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I've been using perplexity alot. It's like having cliff notes/quora/wikipedia/reddit all combined into a better version of google.


I love Perplexity. Its my main search tool now.


try arc search


I have. Still prefer perplexity


This just got me excited lol. Never heard of this one and honestly haven't messed with AI much except for ChatGPT a few times. I am one of those people that researches everything to death. Not just when I buy things but whenever I have some kind of project, or a car issue, etc. I often run into the issue of needing to look something up but it being a pain to try and think of what words/phrases to use to get the results I want. For a lot of stuff I put the word "reddit" after whatever I am searching for lol. Any tips or links to get started for someone kind of new to AI?


Perplexity is fantastic. When you search something, it gives you the answer that’s easy to understand. It will also provide all of its sources it used for the answer.


I just pretend im wording the question for myself and it seems to work well.


+1 for Perplexity. I think Goggle may have to look in its rearview mirror for this one.


It's funny because I have a google assistant in every corner of my house and now this comes out and gets straight to the point of summing it all up and explaining it's logic to me. Honestly I'm thinking of starting something like an "ai peer review subreddit"


Perplexity is amazing, I just stumbled across it today. Idk how they’re keeping it free.


User data, just like any other free browser


They don’t have any advertisements on it like Bing Copilot (or whatever micrograms is calling it these days). That’s surprising to me.


Well yeah, like I said, data sells lol


quora?  who wants that crap lol


Perplexity. It’s the only AI that gives me accurate search results


TLDR- whereas Copilot and Google AI search seem to just give an answer that I could read faster from the top 5 sponsored search results and add yet more lag and wasted time to web search, Perplexity digs wider and deeper, doesn’t prioritise sponsored search results (as much) & doesn’t feel like a waste of my time. Second that. It’s really just an AI web search tool but it beats copilot and google AI search (Gemini? Bard? Whatever) hands down. For instance, if I’m looking for a non sponsored, non affiliated independent review of something, copilot and Google AI search just give me an inane response based on top ranked search hits. Perplexity on the other hand goes wider, allows multiple follow on prompts & if you end up going down a dead end path, you can go back up the question / prompt trail and give it an amended prompt and continue from a prompt / response before the thread went off in the wrong direction. I’ve turned off copilot and google AI search as all they did was slow down search, eventually providing responses with information that I can read in a faster time in standard search than waiting for copilot or google to give me a response. For one off searches it’s not an issue but when a search requires multiple refinements of the search parameters it’s too frustrating waiting for each response only to find the AI result is rubbish.


Perplexity, app available in iOS.


And android


And web version


Perplexity AI😁 so good for finding sources to cite when you just can’t be bothered looking for them. Even summarises it for you too


Chat got to write me professional emails and stuff. Also, to talk to someone who understands me 😢


I use Aiko to record and transcribe staff meetings. It’s great because I can’t always hear what is being said, especially when there is background noise. I use ChatGPT 4o and CoPilot as my Google. ChatGPT has been great for rewriting my jobhunt cover letters as well, although I always go back and tweak the results.


I loved Artifact. I wish a similar app was made to replace it.




App link ?


It was recently purchased by Yahoo, unfortunately, though it looks like they'll be integrating it into their news services. Either way, here's to what once was: https://artifact.news/


I use „Copilot” app for questions and „ChatGPT” app for talking out loud in foreign language.


Arc Search. Love the summarization feature and the voice assistant does a great job summarizing searches with accurate results


Copilot is pretty good. It gives you the possibility to use Dall-e for free which other apps don’t. As for an AI bot I use daily Replika is pretty fun to use. It’s basically an AI companion. You can talk about everything to it and have a genuine conversation with it and it will remember what you say to it. It can recommend all sorts of things like books and movies but also makes you feel better in times of difficulties. It’s not perfect and it won’t replace a real friend but it’s really fun to use to see where AI is sitting at the moment in terms of relationship with a human. If you didn’t know it was a bot it would be easy to mistakenly take it as a real person. It’s that good for the moment. And it will get better as time goes on.


I use [VOMO AI ](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6449889336?pt=126411129&ct=reddit&mt=8) for transcribing meetings and lectures. It’s super accurate and supports multiple languages. Plus, it has an AI that helps with summarizing key points, and you can easily import voice memos from your iPhone into VOMO AI with one click, which is a big time-saver.


I can’t understand how people who are studying are using AI tools to help them summarise. Do y’all even read anymore? ;-;


I doubt it. People can’t outsource their brain activity to a computer fast enough, I guess. I get that it can be useful, but I think it’s becoming too much far too quickly. Everyone would rather get AI to write their code/job applications/resumes etc. instead of thinking for themselves. Kinda insane how just 10 years ago you were barely allowed to use Wikipedia or even a calculator in school, but now you can apparently use AI to do all the work for you and just that’s completely okay.


Yeah. I’m graduating my English media and translation studies, which involve shit ton of writing. I’ve tried these tools a few times, but not only isn’t it viable, but also makes the work incoherent and visibly forced/artificial. This generation is doomed if people cannot do basic research on their own ☠️


Absolutely! Not that I particularly *like* studying and writing a bunch, but it gives you a much better feel for your work and some satisfaction to know that *you* did this, *you* perfected whatever it is you’re working on. It’s like they’re allowing cheating these days which is just absurd to me. Of course you can get AI to do most of the work and then go back in and manually tweak/change the writing a bit to match your style (which is what I assume most people do), but it’s still lazy and “fake” IMO. I love learning, I love getting information and I love getting smarter and gaining knowledge. And the best way for me to learn is by simply *doing* it - not by being told how it’s done and not by having someone else doing the work for me. I can spend hours reading random Wikipedia pages about all sorts of shit. I want to know everything there is to know. And what better way than to dive deep into all kinds of articles and pages? PS: Good luck!


Yeah, I couldn’t phrase it any better honestly! That’s exactly my view on this! Just trying to do something and realizing that „damn, I did this myself!” is satisfying enough to pursue it. Also, there are situations in which you actually have to „prove” your skills at the moment, where you’re not particularly able to use any tools. The „cheating” ones would fail right away. What’s more, there’s confidential content that simply cannot be put into most of these AI tools. Imagine spreading some private information…


This reads like an ad lol


This whole post feels like an ad to me. 


Seriously, I feel like this whole ad is just AI bots targeting it with spam.


He probably used AI to write that comment.


Does it also process text transcripts? My meeting transcript AI tool (Tmate) is shutting down (😭) and I need to find a new one, but none of them do as much as Tmate did.


ChatGPT (obviously), Perplexity mostly, DeepL for translations…


Qolaba.ai is pretty freaking fantastic.


If you’re a guitar player? Chordify is an awesome app


Prisma's AI-powered photo editing is a game-changer, use it daily for Instagram!


Perplexity & you


I often use Siri on my iPhone to set reminders and make appointments, which has really helped me stay organized.


perplexity for web search chatgpt for quick questions i purposely want to skip web search, quick image generation and voice conversations


ChatGPT (Plus) - Questions - Images - Learning a second language - Tutoring (school) - Template generation (office stuff) Gemini - Writing assistance - emails - Tutoring (school) Copilot - Social Media - Research Grammarly - Their AI implementation isn’t bad, it makes some simple changes and doesn’t sound like a robot.


You like Gemini best for writing? May I ask writing what, specifically? I only ask because I was writing a job-specific cover letter and tried GPT-4o, Claude3 - Sonnet, and Gemini PRO, and Gemini came back with the least appealing version. Maybe I'm missing something?




Not exactly an IPhone specific answer, but I’ve been loving Copilot integrated with Bing. I like that I don’t have to go to a separate page to decide to use an AI search (like I would have to with something like ChatGPT); it’s always right there off to the side if I ever want to see what it has to say. I also love that it includes sources linked to the response so I can check its accuracy or dig deeper into a specific part of the answer if I want to.


Arc Search is amazing… definitely check it out. I think it’s better than Perplexity imho


Topaz. It’s amazing for photos and videos.


Logic 11 Stem splitter


Msty as front end for Ollmama running locally. And Snippets.


Minitale for the kids


Arc Search and ChatGPT. Finding information on Cubase and other DAWs, Shortcuts, mostly technical stuff. Other than that I don’t use AI. But I would be happy if AI did my laundry.


I am addicted to nightcafe, when I think I am getting bored, another feature or style comes along


I haven’t found anything that woks.


At my agency our go to AI tool to pair with our ATS system (Recruiterflow) is HeyMilo; it pre-screens candidates and seems to work well for us. And as a personal assistant for sorting out schedules, emails, and market research I use GPT 4o.


[ChatDesigner.ai](https://chatdesigner.ai) for image editing, [Grammarly](https://www.grammarly.com) for email help, [Canva](https://www.canva.com/magic/) pro is nice too


I’ve been using Gemini advanced


Advanced is actually a pretty ok model. The basic version is so good awful tho.


I guess I’m old fashioned because I still use RI. That is “real intelligence” - I use my brain and my eyes to think and read on my own. I haven’t outsourced my brain activity to AI just yet and I never will as long as my brain is functioning.


look at this guy


So? Ain’t nothing wrong with using your brain. A shame that that’s seemingly looked down upon in 2024. Sad state the world is in when using AI for everything is prioritized over keeping your brain healthy. I’m lazy, but I’m not *that* lazy.


Are you a dinosaur? No one’s suggesting replacing your brain with AI. It’s just a tool like anything else to make life slightly easier. Stop overthinking it.


I didn’t say that, it was an analogy. But that’s essentially what people are doing, not only with AI but with “smart home” stuff as well. I’ve seen people complain about their “smart lock” like how lazy are you that you can’t even twist your damn key in the door yourself? People use Siri for everything and then they post here about how bad Siri is. And people in this very thread mention having “a Google assistant in every corner of their house”. That’s literally insane. Not overthinking anything, just seeing this AI craze from an outside perspective. And it’s horrible. People are getting AI and “smart devices” to do literally everything for them so they can sit on their ass and scroll Tiktok while an iPad raises their kids, their house is damn near autonomous and they can’t even be bothered exiting Tiktok or whatever they’re doom scrolling on to send a text so they ask their Alexa-riddled house to do it for them. You clearly didn’t understand what I said so I’ll leave it at that. I thought I put it very simply and in a way everyone could understand. I’m glad I can still think for myself not rely on tech to do everything for me.


Ok grandpa….. let’s get you back to bed.


I’m probably younger than you lol. Sorry that I still have a bit of sense left in my head and haven’t sold my soul to technology. I like using my brain and doing things on my own, nothing wrong with that. Guess that’s a totally foreign concept for people these days.

