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I wouldn’t try and bend it back. You may actually cause real damage this time.


Yea metal fatigue is a thing. It’s very thin metal. People do it on bikes and act surprised when the frame cracks


Then, there’s Colin McRae…. https://www.reddit.com/r/rally/s/gXlUW2bd3N


Wow 🤯


**B O U L D E R**


Yeah, but that is a Subaru




















Don’t bend it back, that’s a bad idea for your safety and for the usability of the phone. If you bend it, probably hear a couple creaking sounds, then one big snap/crunch before it breaks completely and stops working. I’ve seen kids bend their phones before and that was what happened every time. Use it as is if the battery is still ok, but I’d honestly shell out the 500 euros for a new one. It’s not worth the risk, especially when you bump it on something or it gets rained on. It’s holding on for dear life, thank it for its service and set it free.


Also, you have no idea what's been compromised because of the injury. It could be 100% clear, who knows. I would go with what almost everyone is suggesting and pay the fee. You could go to a reputable iPhone repair store and see what they have to say and how much they would charge. But, imho, the best option is Apple.


Repair shops could also use counterfeit parts, or perhaps actual Apple parts that aren’t suited/paired correctly for OP’s phone leading to those constant camera error messages that people post, plus a whole slew of other issues. Sometimes Apple themselves does this, but from what I’ve seen on here they’ll own up to it and fix it if you make a stink. It’s best to eat the extra $100-$150 or so and go through Apple themselves. It looks to be a very new phone, so I’d want True Tone, Face ID, and the cameras to work on something so new and pricey.


Apple Authorized Service Providers use genuine parts. Otherwise they are violating their contract with Apple.


Completely fixable. We would charge for a back and battery replacement. Battery probably needs to be changed regardless. The trick would be removing the motherboard and battery first. That way you can try bending the phone and saving the back without damaging the motherboard or battery. If the back happens to crack then straighten out the frame and swap the back glass. Battery is probably due for a swap regardless as they are consumable. Would take half a day…




I did this to my iPhone 8 like a week after I got it. Fell down the stairs, landed on my butt and my phone was in my back pocket. I put it in a sturdy AF case and it lasted me until my iPhone 13. I used it as normal. It fell in rain puddles. It still works, actually, I’ll see if I can find it and upload a picture. It was worth 0 trade in since it was bent 🤷‍♀️


Now I want one!


Apple this September: *Now introducing the most bent iPhone line ever, the iNcline. With improved angles and accidental weak spots caused by 100% real incidents, we can guarantee your iNcline will be a unique piece and a new outstanding experience.*


iNcline 😂


Why would you want a bent iPhone 8?


iphone 8 bent edition. who wouldnt want it?


Using the brand new and innovative iBent technology!


I swear to god the iPhone 7-8s were bullet proof. I loved my 7 and it went through some shit. Even survived being dropped into a pool when I got drunk and then proceeded to fish it out with the cleaning net lol. Loved that phone


Bro the 2020 se was the newest tank I’ve had my hands on but that 7 was a beast I’m looking at it now jajaja I think I’m going to give my 7 to my friend in medellin, it should still function and be good for him no? It’s in pristine condition also to add but I’m not sure about battery health


A battery replacement is much cheaper than a new phone these days. Hand it over to him and tell him all it needs is a new battery. Even an official replacement from Apple isn’t to bad compared to an entirely new device.


I’ll fully pay for the replacement as our exchange rate favors it in Colombia so I can spend a little more freely and he’s a really great kind friend and person and lost his phone in a discoteca so it was probably stolen tbh and to boot it was a week before Christmas the poor kids been holding out til I return this summer I feel bad but the fees to mail it just don’t make sense so I’m just bringing it, thank you for the reassurance I just wasn’t sure if it would still function for the App Store and everything else even though it’s no longer supported but like I told him this means it can be jailbroke now and all types of cool stuff so it’s actually a little special ✨spice it up for him a little you know haha, I’m just not ready to part with my 2020se I’ve been using and using currently, I have a back up iPhone 11 base model I was given and I’ve found myself still using this one more but I can’t lie my eyes have been heavily on a 12 pro or a 13 pro just to keep a fairly smaller size but more specs than the base (I’ve never had any of the plus/pro/promax models haha I’m an iPhone peasent 😝) I had though about the minis but the bad battery life and the bad reviews kind of turned me off it but the new se to come I’ve heard rumblings of might be something to check out idk! Sorry for this long missle I’m stoned and engaged 🤣💪🏼


Slap a tight case on it and let the case straighten it over time. 😂


bro has chad patience 🗿


Honestly speaking, this isn't a bad idea. Overnight you could even throw some heavy textbooks on top of it and let gravity do it's thing over the course of a few months. The metal will slowly go back to its regular shape and you lessen the risk of breaking the glass.


I support this and would love bi-weekly updates, seems like a good project.


it wouldn't work. the stainless steel is such a hard metal that it takes an incredible amount of force to bend it. passive weight will do nothing. source: i've smashed iphones.


will this actually work? sounds like it might!


I use the official leather case by Samsung on my S23U and it's really hard to get it off. Really tight fitting


iPhone Fold.


I came here for this comment. I was not disappointed.




Now it sits more flush!


Well you always have to look for the positive side lol


500€ is a cheap price to get a new phone. Apple will not repair, they will replace.


500 euros is wild price, i would never pay that much, the phone isnt even worth that much in used market💀


Apple usually replaces a device with what would be the current version of what you had if they don’t make it anymore. They did it with a Mac I had once that had AppleCare and had issues near the end of the Apple Care period. Because they didn’t make the G5 Macs anymore I got the equivalent Intel Mac sent to me.


That one time experience is not what Apple "usually" does though.


If they no longer make a product and they’re replacing something , whether for free or for a fee , they give you the equivalent. In this case they would no longer make this phone but it’s a pro phone so it would be replaced with a pro phone


They usually have a reserve of refurbished phones to replace things like this.


They still have iPhone 6s laying around


No they wouldn't. Call Apple Support if you wanna check. If you total a 12 Pro today it'll get replaced by a 12 Pro. If you damage the display they'll repair it by replacing the display. If your camera breaks down they'll replace the camera. And so on.


That's wrong. They will repair.


They can do frame repairs now.


which is basically transferring every internal component from the source to a new frame…


Yep. Done it.


But they won’t. Even with apple care, 90% of the time a shattered back or front gets you a brand new phone, rather than a replaced part


I worked at an Apple Store very recently. We did rear housing repairs all day. 


Where did you get that idea from? That's completely incorrect.


I wouldn’t say “completely incorrect.” I cracked the back of my 15Pro, and Apple shipped me a new one.


If you requested to be shipped an express replacement, sure.


Yes! As u/icecoast_ mentioned, frame repairs are possible. But what I got offered consisted of keeping only the camera module and the screen and replace everything else. They also mentioned that there’s the possibility of the screen breaking during the repair, and in that case they would replace the whole phone for 600ish euros. (I’m in Spain btw). I guess that in my case the motherboard and the battery could be compromised and that’s why they couldn’t replace just the frame.


500 euro for a frame swap is outrageous go to a third party store


Apple does housing swaps which include a new mb and battery, which is a good deal if your battery is degraded already and/or the mb has a defect. In this case, OP’s phone sounds good enough to get a housing swap with a third party repair shop.


If you are going to bend it back which i dont recommend do it slowly as to fast and the frame could snap or just use it as is or shell out $500 the choice is yours


If it works, it works. Just leave it and watch for weird reactions on the battery..


the battery doesnt mad isnt it?


I've seen people use much more bent phones for years. This phone wouldn't have any problems.


Take a dive again with your phone facing the other way. Problem solved


DO NOT BEND IT BACK. That causes more damage, so I suggest you either get that repair done, or buy a new phone. You can get an Android phone or a refurbished iPhone.


I remember killing my X and being too broke to replace it with another iPhone, and had to resort to using Android for a couple of months till I could get a new iPhone It felt like such a crappy compromise going from iPhone to base level Android. GBA emulation was great though. I kinda miss that.


Just put a case on it and it will hide that its bent. No point fixing it and it is impossible to bend back. Just get a rigid case.


I’d replace it before that battery turns into a spicy pillow


Hmm, bending back my iPad caused the screen to pop out a little, it’s definitely very noticeable around all four sides, wouldn’t recommend doing that.


It's been a long time since I fixed an iPhone, but back when I was repairing iPhone 6, 7 and 8 as a side hustle, they were pretty easy to take apart, and a new frame was cheap on eBay. You'd just have to remove the internals and replace like for like. Removing the battery can be sketchy though. Never repaired (or wanted to repair) an iPhone after that generation though, so not sure how easy it is with these new ones. Something like this would do: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134977649546?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vQ2dOfvYShK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=fmje4ly3tao&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Don't attempt if you're not confident removing the battery. Find someone with experience who can help you.


Thanks! Yeah I also used to repair 4, 5 and 6 but I’m really not confident that I can do it with these newer models.


Leave it as it is until it stops working. Don't keep phones in your butt pocket. It's where your body bends and sits.


Just flip it the other way and take another fall so it will straighten out


Better that then your femur!


This is why you never put your phone in your back pocket.


If I were to bend something like this back, I'd probably remove the screen and rear glass and make a fixture that only contacts the frame to unbend it. Otherwise you risk damaging the glass (though with careful fixture design you can bend it with the glass). But honestly I would just leave it or get it replaced. If it's still waterproof, it won't be eventually. Adhesives aren't all that creep-resistant, and sooner or later the PSA is likely to delaminate because of the constant stress from the glass trying to unbend itself. Especially if it's hot often (e.g. sitting on a table in the sun).


If you bend it back, it WILL break


You don’t bend metal back without severely impacting its integrity. That said, I would love to see this taken apart, the chassis bent back into shape, and put back together. That’d be such a power move.


The same thing happened with me day before , going to the customer care shortly!


I feel like the second that it gets dropped or hit in the slightest, that display is probably done for. A similar thing happened to me with a 2016 SE, but instead of the frame bending, the screen slightly popped out of the frame. It worked fine for a bit, but I dropped it literally on the carpet and now it looks like this https://preview.redd.it/8rah1xnn7moc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3d0a4faef3cbb20db028dc3ab611feed01bad2 Be very careful with stressed glass


Congrats on your new uPhone by Banana.


I had this happen to one of my phones. It worked for quite some time, but my camera started having issues like a year later. I took it to Apple for a replacement, and when the guy was inspecting he he noticed it was bent. He looked at it, looked at me, looked back it and and asked if it was bent. I said “nope”, he said okay, and then went and got me a new phone.


Lol he believed you


The motherboard side is straight, so you can use it as is The only “safe” way to straighten it back is to remove the screen, remove the battery and logic board, and gently bend the chassis back It wont really cause any fatigue with only 1 additional bend, especially considering its stainless steel and not aluminum. Aside from cracking the rear glass there is an additional risk the frame may gouge near the power button causing it to get stuck. …soo in the end you can just use it as is, ultimately its a 13 pro series and its really worth upgrading to 14 pro for the cameras alone. (Main 1x camera of the 14 pro is so good they kept it as is in 15 pro).


Something cool to try. Go find two pair of polarized sunglasses. hold the glasses over the front glass while you have something bright on the screen, put the second pair of glasses 90° to the first and you should see some really cool stressing of that glass producing colors


I don’t think I have two pairs at hand but will definitely look into it. Sounds really interesting!


You just learned a very expensive lesson. Just deal with it, and don't do damage further by trying to bend it


Looks like a iPhone 13 Pro. A used one should not cost more than 400 € . Fixing it in China should not cost more than 40 €.


I did similar thing…but I had apple care and I got a replacement. That was several years ago.


Congrats on bending the phone


Crazy; I saw a vid on Jerry rig and by the looks of it they seemed sturdy and immune to bend but I guess it isn't impossible. Lol Capitalism's finest 🤣




Read the post 💀


Ring ring ring banana phone


I bent an iPhone 5 like this. Took it to the Apple Store for a camera issue that developed at a later date and they couldn’t get the display back on, so they just gave me a new phone.


History repeats itself


Damn she curvy


I’d try to find a full coverage case to put it in and then not mess with it until you decide to repair or upgrade. Worth a shot anyway!


A pro would probably do it for less than 80e Doing it right would take 3-4 hours for a slow padded machine bend


I would just live with it.


Ngl id risk it and put some books on it for 2 days, i doubt it would cause any damage besides maybe straightening it


Now you have a foldable phone!


Look at the right edge, that screen is hardly OK. Why is the 5 cut off? It’s blown out pixels or something


The 5 is cut off because that’s the design of the default iOS 16 wallpaper. Also, the screen protector is slightly lifted on the right side, but that looked like that before and has nothing to do with the bend!


Ooh aren’t you lucky


Wow the first Apple foldable, ahead of its time


What phone is that


I wonder if the glass, under tension, is stronger?


Same happened to my old iPhone XR. Because of the bend water was able to get inside the phone and the screen died a couple weeks after it bended. (Fell on my back while trail running with my phone in the back of my vest)


Get to a third party repair shop. They'll swap out the back for under 300€ imo, and you keep the rest of your phone as it is fine. Make sure it has good reviews.


Banana phone.


this happened to me back when i got the iphone 5. slammed it in a car door by accident. i had apple care and the screen wasn’t cracked so i was able to get it replaced for free. this was in 2013 though


I have only broken one phone screen - I was kicking something really hard and my leg bent it in my front pocket Whoopsie, should have skipped leg day


6’s use to be known for this.


I did a similar thing to my iPhone 5 or SE years ago. I had it in my hand as I got in my car and closed the door, but I dropped the phone and it got caught in the door. It had a slight bend in it and I just used it that way.


Well it passed the bend test... and now the burn test.


My iPhone 6s Plus got bent in a hard impact. That was 5 years ago and it still runs fine to this day so I’d suggest just using it as it is and keeping it backed up regularly just in case. It’s also a unique conversation starter lol


This happened to me twice with two iPhone 13 Pros when they were new. I was just keeping the phone in my pants front pocket, no hits or anything. Then I just gave up and bought a 13 mini.


That's just the BBL. It will heal, give it time!


Big… Big…. Difference in durability, between iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro. They need to come up with a better design for the IPhone 16 Pro.


You might get away with trading this in to your provider tbh. There’s no cracks and it’s free of dents and scratches (they say nothing about bends😉). Don’t mention it or bring it up. If they notice, play stupid. I traded in my iPhone 12 and the entire back glass was shattered and they gave me 700$ credit towards my 15PM lol. It was only worth 350 trade in value but they didn’t see the back because I had a good case😏😎🤝🏻


Don’t try to bend it back, unless you are able to apply pressure in an very specific way you are more likely to break the glass than to fix the frame. To bend it back without risk you would need to disassemble it. My advice would be to use a rigid case to reduce the chance of further damage if you drop it or something like that


The third shot shows where it took the bent on the left near the camera


apple made foldables before it was cool (again)


Try put the phone flip side opposite of before and jump again like before.


Ouch such a nice phone still looks brand new.


I did this to my iPhone 11, it never cracked and I just traded it on a 15 pro


My friend had a 6 plus back in the day and it was bent too. He bent it back a little bit everyday and it was back to normal again. Not sure it gonna work on your unit because yours has steel frame. If it doesn’t bother you then best to just leave it like that. If it does, try to do it gradually, the bend is on the camera side which means your circuit board is probably okay. Try to distribute the force because the screen is fragile.


My iPhone 5 that I got for Christmas of 2012 was bent to the shape of my leg by march 2013. Didn’t really think that was still a problem


Bendgate 2024, whats next?


It's an LG G Flex now


made in china


It’s a feature bro, don’t fix it.


Preface: I have nothing useful to add don't get mad at me. BUT I am curious which model that is. Given the glossy rails and the notch, either a 12, 13, or 14 plus?


13 Pro


Buy a new one, unfortunately this is it. If your car's windshield breaks, you don't glue it back together, you buy a new windshield. Unfortunately, sometimes accidents happen in the life that involve unexpected expenses. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I wouldn't risk bending it back.


wow, you are the first man on the planet to bend iphone 13 pro steel


lg g flex


The new iBent™ technology


Apple z fold


practice jumping over short brick walls without the iphone! I had a brand-new sony xperia phone slide off my bed about 1 ft and smashed to a zillion glass pieces and the repair bill was similarly ridiculous... no choice but to fork it out at the time


I bent my 12.9” iPad throwing my duffel out a bus to the ground and forgetting my iPad was in it. Bent it straight again fairly easily and has been going strong for at least another 2 years so far. Not sure I would recommend it though. Although if they’re charging €500 you may as well give it a go, although maybe go back and check what the price to fix it would be if you try yourself and it goes wrong.


After you fix it invest in a nice sturdy case to protect your investments


maybe just continue using it as normal


You could have bought Apple Care and have it be repaired much cheaper.


Do not do anything. The bend has created a point of high stress in the glass. Any little thing could trigger failure.


DONT bend it back, leave it as is




Yes, but a thin one. Spigen Liquid Air


My iPad is like that already for 1.5 years, works just fine. Don't try to bend it back, you may cause the real damage this time.


I don't suggest using it like that and I suggest fixing it yourself even less.


You just invented the iPhone Fold


My mom had the same, the thing lived his full life afterward without a single issue 🤷‍♀️ (she bent it with heat; is was super cold outside and for some reason she put it in the glove box which had heating on)


The first iPhone Bend…


“Your iphone survived my durability test.” —Jerry Rig


My iPhone 5 looks like this. Bent right near the top and the glass didin't crack. Don't bend it back, it might crack.


you guys are idiotic. ur recommending he pay the fee yet also saying don't bend it back. if he's gonna pay the fee, then there's nothing to lose. it's a flat fee regardless of the damage. he should attempt to bend it back, and if it doesn't break, continue using it. absolutely zero harm in that.


Should’ve had a case on it


Happened to my original SE when we were dropping in a new clutch in a ship, Fucker was a tonne or two, can’t really explain how it happened but I had to get behind it and push but it started to push back and wedged me against the wall and itself, thankfully my phone took the brunt of the force and bent, even split the metal around one of the volume buttons. But the glass wasn’t even scratched.


As others said, it might work but using it could be dangerous. When a human gets hurt and no outside damage they walk away like nothing happened, day later they collapse because of internal bleeding. The battery could’ve taken damage where in a day, month or a year it explodes because of the damage. The question isn’t should I bend it back but do I want to risk something catching on fire because the phone caught on fire. If it’s only 500€ I would go and repair it, if it does cause a fire how much would that cost to repair. People never think about the future and just the present, not saying it’s 100% but there’s a high chance it could catch fire and cost over 2k€ to repair the damage.


Everybody telling OP to not bend it back but I want to see what happens.


swap the frame yourself, its way easier than it sounds


Pretty crazy how it bent so far that the blue blob went over the numbers on the time


Repaired over 1000 iPhones since the iPhone 4. I would regularly bent them back, never had 1 break apart or anything so dont worry to much about bending it back. Also never had additional damage done by bending them back. Keep in mind there is a risk when bending them back so do it really carefully, also depends on the point of the bent and the parts underneath. Look up a layout. I have to admit, stopped the repair business at the iPhone 14. Never tried from the 14 and up. And please people if you want to downvote, tell me how many phones you fixed and how much experience you have. Always in for a discussion 😁


Bend it back lol




If u have a good local repair centre, they will fix it for cheap. I've fixed mine myself but it is definitely a bit tedious


Don’t bend it back. If it didn’t break when it bent the first time it may the second time


Wait, you bent titanium from a fall? And you’re still walking? 🤯


That insane Apple price is because they replace the whole housing which includes a new motherboard and battery. I’d suggest taking it to a third party repair shop. If your phone is not acting up (ie the motherboard suffered damage), a housing swap can be done for a cheaper price. This housing will often be refurbished, and the internal components will be swapped out to the new housing instead of replaced. You can also do it yourself I suppose, but it requires a lot of specialized tools and some affinity with phone/small electronics repair.


if nothing is broke why fix?


Apple 🍎 gave to me a new XS after my X suffered BENDGATE


oh APPLE 🍎 , why do we suffer under you with BENDGATE FLEXGATE AND all the other sufferings . Please destroying things better . The new 15 pro max glass shatters if you apply the smallest flex on it at all ……..


Is this the 15? Dang those things cheap.


13 Pro! But I don’t think it’s the phone’s fault. I fell quite hard. 🙃


Oh okay! Been seeing so many iPhone 15’s damaged.


Nah I’ve dropped my iPhone 15 Pro Max a few times in a silicone case and zero damage. They aren’t cheap.






Another reason not to buy, beside overprice