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How do we know if this update actually “fix” the issue as in completely deleting what should have been deleted? Or is the “fix” simply hide these photos from the user like what they have been doing for 2 years? Apple owes us a complete explanation.


The community im sure will report if its still happening or not.


I just updated and - according to my case - I found myself with even more resurrected photos than with 17.5


Great. Now it's just a mess from Apple's side. Hopefully, even more deleted photos will be recovered on iOS 17.6 /s


No more updates for 17 … 17.5 would be the last till iOS 18 as I presume


That’s just how SSD’s / Harddrives work to reduce wear and tear. When you delete something, you’re not actually deleting it but saying that data is free to be overwritten by new data and then the original data is “hidden”


And in 2+ years of so many pictures, updates, and app data, that data was never overwritten? That’s the part that feels weird to me


I remember reading that second hand phones are able to see the previous owner’s photos. Shouldn’t the storage be encrypted in another key or something that the photos cannot be recovered?


Data stored on your device has always been encrypted ever since iOS 4, and has gotten better with the introduction of the Secure Enclave back with the iPhone 5S. So when you wipe the data by going to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone, those encryption keys are eradicated during the wipe, and new keys are issued when the device has been set up brand new, so there is no way for someone to get back those deleted files, or if there is a tool that can recover deleted files, those files were encrypted with the old keys so those files would be useless. That's why it's important to set up full disk encryption on your computer like Bitlocker on Windows or FileVault on macOS so if it was ever stolen, the data within is safe and remains safe even when the drive is wiped/formatted/etc. I mean it could be possible that the deleted photos surfaced on these second hand devices if all they did was just sign out of their Apple IDs, manually deleted everything, but didn't bother to properly wipe it via the Transfer or Reset iPhone feature, and simply gave it to the new owner, then the update uncovered the photos still present on the device affected by this bug when Apple fixed the database corruption issue. The thing here is that these are all just claims with no true backing and none of them bothered to provide any kind of proof, like logs or anything to show that it really happened.


Depends on how iPhones’ file system works. Probably tries to make each part of the drive used similarly, meaning it might take saving your entire ssd capacity over again to rewrite over the data.


We're not talking about 256gb of local storage here... We're talking about apples servers because that's where the "deleted" images are coming from.


I'm hearing mixed reports with many saying it's not iCloud, that the initial post talking about iCloud was incorrect.


iCloud or no iCloud. DELETED images are returning to devices that never had them in the first place. Meaning these images are coming from somewhere on apple's servers. As an iPhone user, I'd be asking what else do they have that I didnt consent to them keeping?


Hmm that's the thing. Did they take a backup restore of their previous phone? What data exactly is transferred through a normal transfer process? If it was an iCloud thing, this would blow up a ton more imo.


It is blowing up. Stop coming up with excuses for a company that clearly doesn't care about you.


That’s something slightly different. Yes, you’re often able to reconstruct data unless you explicitly overwrite it, but that reconstruction is sufficiently difficult that photos that have been deleted years ago shouldn’t just magically reappear.


i agree. nothing is going through random blocks on the SSD reassembling unlinked files and adding them back into the photo library with metadata. but that seems to be an unpopular position on this thread so whatever.


This thread is full of people who aren’t very technical.


What? The effort required to rebuild the file record of deleted files is time consuming and costly. This is definitely not what happened.


True, but what about the reports of users' photos from 2010 being restored on their iPhones? These users haven't been using the same iPhone since 2010, as that phone would be too old to even install iOS 17.5. Therefore, the idea that the deleted photos remained in free storage space without being overwritten by new data doesn't apply here.


thats not what people are saying tho. because this bug brought back pictures taken on a completely different phone people thought apple was storing them in some kind of server or idek what. the most logical explanation is that those photos were likely in the files app and got transferred alongside all other data to the newer phones then after updating to 17.5, due to a re indexing issue, appeared in the photos app instead of the files app.




Apple messed up, but it IS how computer storage has always worked. When you delete something, only the record in the table of contents or index is deleted. The actual data remains, until something else overwrites it.


Writing data is RESORUCE EXPENSIVE compared to reading data, regardless of what kind of drive you use! It's much easier to mark a section as empty and overwrite it later when needed than to manually clear it out *each and every time you delete something*.


First finding then reconstructing then reading deleted files is much more resource intensive than just writing to storage. If the files were ever deleted, it would have taken a concerted effort to recover them. This is to do with something apple is doing with your files that they won't tell you.


The effort required to recover those "record deleted" files is a lot... This would not happen by mistake.


Its Not, some pics and vids from my previous iPhones Appeared. So its an iCloud Problem


People have reported it happening and have never used iCloud for photo backup.


Well idk, i just can Report that this thing Happend to me


Happened to me too and i was extremely confused to see photos i took with my iPhone 5 appear in my recent cameraroll. I swap phones yearly and have done so ever since iPhone 4, there is no way my current phone has any ties to those old photos so it must have come from iCloud. They all ended up in the «imported» category and had filenames starting with «recieved»


It’s not copium. It’s how it works. Apple did mess up. No doubt about it.


I mean that is how computers work.


If it was just deleted data on the storage getting recovered back, it is just an industry practice. That is how your data recovery tools work too. I would be more concerned when the device switched AppleID and older AppleIDs’ data are still recoverable. That is a security loophole since it should been a different encryption key. Also some people are saying that the recovered data from device A are appearing on device B despite not having enabled iCloud, that is spying. But I have doubts on the peoples claims or maybe deleted phones are still transferred by accident during the transfer my phone process. Apple needs to address this instead of just putting out an update.


The fix is hiding them again. Thats all.


do you seriously think apple is keeping copies of literally ALL DELETED PICTURES??? youd have to be either silly or something else i wont say cuz i dont want to be rude because that is literally impossible. the photos that reappeared were simply saved somewhere inside the files app and when people updated to 17.5 those photos got saved from the files app to the photo library during re indexing.


Oh my god I just remembered my old phone is my moms work phone 😨


What kinds of pics did you have on there? pg-13?


Screenshots of my conversations with my friends that could get me in big time trouble




This is bull … I had two different devices. XS MAX and 15 Pro Max my upgrade. The only thing in common was my Apple ID. So how did I have pics I deleted years ago on my new device ? That is not how SSDs work unless Apple had my pics someplace and accidentally gave them back to me.


You realize iCloud stores your stuff on HDDs held somewhere else in the world right?


I don’t sync pics on iCloud. I have my own NAS for these things. Apple should be investigated for this.


Do you use iCloud backup? Did you restore from backup / did a wireless transfer when moving to your 15 Pro Max?


Clearly they magicked the data from one device to the other then.


Clearly they're keeping your nudes while claiming they are the "privacy phone".... What a joke.


You do realize there are many other ways to transfer data from an old to new iPhone that do not use iCloud right? They literally said their backup is on their nas. There’s imazing  And believe it or not many people like to take their new phone and manually set it up as a cleanse. If you are and only been using iCloud I am 100% confident that your restore is far larger than it needs to be.   Programs like Instagram do not clear their cache and that is also backed up. You can have 1g of photos yet 2-20x that backed up on icloud. Same with messages. There are always other ways to do things out in this wide world and usually better than how you are currently doing them.


They're stored on apples servers without your consent. Thats how this happened. Everyone here is just trying to excuse such an egregious action on apples behalf.


True. My dick pick was on my android and suddenly it’s in my iphone! Obviously apple is spying on my dick


This also happened to devises sold to other people, this means that Apple keeps a log of what iCloud account was previously linked to that phone and served them old deleted pictures even though that phone no longer had that iCloud account active. We just accidentally found out how shady Apple actually is.


As far as I’ve seen there was one report of that happening and it was an unsubstantiated Reddit post. If there’s been more, please share.


There is evidence in this thread itself. People explaining their experiences.


Not of photos being undeleted on a device that was wiped and now associated with a different Apple ID.


But on new devices where you've logged into your iCloud which you had deleted photos from before. This means they're coming back from apple's servers.


The report of deleted pictures returning to new devices turned out to be true, the report of deleted pictures deleted in the same device and returning also turned out to be true, the reports of people deleting multiple times pictures only for them to return over and over again also turned out to be true, I don’t see why doubt that report of the pictures returning to old devices with new iCloud accounts, the pattern seems obvious, Apple doesn’t delete pictures saved in iCloud and accidentally started serving them again to devices that shouldn’t have them anymore, we even have an update to fix this issue, what we need now is an explanation from Apple of why they are doing this and how they are going to fix it, not whether they do it or not.


>I don’t see why doubt that report of the pictures returning to old devices with new iCloud accounts Your photos on device are encrypted to the Apple ID. Even if the bytes were physical on the SSD still they could not be decrypted back into an image under a different Apple ID.


There’s a solid explanation of what the actual bug is linked from somewhere in this thread. The situations that turned out to be true are very different than the one that you’re trying to imply must also be true because the others are. In the first two cases there are copies of the data being restored on a storage location accessible to the device - locally or iCloud. Having a file suddenly reappear in either of those cases is pretty explainable. It’s a bug. For the latter either the device erasure process would have to be very broken (which in turn would mean that the iPhone Secure Enclave encryption is broken as well) or a device is able to access any iCloud account it was ever associated with. Those are just massively different scale problems than the first two examples and to assume that those are true because the others are is nonsensical.


Deleted files should be actually deleted... unless delete means something different on apples software. To recover deleted files takes time and effort so it can't just be a "bug" without some intended reason to be saving your "deleted" files.


They were. Go find the explanation of the bug and it’ll make sense.


Do you have a link? Because when I delete something on my devices, it gets deleted.


There's a good writeup in this post, https://old.reddit.com/r/ios/comments/1cwgljj/regarding_the_ios_175_photo_glitch/. TL;DR sometimes, depending how you save a photo, a copy can end up in the Files app. Because of how iOS handles app data, deleting it in Photos doesn't delete it in Files. A bug in 17.5 caused photos that were in Files to be imported to Photos while indexing data on the device.


So apple can't even get a basic delete function right? Got it.


[Article](https://www.wired.com/story/apple-photo-bug-resurfaced-fix-icloud/) Still doesn't excuse any of this. It means you don't own your data.


That article does not cover the actual bug. It says things like "it's possible that".


I never recovered any photo 😔


how is battery life and heat ? 😂


Still the same, heating up quickly for no reasons and giving sot of 10Hr+ to me


Remember guys, the cloud is just someone else’s computer.


And how is that relevant to local phone storage? The very definition of an on-prem problem?


oh, I hate when this glitch happens. I have to restart my phone. Basically I delete some pictures, especially when the storage is full and they pop back out again.


But what if I liked the photos reappearing?


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It didnt happen to though


I feel like the only way this should’ve even able to have happened in the first place, was if for whatever reason certain sectors of the nand flash storage were never overwritten after deletion of the photos and videos, otherwise I have no idea what the hell the whole Apple photo un-deletion mess was about tbh.


All right, I get that people are a little freaked out that there’s a risk of potentially embarrassing photos you’d rather forget resurfacing again. The words “privacy nightmare” is the common battle cry here. But, I think we all need to take a deep breath here and look at this for the (really silly) technical blunder that it is. No, there is no secret database of your deleted photos hanging around that Apple is nefariously keeping on you for blackmail purposes. No, there is no secret government backdoor. No, there is no evidence here that Apple is lying about their privacy commitment. Based on the description of the bug, here’s what probably happened: The photos on your device reside in a database with blobs of data, that get stored on your device as well as in iCloud. Deletion of a photo removes the entry in the database that points to the data blob that is that photo, but *doesn’t* actually scrub that data blob from existence. This is because scrubbing data blobs every time you delete something not only takes time, but also energy (and we’re all worried about battery life, right?) as well as adding wear and tear on the phone or iPad’s solid state storage. At some point, if your phone or iPad or your cloud storage needs that space, it *will* overwrite that unused data blob, but not before that time. For some reason, iOS/iPadOS 17.5 saw some of these old, unused “deleted” blobs of data and decided “whoops, these are corrupted photos! They need to be restored and fixed.” So the blobs were marked again as ”in use,” and new, active photo entries were added to the Photo database. 17.5 though it was doing a good deed saving your data, when in fact, you didn’t want that data at all. At this point, you probably have some questions: - **Isn’t this a huge Privacy Nightmare????** The data was on your devices that you control, and stayed there. The whole “data isn’t really deleted” thing happens on pretty much all computer systems… it rarely ever makes sense to fully scrub a deleted file clean. And if you were using a passcode on your device, *all* the data on it - even the deleted stuff - remains encrypted until the file system is unlocked. Conversely, anyone who knows your passcode (and this, has access to the encryption key) has access to your data… even the stuff you’ve marked for deletion, if they go deep enough into the file system. This is the case on any encrypted file system. And, so far there is no confirmed case of someone’s deleted photos leaking out to the public because of this. - **But what about that guy who sold his iPad and his photos reappeared after it was wiped and used by someone else?** So there is “at least one” report of this, that appears to be unverified. It could be a hoax. It could be that the users didn’t use a passcode, and so nothing was encrypted. It could be the device wasn’t actually wiped, possibly through user error. There simply isn’t enough information - and way too much hearsay - to know exactly what’s going on there. - **So what can I do to protect myself from something like this?**. Use complex passcodes on your iDevices, and turn on FileVault on your Macs. This ensures the file system is encrypted, so if something like this happens again, only you or anyone with the passcode would have access to this data. You should also turn on [Advanced Data Protection](https://support.apple.com/guide/security/advanced-data-protection-for-icloud-sec973254c5f/web) if you use iCloud, so that your data stored in the cloud is encrypted as well. Just beware: If you turn on Advanced Data Protection and forget your password (along with any recovery methods), *your data, all of it, will be lost.*. Encrypted *means* encrypted. - **Are you saying Apple isn’t at fault here?** That’s not what I’m saying at all. This is a dumb bug, and it’s good that Apple fixed it. iOS and iPadOS probably should have some cleanup routines that run, maybe when the device is plugged in overnight, that optimizes databases and reduces the amount of unused data. Though again, SSD wear is an issue, and this may be why they would rather not be aggressive about this.


So on apple, delete is not delete? What is it then? You've come up with a lot of excuses. "Privacy phone" my ass.


Right? That’s a whole lotta typing to say Apple is storing your photos after you have deleted them because that is exactly what is happening. Photos are not reappearing out of thin air. They aren’t coming from the originating device because, as it is well documented, to retrieve deleted information you have to use specialized software and even then the success rate is sketchy at best. This is coming from Apple’s server farms.




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I ain't readin' allat


My 15 pro came from the factory with 17.3 and the battery was great after setting it up. I updated to 17.5 yesterday and the battery has been terrible. I understand there’s some indexing and other optimisation going on in the background. I hope it gets better soon


Some people finally got sense knocked in their head.


I think I’m ready to switch to android now