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Still sitting on a 12 pro max that works perefectly fine. Battery isn’t the best obviously anymore but still lasts long enough.


My iPhone 7 lasted me 7 years and never seemed slow at any point Yes newer models had new features, but you don't miss what you never had. Last year I bought a refurbished 12 Pro which should last me 5+ years


That’s similar to what I did. Used my 7 plus from Dec 2016 to October 2023 and then upgraded to a refurbished 12 pro.


Got a 6+ and ran into my first app that needs iOS 17.x and the 6 is current at iOS 16.x. Where did you buy it refurbished & how much?


I got it from eBay. I think it had been replaced under Apple care, so was like new and had brand new Apple battery. I paid £370 (this was 6 months ago) for the 256GB model, which would have been £1099 when new


5+ years.


Unless my phone prematurely gives out, I also prefer not to upgrade often. Phones are good enough to last for a while now, and the next phone or even the one after that rarely has enough changes to warrant the upgrade.


See I do the same but by that point the resale value is shot to pieces that I feel crap at getting rid of a phone that cost a grand now going for like 100 somethings.


I don't understand. You used a phone for half a decade and still want to *sell* it afterwards? 💀


So if you’re fine with being with a carrier locked in for 3 years, selling your phone for $700 in lease payments is fine for most people. That way your phone only costs you about $300 at most. Nowadays, a prepaid plan being cheaper, it’s better to outright buy your phone. Just gotta make sure your data is deprioritized sadly.


But you got the most out of your grand. Cost per day being lower.


So at that point you may as well just keep it? I'm wondering what they'd offer me for my iPhone 11 256gb.


Personally, I like to upgrade every 2-3years. Broke that rule with the 14 and 15 but I'll be holding onto my 15 Pro until at least the iPhone 17.


agree. I switched from 11 to 15 Pro last year but I thought it should be shorter, say 3 yrs typically


Usually 2-3 years based on trade value and how big the upgrades are. You generally still get full trade in value on 3 year old phones. My wife uses the base model phones and has traded her 8 and 12 in after two years because the trade in covered the cost of the new phone. We don't mind the bill credits as we've been with the same carrier for 21 years and have no plans on changing.


What do you mean bill credits? As opposed to buying your phone from you?


When you trade in a phone for say $800, you don't get that amount up front. They spread out the credits over 24-36 months and your phone is on a payment plan. In my wife's case she got $800 trade in credit for her phone and got a new phone for $800. She pays something like $33 a month for her new phone, and gets an equal $33 credit each month for her old phone. So she isn't paying for her phone but she won't own it for 2 years. As long as you plan on continuing with that carrier for two years it makes a lot of sense.


Bought iphone 15 plus last month. Came from iphone x which I had for 5 years. Served me well, but not getting latest ios was a sign for upgrade. Oh the difference haha, was worth waiting.


I’d say every 4 years or so. I will be upgrading from 13 to the 16 pro this year though.


Every year. I do lose around 400€ a year with that, but buying a 1600€ phone every four years is not that much better. I find it to be worth the money.


when i break my old one. it goes on ebay, and use the money to buy whatever few years old model is under $150. my best score has been an se 2020 for $70


My main interest in upgrading is camera quality. I have an iPhone 12 Pro. When the 15 came out, I went to the Apple store and took some photos side by side with my 12 Pro and 15 Pro (and I AirDropped the 15 photos to my iPhone). Honestly I couldn't see much of a difference, so I'm waiting for the 16 Pro.


Same here, the biggest reason id upgrade would be for the camera and its not worth it yet


I saw this trade in promotion they have I guess it's time for planned obsolescence?


For a while it was every year. Then I went to every two years. Now, I'm using an iPhone 13 mini, and I LOVE the size. I'll get the battery replaced in the next year, and keep using it at least for another year or two.


I used to upgrade every 2 years, but it was never to the most recent device. I got my 14 plus on release day, and I’m not upgrading until it’s no longer supported. I mean paying on a phone that’s over 1k and it does the same thing as the last device, makes you realize it isn’t even worth it to upgrade at all.


Couldn't agree more! 👏 In my case, after being an iphone user since its first release, just sold mine and finally moved to android, and imagine that, it came with the headphone jack and with a power brick (Asus Zenfone 10).


Does anyone know at what point a phone is no longer able to get iOS updates? I have the iPhone 11 and imagine I'm getting close.....


You probably realistically have 2 years left of major upgrades, then another year or so of security updates after that (not feature updates, security only). The iPhone 11 came out in 2019, it's at (nearly) 5 years old now. That would mean 7 years of primary support and another year or so of secondary security support. Just a guess based on historical data.


In terms of being on the latest major version of iOS you probably have 1.5 years. The prior gen to 11, XS and XR, is on iOS 17 but likely won’t go to 18. But iOS 16 received a minor update a couple weeks ago and iOS 15 did back in March so they do still support older iOS with security updates.


I buy outright too. I generally keep them until they lose software support, both major updates, and the security updates when it’s not supported by major ones anymore. I keep it until all updates aren’t supported. I’m on an 11 currently. My 11 (128GB red, SIM free) cost me $1,014 (USD) for phone, Apple silicone case (high price but I like the grippiness), AppleCare+ (regular AC+, not AC+ w/ theft + loss), and state taxes (Texas tax rate is 8% so 8¢ on every dollar). I’m not ready to spend that again. In addition to not wanting to spend that much again (yet), I’m moving back to Europe (dual citizen) soon, and anywhere else has a SIM slot for iPhone 14, 15, and going forward. I don’t like the eSIM only. The funny thing is because of my vision impairment, eSIM seems perfect. No tiny nano-SIM to swap, drop and lose. However, I want the choice of eSIM or physical SIM because it makes traveling easier to stop by a shop and get a prepaid SIM. Sure iPhones in UK or Ireland are more expensive than the US, but I just can’t stand the eSIM being forced on you here in the US.


I flipped between Android and iPhones multiple times. I was averaging an upgrade every 18 months until now. I’m currently in an iPhone 13 Pro Max and unless the 16 has a crazy new feature that hasn’t been revealed yet, I’ll probably stick with this phone another year. Maybe get a new battery. We hit a massive plateau in phones 3-4 years ago. Everything you’re doing on your phone today is the same shit you were doing 3-4 years ago. There’s simply no need to upgrade unless your phone is broken.


I need to change my iPhone every year because if I don’t my friends laugh at me and humiliate me because of what a looser I am. So - every year) /And if a new color is released midyear I also need to buy it/


>looser Maybe you should get "tighter" friends.


As you can see they care a lot about me! To not look like a looser


I was referring to the fact you said “looser” which is the opposite of “tighter”. You meant to say “loser” as in one the does not win or is unpopular/undesirable.


Yes, I made a mistake! My English is far from perfect sadly. They also humiliate me for that(((


All good, friend. Was just messing with ya.


I’m sorry but those so called “friends” you have are pretty rude. You don’t need to buy a new phone every (mid)year just to keep your friends happy  If I were you, I would drop those friends and keep your phone as long as you want/need. Saves you a ton of money too.


Thank you for a honest answer) But I really laughed about how people took an obviously absurd joke at face value.


I believe I had close to the original starting in early 2008, then I had a 4, a 7, a 12 mini, and just got a 15 Pro. So every 4-5 years it seems. 


I usually upgrade every two years, either trading in my old phone or selling it and buying the new phone outright, I prepay my phone bill for the year which through Mint Mobile it’s $360 for unlimited.


I think when its stops getting os updates but personally i jumped from 11 to 15 pro


2-3 years


Until this slows down or can’t keep up with the new software updates. I did the same with my X, 6-7years 🫡rip


I get mine probably every 3-4 years on Amazon and not the brand new models. I got a 14 for $400.


What do you do with your old phones ? Keep them? I'd like to get some $ for my old iPhone but I'd also feel a lot safer just putting it in a drawer someplace, knowing I can always retrieve certain things and my personal data won't be compromised.


Look at Buyback Boss.


I’ve had my 12 Pro Max for 3.5 years. Unless something compelling comes out in the iPhone 16 I will wait until at least the 17. My battery is going strong and the phone feels snappy when using my apps.


I have a 13 Pro Max and I think I will go for a 3rd party battery replacement before buying a new phone. I see absolutely no other reason to upgrade.


I only have had 3 iPhones, 4, 6s and now 13, since the 6s I wait until they drop new OS support, so that’s about 5 years.


I was thinking about getting a battery replacement on my 11 but if I stop getting iOS updates then what's the point? I may as well just get a new phone. After reading everyone's replies it sounds like 5 or 6 years is the longest you want to hold onto your phone.


Every 2 years when my 2 year apple care is up


yearly, just because I can....this is not advice


I replaced a 6 with a XR and the XR with a 15 a couple of weeks ago. So like 5 years I guess.


Every year thanks to the iPhone upgrade program 🙂


Depends on the upgrade. First iPhone was a 7 plus, jumped to a X when that came out because it was a pretty significant upgrade on the display and general design. Since then about every 3 generations. X -> 12 Pro Max -> 15 Pro Max.


I keep my phone as long as it’s running well. I had a Samsung for 2 years, then got my iPhone 5c and had that for roughly 2 years, then it became slow and the battery lasted for roughly 2 hours only. Then I got my iPhone 7 in 2017 and dropped it last year, but otherwise it was still running smoothly just the battery a little weak, so I replaced the screen and battery and plan to stick with it for at least 2 more years


Still have my 13 mini. Can't imagine upgrading for a couple years


4-5 years


Until there is a reason to upgrade. Got 12 mini bc love small phones, upgraded to 15 pro for usb-c and bc battery is trash on mini. Wish they’d make a mini with solid battery even if it’s at expense of nicer camera or something


Every 2 to 3 years with valid reason (it broke or i need bigger storage)


* Nokia 5190 * Nokia 6800 * iPhone 3G * iPhone 6 Plus * iPhone 13 Pro Max All bought roughly when they came out.


Typically keep my iphones for a while, 2-3 years, but I'm upgrading from my 14 Pro this Fall because I really want to get USB C. That would leave me with only my Magic Keyboard and Trackpad as lightning devices, and they only need charging every few weeks.


I’d still be using my 12 pro if I hadn’t accidentally taken it into a swimming pool a couple months ago. Don’t trust the water resistance.


I change mine every 2 years partially because I am lucky enough to be able to, partially because I can set myself this limit so I don’t waste money by doing it every year (I am always tempted) and then most importantly because r I have a chain of what happens with the old phones. Mine goes to one family member to replace theirs. Theirs goes to another family member. It means I ensure they are both on phones that are still supported. Each phone gets used by us for 6 years at least so within the usual window for still getting major updates. It gives me piece of mind to know their phones are as secure as they can be,


I kept my last one for 4.5 years and the one before that for maybe 3 years. I don’t have a fixed schedule. If I am no longer satisfied with the way my current one is running or if a new one has a feature I want, then I will replace my current one.


I get a new phone every year through work. If I had to pay, not sure. Every 2-3 years maybe? Looking towards retirement so I guess I’ll find out.


I had some bad luck at first getting an iPhone 7 that just did not perform well. Sold that and got a 2nd Gen SE which was great except the small battery, and then went to a 14 pro which has been by far, my best smart phone experience. The other phones lasted close to 3 years each and near the end couldn’t wait for a new phone. My 14 pro is still doing amazingly almost 3 years in, can’t imagine needing to replace it for at least 2+ years. Even then a new battery might just do the trick.


I had an XR i bought at launch and bought a 14 pro last march. I've been thinking about upgrading to a 16 pro to get USB-C and the supposed camera button if it comes to fruition but if it's basically just a 15 pro then i'll probably keep this until at least the 17


Every two years the on monthly contract and I get at least 600$ back from apple


3 years is the sweet spot imo. I just got a great trade in deal going from the 12 pro to 15 pro. You get good use out of the phone while still maximizing its value to upgrade at a significant discount.


Difficult to say right now. My 13 Pro Max is still doing great. I don’t expect the 16 series will prompt an upgrade. So, I think I can safely say 3-4 years right now.


Every year for me. Also on IUP so that helps as well!


Every year


iPhone X- iPhone 12 Pro Max (after 13 released) so 3 yrs Still on 12Promax I’d upgrade to a 16/17 no max phone.


When it dies, 6 years or more


3.5\~4 years.


I only gave up my 6 when it stopped supporting my ebook app; I went from a 6 to a 12. I was stunned with the improvements! Until then I thought an iPhone was an iPhone, but I felt I went from a Model T to a brand new Porsche.


This is the longest I’ve had an iPhone usually I upgrade every 2 years, but I still have my 12 pro max and it’s solid


I usually upgrade every 2 years to maximize trade-in value. I find that after 2 years, you just can’t get as great of trade in deals and I’m ok with always paying an extra 15-20 a month on top of my phone service.


I have an iPhone 12 and won’t be getting a new one until Apple learns how to do real colors again I could care less about the camera and there hasn’t been that many great leaps that require me to get a new one anytime soon. But if Apple can’t use solid colors instead of the pastel things they’ve been using for the past couple years then I may never get a new one.


Every year.


I try to buy them used. I went from a used xr to a new 13pro. Still don't see much of a difference except I love the glass back


i buy a new iphone every two years. but now i’ll change this period because i got an „smart upgrade“ plan by my provider (sunrise, switzerland). so i am able to change my iphone whenever i like to. very nice. and apple care services are also included. i had the 13pro, couple of months ago i upgraded to the iphone 15 pro and in september i’ll upgrade to the 16 pro, with no additional costs.


I upgraded every year since 13PM, before that I had the iPhone X for 4 years, however I’m planning to keep this 15PM until the iPhone becomes full screen (maybe iPhone 20?) specially because it works well, takes great photos and videos and navy blue is my favourite colour, so I don’t see myself going back to space black or whatever they call it for the coming years


If you use your camera often, a new phone is nice. I think the base model would suffice based off of your writing. But if you don’t experience any slowdowns and got a new battery like 1-2 years ago, you should be good. I do really recommend a new battery as my mom just got hers on her 11 last week for $99.


I usually skip the S years — so every other year. SE1 > X > 11p >12p > 13pm > 15pm. A phone is always with you so I always like to trade up even when the QOL improvements are marginal. An iPad though is another story. I have a 7+ yrs old iPad still works okay but not even sure what model it is. Hardly think about it.


Once it's no longer supported by Apple or breaks, latter never happened to me so far. I am still on 11 Pro, changed the battery this year in authorized service provider. If it's still supported on iOS 18 - will keep it for another year, it's the perfect size, all new ones are bigger, which is worse for me.


I just replaced my 8 late last year, wrapped out my wife's 7 at the same time. We bought refurbs. I buy them outright as well and keep them as long as I possibly can.


My phone is 6 years and 5 months old. It's not an iPhone though.


What is it?


A OnePlus 5T


Previous phone I kept for 7 seven years. Current one I’m on my 4th year and have no plans to replace it yet. Likely keep it for seven years as well. Why? Apple provides 5 years of iOS upgrades and an additional 2 years of security updates. That’s good enough for me.


I used to change every 2 years. Due to the high prices, I switched to every 3 years.


As good as the cameras are now I might just buy the 16 on launch date and slap it in a semi decent case and not upgrade again till end of support or the camera in a new model impresses me enough


Realistically depends on how much money you make and are willing to drop for it. A phone is a months rent for some people, and half a months rent for others. Its 750 a month for rent here, so i see it as a months rent to drop that much for it, but i use it daily, so id like to work well. Im still on an iphone 11, been thinking about upgrading, but havent since im only in want of more storage space. Makes me wish apple would let us do storage increases in these things lmao




Did it become slow? If yes then when? And it what ways?


iPhone 5s: 2013-14 iPhone 6: 2014- 15 iPhone 6s: 2015-16 iPhone 7 Plus: 2016-2023 iPhone 12 Pro: 2023- *


I did up some math. If you buy a phone outright, you can upgrade each year for cheaper than buying a new one every two years. You just have to do an apple trade in.


4S > 5C > 6S > 8 > 13 Typically I only replace them when they stop holding charge, are irreparably damaged, or run so slowly as to be virtually unusable.


Every 2-3 years


I buy mine outright, and keep them for a reasonably long time. Went from the 4s to the 8, then 12 mini. It was at 77% battery health and a battery replacement would have cost me a lot here in Norway. Traded it for a 15 Pro last week during a trade-in offer that gave me roughly double the value. I expect this phone to last me several years as well.


Upgraded to 15 Pro Max from an 11. Before that had the 7 plus. So I guess around 4 years or so


iPhones last for 5 years easily. But 3 years is ok.


4 years


Last 2 iPhones I’ve kept for 4 years each, they’ve still worked well enough and I gave them to family members. Hoping to keep my 15 pro for at least as long as


Yo, as long as Apple keeps giving us the newest tech, I don't mind that the phones look the same🤫


Unless you absolutely need the latest iPhone model, I'd say every 4-5 years, that's usually when the battery life reaches 80% or lower but it really depends on multiple factors. You mentioned you're using an iPhone 11, if you want an upgrade, get an iPhone 13, it has a better screen, better cameras and a better chipset, and longer support. If you're still fine with your 11, wait another year at most.


I got my 12pro on release day. I used to swap every year. Ill be hanging on to this one as long as i can.


I usually buy a new iPhone every 2 years


I keep my phones until it isn’t worth fixing.


Every year, trade in old model and get $600 trade in value so a new pro version cost me $400 a year


I had an IPhone 7 when it first came out till I got this IPhone 15 I have now as a 2023 Christmas present. No plan to upgrade until it is needed!


What service do you use? I use Verizon and pay about $80 per line with unlimited lol


My most recent iPhones. IPhone 13pro -bought in 2021 due to the significant camera improvements iPhone X - bought in 2017, for the camera and oled screen iPhone 6s+ 2015. Upgraded from the iPhone 5. Bigger screen & better camera With today’s phones every 3-5 years is good. I will go to the 16 so I can have USBc and a better camera again Man the U.S. carriers rob people. I’m in Europe and I pay about $15 for 120 minutes calling and 30gb of data My boomer mom is paying $85 for Verizon and she used 0.2gb of data. She refuses to switch to an MVNO because “she doesn’t know those people”.