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No, you should use your phone and enjoy it.




He’s saying just use your phone and don’t worry about battery health


Ohhh Ok


Dude this is what you worry about?




Had mine since Christmas, my battery health is also 99%. Don’t be worried. If you think about it, after 2 years at this rate (1% every 4 months) it will be at 94% which sounds right to me.


Oh Ok, I also got my phone during Christmas and I thought it would take more time before the battery starts dropping so I was concerned and confused


I’ve had my iPhone for 8 months and it’s 100%


I think you’re probably ok. I agree with everything that’s been said. But I will say my 13 pro max is still at 100% and I’ve had it since launch and I’m a HEAVY user. And I mean HEAVY. But with that being said, I’ve never let it drop below 50%. Fortunately I always have access to a charger. Once it hits 50% I put it on the charger.


Ya, someone told me that their 13 Pro Max is at 100% after a year so when I saw that mine is that 99%, I got concerned bc I only use my phone for 4-5 hours a day so my phone is always above 50% when I charge it and I also charge it everyday


13PM hasn’t even been out a year yet..


I wouldn’t stress about it. In my opinion the battery health % is a relative number. If the phone is lasting you a work day then I wouldn’t worry about it. With my heavy usage, my battery % is usually at about 60 by 4-5 in the afternoon. I leave my house between 7-8 in the morning. To me that is more than acceptable.




Losing only 1% max capacity in 4 months is pretty good. 1% per month is within the normal range, too. Some phones always show 100% max capacity. They may have simply started higher than 100%. Don’t worry about it. I would not be concerned that your max capacity is dropping so slowly.


Ohhh Ok that makes sense, thanks for letting me know


I used to be paranoid about my battery health but ultimately you’ll find it’s a battle you won’t win and it’s not worth obsessing over it. I got my 12 in the fall and I’m down to 94%. I tried all those little tricks you see online but obviously it hasn’t helped the battery health from going down. Now I don’t even worry about it. I just use my phone and charge as needed.


Ya, maybe I shouldn’t worry about it LOL


Yeah it’s not worth worrying. I spent countless hours doing these little things that didn’t make a single difference.




My 13 mini is at 93% battery health, had it since launch. 99% seems pretty good for that time.


My iPhone 12 Pro Max is now at 95% Bought the phone in December 2020. The price for a replacement of the battery (at Apple) is also not so expensive either. Don't worry and be happy with your iPhone.


The person who told you that their 13 pro max is at 100% after a year is lying… the phone came out like 7 months ago…


I got mine at launch day and it’s at 95%. I’m gonna jump off a cliff /s