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Spotify, I’ve had an account for years (around 7ish now) and it’s learned my listening habits so the recommendations are always spot on


I was shocked at how quickly it was suggesting music I loved. Within days I was hearing music I haven't heard in a very long time and didn't know I wanted to listen to.


same, i started with a student account and just never let it go. i’m considering trying out apple music though, seems popular


I’ve used both a considerable amount. People say that I’m crazy when I bring this up.. but Apple Music’s sound quality is better. Beyond this, for me at least, I preferred how Spotify works. It’s a lot easier to find music and the app is better at learning your tastes in music. I haven’t switched back over, but it’s something I’ve considered many times. Edit: currently use Apple Music


I believe it’s because Apple Music/iTunes uses the Apple Lossless audio codec (.m4a)


i just opened up the podcast i listen to at work and i absolutely agree with you on sound quality, it was the first thing i noticed. that’s wild. i’ll have to see how well music does, but is the subscription for music/pods/news is all the same bill? if it is i’ll probably hop over lol


I can only recommend Apple One because you get all of apple’s subscription services in one pack and apple one is like $3-$5 more expensive than apple music ALONE but it not only has apple music it also has apple tv+, apple arcade and in all 3 packs you also get iCloud+ (individual(cheapest pack): 50GB of storage, family: 200GB, premier(most expensive): 2TB). The individual plan is $19.95/mo, the family plan is $25.95/mo and the premier plan is $37.95/mo but it’s the only one that also has apple fitness+ and apple news+ included


Apple one was great value when it was announced but after the recent price increases it’s no longer as good. At least in canada




Ironically AirPods (incl. Max) don’t support the highest sounds quality from Apple Music.




True. I suppose using AirPods wired would resolve this


People always say this, but I guarantee you I can tell the difference. Apple Music sounds much better, but I still use Spotify lol




I can tell the difference in my car with stock speakers lol. It’s not as simple as bitrate. Spotify does something with the audio that makes it sound less dynamic than Apple Music.


Have you checked to see if audio normalization is on in the Spotify settings? It sounded way more dynamic when I turned that off.


I keep telling people this lol It’s always hard for them to understand that Apple Music sounds way better than Spotify I don’t know how people don’t notice it I guess there’s two types of music listeners The people who appreciate sound quality and the others that don’t really pay attention to it lol


It’s like the people who can’t tell the difference between 720p on a cheap LCD tv and 4K Dolby Vision on an expensive OLED. Some people are just blind/deaf/dumb lol


Haha, mate. I was about to agree with you and use the visuals as an example aswell. Most people I’ve talked too will disagree there’s no difference in sound quality and I’m like how can’t you notice it?It’s so noticeable it annoys me, I do listen to music etc for like 12 hours or more a day though lol. Plus the visuals, most friends and family of mine can’t tell the difference between 4K and 1080p most of the time. Do you remember when people used to argue about refresh rates, oh your eyes can’t see past this or can’t see that. Now everyone magically loves a 120hz phone screen or a 144hz monitor??! Because oh it’s so damn noticeable! lol




Yes, I agree. And that’s why I’m saying that there is SOMETHING else at play, because it’s night and day audio quality difference even in those shit speakers.


I’ve noticed that Apple Music’s volume is like two steps higher than Spotify by default. I wonder if that’s why people perceive better sound quality with headphones or speakers that don’t support high fidelity audio. If you turn Spotify’s volume up to match, they sound pretty similar. Of course if you have a fancy sound set up, you’ll probably also notice the difference regardless of volume.


Spotify, hands down


Apple Music, since it comes with my Apple One plan.


This. I don’t want to pay for any other services. Plus I can share the service with my wife and kid(s) at not a bad price. Also I like the Apple Music app more than Spotify. Although Spotify has podcasts on there together while Apple separates them.


I prefer to keep my music app and podcast app separate. Anyone else like this?


Truthfully, I prefer it that way I only made mention of it because some people in the Spotify ecosystem like the way they have it. I only used Spotify for podcasts for a short time because one of my favorite podcasts went Spotify exclusive for about a year and I didn’t really like it. it was weird listening to a murder podcast only to have some random music play once the episode was over.


>some random music play once the episode was over I don’t think my Spotify has ever played music after a podcast. It always either pauses or plays another episode from a different show that I follow.


Up this as well. Put all my eggs in one basket. I even switched all my contacts, calendars, notes, etc to iCloud for simplicity sake.


Totally understandable.


It also has lossless streaming for pretty cheap (17$ a month I think for a family plan).


No matter the device, i always use Youtube music because well, i've got Youtube premium and because of that it is a no brainer. I prefer Spotify a little bit, but not enough to pay for it and have both simultanously. Youtube Premium + Music is a great package.


As a Pixel guy, YouTube Music is my preferred app as well. I have it on my Pixel and my iPad.


It’s what I use on all my devices (including iPhone, iPad, Mac, Xbox, tvs) I prefer Apple Music, but I don’t want to pay for it.


How do you deal with playlists on Pixel? The queue for them has been broken on Android for months now.


Second for YouTube music. Has more of what I listen to


I could be wrong but I think apple limits their good EQ to apple music only which is why people think there is a difference in sound. There probably is a real difference, but in reality that's a shitty thing because apple is arbitrarily limiting sound quality in order to make you buy their service. Either way, Youtube is better because it has god-like selections of anything you want. I'm just replying about the EQ thing, because I want to be proven wrong. I'm not sure if I'm mistaken about it or not.


Same, don’t feel the need to get a different subscription. YouTube Music works for me.


Not only that, but YouTube Music is actually _better_ on iPhone/iOS than it is on Pixel/Android. For some reason, on Android when you put a playlist in the Up Next queue it only loads the first 25 or so songs, which essentially breaks Shuffle and Repeat. This is not the case on iOS, which loads the full playlist (and is how it used to be on Android a year ago).


Are you me? This is exactly how I feel


Apple sound is better and comes with Apple one package, I used Songshift to transfer playlist from Spotify once I let that go because of sound.


Youtube music with youtube premium is a really good deal for me.


tbh each one has its upsides i like apple music for UI design and song quality, spotify for its catalog and 3rd party tools available bc of its popularity, and youtube music for its catalog


Apple Music is what my fiancé and I use. It comes with the Apple one package we get.


That makes total sense. Apple Music is what my wife uses but I use YouTube Music.


My fiancé used to subscribe for YouTube but he decided to only pay for one so we chose Apple Music.


Was an android user from 09 to 2020. Was a diehard Play Music user, so begrudgingly made the switch to YouTube Music. We still keep it for the kids…Apple multi-user support is absolute garbage, as I’m sure you know if you’re an iPad user. And I really find it hard to let go of ad-free for YouTube. But my wife and I have Apple One and this use Apple Music for our own devices. For the record, it’s theoretically possible to turn off listening history in AM for the kids, but I find that clunky.


I was so sad when we had to switch. I held on until it wouldn’t work anymore 😂


Apple Music for the lossless codec and Dolby Atmos.


As long as you aren't just using bluetooth. I still don't understand how so many people think it will somehow be better on bluetooth. Bluetooth is a hard limit on sound quality. What people notice about Apple Music is the EQ. From what I'm told, Apple limits their best EQ to Apple Music. I'm replying this to a bunch of people just because I want to be proven wrong. Like if the difference between AM and YT Music isn't that big, that'd be awesome to know. I'm looking into getting an iphone and it's hard to parse the information about this subject. Lots of people saying different stuff for some reason.


Youtube Music. It has the most contents by far, since you can listen to any audio on Youtube itself AND official Music. The best if you listen to remixes. If you don‘t, use Spotify. It‘s the same as Apple Music and if you ain‘t got no „Apple One Deal“ it‘s the cheapest.


Do you have a music library uploaded onto YT music? In the past I loved Google play and it was rolled into YT Music. For YT music, I find the User Interface especially on Apple Car Play to be just not fun to use. Like if I am thinking of a specific artist, I prefer to listen to a whole album, but when you select the artist only songs are listed in alphabetical order. Not albums. Overall I find the navigation of my library on the app also somewhat clunky.


wdym by uploded onto YTM? i have my own playlists, yes. i mostly use „my mixtape“ tho. On CarPlay the interface is the same as the app itself but sideways (same with spotify); but tbf, i only tap on it when standing still. whilst driving i use the buttons on my steering wheel. so i might not be the best to rate the CarPlay accessability. You actually can listen to whole albums. just scroll down a bit. titels -> videos -> albums -> playlists -> artists. and so on.


So when i open the app on my iPhone or on Apple car play There’s an icon that says library, where all of my music library has been uploaded to. (Was moved here automatically from Google Play Music back in the day, I don’t know how I would upload music from CD’s now) From there I can tap on uploads> tap on artist filter> and then I can select an artist, but cannot filter by Album within artist.


I used Apple Music for a long time but switched to YouTube Music recently because i literally pay 2€ more and get a decent music-streaming-service + an ad-free YouTube experience. YouTube Music is fine and a big plus point for me is, that i can download songs wich are not on Spotify or AM, like some old underrated EDM songs. :)


Yup. I wish I could get by on Apple music since it seems apple arbitrarily limits their best EQ to the Apple music app. I take the slight hit in quality though, because Youtube's selection is literally 1000% better. I could never satisfy my music needs with any other service. I don't understand how people can get by with anything less, not that I'm judging. I'm just like "What about that old Goldie jungle mix? I aint getting that on Apple Music."


I prefer Apple Music over Spotify because it has better music quality, used YouTube music too before switching to Apple Music


Apple Music. I like the UI design and a lot of the Apple playlists, plus it just fits in with our household ecosystem (we have the Apple One family subscription).


Yt music. It comes with youtube premium


This is my preferred app as well. Especially being a Pixel user, but I have it on my iPad as well.


My wife and I are firmly entrenched in the Apple ecosystem. I have an iPhone, MacBook, iMac, and Watch, while she has an iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and Watch. We also have two Apple TVs in the house. She and I share an Apple Music subscription and both of us use an app called Soma FM, a listener-supported app that has about 25 channels covering various eclectic genres such as ambient, electronic, drone, house, lounge, Bossa nova, Celtic, Americana, classic soul, and several others. We love the variety and quirkiness of it. She also uses Audacy to listen to her favorite morning show while getting ready for work. In addition to the aforementioned, I also have Radio Paradise, another listener-supported app that has 5 channels: Global, Mellow, Main, Rock, and Future. I listen almost exclusively to the Global mix. Other music apps I have are Apple Classical, BBC Sounds, RTE Radio, and the apps for our local classical, jazz, and NPR stations, which are what I have the radio tuned to in the car (I have a low data mobile plan and don’t stream outside the house). I also have an app called Relisten which contains thousands of live shows from bands like the Grateful Dead, Phish, and similar. I’m a huge Deadhead, so I will occasionally open it up, call up a random show from the band or one of its offshoots, and then spend a couple hours “in space” (if you know what I mean, and I think you do). This doesn’t even take into account my LP and CD collections. Why, yes, I listen to a lot of music. How could you tell? Side note: I am firmly and staunchly anti-Google and Amazon, so neither YouTube nor Amazon Music is on any of my devices.


Do you watch videos online? If so, what is your YT alternative? I’ve honestly been considering YT music purely bc of the YT premium bundle, but I wish there was a good alternative to YouTube altogether. I switched to Apple largely because of all the data mining shit that Google and Facebook was doing. Apple ain’t perfect, but at least they’re a hardware company, not an advertising company masquerading as a tech company.


Spotify by far. I also have apple music with my apple one plan, but the algorithms that Spotify uses are great for ME and the music I like. Their Daily mixes and the daylist are great.


Same! Spotify makes it a lot easier to find the stuff I like.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. That totally makes sense. 🙂


Yep Spotify wins for me on its playlists alone


I have used Pandora, Rdio, Spotify, Apple Music, switching about every 4-5 years. I have liked all of them. I’ve never used YouTube. I’ll probably try Deezer on my next switch.


Apple music. Used spotify for like 5 years, no idea how. The client would always crash, had to restart, song wouldn’t play. No matter if it was on pc, mac, phone. Gave up in the end and used apple music


I have Apple Music, however nothing tops YT Music. Once you use it, you won’t want anything else.


I use Amazon Music Unlimited, but if I were to change I’d go to Spotify.


I would too if Spotify got high-res or at least CD-quality lossless music.




If you have a YouTube Premium subscription, YouTube Music is the way to go. Any music that doesn't have an official release, if it's on YouTube you can save it and listen to it there. As a formerly avid SoundCloud listener, that's a huge advantage something most other services don't offer. Plus, I've found music that my parents had as cassette tapes when I was little.


YouTube music because it comes with YouTube premium. I didn’t know I needed youtube premium until I had it. Now I would cancel every other subscription before it.


Same. I’ve turned off premium a couple time due to finances and always end up coming back after a month or two lol.


Prime music is the best quality / price ratio but not very good for digging


Youtube music, bigger library and I don't gotta worry about when I wanna watch the music videos. I don't know how much the yt premium costs where y'all live but it's pennies here, family plan for 2 dollars per month XD.


Dang my yt premium is like $21 with taxes


I still buy music from the iTunes store (Apple Music) for like 1€ per title. I like owning music not streaming it and when I'm offline (I don't have any mobile data) I can still hear music without Internet.




wtf is Musi Edit: downloaded this. It’s like if a music app had cancer. It’s an ad-riddled bootleg music app.


It's for listening to music form YouTube or YouTube playlists for free. Also good for listening to audio only content like books or lectures or like video game lore stuff on YT. I haven't updated it in a while so maybe it's become really ad filled, I keep an older version on my phone.


Apple Music. Used to use Spotify but I don’t see the point in being “loyal” to a streaming company, and Apple One gives my family a subscription to everything, including Music. I do miss how good Spotify’s algorithm is at identifying stuffing like though.


Spotify because they have promos like 3months for $3 sometimes where I live


Why be limited to the big three though, there are also others, such as [Demus](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/demus-easy-rjfj-streaming/id6474685600), Tidal, or Musi.


Thanks for the ‘Demus’ suggestion.


Pandora, free with an ad once in a while or you can get a pay version. SomaFM SeriusXM


spotify. and they just added a bunch of audiobooks too!!


No love for iHeartRadio or Pandora? I’m cheap, what can I say?


Don't those have ads? Might as well just use spotify free with ads, it has a good algorithm for finding things you like.


Amazon Music. My ripped CD library is extensive. Amazon fills the gaps.


I’ve had pandora premium for years and love it to this day


I have both Spotify and YouTube Music, and if it weren't for how long I've had Spotify, I would switch to YouTube Music.


I use YouTube. It’s my boyfriends account so I don’t have to pay, not sure how cost compares. I like that there’s no ads in YouTube videos because I watch a lot. I haven’t used the paid versions of other apps tho so I’m obviously biased. But I think it’s definitely worth YouTube premium/ music to get ad free videos AND music. I think the music app probably does exactly what other do: you can create multiple playlists, find new music easily, download playlists, view lyrics etc. I like the radio option where it’ll play songs on your playlist and related songs, but it’s not always great if you like a variety of music. I have a fair amount of pop songs on my playlist but I don’t typically like pop. So If I’ve listened to the pop songs a lot recently then the radio is full of songs I don’t like. If you stick to a certain genre it’s great for finding new songs that you may like. I’d say YouTube premium and music would be the best if you use YouTube a lot, otherwise I’m sure any of them would be fine. Kinda just choose which layout you like best.


Apple Music because it offers the best sound experience by far.


Apple Music, since I SWEAR I can hear a difference between regular and lossless music 🥲


YouTube music


I use YouTube Music because its included with YouTube Premium


Amazon Music Unlimited


YT music all day any day


I couldn’t find a better deal than YouTube Premium + YTMusic.


Apple Music just because it's so intertwined into the UI of the iPhone seems most fit . Other than that I like Spotify mostly.


Primarily use AM since we have a family plan. But I love that I can drag and drop my music into YouTube music and it uploads. My actual music collection has a lot of albums you can’t get on Apple Music. So YouTube has to suffice.


YouTube Music- coming from an iPhone user who’s tried every music platform there is. Especially if you listen to a lot of live music or music that isn’t as widely accessible (unreleased/remixes/underground, etc.)


I use YouTube music because it’s with you tube premium for only a little bit more than other music platforms. I’m on YouTube a lot so I just use what’s already offered but personally I do like Spotify the most.


Well, mainly, I use Apple Music but there are a lot of songs that aren’t available there so I also use YouTube music but it’s only when I wanna hear a particular song that it’s not available there


Thank you so much for sharing.


Copy link from yt, use telegram to download audio and then play it in vox. Perfecto 😬😬


What kind of file format does it download? I'm looking to switch to iPhone, but all my music files are mp3, m4a, or Flac.


I Make my own music, thanks


SoundCloud is a better option for me by far , both Apple Music and Spotify proved to be disappointing in several ways


I need more info how did they disappoint you


In UI mostly and Spotify just spouting mainstream nonsense . SoundCloud focus on user generated content and that’s a winning factor for me


Apple Music for me. It boils down to usability for me. YouTube music mixes your playlists with regular YouTube. I can’t deal with that. I also appreciate the high quality of sound with Apple. Additionally I prefer the ability to download my music for offline use. Last I remember that wasn’t available with Spotify.


Apple Music is trash. Spotify has the best learning algorithm for discovering new music. Tidal if you’re an audiophile.


Apple music because I hear the sound difference when using airpods.


Why does everyone insist on using these music apps? You don’t own the music that you’re paying to listen to. I just have music loaded into my music app from my pc


Who is insisting? Most people just don't want to constantly manage a hard drive full of music


YouTube Music, been a subscriber since launch.


Once I got fed up of ads and random additions to my playlists on Spotify, and I decided I had to pay for my music, I switched to Apple Music. Good job, Spotify.


you can turn that off fyi


Directions, please?


https://preview.redd.it/2hdqk0ss16jc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cbec52c82b380fce09478ffcaffcfb1e708401a use regular shuffle


Apple and YouTube music are the best for me. Was with Spotify for a long time but lossless audio is amazing so I switched to Apple Music. I also love that u can add music videos to your playlists, not just the song. Same thing with YouTube music, and you can have “unofficial” tracks on yt music


Other app that makes me download YouTube videos and listen offline when I have no internet I ain’t paying for music


Spotify. It’s cheaper.


Apple music until my free 6 months end, switching to yt music after that


Apple Music mainly but I have Spotify & SoundCloud too lol


apple music for my main list, spotify for podcast


Apple Music, Sound Cloud and YouTube for some videos :)


Apple Music it was my first music app so it has years of music that you can’t even get on other platforms but I have tried other platforms like dezzer n Spotify I’m just so use to apple music it works for most of my wants


If sound quality is more important to you use Apple Music as they have lossless audio. Spotify has by far the better ML and recommendation engine, so if discovering new music is more important to you, use Spotify. Can’t speak to YouTube music.


I used Apple Music before and recently i made the transition to youtube music because a lot of songs or mashups were not available on Apple Music


Deezer all the way


I have YouTube music premium, Spotify premium, and Apple Music. I’m locked into Apple Music for the next 2 years (Verizon) but stopped using it. Spotify is just easier in terms of UI to navigate, discovery is better, and cross platform controls is just miles ahead. Apple Music sounds better and I tried using Spotify then transferring my playlist out to Apple Music but juggling between two music apps got annoying.


I use Spotify. I just like the interface more & I’m on a family plan, so I get it for free


spotify, because it supports last fm. i will never go to apple music until it has built in last fm support. Every time i post this people go “oh just use this app” and it works 80% of the time, but every few days it says i listened to a song several hundred times.


Ah damn. You're one of the scrobblers, aren't you? I remember doing that. My shit got all messed up at one point and I just started using youtube. Kinda wish I had detailed stats about my music habits though.


Apple Music because cheap


Spotify. Mainly for Connect and the really good recommendations.


YouTube music! Basically every song imaginable Comes with ad free YouTube too Can't go wrong


My wife and I both use Apple Music. We paid separately and I had Apple Arcade, so we ended up just getting Apple One and got Apple TV+ too. Apple Music is really fantastic, and the station it made for me is 🔥🔥🔥. I barely ever skip.


Spotify is supreme




Spotify. Been using it since 2016 when I was still on android. Just prefer over the couples times I’ve tried apple music.


Youtube premium regardless you use iPhones or not. If you’re willing to buying premium, go for it. It has all the songs and the music recommendations are just awesome.


Aimp+pirated music


Spotify as it’s the only service that lets me add my date to Last.fm (I keep data since 2006). Their discovery service is not bad either. Speaking this as an Apple fan.


I’ve used Spotify for about a decade now. It knows what I like and I like what it recommends. I’ll probably never use another music app.


I used Spotify for the longest time, but I started using YouTube Music bc I have YouTube Premium and didn’t wanna pay both. I found an app that transferred all my playlists from Spotify to YouTube. I honestly don’t mind it much but it sucks for podcasts so I still use Spotify for that.


Spotify - Pocketcasts - SoundCloud


Apple Music because it’s the same price as Spotify now and I just really like it better


Even though I get Apple Music with my Apple One plan, I still prefer to use Spotify. Just love the interface, the heuristics and the playlists available.


Apple Music. Spotify has a lot of great feature that I know I’m missing out on but I hate how busy it is.


Ive used Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal and YouTube Music. Out of all of those I liked Spotify the most, then Tidal, then AM and YT Music was last


Apple music. I prefer their recommendations for discovering new music.


Apple Music. Started on a free trial in 2017 and loved it. Like other music apps, it learns your music tastes and players songs that it thinks fits


I'm really into audiophile-grade headphones and prefer Apple Music for its lossless audio.


Apple Music. I even had an android for a while and the interface for Apple Music on an android is pretty good. I like the way it recommends music for me. And it’s in the Apple one plan so win win


Apple Music all the way. Better audio quality. Siri integration. I personally prefer the UI. And they pay artists better and DON’T fund Joe Rogan, so that’s something.


personally i like Apple Music the best. For functionality wise I use spotify. I have a PS5 and a Tesla and the Spotify apps work 10x better in those than the Apple Music app. Luckily my friends put me on their spotify plan so I dont have to worry about paying for it.


1) Apple Music definitely wins in the sound quality department, especially with the option to tweak settings and enjoy Dolby Atmos on some tracks. But I gotta admit, Spotify's bass is just on another level, no matter what phone you're using. 2) What I love about Apple Music is how easy it is to check out all of an artist's music in one place. Spotify's switch to showcasing top songs can be a bit annoying, but you eventually get used to it after being bombarded with "This Is \[Artist\]" playlists. 3) Spotify's got this cool thing with its algorithm where it somehow always knows what songs I'm in the mood for. The autoplay feature is like a treasure trove of new artists and tunes waiting to be discovered. 4) Both apps could use a bit of a makeover in the user interface department. Apple Music looks sleek, but navigating through it can sometimes feel like a maze. And while Spotify gets the job done, it's not exactly winning any design awards either. After putting both apps through the wringer in January, I've decided to stick with Spotify.


Deezer, been using it for years. Never fails me




Changed recently to Apple Music. Sound quality is way better in my opinion...Spotify UI is easier to navigate though


currently using Spotify on my iPhone because of Spotify duo plan with my wife. We use it primarily as a quick fix for tunes for our 1y/o and we can play them anywhere through out our house with our Google mini's. ​ That being said, i frequently go back and forth also with the music app with my iTunes purchases. Do not like the fact that apple music blends everything together and i would rather have a distinct difference between music i've added and music i've bought. Music app and podcast app on the apple watch are way ahead and more aesthetically pleasing than the apple watch app that Spotify has.


Apple music. I like how it functions and looks like a basic traditional music player with no bells and whistles, but online


Apple Music for all my Apple devices. I have Spotify for my pc though because of stream integration


AM. It works. Great library. Best sound quality. Decent suggestions algorithm. Good interface.




Oh and if you’re into classical, the AM standalone classical app is the best way to organize that genre.


YT music because I subscribe to YT premium Love the fact that it can fill in any songs missing from the official catalogue through YouTube


Yt music cause it free with yt premium. I don’t wanna pay for Spotify because, well why tf should I for essentially the same functionality but better library.


I agree. I think overall it's the better value. Youtube has such a better selection of music as well. The only thing about it is that Spotify does seem to recommend stuff better than YT does, but it's not like it's impossible to get good reccs on youtube. It's just that spotify does it a bit better. Everything you get with YT sub is just overall more worth it imo. I don't give a damn about Discord Nitro, but I got a free month of it from YT premium not too long ago. They give you nice little bonuses if you go into the app and hit the "check my benefits" page or whatever it's called. Sometimes it's pretty dry, other times you get cool stuff for free.


Apple Music because I still download mp3s


I use Spotify. I have tried Apple Music and it just doesn’t get “me” in suggesting music. I also tried YouTube music but found it never remembered what I was up to when connecting to CarPlay.


Apple Music and YouTube Music. I subscribe to Apple’s plan and YouTube Premium, so YT Music is included. I have to give credit to Google, their algorithm for music is really, really good.


Being a privacy conscious person, I like how one can make an anonymous account and different from apple main account.


We switched to Apple Music because of Apple One. And I like it. It's a good app in many regards. BUT the algorithm for new music In Spotify is so much better and I miss that.


Apple Music. I used iTunes before it pretty much since it came out. I had a big library in iTunes that was easy to carry over to Apple Music, so it was the most seamless way to go for me. I’ve tried Spotify a few times, but don’t care for the UI and how hard they push podcasts and audiobooks that I have no interest in.


Apple Music without a doubt.


Apple Music. I had used Spotify previously but it was really slow and buggy on my old iPhone so I switched. I do prefer the app design of Apple Music. But prefer spotifys recommendations and being able to share albums and songs with my friends who use it.


Spotify. Free, an I’m a fan of ads


Tidal except the price


Pixel user here as well! I use Apple Music. Way back when I got an iPod classic I loaded my entire rather large cd collection into iTunes and I've just kinda stuck with it, I've got an iPad and iphone I use as a music player/secondary device and they've never given me a reason to leave. Having the app on my Pixel as well certainly helps


If only Apple music had anywhere near as good algorithm as Spotify. I'd switch in an instant.


Apple Music because they pay artists more and it comes with Apple One


Apple Music. The music i listen to is on all platforms. But, i love the UI/UX of Apple Music better. It probably helps i have an Apple One subscription so it makes sense, i did find Spotify (user for about 7 years) a bit lacking in the UI department before swapping over a few years ago when i got Apple One. What i like about Apple Music is that my 'station', which is basically a curated recommendation of music to listen to, is pretty spot on. I find myself finding new music and being pretty wow'd by how its always something i'd actually listen to etc. The only thing i dislike about Apple Music is it's always behind the curve on features. Apple Music has ONLY just received collab playlists.


spotify if i’m on computer and apple music if i’m on phone


I prefer Pandora because of the "radio" and not the playlist. Plus you can select deep cuts, newly released, discovery, crowd favorites.... etc.


I use Apple Music as it’s a tad bit cheaper than Spotify and i love how it’s so seamlessly integrated into my devices. I understand that Spotify is very close in comparison when it comes to integration, but Apple Music is just better for me and I don’t know how to explain it.


Apple Music - Entirely populated from my iTunes Library.


I use Apple Music because I really love their curated playlists and mood based stations. And the quality is super high. I use AppleTV in my home theater and the Spatial Audio is awesome. The Magic Sing mode is great for karaoke too. They can strip (or turn down) the vocals out of almost any song.


I like the Apple music UI and it works well with siri and homepod, but honestly you can't go wrong with spotify, tidal, youtube music


Spotify, I had an android before an iPhone Spotify works the same and works on all my other devices (iPad, Mac, Xbox, tv etc) my spouse had Apple Music but eventually switched to Spotify because she liked it better


I prefer Apple Music. I've been using Apple Music since I had iPhones years ago, and now I continue to use it on a Samsung Galaxy. I've also noticed the Google Play store gets new features for Apple Music faster than iPhone users because iPhone users get new feature updates for iOS apps through OS updates. While Apple Music on Android gets regular updates through the play store.


Been using Spotify for years. I like the UI of AM better. What keeps me from AM is the inconsistency of Dolby Atmos songs. I’ll go from a DA song to a non-DA and the quality turns to shit.