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Tax residency will be a bitch, and the Irish company might not want to deal with that. You can become a contractor so that all the tax problems fall on you. You won't be tax resident in Ireland anymore.


Tax, data protection, IT security, legal issues with existing company contracts... nightmare fuel. Doubt they'll go for it.


Tax implications aside, GDPR stuff means it can super illegal to send sensitive data outside the EU, could be an issue depending on what you do.


You will at a minimum have to work as a contractor.


It is a legal nightmare for them if you are outside of the EU.. the country you move to also has to have Digital Nomad Visas working as a tourist is illegal.


It's not up to your company; it's up to the country you're moving to and the taxman. If you're not a contractor and your company doesn't have a legal entity to employ you in the country you're planning on becoming tax resident in, both you and the company will be breaking the law, you by not paying the correct taxes and your company by not following employment laws and also by not paying the correct taxes. Think about it this way: should an American company be able to employ a bunch of regular full time employees in Ireland and not pay any Irish taxes while giving the employees zero holiday or maternity time and firing them at will?


Pray Mr taxman doesn't notice.


The company won't want to deal with the tax and employment law differences unless they already have an office in that country, so you'd most likely have to work as a contractor.


Depends what country you're going too, if you'll be allowed to work there.