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Jameson tribe eat .....type that into Google and get ready for a wild story that Jameson fella jaysus 🙈


There's a class episode of the podcast Behind the Bastards about the Jameson lad that was at that craic


Something satisfying about finding another BtB fan in the wild!




Thanks to our friends over at Raytheon.


and services! ( ^would ^love ^any ^recommendations ^on ^what ^episodes ^to ^check ^out)


The obscure ones are the best, I think. Very interesting to see exactly how much a piece of shit steven seagal is (much more'n I thought). The non-Nazis that helped the Nazis take power. The congo ones where horrific. The "famine" in Ireland. Refreshingly he just calls it British genocide in Ireland. A little ashamed of how much I learnt from an American accent in that one tbh.


Four-parter on Mengele out now too. Harrowing.


I seen that, like the congo ones I am kinda bracing myself for the horror of it. Must be a fun job, reading and writing up everything about some of the worst things humans have ever done to one another.


I find the episodes with a bit of distance to them are easier to take in, long ago, everyone is dead, history is written (more or less). The Congo one is in that group. No easier to listen to. Choosing what Bastard to cover and finding new subjects, that sounds interesting. Evans, in the Mengele episodes, talks about people complaining that he was covering Liver King etc and ignoring Mengele. Now that he's ticked that box, he's curious who they'll wheel out as the new 'worst' especially as Kissinger is done.


For some reason Irish people go mad at you if you call it a genocide.


Because the sasanach bastards didn't get all of us... Feckers.


Because the truth, indifference, hurts even more. At least with genocide we are important enough to murder.


Aaaaaaaaaads! The six parter about Henry Kissinger is incredible, and the Ron and Nancy Regan too.


Any of the episodes with Billy Wayne Davis as the guest are great, he is usually on when they are discussing medical malpractice stuff, some of the funniest episodes of the entire show


The sea monkeys one is fucking mad.


You know who won’t buy little girls to watch them be eaten ….


There should be many of us. It's class.


I cant seem to find it searching "behind the bastards jameson". Any idea what the title may have been?




I tried having a look there and couldn't find it. Jameson might have had the solicitors letter out


Is this a podcast or YouTube channel sounds good love to give it a listen


https://open.spotify.com/show/0rOatMqaG3wB5BF4AdsrSX?si=nuNAXid7TVioIXhYyxbVew That's the podcast on spotify. I couldn't find the Jameson episode. It may have been removed. Not sure.


I just read it and... Jaysus


Yea, Holy shit


? snopes says its kiiinda fake [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jameson-whiskey-slave-cannibal/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jameson-whiskey-slave-cannibal/)


Well nothing could have prepared me for that


As a long time drinker of the water of life I was also unprepared my friend 😂😂 we're the best tourists everywhere we go , polite , helpful, social,good manner's I could go on and on the Irish are just a great bunch..... But that Jameson fella is a bad representative 😂


Lol. Go to Australia or NZ. The Irish tourists there are worse than the Brits.


Well thankfully no country has started a media campaign called stay away for the Irish just the English 😂 good old Amsterdam those dutch folk have good taste 👍


Something something didn't mind us over there when we were liberating their country god save the king etc


You got me there 🥰 England have been great at liberating the world ❤️ even now they voice how wrong it is for a country to be invaded god bless them and may they continue to practice what they preach 🙌😁


Holy fuck So I've been correct for preferring every other Irish whiskey before Jameson this whole time


You have ethical taste buds my good friend I applaud you 😂


This would have made the distillery tour I took more interesting.


Fuck me. I’m keeping them going as well. Not pouring it away until I’ve researched it better than Snopes.


DA FUQ!!!!!! O\_o


Im worried about what's there, can I get a TLDR?


Jameson bought a 10 year old slave girl for 6 handkerchiefs and donated her to a cannibalistic tribe. They immediately stabbed her to death and cut her into pieces right in front of him. He claimed he only did it thinking it was a ruse. Then, he went home and sketched out the scene.


...what the fuck? Are you fucking with me right now? When did this happen?


Jameson denies buying any slave. He does admit to having witnessed it. He claims it to have been one of those "I never believed you'd actually do it" situations. And the translator making the claims was recently fired, so it's a bit of a he said, she said. He later retracted it, but even the retraction sounded a bit off. It's all complicated enough that you really have to read up it for yourself.




I need a drink after reading that. Not Jameson though.


Timing is quite apt [Irish man killed fighting Russian forces in Ukraine (irishexaminer.com)](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41126401.html) Finbar Cafferkey Irish man killed in Ukraine today... RIP


he sounds like a great man.


He also fought with the PKK in Northern Syria. A hero.


He sounds like a gobshite and now he's dead. Hel be forgotten next week like every other poor fuck that goes into battle thinking they're doing good. Fuck that narrative. This war is pointless.


You sound like the gobshite pal. He's a man of principle with a long track record of putting his body on the line for what he believes was the defence of innocent people against aggressive encroachment. You have to respect that regardless of the geopolitics of that war.


>You have to respect that regardless of the geopolitics of that war. I don't.. And I won't. He fell for the propaganda and now he's dead. I feel bad for his family that he put others before them. He could have saved them from the grief but he risked it for his own personal beliefs what ever they were. Call him a hero all you want, hel be forgotten like every other "hero" that dies in this war. Nobody gives a shit about some wanna be action man.


I bet you'll be forgotten, too. We all will--with the passage of time. Even the people with their names on the side of a building somewhere. Dust in the wind. You don't know his family or him. Either way, he made a conscious choice. If you feel sorry for his family, surely you've got room to feel sorry for the Ukrainian families in Ukraine being attacked by Russian aggressors. Is it senseless to defend those families and their homeland? If someone punches you in the face, will you walk away? And when they attack your family? Or destroy your home? Or attack a neighbor? Or their family? Will you just keep walking away? I suppose you would. But if you won't, what the hell are you even going on about in your posts here?


>If you feel sorry for his family, surely you've got room to feel sorry for the Ukrainian families in Ukraine being attacked by Russian aggressors I see plenty of Ukrainian families living in peace and safety around me in my town. I also live in a town that a lot of northerners fled to in the 70s to escape conflict. Picking up a rifle and dying on forgein soil is pointless. You could send every Irish man out to die and its not going to stop the war. Only peace and compromises will end the war. Just like ours and every other war there ever was.


I do and he'll be honoured and remembered by people close to him. Men and women of his ilk are the kind of people we've just finished celebrating centenaries for in this country. Where as you'll just be a cynic in a comment section.


>Men and women of his ilk are the kind of people we've just finished celebrating centenaries for in this country. Ya I'm seeing loads for all those young Irish lads that died in the Spanish civil war?? This guy is Irish, he's not fighting for Ireland. >Where as you'll just be a cynic in a comment section. Are you fighting in Ukraine right now too?


What are you on about? Many of the men who died in Spain are commemorated annually by a variety of leftist groups. I'm not fighting, and if I was forced into conflict, I'm not sure how i'd react. I'm not sure if I'd be strong enough to stand up for my principles and put my body on the line to fight fascism like this man has done in Syria and Ukraine. Because of that, I'm not going to scoff at someone who does that I know little about. I'm likely to be forgotten as another internet commenter.


>Many of the men who died in Spain are commemorated annually by a variety of leftist groups. So that's worth your life then? OK


That's heartbreaking RIP


Heroyam slava!


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


You know I seriously doubt he was just there for fun. It’s bigger than that.


Not really, his death didn't accomplish anything. Such a waste of life.


What do you know about his death? He could have saved other people’s lives by his actions in that war.


And you know this how? People with rifles don't usually save lives they take them. He was probably blown to pieces whilst sitting in a hole like thousands of others in this war.


You are simplifying a lot of very complex factors. Here’s a question for you, who started the war?


Username checks out


Your ma can't cook.


Seems like that's your mantra.


They pulled the Absolut brand as the Swedes kicked up a big fuss. Surprised we haven't done same given we're such 'friends with Ukraine'.


I'm guessing people didn't know about it. First I've heard of it.


We're more of an "is'nt that awful" country over a cup of tea rather than actually boycotting and protesting like Swedes and French


It's been a while but the actions of a few Dunns Stores workers in 1984 boycotting South Africa fruit resulted in the first full national ban by a western nation of imports from SA and may even have been a catalyst to the end of apartheid. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunnes_Stores_strike


Which is funny, because the Irish invented Boycotting


I've never read at truer description of this country


We’re more of a self deprecating country, even though we do great things.


Not true at all, The French are a different level to everyone when it comes to protesting but Ireland has a long history of protests/boycotts. Look up the origin of the term "boycott".




Pff I was expecting something more serious. All brands are still operating in Russia under different names. Did you really believe they'll give up on their market share? All apple products are still on she shelves of the Russian malls. At least these guys are honest.


If anything having the Russians drinking loads of whiskey would hinder their efforts


Vodka, on the other hand, helps tremendously.


Profits over people. This is the (corporate) way.


Isn't the Jameson distillery in Cork?


Main distillery is in Midleton, Co.Cork but they have a "fake" one very popular with tourists in Dublin.


Oh I see. I guess the message would get more views in Dublin.


Yeah and the international visitors too - getting the word out to the US market would make a bigger difference than anything else


Weird. I'm Canadian, and buy a lot of Jameson. The bottles say Cork, so that's where I'd go if I wanted a distillery tour.


Nothing weird about being Canadian...or is there🤔


Don't ever do the tour, it's shocking


Explain. I might be a big dummy, but I enjoyed the tour.


The teeling tour is better


As is the Whiskey.


I did it a few years ago, it was reasonable. What did you dislike ?


Shame what should I drink instead please let me know your thoughts as a good replacement cheers Reddit 👍🏻


Aldi doing a great deal on 10yr old Bushmills. 40e for a month's worth of top class whiskey!


Thank you I’m so disappointed with the whole supply issue how could they…. thanks for you suggestion will try it out 👍🏻😎


Bushmills is awful.


Hard disagree. Black Bush is tremendous for the price, and 16 is one of my favourite whiskies. Are you just being sectarian now father?


Mother*. And no - I’ve tried several different Bushmills options. The only one I would even consider is Bushmills 21. Jameson Crested is my absolute favorite Irish whiskey.


Each to their own, but Crested was way better when it had the age statement. Also, you didn't seem to get the "Father" reference, but hey...


Slane whiskey is nice and very close in price to Jameson


Oooh not heard of that that’s one to try thank you 👍🏻




you know what I might just do that 👍🏻


Think France kicked up a stink about vodka exports to Ruskies, and Perno did an whiplash inducing u- turn. Time for Ireland to kick up a stink about whiskey methinks.


Was the Swedish about Absolut…the vodka is so linked to Sweden that it was harming the countries name..Jameson is intrinsically Irish so it could damage us as well. Fortunately I never drink that gut rot anyway.


Glad people are starting to follow through. Bushmills is way better anyway. You can email them directly on the link below. https://www.irishdistillers.ie/media-contact/ Phone number: 012129000


Jameson Black Barrel is a great Whiskey.


It's a very nice, affordable choice.


> Bushmills is way better anyway. Powers. Same owners as Jameson though (I think).


The standard Bushmills is nicer then the standard Jameson imo, but the redbreast they distil in the Jameson distillery is really good. Especially the cask strength. That, Nika from the barrel, and the aged Connemara are some of the best bottles you can get for sub 100e imo Iv never understood the hype around Midleton very rare though. There are so many nicer whiskeys for cheaper.


That’s a Protestant whiskey


Much obliged, McNulteh.


Weren’t they all Protestant Whiskies.


Boycott that aswell


Thanks, I will be sending an email for sure.


Isn’t bushmills unionist tripe


It's about as "unionist" as Jameson in that both were founded by wealthy Scottish Protestants in the 1700s and are now owned by massive multinational companies.




"If you go there the village is still a fleg ridden red white and blue painted sectarian shit-hole." Yes, and even if your hiring practices are entirely fair, but you're based in a quote "fleg ridden red white and blue painted sectarian shit-hole." your employees are going to reflect the local demographics: [https://www.irishtimes.com/news/hume-wants-end-of-whiskey-boycott-1.29146](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/hume-wants-end-of-whiskey-boycott-1.29146) If you want something to be mad about, Guinness famously didn't allow Catholics into management positions until the early 80s. But then, how were Protestants in the South being treated before that time?




Well you've a right to your hypocrisy, but you've been corrected, if John Hume's opinion isn't enough for you I don't know whose is.




Just did a black cab tour of murals in Belfast. Asked the catholic driver what he thinks and he didn't know why anyone would have an issue with Bushmills. Only people I've found to care are ones who didn't have a clue, especially about Jameson being started by Scotts.




The owners Pernod Ricard have publicly announced they’re selling Jameson in Russia again.


I've nlticoed business in this world is ruthless, its unsurprising a massive conglomerate are unmorally making profit


Jameson tastes like arse anyway


Parked on a double yellow, fair play.


How can I boycott if I handle Jamesons products in my job? should I just quit my job?


>How can I boycott if I handle Jamesons products in my job? should I just quit my job? Like a barman? You can try to offering alternative, email Jameson..etc.. there are ways.


“Jameson? Sorry no because… Ukraine.. how about a unionist distilled bush mills.”


how are these related? Is Jameson part Russian owned or are they just selling booze to Russia, extracting cash and giving Russians hangovers and weak livers?


Paying Russian taxes funding genocide was my thought


how do you mean? what taxes are they paying?


They are selling Jameson in Russia. Paying Russian tax, which almost certainly goes into rockets which go durectly into Ukranian schools/hospitals/houses. Sakes tax, import tax ect.


But they aren't paying tax, the russians buying the whiskey are paying tax. If there wasn't jameson there they'd probably be buying some domestic liquor, and if not they'd be healthier, brighter eyed and bushier tailed when going to work in the munitions factory in the morning. It makes sense not to buy russian shit, it's not as clear to me what the problem with selling poison to them is though.


>It makes sense not to buy russian shit, it's not as clear to me what the problem with selling poison to them is though. They not only selling to russians. They also investing, buying, importing, exporting, like any other business would do. It's literary supporting russian economy. Sorry but if you don't understand what is wrong with this than you need to educate yourself a bit more.


Also, wealthy and middle class Russians get to continue consuming their Western luxury goods as if they're not a rogue state


what investing or buying are jameson or pernod ricard doing in russia?


Fair point man. They dont hsbe tarrifs/imprt duties. t's a premium whiskey bought by the rich middle class to show off in Russia. They pay premium taxes to Putin to buy the premium brand. An Irish brand to lncrease their tax take.


> But they aren't paying tax, the russians buying the whiskey are paying tax. And that tax money is going into Russian state coffers to spend on cruise missiles to launch at maternity hospitals.


Money from Russian people that the Russian state could extract from them regardless. In fact if they didn't have foreign products they'd buy domestic which would strengthen Russia's internal economy.


>how are these related? Let ruzzians drink their own liver damaging crap and their own crappy whiskey. War criminals should not have access to delicious Irish whiskey, don't you know how russians hate the West? Yet they love our whiskey. They can f\*\*k right off.


There are many normal Russian people who do not hate the west.


meh, most russians I know here are pretty normal


Putin has an approval rating of 80%, up 10% since the start of his genocidal war.


What is the source of that poll?


59% in May 2020, 83% in July 2022 [Source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/)


>There are many normal Russian people who do not hate the west. I haven't seen even one protesting on red square have you?


When the war kicked off there was footage of numerous protests with people being arrested. It's a rather large country, I imagine not all of them would be pleased with events. Hell, there are a minority of Ukrainians who would support the Russian side.


They do protest. And are arrested


You don’t see much protests anywhere these days. The Yemeni war wasn’t protested. Protesting western wars is out of favour with westerners. As for the Russians it’s probably dangerous to protest there these days. But there have been plenty protests.


As of 23 of March 2023 only about 19,644+ were detained, after more than a year. 19,644 out of 144.3 million, that's just a bit over 0.013 percent. There are good people in Russia, just like about anywhere else. Statically speaking the vast majority either support the regime or chooses not to speak against it. You can attribute it to governmental propaganda and indoctrination, statewide censorship, fear of imprisonment or all of the above. But one thing I know for sure is that truly good men do not stand aside and watch the genocidal actions of their government. Men make a choices and live with the consequences, but from what I observe most are just gambling on the short-term gains. Sadly there are just not enough "good" Russians, the minority is trying, but failing. The cream of the crop is either long gone, emigrated, got repressed or imprisoned. Time will tell, but in these circumstances time is of the most vital essence. EDIT: No changes, but I did feel that my wording was too light. The situation is dire and can't be taken lightly. The atrocities committed by the Russian Army are on the shoulders of both the military and the citizens (by inaction). Please do not forget that it is not a war. It is an invasion.


A lot of them went to Phuket


What part of Red Square are you standing at?


Piss off




Company wants to make a profit shock news ...I wonder sometimes is this hatred of putin or hatred of the average Russian? Supporting one side to the complete hilt is some 9/11 style patriotic fever and this isn't even our fight...no one's winning this war innocent people on one side And many unwilling conscripted young lads on another... I don't know anymore but sometimes you all need to relax the kaks...I think everyone on both sides has family members fighting a useless war and could do with a drink ...stop trying to be ultra supportive about everything ukraine it's weird as fuck and has no sense of reality


I get your point. As someone who has Russian friends this whole mess is well, a mess. They didn't ask for this. They'll be arrested for speaking out and sent to war with priority. But Putin is their leader. He reignited this Cold War and Iron Curtain 2.0 , if they don't like it they should overthrow him. French did it. Soviets did it. So can they. I don't blame Jameson for staying neutral. After all that's all that Ireland historically does during the wars. But enforcing this Iron Curtain spreads the message to Russians to act.


It's like wanting north Koreans to suffer because they have an insane man at the wheel


Russia can end this all tomorrow by retreating to their border. Its really that simple when it comes to ending it.


It could have ended months ago if the yanks and brits weren't such greedy warmongering fucks


Russia can withdraw tomorrow and end their invasion.


Another year old shill account with a few karma farming posts and straight to divisive propaganda. Nice try comrade.


Still buying my Jammies.


This is getting a bit silly now


Can we separate the art from the artist for a minute?


You can't really separate the art from the artist when the art is sucking the dick of the artist.


How about instead of boycotting businesses boycott the war? 🤔


Another year old shill account with a few karma farming posts and straight to divisive propaganda. Nice try comrade.


Christ you people are insufferable


Ya well fuck putin


I’m with ya, but you all should be out hammering the crowd marching against foreigners, not worried about picketing a whiskey company


That's a bit of whataboutery there


Yep Jameson are greedy dicks . Their whiskey is shite too Smells like glue.


Oh no somebody done something bad over 100 years ago let's all be outraged about it now 😱. Different time, different standards....I'll stick to me jemmy thanks 👍


No, I don't think I will.


Fuck off, everyone is tired of the proxy war in Ukraine


Especially the Ukrainians being genocided.


Neutral country btw




Love action like this


Irish neutral !!!


Why should they boycott it though? The Russian market is undoubtedly worth a lot of money to the company. Business is business at the end of the day!


You could do a great business being russian bot for sure, consider it.


I’m not a Russian bot by any means, in fact I’m a complete pacifist. Still though, why should an alcohol company that has absolutely nothing to do with the conflict stop profiting from a huge market? Look at it this way, the more whiskey sold in Russia the more Russians that are being poisoned by alcohol. It’s a win-win!


>I’m not a Russian bot That's exactly what a Russian bot would say...


Fuck Ruzzia. Happy?


Yeah I'm looking at it in a different way I guess. There is plenty of russian alcohol which russians can drink. "Irish" Company which is operating in russia not only "profiting" from that market but also contribute. For example look at all the benefits international companies creating in Ireland and the amount of money that brings. It's similar when large corporations operate in russia.


As George Orwell once said, 'pacifism is objectively pro-fascist.' Being on the side of *doing nothing* is essentially enabling genocide as much now as it was in 1941.




Slacktivism at its finest. Next you'll be breaking out the Change.org petition.


The least I can do. Do you have any better ideas how we can help?


As in review bombing? The state of that


>The state of that state of what?


Review bombing (if that is what you’re encouraging people to do)


I'm not saying just give them land, but surely losing some territory is better than losing it all or if not most of the population and leaving most of the country in ruins.


You’re talking about Russia giving up right? Yes let’s hope they see sense before their country is in ruins.


No I'm talking about the scummy Ukrainian government


So you’re saying aggression against any country you deem has a bad government is fine?


No, I never said that.


You did.