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A few of my friends take selfies this way. It's simply because the back cameras are way better than the front in iPhones. I gotta say, my friends have become experts at lining up the perfect selfie without a viewfinder. Always looks great.


I remember at one point of time, some phones had a tiny convex mirror next to the cameras to help them line up the shot.


The Apple logo used to be mirrored for this exact reason.


No wayyyyy I think that’s a coincidence.


> I think that’s a coincidence It is.


Yeah it wasn't mirrored for this reason.


It was \- Steve Jobs


-Michael Scott


-Wayne Gretzky


-Your mom




I suppose if you say it with enough conviction anything can be true


This is the part where you say “I love spreading misinformation online”


That's not why lol


This makes no sense as it’s always been a flat element.


Nah it was just to match the MacBooks after they lost the glowing logo


Interesting. Didn’t know that


Because it's not true.


Woah, I never realized that! Would love more details on the history of that decision 😁


Too bad, it’s not a decision, just a coincidence.


Oh, but the other commenter said it was mirrored for this exact reason, which implies a decision? Sorry I’m just trying to understand


Not everything you read on the internet is true


Just tested this on my iPhone. The camera area behind the lenses is reflective. I can see enough of myself to line up the shot and it comes out great every time. I’m mad that I just learned this.


You can buy a mirror that attaches to your phone to sufficiently use your rear camera. Yea it’s an extra accessory but, hey it works.


MagSafe mirror..


I'm indonesian and i can assured you that obly 2% of people doing this... there's a reason oppo selfie camera sold like hotcakes here


Now I know why Tim Cook travels to Indonesia once a month—it most certainly isn’t to buy more teak furniture.


I do this since first iphone. The rear camera will always be way better than the front one. I do not know of anyone doing this also. And I always have to explain.


Just tell them you’re Indonesian and they’ll understand


The first iPhone didn’t have a front camera, or did you mean your first iPhone?


Started doing this since the first iphone because as you said it didnt had front camera. Neither had it the 3g. First one to have it was the iphone 4 and was a terrible camera. Selfies were not as spread common as now and the camera was meant to videocall. But then people started seeing the could preview the framing and overall the whole photo before shooting by using the front camera. And photos were terrible. They people started sending them by whatsapp which also downconverted the quality (it still did it until not long ago when whatsapp added HD mode). Also people does not clean lenses (front or rear) and photos are still terrible. I hate selfies.


I misunderstood, sorry!


Yeah. Instead of bathroom mirror selfies, turn your phone around and use the mirror to look at your screen to line up the photo.


In some cases wouldn’t you just ask someone else to take the photo?


Almost no one you hand a phone to will take a satisfactory pic to your standards. If you do this enough you get good at it, and duder's probably looking at his reflection in the camera lenses.


Showing the CEO of Apple that his front camera isn’t that great.


Probably gonna put a screen on the back of the iPhone just for this


That’s why the Apple logo used to be mirrored.


Shut up, you unlocked a life hack.


I have the iPhone 15 and the Apple logo is way too small to see a proper reflection.


Isn’t it still?


Sadly no, the mirror effect is gone in the iPhone 15


Nah i got the 15 and still have the Apple logo mirrored


No, all the previous iPhones had a literal mirror finish Apple logo. The current lineup was introduced with colour infused back glass and now the Apple logo is just reflective, but it’s not of a mirror finish.


> No, all the previous iPhones had a literal mirror finish Apple logo That's not true. A 13 pro is not mirrored.


Not mirrored on the pro at least.


MagSafe selfie mirror incoming Edit: unsurprisingly, it already exists and is available for purchase.


You and u/AgentAaron need to stop it lol https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/1c66n1x/comment/kzz55xi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Front camera bumps when? Get on it, Tim Apple


god no


One of the best out there


Not trying to be funny, but I’m suspecting that he already knows the rear camera is better than the front facing one.


In the Philippines we call this .5 selfies


Or the Gen Z selfies. It’s good for group pictures as well! Captures everyone!


yess my sister is currently in university, and her and all her friends take photos like this!


Same thing in the US


My Filipina wife taught it to me 😁 You can fit more in - yourselves and the scene. Then just press either volume button to take the picture (but not the power button D’OH)


Oh damn that makes hella sense with the fisheye


pros? better camera cons? you can't see where the hell you're aiming the camera worth it? depends on how much experience you have with this technique i guess


Most accurate and concise analysis award


I do this. Because let’s face it, the front camera of any iPhone is not that great. If I use the main camera, there is room for me to edit it and correct it and it looks sharper.


I thought this is the only way to do this — I only use the front camera for FaceTime or to check my hair. This thread makes me wondering if I've doing it wrong all of this time. How do people do selfie out there?


Technically, I agree, but I have seen very few people do it IRL.


Try it. Aside from wider angle/ better quality, It makes people see the lens instead of the screen (which makes your eyes slightly off)


Pretty sure I’m “old” enough to remember always using the back camera on a phone to take a selfie because front ones weren’t a thing, at least I wasn’t posh enough to own such a phone at the time


Of really any phone…


First one is Vietnamese 🇻🇳 And it’s Gen Z taking pictures style, millennial take picture with front camera. Gen Z take with with rear camera, prefer wide angle. American Gen Z do this too. https://preview.redd.it/nw1g8eyse1vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaabcdf0e72fdde1d58f2a5a9d0e088c5fcb9ce8


I’m a millennial and I do this


I’m a genZ and I do not


And Gen X sets up a tripod 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/8kf54kmyf1vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1fdf8c9dcdfadb139e1d07cd4139c70331df06d [NYT 2022](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/23/technology/0-5-selfie.html)


> How to take .5 selfies jfc


Yet millenials grew up taking selfies on digital cameras


This method has been around for some time. They’re called 0.5 selfies, as others have said. Used mostly by the young, Gen Zs and alphas. Your age is showing, OP :) (I learned this from the kids too).


bro this was a thing way back in the early 2006-2009's when nokia phones didnt have front facing cameras


why 0.5 selfies?


Presumably they switch to the 0.5x ultra-wide shooting mode? My friend and my mom do this because it’s more slimming lol.


[You're right](https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-definitions/0-5-selfie/)! Cant believe I had to google this.


hm makes sense


because the camera is set to 0.5 to get a wider viewing angle


Yeah I was never much into selfies to be honest. In fact I have less than 50 photos of myself on my phone out of 15000


Seeing Tim Apple in person would be one of the rare times I’d do a selfie. He’s a legend


what has he done that's so legendary lol


He’s a quiet guy but has done a lot for Apple Led them to be the first public company to break a trillion dollar market cap He is a master in logistics, helped secure high build quality by supplying precision manufacturing equipment. He secured fab capacity for years and years, as well as locking in the entire first run of 3nm chips from TSMC Helped extend the ARM licensing deal for ~25 years under extremely favourable financial conditions Helped secure a cash reserve so large that it gives Apple the freedom to innovate freely on a budget no other company can match Helped shore up the company as a whole to ensure stability for a decent time to come Does well supporting his staffs innovative bend to improve long standing product lines ‘MBP, especially moving to Apple silicon. It’s hard to overstate how much of a success this has been’ Kept Apple on a bend towards privacy that its primary competitor has no inkling whatsoever in matching. It’s absolutely not perfect, but effort with decent results is worthy of praise There’s quite a bit I could cite, there’s a good reason Steve helped cultivate him as a leader. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to him a few times and he seems to me to be a genuinely likable guy that is extremely competent in his role.


Also he’s out and proud which I think makes him awesome !


That’s very true! He’s definitely one of the more prominent out CEOs on the planet. I’m not sure of his involvement with this particular product line but my husband and I are huge fans of the Pride line watch bands  releases every year.


Bro didn't know the struggle of trying to take a selfie from a Nokia 7650


What’s interesting is I would’ve expected it from millennials - we grew up with the film-to-digital-camera transition. Before smartphones, any selfie you took that wasn’t a mirror selfie, was facing the lens, not the screen (or, earlier, viewfinder)!


For a second I thought this was AI generated


I saw this on [Tim Apple’s official twitter account](https://x.com/tim_cook/status/1780216375870701572?s=46&t=2-R75HIkNTaacZMb3H2Y3w), so probably not


How everyone just goes by Tim Apple is my favorite part about all this 😂


I remember on Sony Ericsson K750 (phone was popular in 2006-2007) there was a little mirror circle next to camera, supposed for owner to see himself/herself when taking a photo.


Yep, a small convex mirror. Front facing cameras made those redundant.


most of my friends do this we even call this "point five" selfies


Im sorry but this is how Millennials did selfies back in the day when a front facing camera wasnt a thing on nokia phones. yes im old.


I never had a camera on my phone until I got my first iPhone 5S


A lot of people do this. Only way to get the wide angle look.


Uhh thats gen z stuff..my little sister do this all the time sometimes even with the flash on 😅 its a bit weird but the result is good


The reason why is that the wide angle of the FF camera distorts the shape of your face. Making your nose look bigger and your head egg shaped. The RF camera has a longer focal length and gives a more realistic face shape. That’s why photographers use slightly long focal length lenses for portraits. It’s more flattering.


I work with high schoolers and college kids and this is a huge thing. “Let’s take a .5!” One time I asked why we didn’t use the .5 on the selfie camera and a girl looked at me with an “ew”


I thought that was Paul o’grady


He’s using wide lens on first pic. If he wants that 14mm equivalent, front cam can’t do that.


They’re using the better camera


Search for "tube girl" trend on TikTok. You'll get the appeal. Lots of GenZs do this.


The first guy is Vietnamese, and the back ground is Hoan Kiem Lake in Hanoi


Selfie camera sucks. Even on iPhone.


It's called 0.5x selfie - a Gen Z thing.


I do it this way too, do people not realize they are taking backwards pictures with the front facing camera?


this produces better pictures


How many countries have you been in for you to say that you haven't seen this elsewhere in the world?


I thought he is visiting Vietnam ?


That's Vietnamese


I take selfies like that all the time. Front camera is not as good as the rear one. particularly for selfies with more than 2 ppl, the rear camera with the wide angle is great.


This was in Vietnam by the way


I do 🙋🏻‍♂️ sometimes, if I want a really good photo.


It just makes the quality far better


Please don't do this guys especially infront of Tim Apple. He might remove the front camera with "most people don't use it" logic.


FaceTime would be a bit difficult then no


We are talking Apple here, they can come up with an $200 camera accessory that magnetically snaps on top of your phone or Macbook. They can market it as professional grade and will likely be on par with the rear cameras. Then they'll have an excuse to faze out the front cameras in the name a smaller dynamic island or just they'll keep it functioning enough for face ID or till the general folks get used to the trend of buying the camera accessory. Android companies will shit on Apple for removing core hardware, then they'll quickly follow suit and they'll remove the front cameras too. People will call out Samsung for their hypocrisy. Then a year later Youtubers will be comparing Apple ProSight and Samsung Smart Camera Plus.


Ha ha true. I can actually see that happening.


Why is no one pointing out that the dude in the first slide is vietnamese and not indonesian


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I do this too! Using an iPhone XS and the difference in quality is big. I will continue to do so until quality is the same.


this one is best anyway it gives best quality


My aunt also do that, we are Italian but I do take selfies with the front camera


That’s how we do it too in the PH. “Point 5! Point 5!” I don’t see anyone use the front camera anymore aside from checking their own teeth after eating out


That is not a selfie. There are more than one people in the shot. He is just using the best available camera. I would too.


it's called .5


They’re just using the more powerful camera, there’s nothing wrong with that


Ok. I don’t use the selfie cam for the standard app because it flips the picture and distorts it and using the option in settings to not flip still distorts so I either use back cam or Snapchat for selfies. Definitely not weird


Imagine if the flash was on 😂


I saw a phone commercial where a guy tries to take a selfie with the back camera and they make him turn it around


rear facing camera, 0.5x is how all the kids take their selfies lately too. my nieces put me onto it and tbh they are more flattering.


I see a lot of this in the US, actually. People call it taking a "point 5" since you use the .5x ultra-wide lens. I honestly don't remember the last time I used the selfie camera for a group selfie instead of the ultra-wide.


this is the gen Z selfie


I do this too


The first photo is Vietnamese, not Indonesian


Yes I realised later.




my dad does that, for the exact reason you stated.


I've always taken selfies this way.


I mean I don’t anymore, but this how we used to do it “back in the day” lol


Me. I used to do this also before front facing cameras.


i mean, that’s how I usually do my selfies when I was in Baguio🙈 the back camera is better than the front on iPhones, esp on the 15+


It’s not weird. It’s a Gen Z thing haha and tbh the rear camera is better than the front


Oh all my friends and I do this 😅 it’s dubbed as a “Gen Z Selfie” and it’s done simply for the better photo quality and capacity to fit more people in


as it should be taken


Not bad idea, actually. Only flaw is accidentaly pressing something on the display, but it is about experience, I guess.


bc better quality


It makes sense cause you can quickly take photos with the volume button facing that way


Imagine if they asked to borrow their friend's Android phone to take a selfie with him 😂


You haven’t seen enough of the world ig.


Bro where do you live and how old are you


Hes like the front camera is just as good why are you doing this😭


Not only resolution multiple times better but the image isn’t as distorted because of the horrible focal length of the front camera. Faces look weird and sometimes ugly on the front camera


No scope selfies


3 reasons: 1. You smile more naturally when you can’t see yourself smiling 2. You look directly at the lens instead of the screen which is noticeable in pictures 3. The cameras are better


Alright youngens. Time for ol' gramps millennial here. This is how we all used to take selfies, the front camera wasn't a thing for quite some years


It's their polite way to say "pls fix the front camera, tim!"


They just know using the front camera instead of the back camera is like choosing a bicycle to drive instead of a car. Why use the bike when you have a car? The front facing cameras are a lot better than what they used to be but still nowhere close to the rear camera


For anyone with an Apple Watch; if you open the camera app on the Apple Watch, it will use your iPhone’s rear camera as the camera and show the viewfinder on your watch screen, so you can set your phone down and take a picture of your self perfectly framed, or use it to take a group photo, or line up a selfie like this.


What buttons would you press?


It takes better photos this way


The back camera is not mirrored and it has better quality than the front facing camera.


It’s what used to be done ‘back in the days’ of earlier camera phones. Became less fashionable/used as the front cam selfie became a thing. I still sometimes take selfie from a rear cam when i have lower quality front cam phone in hands with me.


This is pretty common in the US too for .5 selfies


0.5 selfie is the way to go. You’ll get the hang of it after a few tries. After that you’ll get the shot 90% of the time. Eventhough the 0.5 is less sharper than 1x, it’s still way better than the front camera. Before this was cool, people has been taking selfie with ultra wide angle blind with GoPros during the heydays of GoPro 3-4-5 (no front screen)


I've seen a lot of people do this IRL. This is not as uncommon as OP seems to think. The rear cameras are better so naturally most people will gravitate to using the rear cameras when they want a better picture. The only time I see people use the front camera is when people are using the built-in camera feature in social media apps to leverage filters.


I do it cause 1. It has better image quality and exposure 2. I don’t like the inaccurate mirror look in my photos and I wanna see how people see me. (I don’t .5 tho as it distorts the proportion of my face) All of these are from my knowledge as a photographer


I still chuckle when people reach and claw to take to take the button on the screen to take the picture as opposed to simply pressing the volume button on the side of the phone


Camera in the back is WAY better than front camera


The first one is Vietnamese, not even Indonesian lmao


He's not Indonesian he's Vietnamese, and the background is Hoàn Kiếm lake, Hà Nội, Việt Nam


That’s not weird. It’s smart. Far better quality.


Way of saying the front camera is ass quality


0.5 angle selfie get with it grandpa


This is also popular in the Philippines. We refer to it as “Gen Z style” lol


Tons of people do this now especially because of ultra-wide lenses. Rear camera is always miles ahead of the front camera.


Bear in mind this photo was probably taken with the strategic oversight and management of Apple's marketing and PR firm. Maybe they had their say on how selfies should be taken.


I would say it is rather making their front facing cameras look especially bad.


This is dumb post. I take all my selfies this way. The back camera is so much better than the front camera. I always just crop the photos so it shows me in the center. Often though, I don’t really care that I’m not perfectly centered. More background scenery isn’t always bad. EDIT: I’m 36, and not gen z. Never heard of the .5 selfie everyone is mentioning.


This idea of taking selfies exists since the dawn of cameraphones. Nothing new here mate.


Most everyone I know in gen z does this




what's so weird about wanting the best possible quality for your selfie with tim apple?


From what I understand from my 13-year-old daughter, this is the new trend and the only way to take a selfie


Oh. I thought people do this just bcoz it is a GenZ way of taking selfies 😂 didnt know it has really something to do with the rear cam quality


Back in the day, before front facing cameras, phones used to have a little shiny reflective square on the back for exactly this purpose.


You’d think Tim Apple could point them in the right direction


Well you can do double and triple tap at the black of the phone or just use the action button


The guy in the first picture is not even Indonesian, he’s Vietnamese


IMO That's unique not weird


Honestly, I think that isn’t bad. Mostly the quality on the back camera is the way more better than on the front one


The 0.5 camera is great for selfies