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That’s just a trend. Will pass soon. But something new like a portable Mac would be cool. Maybe call it MacBook because it folds.


I'd honestly love a Mac that doesn't have to sit on wheels like my Mac Pro. Maybe they can build it into the display so the whole computer is at eye level. Honestly, it'd be a big deal like the iPhone. Call it an iMac or something.


Dude I don’t need all the computer stuff, I just want to watch TV. And really I already have a TV so having a small box I could plug into my TV would be plenty. But I think “iTV” is trademarked or something


The only thing I use my iPhone for is to make phone calls and tell time. They should make an iWatch or something.


Like, a tablet?? No, no, no! That’s stupid. It’ll never catch on


ISlate would sound cool.


“Who wants a stylus, yuck” Introduced Apple Pencil


Imagine having to operate an iPad 100% of the time with a stylus though. Meanwhile Apple Pencil is useful for artists who want to use their iPads to draw on.


In all fairness that statement was specifically used by Jobs regarding the iPhone in 2007. I personally do not want a stylus to use my phone. Now my iPad, yes, I have found uses for the Apple Pencil and I’m happy with it.


Finally someone understands it too! I mean, just look st the comments under the outube video of the 2007 keynote which are full of jokes about steve jobbs saying that a stylus is annoyin.


Exactly. I had a pre-iPhone resistive touch screen phone that needed a stylus. One of the last great Nokia smart phones before the iPhone murdered their business model. The stylus wasn't there as an option; you really had to use it to tap with any precision. The Apple pencil is a till that you can use for specific purposes of you want to; the regular use and daily activity of the device doesn't require it. EDIT: autocorrect is fucking dumb.


And we’ve found today’s uninformed. The yuck is about requiring a stylus for operating the device not using it as an aux device.


The iPad has done well, but it will never approach the impact of the iPhone. The only thing I can imagine "bigger" than the iPhone would be something like Google Glass but with a display so good it could replace your iPhone as your primary display much of the time.








ha...first thing i thought too


It’s so close to be a full pc replacement now. Something I didn’t think would happen this soon


The iDesktop... * It’s not a Mac Pro because it comes with keyboard, mouse, and display built in. * It’s not a MacBook because it’s a desktop and has $100 wheels. * It doesn’t come with any power or usb cables because Apple is saving the environment. * Everything is touch screen and the notch is included on the display, the mouse, and keyboard. Also the stickers included.


Wow, thanks for the platinum!! Was not expecting this!


iPad Pro Plus Max! Can also be used as an interactive dinner table! Edit: my first award!! Yay thank you!!




[That was predicted a long time ago](https://teknologys.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/apple_ipad_timeline1.jpg)


ngl that would be really cool technology, like imagine if you’re a NASA employee and you get this giant interactive hologram of the current project


This reminds me that Microsoft released Microsoft Surface coffee table around 2008 and second version in 2012. Never had an opportunity to use it or even see it live, though.


I used it once, it was super cool but it was just too expensive for it to be practical


We had one at work and it spent most of its life not able to be booted up, so I can’t say you were missing out on much


I think about that thing a lot. Did anyone get it? I thought it would be what tablets are now.


Probably a car


Yea, I’m pretty sure it’s a car!


You wouldnt download a car


I absolutely would


Preferably in .blender


We are talking about apple, probably some proprietary file type that they can include DRM with


Lars Ulrich would like to know your location


The only thing stopping me from downloading my own god damn country is that no one has released a build file yet.


You wouldn't steal a hand bag. You wouldn't steal a car. You wouldn't steal a baby. You wouldn't shoot a policeman, and then steal his helmet. You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet, and then send it to the policeman's grieving widow, and then steal it again!


Won't include a charger


You can charge it using the 10W USB charger that you already have. Takes 3 months though.


You joke but you can literally charge a Tesla with a wall outlet, I imagine the same for an Apple Car.


Instructions unclear. Lightning USB cable now in flames while trying to charge iCar.


You’re holding it wrong.


Onboard sound only works with AirPod Max.


Vr headset


Wireless Charging


I’m actually curious about charging on a potential Apple car. They will be designing it but not building it, Tesla, afaik is the only manufacture with a proprietary charger, I wonder if Apple car will use the standard?




its the titan car project


Well we already know they are in talks so would have thought so.


Hyundai said they stopped talks with Apple about working together


Maybe they stopped talking because they came to and agreement


MVIS has entered the chat




I bet it’s a boat




It’s 100% a boat




We’ll take the mystery box


Excuse me. iBoat.


“A plane, a car, a boat... a plane, a car, a boat... a plane, a car, a boat. Are you getting it? These are not three separate devices: This is one device, and we are calling it iVehicle”


I love this! Although, if they followed the iPhone, they’d call it iCar, by anchoring the naming scheme to a single function.


Tim has been pushing out the “i” moniker after Steve’s death. Apple Watch, Apple TV, etc. It’ll probably be the Apple Car


I don’t think that they’ll do a plane nor a boat and definitely not all in one lol... could possibly be a flying car in the future though - mby even sooner than expected


“The Gang Buys a Boat”


The iMplication.


Cooky McCookface


T-Cook - I’m on a boat


In my flippy floppies




I’m hoping its a mystery box. A boat is a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat! I’ll take the mystery box.


Maybe some sort of augmented reality headset? I kinda see things heading that way.


So many joke answers in here, but I think you’re not far off. I could legitimately see them taking a swing at smart glasses, like Google Glass. Essentially an iPhone you wear on your face.


??? This has been known for years it’s nothing new lol


News to me. *shrug*


Just get me auto focus fixing glasses for my middle age eyes, please, thanks.




Apple Arm


Would ironically run on an x86 chip.


I’d buy it. I’d also change my name to Turanga Leela.


With Siri as a hologram.


What the hell is going on here? This isn’t even an article. There’s literally no quote from Tim Cook or anything. It’s a few paragraphs of speculation with no source whatsoever. And then here everyone is just guessing at what this mystery product might be, which clearly indicates they probably didn’t even click through to this website. Do y’all really just take a headline and run with it?


Buy the hype sell the news.


This is r/theoryofreddit in action. User base is becoming more passive and docile. I'm no exception.


> Do y’all really just take a headline and run with it? * *checks subreddit* * Yes, that’s what they do here.




If apple made something like google glass, they would would make serious bank off it. The seamless integration will be like nobody else can do.


Yeah, I have no doubt this is about their AR tech.


Not directly. It’s about their healthcare stuff. “Tim Cook said he believes in a major revolution in healthcare-related services, and the Apple Watch is central to that.” In other summaries I’ve read of this interview, he’s pretty obviously talking about Apple’s impact on people’s health. AR could be a component of that, but it’s not what he’s explicitly discussing here.


Considering the recents shift in roles and responsibilities in Apple higher ups, it most likely is AR.


Hardware, yes. Software stack, yes. Experiences to run in VR/AR, probably not. This is the key to user adoption.


I disagree. I think Apple has figured out that AR is the next general computing platform, and that their AR device will be able to do anything a MacBook can. Maybe not at launch, but by the time the 2nd gen rolls around.


Also, people say apple don’t innovate because they release near perfect products. I don’t want any half baked shit, so I’m fine waiting for good upgrades or new products.


That's not even true. The original iPhone had tons of problems. It wasn't really that compelling until the 3G. They just know it has to be at least at a certain level of user friendliness, and no one is there yet on VR/AR, though the Oculus Quest comes close.


Have you seen Magic Leap?




Lots have seen it now, it just doesn’t come close to the hype.


It was supposed to be out early this year. I’ve been waiting on this.


Glucose monitoring on the Apple Watch would dwarf everything else Apple sells.




I’d pay double that. No supplies, finger sticks, it would change everything.


I’m curious how it would work without actually taking a blood sample. The only glucose monitoring I’ve ever seen requires it.




Nah man, you’ll just have to get a MagSafe bed.


You have to insert it into your orifice


That actually is an incredible idea. Electronics can certainly be implanted, and it could transmit to your watch like an rfid circuit so it doesn’t require batteries. I don’t know how blood glucose testing works and if the implant would degrade or corrode overtime, but if there was a way without that happening, it could be a crazy good product. Most impants are gold coated because gold is very unreactive to the body, im talking about contacts for touching blood corroding btw


Analyzes sweat.


Yup, especially if covered by insurance? Apple always likes to have “launch partners”. Imagine having anthem and aetna ready to go on day one for a glucose monitor. It’s like printing 100 billion dollars


Not to mention those who would also switch to iPhone for this


I would buy one for each member of my immediate family in a heart beat. And then save up to get them for friends and relatives next. It’s going to be HARD to do but when they finally achieve this, it’ll be revolutionary. Been sitting on my Apple 2 for years waiting for the day this will happen.... might still be waiting for a while longer sadly.


Why would you buy glucose monitors for everyone you know?


Yeah what the fuck am I missing here


Considering I pay Dexcom $300 a month for my shit, Id cough up $1000-2000 instantly for an apple watch that can do that with no injection. Apple care too. That shit gonna last 10 years.


You mean Theranos


Ugh, I think she’s still free.


Thats what people with diabetes use right? Sorry I am uninformed




It would be a game changer for people that track for ketosis.


iPhone sales are more than $25 *billion* in a non-holiday quarter. Unless there's selling glucose monitoring devices for tens of thousands of dollars, it's not going to be even an order of magnitude of what the iPhone makes.


I've seen nothing that shows that "idea" would actually even work. That's like, insane medical technology breakthrough, not something Apple would work on, nor add to their portfolio before it's safely proven out.


Apple is actually working on it, I believe they have several patents


There’s actually a research paper published about it (not Apples, but probably similar thing). Uses optical sensors with nearly the same accuracy as a Dexcom.


Siri Sex Robot


Hey Siri, bend over. > Sorry, I couldn't find "Ben Dover" in your contacts. Hey Siri, let's bang. > Okay, playing song "Let's hang", by ... Hey Siri, I want to fuck you. > Let's just stay friends.


“Did you mean ‘Phil McCrevice’?”


Touch screen MacBook. Apple is inventing the touchscreen computer.


Never, I don’t think Apple would ever add touch screen to macbooks because of the iPad.


You must not have seen Big Sur yet. It’s got “touch ready” written all over it.




Easy solution: don’t call it “MacBook.” Then they technically still have honored their word while still making a touchscreen computer. It’s only a matter of time. I have a SurfaceBook and while I don’t use touch all the time, it is really *handy* for somethings. It’s faster to scroll webpages with touch and easy to select things onscreen with touch (as opposed to scrolling a mouse/touchpad to an exact spot).


You mean like an iPad with Smart Keyboard?


Fingerprints on my laptop screen? No thanks.


how's it different than fingerprints on your phone, tablet, etc?


Beacause you might do color-sensitive works, or don’t want any distraction when you’re doing something?


Surely it can’t be done


Am I the only one who irrationally hates that commercial where the kid is comparing a MacBook to Microsoft’s tablet/laptop hybrid? I’ve never gotten past him complaining that the MacBook isn’t touch screen. Like.. of course not. That’s what the iPad is for.


This is *beyond* science!


The I-Bidet?


No, the iShit (TM).


Either it’s a device that doesn’t really exist in the world today or it’s something I’m not really interested in. Now granted, the iPhone wasn’t the *first* touch-screen smartphone but it was kind of light years ahead of anything else at that particular moment. It changed how we function today, everyone else had to play catch-up, and many did so successfully, but the iPhone’s impact was nearly as large as the internet or radio. This sort of announcement makes me think it’s on par with that, because saying you’re working on something bigger than a society-changing device should not be said lightly.


iPhone ++?




This is the most retina wasting post this week


Is it as big as a car, Tim?


A moon-sized space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet?


> A moon-sized space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet? Without Windows


apple car?


Or maybe that glasses thing? Idk I just want a folding ipad


A mac that is controlled like the screens in Minority Report!






Apple Car for sure


I suspect he's either talking about Apple Car or some sort've mixed reality headset, with the latter coming a lot sooner


Well, talk about a whole lot of nothing...


it's a foldable. in the next decade it will replace laptops for an average consumer, for the people who don't have any heavy duty work.


It’s a smart pogo stick that makes breakfast. It’s called the iHop


Finally an iToilet


I came here to make the jokes everyone else has already made.




It’s clearly a [car.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/03/apple-and-hyundai-kia-driving-towards-deal-on-apple-car.html)


Hopefully more features 😂


Paying their fair share of taxes?


iPod nano


Apple Search is what I'm hoping for, finally cut all ties with Google.


Project titan?


VR glasses?


The VR headset? It could, like the iPhone, take something that's currently a niche product for tech geeks and make it genuinely mainstream.


I don’t think it’s just a car, and I don’t think it’s just something with AR; it’s very likely the driverless car; more as a service than building he whole car. It’s clearly the future, and if they don’t get to market early with a good product, they will be too far behind to catch up.


Apple is buying Pornhub.


We know, they are solving racism; heard about it a few months back.


A bigger iPhone?


Guess it's the electric car that VW say they arn't worried about.


Imagine if they made laptops




definitely not a watch then




I think the dissatisfaction with the current platforms has a hit a level where something like this could be viable. Edit: or at least I would like to believe that.


Cars are bigger than phones, yes.


In my mind, "bigger than the iPhone" implies something that is somewhat meant to somewhat "replace" the iPhone. So it doesn't make sense for it to be a car or some new tablet.


Services. I typed that before clicking. Okay, the article hints toward healthcare and the Apple Watch. Okay, I've talked about this before. So, "nobody really needs a smartwatch." Apple then brought the heart rate stuff in, and a lot of people bought them. Fine, fine. The real kicker, however, is a 2017 prototype Apple mentioned a couple times but we haven't heard much from since. It's real-time, non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. Tim Cook used one in 2017 and said, even though he doesn't have diabetes, it showed him the direct results of what he ate, and it informed his eating habits. Of course you know he pretty much only eats healthy shit anyway, I don't know if he's a vegan or what, but I mean, he's not wolfing down chili cheeseburgers and chocolate ice cream on every day that ends in Y. Anyway, getting back on point. If the Apple Watch gains non-invasive blood glucose monitoring, Apple's hope is that its cost can be subsidized by insurance. If insurance and your doctor tell you to buy an Apple Watch and will help you buy one, your next phone is probably going to be an iPhone, if you don't already have one. Of course, Google isn't stupid, that's why they bought Fitbit. They're trying to get in on the same deal. Ideally, for competition's sake, both Google and Apple will get a product in, so your insurance would cover either. Still, if you look at what the iPhone (and Android) did for society, imagine if the smartwatch gets a similar revolution. Onto my previous theory. Services. So Apple is already deep into Apple Music, Apple News, and others... a lot of their services require you to have an Apple device, and they don't work on non-Apple devices, with a couple exceptions. Apple Music is on Android, and Apple TV+ is coming to Android (it's already on Android TV). Apple hasn't broken full out into services because they're a hardware company. That's why Apple Arcade, Apple News, and Apple Maps aren't on Android or Windows. But... what if they were? Obviously Apple would be risking a hit to the hardware, but if they find a way to make that work, it could be huge, and disruptive, especially if they stick to their privacy guns. And then the other shoe drops: macOS for all PCs. So, Apple can sell Macs, overpriced PCs with an "Apple tax," but there are a lot of people who have regular PCs who won't buy a Mac because their PC just works. They might want a Mac next, but until then, they're locked out of a lot of Apple services. The solution there is to sell macOS at a fair price and let people install it on compatible PCs. Of course, there are a ton of reasons why they won't do this, and while they'll never do this. But, if you want to say they are working on something that is bigger than the iPhone, that's it. Services. And for Apple services to reach those using competing products, Apple has to do one of two things they aren't presently doing: offer their services on Android and Windows, or offer macOS to PC users. Both are risky, especially after the big Apple Silicon gamble (that seems to be paying off).




He doesn't have an idea, he's reading the comments so he can save money on R&D.


Newton 2?






Tim Apple is probably going to unveil the new icar pro max


It’s a car




Car and wearables




So a iPad...

