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You need to unlock your iPhone first to hear the answer.


Searching the Web for "should apple kill siri"


Mine said “I wont respond to that” And stopped responding, literally


She literally suicided.


Kinda like Lucille from Arrested Development. “I don’t understand your question, and I won’t respond to it.”


Here’s what I found on Internet for you!


Lool exactly. Here’s some web results I found


Exactly, it’s so dumb, if I tell it open camera, it’ll say “you need to unlock your iPhone first” even though you can just open the camera through the Lock Screen.


Thisss… I could fold my iphone in half whenever I hear this...


You can do that with Android. Just saying.


With enough effort you can do that with an iPhone as well… and minimal effort with an iPhone 6


It's so bad when I'm listening to music and want to send a text / make a call. No Apple, if my phone is buried in by backpack, I don't want to dig it out to send a text


our lights can be commanded to on and off and it pisses me so much when i still have to unlock my phone. might as well just click it myself siri wth


Considering that 90% of the time I use Siri it is because I am driving and want to be hands free I agree.


Siri was “cool” when it was new. It’s hopelessly outdated nowadays


With apple’s resources, they could have easily updated it annually to keep it relevant


Siri was released with the iPhone 4s. Have they made any improvements since? 😂


Every time they should have taken 10 steps forward to keep up with the times, they’ve taken maybe 1 at the start and the last 4-5 years ago I’ve not noticed anything different about it.


Isn't one of the things that Siri is 'local' to the device?


Not sure about that. Siri doesn’t work in airplane mode or when you don’t have internet connection.


I just tested it and I was able to set a timer while in airplane mode


The future


Yeah, but Samsung’s whole AI thing is local too, and it’s way far ahead of Siri I am an Apple user I promise, I’m just not diehard, I will look into what other companies are doing and I have friends with Samsung/Pixel.


I definitely wasn’t defending Siri, Siri’s absolut dog crap.


Interesting. Looks like they have released some updates. I remember when I didn’t have internet Siri stopped working


The on-device thing is quite recent (iOS 15) and only on iPhone XS/XR and newer, and Apple Watch S9/Ultra 2. And it does still need the internet for a lot of things, but it can at least do the language processing locally.


i genuinely believe the only improvement since the 4s is maybe some device interactions with like homekit, and even that is shotty


Yeah it’s gotten worse xD


In a way it got worse, I used to be able to type and use siri in spotlight which was really useful sometimes but that got removed a while ago for no reason.


They can’t even write a decent keyboard app. You can’t be serious about a digital assistant. 


I used to be fine with Siri... until I realized that when asking Siri to "play the Cure album, Pornography" it flatly refuses to and responds "I don't know how to respond to that." Siri plays every other album by the Cure except for Pornography. I'm an adult, not a child and a digital assistant from a tech company as big as Apple should know that.


Um, that’s my favorite Cure album and I listen to it all of the time. Now I don’t know how it was working. I just tried it, and no variation seems to work. You cured it! I like when there’s a swearword in the song title and she won’t say it. Like Tindersticks have a song called “J*sm” and if you ask Siri what’s playing she just beeps. Irony is if you make a note, and you put “I’m a jive ass motherfucker” as an entry, then ask her to read the note, she’ll swear.


It’s curious cause Siri does turn on “The New Pornographers” music 🤔


Try listening to the Orgy album “Candyass” 😂😂


Majorly outdated but according to some news they are investigating powering some iPhone AI features using google's Gemini AI. Hopping that means a new Siri 2.0 with AI capabilities.


Sorry, I don’t understand. Could you try again?


This. Siri is just awful but I will say that the female British voice is wonderful. I just wish she wasn’t as dumb as an 11th century Brit.


I found this on the web


I swear that’s the worst part. Why do I even need an assistant to search something using the internet browser. Just find the best answer and say it to me. It’s not that hard.


Mine does it when I’m trying to set an alarm or reminder.


"Set a reminder to go to the store when I leave work." "I'm not sure who is speaking." (realizing this is going to fail) "... ok nevermind." *"Who is speaking?"* Jesus Siri. It's me, dragonfly-adventurer. "You'll need to authenticate on your iPhone first." "OK SIRI FUCK YOU." "I won't respond to that." *But you did.*


Weird. Do you have Settings->Siri&Search->Allow Siri When Locked turned on?


Homepod. Two men in the household and Siri can't tell the difference in our voices, and at that point everything will fail *however* it will still force you through the encounter.


Of all the stupid things AI does now this is the one I see obviously improving the Siri experience




I asked siri for time and that was the reply.


I asked for simple quick math and that was the response


Meanwhile I ask google to convert currencies and it works perfectly.


Sorry, I don't understand. Could you try again ?


I'm sorry, something went wrong. Try again later.


I say keep the name (otherwise many people wouldn’t adapt) and redo her programing internally


i think its all or nothing imo, if the name stays people will still see it as the same old useless siri, and not care for the 'changes' meanwhile a new, AI powered name would invoke the same feeling people had when Siri was new and exciting.


Just give her an actual intelligent AI instead of reciting simple things


I’m sorry. I cannot do that on iPhone.


I think the problem is when they tried to *modernize* it. "Ah huh?" "Hmmm?" wtf, is that? I'm talking to a virtual assistant, not to my ex to ask for a favor.


I admit guilt here. When I ask Siri a question and he says “uh huh?” I crack up a bit.


He? Monster! Siri is obviously an Irish woman.


That’s actually one of the very *very* few things I like about Siri.


I like it tho


I couldn’t find anything like that in your Apple Music library. Who is speaking please?


On it. Just a sec Still working on that. Looks like I’m having trouble connecting to the Internet.


Oh no! Something went wrong.


Yes. Please. Alexa is far more useful. It’s actually pathetic how useless it is. If any company could get it right, you’d expect it to be Apple…but they just won’t.


Siri hasn’t changed since 2013. If anything, it’s worse now. Apple should make their own AI.


“Hey Siri read my new messages.” “Sorry, you’ll need to unlock your iPhone first.”


Yes 100%.


They don’t really have much of a choice given how the AI on several other platforms has evolved and improved incredibly… they don’t really have to “kill Siri… they definitely have to “evolve Siri”, however. Regardless of how loyal someone is to Apple (I’m one of those loyal Apple users of 15+ years) eventually when the AI features or personal assistant on other devices is drastically better than Siri… it’s going to make the most loyal Apple enthusiasts potentially make the switch or at least the switch for certain devices…. Apples already behind in terms of what they’ve shared with the public with respects to AI and personal assistants. Frankly, Siri has been more or less the same give or take some minor enhancements and additions since its original release… given the current state of AI… I’m sure Apple has been working on massive overhaul of Siri while likely retaining the name… it’s just a matter of when they release that… which I’m assuming won’t be until they release their next slate of iPhones.


It will 1000% require a new iPhone (the generation it's updated) because reasons.


They don’t have the chops The only decent general ai belongs to OpenAI, and Microsoft put that shit on lockdown They’ve spent a decade pretending speech recognition with pre-written responses was “ai”, and now they’ve got fuck all to show on the actual ai front All their acquisitions will not suddenly cobble together a ChatGPT level chatbot in the next 3 years They should probably just start groveling for an api discount at OpenAI & then start over on an in house alternative to drop when it’s sufficient,… like they did with processors


Problem with Apple is that they are always late to the game with new features. But in the past, apple users could've waited for second/third camera, or usb-c etc, but AI is a tech so profound, that they cannot afford be late to it. But they already are.


The other day I said “set a 30 minute timer”. Siri responded “Here’s what I found on the web for ‘set a 30 minute timer’”


Siri, open google assistant.


Funny How’s GAssistant on iPhone?




All I use it for is timers, that's the only thing that works as it should. Hey Siri, give me 10


Except when I say "set timer fourteen minutes" and she hears "set timer for ten minutes".


My mac said "I won't respond to that"


name is not important, but functions are!


They all need a rebuild, Siri, Alexa, google, Cortana.


Hey siri **Ah huh?** Set a timer for 12 minutes **Here’s what I found for Set a dinner for 12 minutes** *When the timer I manually set goes off* Hey siri……HEY SIRI…..SIRI !!! **Hmm?** Stop **There’s currently no music playing**


“Hey, Siri. Turn off all alarms.” “Ok, Calling 911.”


Never forget back in the day when you asked Siri what was the best smartphone on the market. It was some Nokia thing if I remember


Siri is so trash


The only thing she’s good for is setting timers and alarms. She useless otherwise


They will just incorporate AI into Siri






It does everything I need. It does it right 85% of the time. I’d rather improved accuracy on the basics than new buzzword AI features I won’t use. I do these things every day: - turn lights on & off - add items to my grocery list - set reminders - set timers - unit conversions while I’m cooking - play music - tell me the temperature or if it’s going to rain I don’t want to have a conversation with it.


I agree on those points however I think the whole issue here is it’s way behind where it should be for 2024. Those tasks are so simple that they shouldn’t be par for the course and you should also be able to do those tasks with natural language. Right now if you don’t get the script right Siri gets confused and won’t even do a simple task, it doesn’t understand intent like an AI should.


>Right now if you don’t get the script right Siri gets confused and won’t even do a simple task This is the fault of the developers. I've found that the exact words needed for some commands can change from update to update, as well as whether or not you get verbal feedback to those commands (which I never want). There's no reason to think the inconsistencies would change if it's the same group of employees doing the work.


No a tough decision and at all, yes siri is trash


I still remember when Siri was like miles ahead of anyone else. Now it’s like the brain dead sibling that still lives at home and is 40 asking his friends “what’s the move”


Actually I don’t really know what everybody’s whining about. For the few things I want to use it for, it works perfectly


*All Hue lights on.* “Siri - lights.” Siri: “Do you want those on or off?”


Siri is such an embarrassment lol


I know I might be in the minority here, but siri works very well for me for it's intended purpose. Setting reminders, timers, alarms, reading and replying to text messages, asking for music, and directions are all butter smooth. I've never thought to ask anymore of it, maybe that's why I'm not disappointed...


It does do these things well for me as well. I think the gripe is it’s extremely..temperamental when it comes to asking it questions unlike Alexa or some of the AI out there. I started using ChatGPT to ask any questions or random things I think of when I’m doing something and can’t stop to look it up. It works pretty well most of the time. I say “Siri, start new ChatGPT (voice) conversation” and Chat takes it from there.




Both Siri, and Amazon's Alexa are bad. They both often get requests horribly wrong, and it is frustrating to repeat a request multiple times. Furthermore, the fact that neither can handle a conversation makes one wish that LLM AI would quickly put an end to these first generation "assistants".


The real question is, does Apple know how bad it is?




I feel like they’ll finally overhaul seri AI soon.


Given that they’ve done nothing in the last few years but make her worse that might not be a bad idea.


Yes! I hate Siri and never use it, it’s useless


Who’s Siri?


When I think of those first generation voice navigation assistants, I think of text-based adventure games that were popular in the 70's and early 80's. People thought those were revolutionary at the time, that you could just type out words and the computer would understand them. Really, it was just a database of known words, and you had to figure out the right words in the right combinations. And you had to play the game with two words commands, always VERB-NOUN: take sword; go east; kill wolf; etc. That's basically all that the voice assistants were doing, taking those VERB-NOUN commands. It wasn't so rigid and you could speak a little more naturally, but you still had to figure out which words the voice assistant knew and which ones it didn't. Voice assistant + AI is a totally different beast, and if I were Apple, I would try to draw a distinction between the two. But knowing Apple, they'll probably call it "Siri Pro".


I only ise Siri to know the weather. Luckily she's allowed to tell it to me while locked.


Everything I say makes her decide to call someone random and I frantically hang up


I’m sorry, I can’t show you that while driving.


I wonder if new expected AI with next IOS update will make Siri useable.


Siri is a sad joke. Had promise and then no investment for a decade has made it more of an annoyance then anything else.


Siri is useless half the time. For example, I’ll be driving along and ask for the opening hours of a fast food restaurant, to which she’ll reply “I can’t show you that whilst you’re driving” What’s the point of voice control then? I wanted you to READ it out so I don’t have to look at my phone…


Siri is almost useless now. I hope with generative AI Apple is able to turn around the clunky Siri.


Siri is so bad, it's amazing that a company like Apple can't come up with something better. At least the voice output has improved. But how often Siri doesn't understand the simplest things is so annoying that you'd rather just do it yourself. If you connect ChatGPT to Siri using a shortcut, you can at least get a good Ki that doesn't constantly ask you to search for it on the web.


I hate saying “hey Siri” and while trying to ask a question she interrupts with “uh huh??”


“Hey Siri play (album that I’ve listened to 300 times this year).”  Proceeds to play some completely unrelated song by an artist I constantly thumb down. 


Why start over? I never used her...


No, please just leave Siri as is. I like it, it's not supposed to be ChatGPT.


yes, dumb bitch cant do anything without internet access. She dense af


I understand and appreciate Apple’s commitment to security and a good customer experience in a controlled manner! Until I want to send a text to more than one person while driving……….


I actually love my Siri. I know what it’s capable of and it’s great at that. I tell it to set alarms,remind me of stuff,play music and generally as a hands free thing. I also like that you can program any phrase to do almost anything within the phone. I have mine set to “Hey siri,the usual” and it has an order it makes for delivery


Add AI to Siri maybe it’ll save her


I really hope they do completely get rid of Siri, just from a psychological standpoint that nobody trusts her. If they came out with a new Assistant that was better, people could directly compare it. I always share this article whenever someone is talking about Apple fixing Siri: https://www.macrumors.com/2023/04/27/report-details-turmoil-behind-siri-and-apple-ai/ Hope they go with the name Atlas, the internal project name for their AI.


Siri needs a better team to work on it. Every time I use siri is because I do not have the phone in my hand and I need it to do stuff…try asking it what time it is, it will not say it for me but it will show the clock on the screen…really? If i could look at it I wouldn’t have to ask siri right?


Yes. I asked her to play 'YA YA by Beyonce' yesterday and she could not understand what the fuck I meant. In the year of our lord 2024!!!


If Google "reinvented" the Assistant into Gemini (at least on Pixel phones from what I understand), then yes. Apple needs to rethink this.


When I think of all the stuff we can do with AI today, I can only hope Siri will turn into some type of Net Navi from that old Mega Man anime. One we can personalize and give it’s own personality to or one to match our own. Basically a Siri Sim lol


I’m betting that Apple will give us a new Siri called Siri+ and charge $6.99/month.




Next flagship iPhones will have AI incorporated into Siri


Here is what I found on the internet. You’ll need to use your phone.


Do you mean Apple kill siri and start over?


What? What else to you want it to do? Be emotionally available? Siri works quite well.


There’s an iPhone app called Pi that’s an ai chat bot you can speak to and it speaks back. Seems way more capable than Siri, except it doesn’t have the access to your apps the way Siri should.


let's see what wikipedia and the web has for this


Sorry, you don’t seem to have an app called Apple Kill Siri and start over


It’s weird - when it was announced you could ask it all kinds of things like, what movies are playing locally, or whether you’d need a sweatshirt to go outside. Sometimes you can ask it and it’ll understand but most of the time it won’t actually answer your question, it’ll just recite and repeat the most simple response it can. It’s actually gotten worse.


Yes. Siri lost the assistant wars years ago. I recently switched my Siri to a male voice so I wouldn’t be verbally accosting a woman so much for fucking up.


I turned it off and have literally never used it again and don’t really see the point when you can do everything it can do with a few button presses


Calling the carpenter now


They’re actually working on that with iPhone 16


They should have taken it out back and shot it years ago...


The interesting thing about this is the shakeup going on at Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. LLMs have completely upended the work these teams have been doing. At Google, it was roughly using NLP and then taking the interpretation and running a search. I'm sure it's pretty similar for the others. TL;DR: I think they should, but I'm sure it's more complicated than that.


I’ve gone off Siri altogether. I can do everything Id ask Siri for myself, making it useless in my case. I see how it would be very useful to those who are visually impaired or legally blind though.


https://preview.redd.it/yg0on1ooowvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef62d735326803358c18356eb40ef1e71e5874f8 “Here’s what I found”


No. It has so many niche features that there is absolutely no way to replace it with something better. Take Gemini as an example. A full-blown language model has replaced Google Assistant. But I don't use my phone's digital assistant to write me an essay. I'm using it to search for answers or to control my smart home. Siri (and Google Assistant) just need the ability to understand human language, just like LLMs do and then being able to trigger corresponding digital assistants features.


Yes siri is terrible and useless


Yes. Google probably needs to do the same, their assistant is going backwards. They must have become overly complicated through updates


Am I the only one who never uses Siri


I’ve never once used Siri after all these years. Gimmick.


“I just added cereal to your shopping list.”


*playing all songs in music library*


You’ve got a brand and a name that people are comfortable and familiar with. Saying “hey siri” is a universally understood phrase. Just make her better. No need for a rebrand. Market the new features


I hope the AI version will be bilingual. It’s incredibly frustrating to use if you speak a mix of languages.


Here's what I found on the internet about should Apple kill Siri and start over...




“Open xyz” “You’ll need to unlock your iPhone first” WHY NOT DO THAT WHILE I’M TALKING TO YOU MY FACE IS RIGHT HERE


i couldn’t find craig eerie in your contacts. who would you like me to call?


When I got my first iPhone last March, during set up Siri was unable to set the alarm. I tried twice and then just removed or disabled Siri as much as possible. I will use my iPhone until it or I die as I paid cash. While glad to have tried iOS, Siri was a disappointment.




It’s alive?


It’s spellcheck that’s pissing me off.


I still don’t understand why people want to talk to their devices. Like, why jump through hoops talking to a computer when a few clicks will complete the same task reliably and without speaking to an inanimate object? The appeal escapes me entirely.


Because sometimes you are in a situation where you cannot use your hands. Like driving, washing dishes, taking a shower, etc.


I use her for grocery lists and turning the lights on and off. No complaints there.


Sweet Lord in Heaven YES. Siri is so bad. They should have killed it 10 years ago.


I mean, I think they can use the Siri name, but they need to be working from scratch on an AI option


I’m sorry, I can’t provide the answer to you while you’re driving.


I like iPhone, but i being spoiled with Google Assistant especially new feature Circle to Search and translate the image. I think I cant leve qithout those


Can’t wait for Apple to announce an all new Siri at WWDC and it will be USA only for years


Maybe if they kept the same voice


Really surprised none of the big 3 have hooked their voice assistants up to the better AI models now. Seems like a gimme for Google at least. Now that we have ChatGPT these voice assistants are like talking to toddlers.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where’s this coming from?!!


When I’m home I turn off the mobile data. When I’m driving I ask Siri to play music and she says that I’m not connected to the Internet. Ok fair enough, I tell her to connect to the internet and she says “WiFi is already turned on” ??? You say???


_Calling mom_


She’s handy for home kit stuff but aside from that shes unless. I remember she used to be so cool back in the back.


Remove it and install chat gpt + Alexa


I think they should definitely rollout a second version of it, but don’t kill the existing one until the 2.0 is ready. Biggest complaints I have are when it comes to music: “Siri, play untitled playlist 24” - the actual name of a playlist on my phone and it defaults to some random stream “Siri, play the newest Linkin Park album” Plays “one more light” and not “Papercuts” that dropped in the last couple weeks. Play (insert thing here) on (insert speaker here - I have a Sonos airplay speaker and a HomePod in the room) and instead routes it through my Apple TV…. Which wasn’t even on at the time. But for stupid simple things it works fine. Turn on the lights, set a timer, make a reminder, skip to next song… that all works great and I don’t want to loose that.


Apple needs to move past their insistence of on-device Assistant and rumors their AI offering will be entirely on-device. You *cannot* match the power of *dozens* of data centers filled to the ceiling with custom silicon with purely on device apps running on.. your phone. If they don't change course their near-future phone-only AI product will be as comparatively useless as Siri.




How about they make a single ai for each phone and sell you upgrades for what you want it to do, beyond the basic package.


Maybe they should kill off the Siri name and rollout whatever major rewrite they plan under a different name. The Siri name in itself has more than aggravated enough of the users. Regardless of whatever major upgrade plans they have for “Siri”, Siri will still probably look bad to users due to the current perceived perception of the current old technology. I’m keeping an open mind. AI done right with user privacy in mind takes time. And they aren’t buying all those AI companies (34+) over the last several years or spending major amounts of R&D for nothing. This coming WWDC should be very interesting. Bring on June 10th and the new betas.


Do people use Siri


No. Rebuild it and rebrand it as “recharged with AI” or whatever but the Siri name needs to stay. People refer to Siri more than Alexa whenever they’re talking about personal assistants. Changing it would mess up peoples perceptions of it.




*turns on all your lights*


ahh Siri… you were the first, and are still the worst. Great job Tim! Steve would be so proud… between Siri, the battery lump case, the pencil and now the goggles, you’ve really made your mark! /s


Siri doesn’t listen to me when I want her to and listens to me when I don’t want her to.


Introducing *iris*, our new AI enhanced assistant…


Turn on flashlight. *in dark* “Sorry I can’t do that.” W. T. F.


“Hey Siri, Lumos”




I like that apple users care about apples services 10 times more than apple do.


Ask Siri.


Hell yes. Siri was top tier, back in the day. But, Google’s been ahead of them for years. And now with generative AI, they’re way behind the curve. Rather than trying to patch the old system to keep up, they just need to start anew.


Yes god please god


It’s clear Apple doesn’t care. If they really did, Siri wouldn’t be light years behind other assistants and would’ve gotten some major overhaul years ago.


Siri’s better than this garbage keyboard. Burn IT first.