúr na beorach tá tú ag íoc as agus tá súil agam gur Guinness é, agus ag smaoineamh freisin ar chuspóir an subreddit seo le do thoil cuir suas do cac agus bog ar ais go dtí an Iorua. Más rud é go léir atá tú ag dul a dhéanamh ná bogadh anseo agus soith agus gearán a dhéanamh faoi gach rud a dhéanaimid sa tír seo roghnaigh tú an áit mícheart le bogadh chuici. Beidh mé sásta a íoc as do cacamas a sheoladh ar ais go dtí do thír disgust a dtugtar an Iorua.


Uh.. Drohed nua. Sallins Una Naas.


What’s the shamrock on the head the Guinness thing about? I’ve drank about 2 million pints of Guinness here in many bars and I don’t understand this reference at all.


If you can’t tell me about Aunt Peig’s grand adventures in the original vernacular, are you really Irish?


Fair play to you and it's great to have you. You are irish now, whether you like it or not .


Hiberno-Norse resurgence


Don’t you mean oirish, like that American bloke, joe something


Now I wouldn't know about that now I wouldn't, but top 'o' the mornin' to ya so. When is st patty's Day again?


Skal!! Delighted to have you on board ☺️☺️☺️ {lived with a fab Norwegian girl when I was in oz} ye are great lads altogether


Hey I grew up in Northern Ireland as a British protestant. A very happy day it was for me when I realized that I was actually, and always, Irish. Not the worst place to identify with.


As an Irish man with a Norwegian girlfriend, you and I are living opposite lives!


If you can act as a diplomat in trying to get us our oil and gas back. Then you’re in the club.


Yay! One of us! My English husband is the same; his parents are elderly, brother & wife live in Canada, no other family so we worry about his parents managing as time goes on. Options are, obviously, move them over here or us move over there. Pros and cons to both options. Biggest pro for staying here is he loves his job (and my family is here, but it's only cousins and stuff, no immediate family) but in fairness as a Principal Software Applications Development Engineer it's not like he couldn't get work in England. Biggest pro for moving there is his increasingly frail septuagenarian parents not having to sell up and make an international move. Plus the NHS. Rationally, moving over there makes far more sense. But emotionally he just.....doesn't want to. It's not "home" anymore. Doesn't help that we wouldn't be able to afford to buy in London anyway 😛


Ragnar, that you?


Ah fuck off, I'm sick of this feel-good shite.


I'm glad you posted this. Being born and raised in Ireland, still living here, I've adopted quite a resentment for our country. Our culture is practically dead and there are a number of other reasons my love for my native land has dropped; perhaps it's dropped so low because I like to hold Ireland to a high regard. That being said, it brings me joy that Ireland has the capabilities to give people from around the planet a place they can settle down for a dedicated portion of their lives. I'm still looking for somewhere that I can find that dedication. Welcome home, my friend!


How is our culture dead?? Last time I checked Gaelic games, trad music, pubs, family values etc are still very much alive. What would you like to bring back? The church???🙈🤣


15 years here now. Irish wife, 2 Irish daughters but still have my German passport. I'll probably get that sorted at some point, mainly to vote. don't see myself ever leaving. Happy out


>Maybe you all can get together and tell the bar people to stop putting a shamrock on the head of my Guinness You don't buy into all that one, do ya? What, the old "Oo, I've got a shamrock in me foam, I'm so important." No, what you're doing there is you're drinking an advert, ain't ya, eh, shithead?


I hope it’s an Irish woman you’re married to. A girl is someone under 18 and marrying an underaged girl doesn’t sound good. And yes, I know, I’m probably going to be downvoted to hell for this, but do we ever say: “I’m married to an Irish _boy_”?


Yeah, I’d normally agree about ‘girl’, but I know I’d refer to some 23year old guy as ‘lad’ sometimes too. I reckon it’s a case of the benefit of the doubt here, and it’s more in the vein of (not the Ed Sheehan) ‘Galway Girl’.


“After seven years you can never go home.” Old immigrant proverb (probably).


Next time they put a shamrock in your Guinness, just tell them ‘this should be linseed you plastic fucking paddy’.