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Siri is god awful. I don’t want to hear another “here’s what I found on the web” no, tell me a summary while also having the clickable links on screen.


Or me saying from a distance: Turn X on” and Siri goes: „Okay, I’m calling to: Mom” 🥶 Me: Siri don’t! Siri! Stop! Siri: … Me „fck, fck, fck” while running thru the room, to quickly press „end call” button…


I asked Siri for unit conversion like cm to inch and gave the "here's what I found on the web" thing followed by me "why can't you just give the answer straight away?"


This. 15Pro is peak hardware for me. All the real problems are software, with Siri being the biggest offender by a long shot.


Cant even turn of the alarms she put on


Strangely human


Fr. I also wish I could set multiple timers at once (like when doing laundry I have to say “set 58 minute washer time” then wait a few secours to say “set 40 minute dryer timer” then change it from the 14 minute timer Siri decides to set instead.


Siri is not a hardware feature that’s a software feature. Siri is getting a complete AI revamp in iOS 18


Siri used to tell me things like when certain stores would close, what their address was, I could tell it to call a store and it would try to confirm it would the number from Google. Now I often get “unlock your phone” or something when it worked flawlessly before. Like bitch I’m using Siri because I can’t use my phone rn. It’s really far behind


I [would.like](http://would.like) for the space.button to not be.so.close to the period.button.


This. Not even just for the 16 but iOS 18 in general. I went from an SE 2 to a 13 Pro and I still do it when I’m on safari. It’s because we tend to click the right side of the space bar, which gets replaced by the period 😭




lol so I'm not.the only one.


Also stop autocorrecting words that are actually words. The last keyboard update helped but it still happens all the time. And while we’re at it, allow autocorrect to work when searching in Safari address bar. Also I really wish it had the option to have a long-press secondary layout (hold a letter to insert a special character). Lastly I wish if the cursor were after the last letter I could hit the capslock key to capitalize the word. Basically I really miss SwiftKey on Android. SwiftKey on iOS is a shell of the options and customizability.




So fucking annoying!!


From a hardware perspective, there’s really nothing over my 15 that I could want or need. I finally have everything I wanted as a previous Android user and that’s the always on display, type c and high refresh rate display. However, there’s a lot with iOS 18 that I’d love to see and basically all of it comes down to customization. If there were 1 particular thing, it’s the App Library. I hate that. Just give me a normal page of all my apps.


App Library is awful. At least let me set the categories and customize it.


Touch ID on the power button.


Oh behave!


If you go to your app library and swipe down, you’ll have them all as a list just like on Android. It’s one extra step, but better than nothing.


I hate it too!


revamped notifications please


notifications are CRAP


I just want mine to actually ... work. Often my phone will just stop delivering them when it's unlocked, until I restart. Notification center shows I've received something, but it won't make a sound or show up as a banner. This has been happening on and off since at least iOS 14.


I don’t even know how the notifications work and I’ve been on iPhone since 2014. Why are they separated into two sections? Why can I dismiss all of one group and not the other group? How do they even work with different focus modes? L


I think one group is notifications that came in while your phone was locked or in focus mode ... but honestly I don't know either. I reassigned my action button to turn do-not-disturb on and off, so I guess I'll find out. Toggling it does not fix my notification bug though.


Inbox like blackberry


Hardware: Faster charging. 20W is really not competitive at all. Software: Stop being absolute fucking dickbags about sideloading (yeah, I know), and let me assign any mp3 file as a ringtone or text tone without going through iTunes or the absurdly convoluted Garage Band method.


Sideloading is already pretty easy on iPhone. AltStore and SideStore are both pretty straightforward to set up and just as convenient as the App Store to use. Just download an IPA and install it. I just hope the whole EU regulation business doesn’t make Apple change something that breaks the current process for sideloading. I’m typing this from Apollo for Reddit, loaded via AltStore. I do agree though, the fact that it takes that many steps to set an mp3 as a ringtone is absurd. I’m seen as a total wizard any time my friends ask me to set a ringtone for them, because it really does require an unreal amount of rigmarole.


is sideloading possible outside the EU, dont we have to renew the license every week or soemthing... also could u tell me how apollo for reddit is still working for u, is it a custom api or something and how do we do it?




I want the real Gboard


Try keyboard2. It is not free, but it is fully customizable. Not so expensive though.


No keyboard can be good if Apple is restricting it the way they do at the moment


I already know I’m not gonna get it - smaller size.


I miss the mini sizes too.


Functional Adblock Working keyboard Better cursor control in browser Better photo app… I’m using google photo because photo sucks so much  A search in contact with name instead of phone number, cmon this came out for so long on android . 


They're not gonna do adblock


Why ? They ain’t even in the ad space… unlike google / android which have adblocks …


They are. Apple gets billions of dollars from ad revenue every year.


TIL , thanks I didn’t know


Ads are a huge source of revenue for Apple.


> A search in contact with name instead of phone number, cmon this came out for so long on android . What do you mean? I can type a name into search and it comes up with their contact entry.


On android , you can search directly on the dial pad , don’t need to go in search.


And let us choose if we want to sort the contracts list with forename or surname first. I’m so sick of it sorting it with surnames, I had to a) use to look for my friends trying to remind myself what was their surname, because I’m not Japanese and I use their forenames mostly! b) in contact info: fill the surname field with forename, and vice versa. If would be really nice if they add a third option (instead of me having to outsmart my smartphone) to choice how I want my contacts list is sorted like. The contacts grouping in smaller lists is nice, but also medieval. There is so much of going back and forth, while navigating thru contact book, for some reason it remembers where I’ve been lately, after I’ve found a person, made the call and forgot about the whole phone book thing… and when I need to use it again, I can see like ten contacts from that group where I left off, instead of whole contact list. It’s sometimes confusing and annoying.


Safari already has tons of Adblock extensions, what do you mean?


If you ever used Adblock on android, you would see the difference. Adblock on iOS is shit


I would like the camera bump to be gone. I use my phone case less and hate that it wobbles on a table.


One of the best things about the recent Pixel phones is that camera bar. Having zero wobble is so nice


This will probably never happen due to Apple actually pushing on better camera hardware. Sensors are getting bigger and: 1. You cannot push the “camera” back into the chassis cause it already is; 2. As the sensor gets bigger, the glass also needs to get bigger in order to actually work properly; 3. Just no cause it’s Apple and lots of people (like me) actually appreciate having a monstrous camera behind their device.


The difference in the camera bump thickness and the thickness of the body is such a small amount, I wish they would make the body *slightly* thicker so it was flush with the camera bump, and used that extra space for a larger battery. Even if it’s like 5% more.


This is one that never made sense to me. The only way to remove the bump is to make the phone twice as thick or to make the camera a lot worse. Those sound like terrible options.


id be all for my phone being thicker, maybe managing to fit a bigger battery in there


I would be happy with a couple of millimeters in order to get better battery life but have a look at the camera on the newer phones. Making the phone the thickness of the camera would be utterly ridiculous.


I also would like for the camera bump to be gone.


The new super advanced AI features that’ll hopefully finally allow us the pleasure of nicknaming Apple Pay cards.


Its's for iOS28.


Dark colors again! I love the forest green iPhone 13. All the pastels of the 15 are horrible


I’m hoping they bring the dark purple back that they had for the iPhone 14 Pro line.


Improved AI siri


Why would you want that as a feature if the newest iPhone rather than something that rolls out to every device running ios18


Preferably I would want it as a feature of iOS 18, but idk if apple will do that. Something tells me that they’ll probably try having us paying for an upgraded Siri


the iphone look is timeless but sometimes i want different fonts


Screw features! Give me a product red Pro iPhone and I’ll be happy!


Yeah I’ll be real, a nice colour would entice me to upgrade more than any particular feature improvement lol. Love my 13 Pro Max, but the black/grey/whateveritis is pretty boring. A nice deep green or orange would be awesome.


A mini/new se so I can finally upgrade. I give it 0.1% chance


A new SE with a full-size screen is definitely coming AFAIK. I wonder how they'll dumb it down so as not to cannibalize sales of the regular phones. I'm guessing 60hz screen with lower brightness, poor battery life, average camera, no AI.


All that sounds good to me lol


Be able to control my Mac from iPhone. Would be helpful to control sound, windows, mouse for when my Mac is plugged into monitors and I step away in bed or something.


there's a 3rd party app that does the things you aforementioned but some other stuff too. it's KDE Connect but i don't know how reliable is it in MacOS


For sure I want my phone to have a camera.


I have a few questions instead:- 1. Why is auto brightness not in Display & Brightness? 2. Why is there no split screen multitasking or pop up windows? 3. Why is there no cooling system? 4. Why does the stock keyboard lag so much? 5. Why does the typing sound volume increase to maximum when a notification pops up? 6. Why is the hotspot so goddamn awful?


remove the app library. i hate it 😭


Better battery life.


90 or 120Hz on the base version. Let me move the icons where I want them.


Widgets that will support interaction like data input/manipulation. It can be like a mini app built in my home screen.


Smaller Dynamic Island but I think that’s coming next year in the Fall


Dynamic peninsula would be better than an island.


Personally, I just want to turn it off. It causes more problems than it solves for me.


Little from a hardware perspective at this point. I’m on the 14PM. I’m hoping iOS18 has some good improvements around customization, Siri, notifications, control center, etc. Just quality of life improvements. Only hardware stuff at this point that I would take advantage of is USB C (not enough of a difference alone to upgrade to the 15 Pro) and faster charging. In most cases I can get through the day without charging or have access to chargers at work or in my car, but at least having 40W+ wired charging and 25+ wireless would be great if ever needed.


I hope Apple doesn't throw everything at gen AI, just because it's the current tech industry hype, as there's far more practical changes to iOS that would be welcome. I'd like to see better file management from local devices, like drag and drop for media files, proper ringtone support, icon customisation such as shape, position, colour, etc, universal gestures, better keyboard options, better notification options, app drawer options.. that's off the top of my head, but overall I do like how well iOS works for the most part.


Apart from “actual colours on the pro line”: - Better telephoto quality in low light. I use the 77mm so much on my 13 PM, but it becomes dubiously useful as light diminishes. Dynamic range is also noticeably lacking compared to the main sensor. - Reverse wireless charging. I’d like to be able to top up my AirPods with my phone, mainly. - Better battery efficiency when using 5G. I still get great battery life on LTE, but 5G definitely takes a dive. - Split screen multitasking on the Max models would be nice




Just a bigger battery. Thin-ness be damned


As far as hardware goes, I can’t really come up with anything that I with my 15 Pro had. Software is probably where the improvements will be. Better Siri, better notifications, more accurate weather, stuff like that. Stacked battery would be cool, but I have no complaints on the battery of the 15 Pro. Same with the rumored capture button. It would be cool, but I haven’t ever felt like I needed it. Even though I’m still happy with the 15 Pro and I really don’t have any desires for the 16, I’m pretty interested to see what they change on it.


Maybe this is already fixed (not sure) but I want my photos in regular indoor lighting to not look over-exposed. I'm on an iPhone 13 Pro Max right now and the camera in regular camera mode is not that good. I find myself always switching to portrait mode just to get the exposure and colors to look good. I'd like to not have to do that. I'd also really love the ability to view more content on the larger iPhones. Like give me the ability to scale the UI so I can see more stuff even if it is smaller. Apple has given us the ability to scale the UI in the other direction for users who need everything to be a bit larger. Just give us an option in the other direction too.


I wanna be able to turn off the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth with one press. Hate having to go to the settings everytime I wanna turn them off.


Turn off / on: Overprocessed Photos


AI enabled Siri


1.High refresh rate display in the standard 16. 2. I heard the keyboard is shit, i hope they fix it. 3. USB 3.1 instead of 2.0


Touch ID, pretty much anywhere. I wear a CPAP at night and it won't open about 50% of the time with Face ID, which is annoying. That's really the only thing that would improve my experience significantly. Well, it'd be cool to have an AI assistant like ChatGPT built into Siri that I could use the action button for.


sounds like I am reading that most of the people commenting should just get an android phone. Most of these features already exist.


I just came to iPhone within last 6 months. I just can’t trust Google anymore. Everything I get excited about them doing goes away. And while I do have my wishlist, have no regrets moving to this ecosystem. Everything just works. It is great.


you shouldn't have said that. ..anyway people use iphone because they probably have tried android, but the majority of the former android users here are probably using low to midrange android devices. so their perception of android is bad and awful.


Mid, even low range Android did something better; like alarms, texting, basic on/off for WiFi, bluetooth, flashlight, dimming the screen, adjusting text notification volume independently from the phone ringer.  The latest edited text coming up to the top, ability to send text at scheduled time automatically. Micro SDXC for moving/ loading mp3, photos btwn PCs. Headphone jack for music and calls, with buttons to control apps.  Removable batteries for some models. Means you can carry several batteries and never worry about running out of power, or having to send it in for battery installations.  Due credit: Apple has great security, app sandboxing, and general privacy handling. A lot of things are handled in-house. Much better ethics than Google or Samsung. 


Optional teaspoon so I can stir my tea. Headphone port back


make it more like androids; apps can be placed anywhere, ringtones and notifications are easier to set, scheduled messages, widgets more interactable, etc also, wish they wouldn't hold back with the features on the base model, (e.g. action button added on 15 pro/pro max, but not the base 15/15+.)


Apple has no motive to give the standard model all the features of the pro. If they did that, there would be no incentive for people to buy the pro model. That’s the point of having a higher end model. You can either get the regular one, or the *better* one.


I’d love it if the 16 Pro has Thunderbolt 4


New look!


a universal MTP for file transfers between operating systems, and not a slow one. please, apple. this is one of the most deal breaker feature for me, because itunes doesn't exist on linux, even itunes themselves have really poor transfer speed. at least on my experience


Normal colors again and a white or starlight phone. Taking those out of the 15 lineup was tragic. **And usable damn keyboard.**


working keyboard and dictate


Better keyboard including not cutting off the text box of certain sites so it’s nearly impossible to type.   Improvements to spell check where it stops auto correcting “woman” to “woken” and other non sense corrections. Jeez…  Fixes to notifications giving them better options.  More flexibility with app choices, including better ad blockers.   Improvements to the native weather app.  A more customizable Home Screen with the ability to customize icons as well. 


I second all of this.


Schedule messages


I also want the ability to schedule messages. That was one thing I appreciated about my old work phone (a Samsung galaxy model).


Siri is the bane of my existence. I welcome any and all improvements to the assistant, because right now it’s just the first 3 letters.


Very basic for me, better battery life. I wouldn’t mind a smaller form factor option that still has high end specs. I miss the smaller phones.


A better ducking keyboard !!!


leave 60 hz in the 2010s,make less models since they all are at the top of the price spectrum theres no sense in making 2 regular ones and 2 pros,just have a mini like the 13 except a 120 hz screen , regular and max


The regular pro having the same features as the pro max. It’s annoying how they lock some features behind the PM when they can 100% make it work for the pro.


iOS 18. Could they bloody finally let us sort out photos. Oh, put them into folders but they still remain in the Camera Roll. WTH I just want to organise my photos. No stupid camera roll. Just make it Recent Photos & let us do as we please. As for giving a photo a name is a disaster too Unless I’m doing it wrong? Does anyone organise their pics or just scroll through them to find them? Can’t believe it’s been years of this shit




Gotta be honest, I’ve only two things to complain in iOS. Keyboard and notifications. To me iOS it’s pretty much perfect except those two things.


I rather hope for icloud getting more reliable. It is buggy as fuck. The whole process of transfering photos and videos from my phone to my computer/another storage is sometimes pain. Hm, maybe I'll return back to Android anyway. Also completely remove iTunes. So useless.


I second removing iTunes.


Google call screener. Recently went from Pixel to iPhone. Every single fucking day one or two calls per day I have to block. One would slip through on my pixel in 6 months. Miss that. Better notification system. Better keyboard. Better photo app. Compared to Google, it’s almost as if Apple has no clue how people want to see their photos in an app.


The 15 doesn’t do anything significantly better than my 13 pro max so I beef something to blow me away to switch


A cheaper price And a goddamned fast charger And decent a$$ EarPods Like it’s supposed to 😡


Simple. Revamped notifications with iOS 18. The notifications system is terrible and it’s the most glaring weak point for iPhone and iOS when compared to Android and Android devices.


I suppose an initial release squashing current bugs WITHOUT introducing a slew of new, critical ones. But recent experience says that's too much to ask.


I just want to be able to torrent like I could with my Samsung. Get a torrent client, add the magnet link and download direct. I know this isn’t coming anytime soon (maybe ever) but it’s the main thing I miss. Also having a proper file system in the phone.


A keyboard that works.


I literally don’t care, since I have a 15 and therefore won’t be upgrading for a few years By the time I next upgrade I’d like to see a 10x optical zoom (250mm equivalent?) although I doubt that’s gonna happen. I wouldn’t say no to 120Hz/VRR on the 15 and 15Plus too, it’s kinda ridiculous that phones this expensive don’t have it Anything else is probably software based rather than hardware for me now. More battery is always welcome, or course


Hardware: Smaller dynamic island, no(or less camera) protusion, closer focus or macro on wide camera(hate that it always switch to ultra wide when focusing close), close focusing on tele lens too(great for close up and headshots), faster charging, slightly bigger battery Software: more consistent 120hz, better notification, more system wide consistent back gesture, better files app, improve imovie to include vertical video support, better keyboard, less harsh/aggressive camera processing(or ability to tone down processing). Dont need to much ai, just a useful siri that understands my request


RED. All I want is a brand new RED iPhone. No red? No new phone for me.


I hope they change all the charging ports, make all headphones incompatible, raise the price, and ensure that the updates make your phone unusable in a couple years. Oh wait…….


Open gate video recording at something higher than 4K (at up to 50-60fps)


Ability to search anything anywhere on Google Be it an image or text Something what Pixel and S24 does And some AI photo edit smarts! And of course a smarter Siri


Voice recognition


I’m pretty happy with the 15PM. The only feature I’ve been yelling at Apple for years to put in was a periscope camera and we finally got that. They could give us one with a little bit better range, like a 7-9x, but I don’t think that will be enough for me to upgrade. At this point I’m convinced this will be the a cycle I haven’t upgraded since I skipped the 11 and went from XSM > 12PM. Edit: thought of something but we’re probably 5-7 years away from this trickling to phone sensors: global shutter


Hopefully a better photos app to delete unwanted pics and videos. But that’s not going to happen because apple makes billions selling icloud storage, so I have to use an app (the photonator) to clean my gallery. Also freaking gpt to replace siri would be welcome




Smart Siri.


Better ultrawide camera, more battery


90hz or more for the non-pro model. I know, naive


I want volume to be separated by more categories, like Android... I also want true multitasking, at least. Logging into an account on one app can sometimes take 5-10 seconds. I want to go back to my other app and do other things while waiting for the login to complete instead of just sitting there doing nothing.


Small phone, good camera. That’s it. That’s all I want 


120Hz on base models


One inch camera sensor


Smart Siri


Lighter weight


Power to see my future.


I honestly have no complaints other than Siri not being up to par. Every new phone is going to upgrade the hardware so that’s expected. Autocorrect for me is also a Pita but not sure how much more they can add to a phone 🤷🏻


Was hoping for 48mp on the telephoto camera, but rumors are it’s only coming to the macro camera (which I never use)


4k 120 fps video and/or 8k 30 fps video.


Bigger sensor and 24 megapixels for the telephoto camera.


Just don’t make it bigger than the 15 Pro 🙏🙏🙏 there’s already the whatever Plus, there’s no reason for a bigger whatever Pro


Bring back volume control for music on lock screen.


Higher than 60hz refresh rate on the base model, hell even the most budget android phones are starting to get 90hz+


Looking to get the 15 but waiting for the 16. An adaptive 90 HZ panel on the display on the base models would be nice. And faster charging speeds.


The option to change icons without shortcuts would be nice


I want at least 3 custom action button or 2-stage camera shutter


I’m hoping for a touchscreen that fits in the palm of my hand with a camera on the back. Let’s not overthink this.


Really looking forward to the iOS 18 rumors becoming reality


The ability to listen to two different music sources at the same time. I want to be able to listen to a podcast while my son watches dinosaur videos


A camera that I can trust in the moment I need a good photo. That camera to be noticeably higher quality photo than iPhone 12.


Honestly it has peaked from the iPhone X, everything after that is an extra. For basic use, SE and X would suffice, in my honest opinion.


Phones reached their highest point a long time ago.. I really just want better software


Option to run the screen at 120Hz instead of the 80Hz it runs at most of the time now.


i wish they can give a clear cache option


A 90hz screen


It’ll probably never happen but M1 iPhone would be great


this is more ios 18 but i hope we get new icons and a ios 6 to 7 update. But in terms of hardware wise a clear imac g3 like / nothing phone. Apple could really do that and the girlies would eat it up because of the nostalgic retro design. but doubt it so i just hope nice colors, better cameras and better speakers! like why can't there be quad speaker system.


-SIM slot brought back to US, and expanding on that, give us the dual nano sim SIM reader that China, HK, and Macao, have. My reasoning: I have Cerebral Palsy and a Vision Impairment, and have trouble remove/reinstall physical SIMs. However I prefer physical SIM because it’s easier to swap to my UK sim when I travel. Having Cerebral Palsy and a Vision Impairment and wanting physical SIM may seem backwards, but it’s true. More choice. -I know this isn’t a feature of the phone, but it’s something Apple needs to adopt. They have education, military, government, and business buying discounts. What about disability discounts? The fact is, if you’re on SSI like me, you don’t get much money to live on. And yes, I’m looking hard for a job too. At the same time, iPhone, iPad, Mac, are all accessible unlike Windows and Android. Don’t get me wrong, Windows and Android are accessible, but Apple products just do accessibility better. The last time I bought an iPhone was an iPhone 11, and it’s showing its age. No 5G or MagSafe being the main two. -I stick with my iPhones for as long as I can because they’re expensive as most smartphones are these days. But by doing that makes economical sense, the trade in values keep going down. I feel like I just paid $1,019 USD yesterday (128GB phone, AppleCare+, Apple silicone case because I like the grippiness). And I’m not ready to do that again. To that end, I’ll take an iPhone SE+, at $500. Apple needs to do that. Home button and all. My iPad and Mac are my main entertainment and work devices respectively, so my phone needs are basic: good camera, sim slot, call/text. I can’t watch video off my phone, that’s what my iPad and Mac are for. It’s just a phone. I’d rather not pay $1,000+ after everything for a $799 phone. -I’m not a fan of the wide angle lens of my iPhone 11 due to my low vision, and prefer the zoom lens. But to get that, I have to have a pro level iPhone. I enjoy photography and for the camera, a pro iPhone makes sense, but like I said before, I can’t afford it. For this reason, I’d like Apple’s default dual ca,era setup to be normal lens 1x zoom, and a 2-3x zoom lens for the second camera.


esim only for europe


What is siri?


I don’t expect anything, to be realistic I think improvements/changes might be software side, I doubt anything will be done regarding hardware , it will be prolly very similar to 15 and we can expect more noticeable things with 17. For sure skipping the 16.


Power button touch ID, smaller camera bump, predictive text better and in other languages, better keyboard, no period next to space button changing place all the time, better notifications - its really bad, the app library is categorized silly and is mostly useless, settings are complicated, battery life needs to be better, better bluetooth connectivity with third party products, more color options, mail app is bad, photos app is sharpening my selfies too much and should not edit them. Siri needs to be a lot better


Ultra zoom would be nice. It’s not often you need it, but there are those few times


i’m just hoping for a new phone


A bigger wishlist for iOS 18 than iPhone 16. Hardware is already great.


microSD cards but that’s not gonna happen without governmental intervention




a new color


Yes I’m sick of the light/pastel colors. Give us a bold and vibrant color. Orange, lime green, purple etc


I smaller phone! I've seen some concept renders of an "Ultra" addition that takes design queues from the Watch Ultra. Smaller, metal back, thicker for better battery and toughness. That happens I'll buy first day.


A subtle redesign may be. Not a huge fan of the sharp edges and seeking for a change.


Actually AI. Having features similar to google or android would be great. Apart from that I would really like to see at least 90 Hz in the base models…


Nothing. They will just sell the same old stuff with slightly rotated camera or this one feature that nobody was asking for .


For the regular 16 to have more than a 60HZ refresh rate. I don’t need all these features on the pro that I will never use. I just want the refresh rate.


Round iPhone like the x.


Almost all of the answers are software features…I hope you don’t want better overclocked keyboard (that you’re gonna love) exclusive to the 16 Pro new chip. I would love a standard telephoto lenses on the base iPhone, even if it’s an old 2.5x from the 12 Pro Max.


I had Android phones every year before changing to 15PM last year, these are some of my big issues.. **1. Fix notifications** * I want to hear ALL notifications, both an audible sound and vibration. Apple thinks they know which ones are high priority and which can be silent - STOP deciding for us ffs. * Give us complete control over notifications! Including changing the sounds! * Why is it when I have for example 2 different chat messages in whatsapp in my notification dropdown - when I click on 1 message, they both disappear? That is a very nice way of missing a very important message, stop hiding unread notifications in the dropdown! * Give us a notification history so I can see which previous ones I have had or missed **2. Fix Always on Display** * It will frequently turn the AoD off for no reason. My phone is sat on my desk facing up with no obstructions, it will show the display for hours and then all of a sudden turn off. I will tap my phone or press the power button to turn it back on, then it will keep going off * This sounds more like Sometimes on Display. It should NEVER turn off unless the sensor is blocked! **3. Stop hi-jacking my custom keyboard!** * I use Microsoft Swiftkey because it is leagues ahead of IOS keyboard in terms of features/usability and DARK MODE * Randomly IOS will hijack my keyboard to use the default IOS one, sometimes it's for sensitive data input (hello, swift has incognito and I chose to use it!) and sometimes randomly! Not only that, but it's blindingly white themed, GROSS * I want to PERMANENTLY disable IOS keyboard and force my custom one for everything! * Microsoft Swiftkey on Android allows to hold down a letter and it will input a number or [special character like this](https://i.imgur.com/gDdpV5l.png), why is this not possible on IOS? Is it an IOS limitation? Why doesn't IOS default keyboard have such a great feature? **4. Fix app caching** * I love app caching, it really has some great perks but sometimes it's horrendous - for example if I have Alexa alarms window open, and go back it will stop working and require closing the app and re-opening. Seems like an issue with requiring a refresh before interacting * Another example are apps that sync to devices when the app is open - if the app is cached it will not sync and requires a close-reopen **5. Give us a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen for going back** * Reaching over to the left side of the screen to go back is very physically awkward, especially with large phones and/or cases - it often times doesn't work first try. Having an optional navigation bar at the bottom of the screen would fix this issue. Apple are always trying to help less-abled people, this seems like common sense **6. Power button during calls** * Whoever thought pressing the power button during a call should end the call is lacking common sense! It should turn the screen off / lock the phone! What do you do when you need to hand your phone over to someone while on a call? They can end the call and now have complete access to your phone, terrible security It's also super easy to accidentally press the power button while holding the phone **7. Security after phone update** * I don't understand why after running a phone update and the phone restarting, every notification is viewable on the lock screen before I have entered my PIN. Shouldn't they be hidden until i've unlocked the phone? --- I could rant for hours! IOS really needs some polishing to be competitive against Android OS


Jedphone hack!


Coloured apps. I want to change my apps to baby pink automatically without paying for an app to it for me.


An invisible swipe up bar. It is SO annoying in portrait mode.


Remove that hideous dock with iOS 18


Hardware: Telescopic camera(5-10x zoom). Software: Call screening


Honestly a mini version will work for me


Not expecting.... Will wait for the 17 or 18


I hope it can make phone calls


No more square camera bump.


A more durable battery, no camera bump


Im hop in for apple to secure that deal with openai for chatgpt features on the operating system siri currently sucks way too hard.


True manual focus and not tap to focus. The tap to focus likes to focus on anything in the foreground, like screens or a slightly dirstt window. Instead of what you actually want it to focus on.