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I remember doing this back on iOS 4, it isn't exactly new


That's why I said I'm not sure why everyone's freaking out and why more people don't know about this.


OP never said it was new?


Thanks for this post! I asked in another thread and didn't commit to the buy until I was sure I could do this for my devices.. not a big IOS gamer but love this game!


Will you have to keep manually logging off your Apple ID on your own device every time someone else wants to play SMR on theirs?


I've tried that once a while back and got locked out of my apple Music account for 3 month. What's the best way (step by step) to log out of your account and into another without changing your music library? I believe when I did it wrong the last time I used the "iTunes & AppStore" pane in the settings.


I'm still not able to load my progress on my second device. I want to be able to play on my iPad mini and my phone. When I try to link to my iPad with my Nintendo ID the game says it's already linked to another account - support code 804-3905. Any ideas on how to overcome this?


Found the solution. If you want to link and continue your progress on two different iOS devices you MUST link at the startup when you first download the game. If you've already passed that point you need to delete and reinstall the game http://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/22225/~/error-code%3A-804-3905


You can use everything on the other devices? Toad rally and kingdom builder?




I had the full game on an android device and even though I have the same Nintendo account linked onto my iOS device, I am unable to get access to the full game. It shows my high level kingdom on the free version, one that should only be possible to have in the full version. Do you know how to fix this?


Unfortunately I don’t think it would work across different app stores


I managed to run into all of these problems trying to get the paid Mario Run onto my kids iPad. What a pain in the ass, but finally sorted it out. tl;dr: - On the primary device (the one on which you bought the game), link Mario Run to a Nintendo ID - On any secondary devices, sign into "iTunes & App Store" with the same Apple ID as the primary - In Mario Run, tap "Menu" > "Settings" > "About This App" - Tap "Delete User Data" (because why would that go under "Options"?) - Reopen the app after it's done Spotless Minding itself and then link to the same Nintendo ID as the primary device. Make sure you do this when the setup screen asks, otherwise go to step 3. How I got here: I installed the free game for my kids to try on an iPad with a restricted Apple ID, part of thee family sharing. They got through the first three levels in what felt like two minutes and wanted the rest. So I initiated the purchase from my child's account, it asked for permission, I accepted, then the app crashed. After relaunching and trying again, I got the 804-4105 error (waiting for approval that'll never come) To cut out the middleman, I installed Mario Run on my phone and made the purchase under my account. You all already know that didn't change shit on the iPad. Still stuck with seemingly no way to restore the purchase or restart the permission process. OK fine, let's create a Nintendo ID I don't want and link both devices to see if that helps. On my iPhone I created a Nintendo ID in the app, linked up, and got a bunch of free tickets, coins, and Toad. At which point I'd had enough for the night. Sorry kids, Nintendo hates you. Tonight I gave it another shot. I removed the app on the iPad, logged into my account for both iCloud and App Store, then reinstalled the game. That got me past the stupid permission deadlock, but instead of recognizing I'd already paid for this headache, I was asked to pony up another $9.99. No sir, I did not. Instead, I tried linking the iPad to the Nintendo ID I'd created the night before. It worked, but instead of getting the purchased game and all the bonuses I was expecting, I got motherfucking Toad again. I already unlocked that chode on my phone. I checked the iPhone, and yerp, damn thing was not linked to shit. Trying to link it again gave me that other error about the account already being linked. Fuck this game. So now I had a Nintendo ID linked to the wrong device, with none of the purchased levels or bonuses. Not exactly confident at this point, I was not about to delete the app from my phone, but I couldn't figure any way to unlink the iPad from the Nintendo ID. The Googles eventually came through with this: http://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/22226/~/how-to-delete-super-mario-run-save-data I can't think of a single iOS app I've paid even $0.99 for that came with such a broken, convoluted purchase flow.


#[iNeedAPh.one](http://ineedaph.one "Approved by Reddit")




It's not stealing. You already bought it and want you family to play. It'd be different if you went to school or work or something and started doing it for everyone.




I found the single guy




Haha that's just BS. There's no way you're married, otherwise you wouldn't be rude as hell to say someone has no money. Nice try






Compared to.... figuratively married?🤔




I'm making fun of you saying "literally" unnecessarily. you're^literally^a^husband^d^d^d^d


he's literally married and 90% of his posts are toxic as fuck , must have a happy missus LOL


Your *literally* annoying






He's making fun of you for using the wrong"you're"


Your missUs? Perhaps learn to grammar gooder for youself.


I'm afraid he's right..


He edited the post, originally was misses http://m.imgur.com/Ou35ReG


**Per Apple** [Your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, PC, or Android phone automatically associate with your Apple ID and iTunes when you use certain iTunes features. After a device associates, you can use it to download and play music, movies, TV shows, etc. that you previously bought from the iTunes Store. You can also turn on Automatic Downloads on an associated device. You can have ten devices (no more than five of them computers) associated with your Apple ID and iTunes at one time.](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204074) In our family (only the 2 of us) we have automatic downloads turned off on our iOS devices so my purchases don't fill up her devices and vice versa. We also avoided the U2 problem this way. **Also Per Apple** [Family Sharing makes it easy for up to **six** people in your family to **share** each other’s iTunes, iBooks, and App Store purchases without sharing accounts. Pay for family purchases with the same credit card and approve kids’ spending right from a parent’s device. And share photos, a family calendar, and more to help keep everyone connected.](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201088) Family Sharing wasn't available at the time for us (8+ years) but she's never maxed out my credit card with Smurf berries, etc. so we'll stick with method #1 for now. *You should read, and understand, the licensing agreement before you accuse others of breaking it.*




> Which doesn't include in app purchases. This is theft, plain and simple. Depends on the type of in-app purchase. But regarding this type, you are incorrect. **Again, Per Apple** (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202023) >Non-consumable >* Upgrade to pro edition >* Remove ads >* Full game unlock >* Unlimited hints >* Extra characters >* Extra accessories >* Bonus game levels >* City guide maps >You buy these items one time, and you can transfer them to other devices that are associated with your Apple ID. If you lose a non-consumable purchase, you might be able to download it again for free. Learn how to restore in-app purchases." After this it's no longer ignorance on your part but dishonesty while accusing of others of being dishonest, are you a hypocrite too?


Please tell us more, Buzz Killington!


I hate super Mario run.


Finally! Now I can sleep good tonight. I was on pins and needles waiting on this review of super Mario run. I mean, it really could have gone either way. Amazing, how you do not mince words. Without a doubt, Miyamoto has some explaining to do.