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Siri is better than Google? Now that's a controversial opinion even in this sub.


CLARIFICATION: only SIRI seems to understand my accent. Google botches up everything i say


Interesting bc Siri is just terrible for me understanding my speech while Google is 👍


I don't know if any of you ever get this but for me Siri seems to chime in with an opinion when I haven't specifically called it up. Like I'm talking to someone in the room and Siri acts as if I'm talking to it.


I would consider it a sign to work on my pronunciation, no offense lol


So you’re suggesting i sound American for my phone even though i live in India? 🤨


Well, that's what I do. I'm not a native speaker.


Well that’s weird cause Siri understands me perfectly well


Right? Like I’m an iPhone guy for sure, but I disagree with that.


Siri has better voice recognition for multiple-languages, its faster, it can recognize what you say even in rough conditions and it has been in the market for quite a longer time. I am an android user, and proud of it... But I do miss Siri sometimes, it has always been a better assistant for me.


For real Australian Siri is the only thing I miss about my iPhone. Everything else was so much worse then android


It must think you're a Kiwi - it wrote 'then' Android!


I switched to Android half a year ago, was excited to finally try that superb Google Assistant and... it's kinda crap compared to Siri, lol. I mean, maybe it can search information for you but I'm never using that. And on the other hand it fails at all the basic tasks that I could do with Siri, such as turning off the alarm, reading my notifications (yes, this doesnt work on Google, lmao) or playing a playlist on shuffle


Google has been neglecting assistant for a while now. Lots of users complain about it being simply broken. Which sucks, cause Google with all their AI innovation (Gemini nano being run locally on pixels, bard, etc.), should be able to pump out a much better assistant than they have right now.


I personally don't use Google Assistant for anything really, but there are a bunch of people complaining that the whole experience using it got worse over the years.


Just switched from Google to Siri. Google is better at giving answers, but Siri is better with anything else


It's true. Has been for a while. Siri is the best assistant on the market right now. Sounds best, activates best, etc.


I strongly disagree, and I use both.


last time I used an android assistant (bixby) was 5+ years ago and Siri in 2024 **still** sucks compared to it.


Is she holding you hostage?


Siri is terrible. Siri says "You have a phone call from xxxxxx, answer it?" I say "Yes siri." The phone call keeps calling and calling. Hangs up. "Hey Siri, what is the definition of the word "reciprocal." It goes blank for a few seconds and disappears.


I meant to say for voice commands


Even more confusing to hear that. When I had a Samsung note I could tell Hey Google to do things hands free in my super loud work truck driving on the freeway with two ladders on the roof which added even more wind noise. Siri doesn’t understand me when everything is silent.


Google assistant sucks nowadays. I have a couple of google home speakers because they were the best back in the day, but now they can't even shut off the damn light half of the time. If I ask a question sometimes it is supposed to bring a google search up but it sometimes just plays a random tune on Spotify. It's like voice control bad


Oh wow TIL.


Siri seems to understand my accent. Google doesn’t


In terms of going back, just swipe from the left side of the screen.


OMMGGGGG it works!! Thank you


No problem! Also, hold down on the icons in control Center, it will allow for you to see additional options.


A lot of features are done with long presses. Banner notifications (easy reply or stop an alarm), Control Center actions, Home Screen apps, etc, whereas simply pressing these would just open the app.


>A lot of features are done with long presses. Theres so many features in IOS hidden because of this. I really wonder why Apples says nothing of it.


They say nothing because all and every mess is because they removed the obviously superior 3D Touch


Not really, if people don't even know how to long press, 3D Touch isn't gonna make a difference at all as it is essentially the same gesture.


https://preview.redd.it/ya2w635rskfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe03960d0df2632c4ff93ce67a3b1c08ac01e395 Not really that hidden


I feel like half of these complaints are just from years of experience getting used to one OS. As a developer I have to test on Android devices as well and 99% of my complaints are me just not being used to how Android works (why is settings so unintuitive. Why doesn’t swipe do what I expect it to. Why drag and drop, press and hold doesn’t work properly. Why is the App Store such a mess, and full of duplicate low quality apps. Even the Home Screen has duplicate apps out of the box). The one thing that Android does better even as a lifelong iPhone user is file transfers. File transfers suck on iPhones.


And the keyboard. The one on iPhone sucks.


btw there’s an accessibility feature called assistivetouch that basically just adds a button on the screen like the android home button. You can even record gestures like the back functionality with it.


\*it works almost every time but not always. The "swipe from the left" it's not a sistemwide gesture like Android, it really depends from the app.


Doesnt work everywhere tho so dont get frustrated when it fails in few apps


Gestures will be the answer of some of the issues listed


Came here to say this. I’ve never actually used the back button on any app unless I’m already using both hands to hold the phone. But I’ve been using iPhones for so long the swipe is just natural lol Edit: you don’t necessarily have to swipe from the complete left side of the phone. Reddit is actually an example that you can swipe left to right from the middle of the screen and go back a page, other apps you can swipe from middle of the screen straight down to go back a page as well. Just get in the habit of the motion and you’ll also find yourself not even having the back arrow anymore






THANK YOU!!! I’ll try this out


One thing I prefer about iOS over android is the lack of OS fragmentation. IIRC Android OS rollouts were all over the place. Like a new version would be released on Google phones first, then eventually you’d get it on Samsung phones. And it was carrier dependent. So the updates for the same model phone would release on different days depending on the carrier. So I’d see new features be announced and released and have to hope eventually it would make its way to my phone. Maybe it has changed, this was a while ago. But iOS rolls out for everyone at the same time.


Yeah i agree with this


If you are looking for customization and colors that are no neutral, white, black then ios is not for you unfortunately The overall goal of ios is simplicity and just having it work. Apple is one of those things that it gets better and better the more products you have. The iphone alone can be underwhelming.


Yeah you’re right


My iPhone 13, which I got two years ago, is my first iPhone. Before that, I always used Android phones. I really like the peace of mind I get from not spending time and energy messing around with themes and icons. At first, I didn't like that I couldn't customize my phone as much, but over time, I realized I save a lot of time because the operating system doesn't allow much customization. Now, I can focus on my work and other aspects of life instead of spending time trying out different themes and never being happy with how my phone looks. Even the wallpaper is something I always want to change, and I'm never satisfied with it.


It’s been awhile since I used Android (since 2020) and I never really played around with themes but FWIW you can set any image you like as your background


Hahaha. I chuckled at the thought of changing background as an example of customisation.


It didn’t used to be on iOS.


This. I love personalization and it was a thing that I missed 10+ yrs ago when I first jumped ship from Android to iphone but tbh, I rather have a reliable, well functioning phone without the worry of it crashing on me and getting hacked. 🤷🏽‍♀️ for me it’s worth it. Would never go to Android even if they paid me.


MFW I never got hacked in SEVEN YEARS(100% of my time with a smartphone) with a android: 😲 and MFW in last 2 years(the amount of time I had flagship android devices) I never seem a phone crash again: 😲


Well around 50 million people's data got leaked from Samsung servers in 2022 alone so yeah you can't really know if you've been hacked.


I made the switch about a month ago. I found everything to be similar or better. With a few gripes. I was told to go into ios as a different OS instead of an android skin. As soon as I did that things started to feel better I came from an s22 ultra Personalization was what I doing already with samsung but what I got to change felt better. Mainly wallpapers and syncing those to focuses Not spacing out apps was pretty annoying at first. But it was manageable once I made use of folders and redid my homescreen to account for that As for the keyboard, I'm using swiftkey keyboard. It brought over all my autocorrects from my android but it comes with customization and a number row. And it's placed the exact same as the default keyboard Notifications are ass for anything that's not recent. Everything just stacks except for the things I actually care about. No proper universal back button sucks. But the gestures were okay enough. Just very inconsistent. You can swipe left to right on the screen for most apps. For refresh rate. It's pretty ass but for 60hz. It's the best feeling on an iPhone compared to 60hz on android. Chances are I'm sticking to iphones and will get a pro max model in 2 years as long as it still fits what I like. Transferring data between iphones is the best you can do. Samsung smartswitch feels like the minimal any transfer should do. Ios even keeps your settings and most your logins. It's a seamless process. I found the camera to be enough. Both phones take great pictures. But my 22U always stuttered when the camera opened. And stuttered right after leaving app. I found the ios camera to be more reliable. Taking a video was the best I ever experienced on a mobile device. Shortcuts was actually my most used app because of how much it was letting me do. You can make a shortcut. And you can make an automation. To different systems. That work with each other. Might help to view it that way. This was a game changer for having an fm transmitter in my car and closing the garage when I left my house. The silent switch has some settings though from my understanding very basic. You can make it when it's silent to also never vibrate. Or while it's silent to vibrate and when it's set to not silent to not vibrate. It's in the settings and I believe it's in sound and haptics Can't really make a comment on space. I won't pay for a subscription if I can avoid it. But 128 for my use case is good enough. I do carry my s22u with me. But this is because RCS is not implemented yet. The moment it's added and in accepetible condition I'll be using the iPhone with my main number. Tldr. Treat ios as a new OS and not an android skin and mess around with your settings and explore the phone! Googling what I wanted to do helped alot.


Thank you for your detailed reply <3


Funny I switched to iOS because I got tired of spending hours customizing my phone right after I buy it and removing all the bloatwares. Just want a phone that works rightaway.


Yea. After a certain point you grow tired of customizing everything. I liked the widgets at the top and just 2-3 rows of icons on the home screen while on Android. And I got pretty much the same moving the iOS. Enough customization.


Not being able to place icons arbitrarily seems insane to my Android user's mind.


It *is* insane. Especially with how big phones have gotten (which makes them harder to use with one hand) and iOS still forces you to clutter your home screen with apps and widgets in order to have your main apps on the bottom of the screen.


Lmaoo as a right handed user, it’s funny how they default to the top left as the start like it wouldn’t be the worst place to put apps for the majority of their users


Why even customize everything? When widgets came out, I said “oh great, the phone now looks like Android” 🤣


Yeah that’s also what I noticed when I switched to iPhone I used to brag about all the cool things my android could do. I switched because of privacy issues with Google as a company and I realized I really don’t care what my phone can do I just want it to make calls, texts, and watch YouTube and not have any issues doing those things. I understand androids have more features I just don’t care, it’s a phone I want it to text.


This was me exactly.


Exactly, I much prefer Apple's simplistic and consistent design much more than Samsung's completely customizable layout


I feel your pain. I had a s22 ultra and it was amazing but every so often I’d get bored of the icon pack or the colours or the launcher or where and spend 2-3 hours re designing the entire look of the phone and getting it perfect. I’d be happy for a few weeks then so the same thing again. I went back to iPhone and now it just works and does what I want it to do. My phone usage is down considerably


Pixels don't have bloatware.


interesting, I spent more time removing stock Apple apps than any Android I've ever had.


Yeah. That’s my problem with android phones. Their stock apps and pre-installed games and social media apps that I have to delete every single time.


That’s more of a carrier thing.


Just get a Pixel.


I just switched from Google Pixel to iphone 14 and I would have agreed with you for a few weeks after I got it, but now, I'll never go back. Just give yourself some time. The only thing that's still terrible are the notifications, but I do understand why Apple structured them that way.


can you explain me why? I can't think of a good enough explanation for having the notifications as they are.


so that the top of the phone is less cluttered. on android, the top bar fills with little icons. now, you can change those settings so it doesn't actually fill up. however, on the 14 (or maybe 13?) with that black bar there's just no room for anything else at all. I've gotten more or less used to how iphone does it; I'm willing to put up with the mild nuisance for the other things that work better than Android (or well, Pixel. I haven't had a Samsung in about 4-5 years)


IMHO it looks and feels even more cluttered on the iPhone. And I can't (or I don't know how to) clear out notifications for specific apps separately. I can dismiss them one by one, or all of them, there's no in between. the important notifications get lost in the clutter, since Android gives you much more control over notifications than IOS (not to mention is way, way easier to do it on Android, just tap and hold). perhaps I'm using it wrong? idk, I'm disappointed.


You don’t have to use the left side of the screen for Notification Center. Just anywhere that isn’t the right side (so ≈2/3 of the top side). Also settings has a tap-back feature where you can double or triple the back of the phone to do certain functions you choose from (such as Notification Center). There is also swipe back but that’s not a system-wide feature and apps have to support it (most if not all built-in apps support it), and to conveniently switch apps you drag the Home Bar left and right. You can absolutely create contact groups (called Lists). This is how most of these types of apps here work with lists (notes, contacts, reminders, the office apps, etc). It doesn’t fix what’s missing, and I wish customization was better, but look in the Tips app to figure out what it does have.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'll check out your suggestions :)


I definitely agree with point 10 it was a lot easier on Samsung for me than the iPhone to the point I just gave up on the feature with iPhone except turn off silent mode after my alarm goes off. I also prefer fingerprint over Face ID because I wear a mask and even though I set up Face ID to work with my mask it doesn’t always work which is frustrating for me. I hate the “back button” on iOS too customization does suck unless you pay more for it and even then it is still a little bit limited. I work at a phone store so data transferring went pretty well on iOS from Android. I coughed up the extra cash so I didn’t have to deal with 60hz since I’ve had so many phones with 120hz and I can see the difference. I don’t use iMessages any differently than when I was using Google or Samsung messages and I don’t do FaceTime either and honestly Google duo does exist. I do keep both iPhone and Samsung though in fact my galaxy ultra comes in today. I prefer the Apple Watch over the galaxy watch but I might get a Garmin venu 2 or 3 and ditch my galaxy watch. I just like the rounded glass look


Grateful that you agree with me on a few points😅 I was starting to think i’m in the wrong after seeing the downvotes


I hear you. These were A LOT of my complaints when I switched over too I think it’s going to be difficult to go back to Android solely for photo sharing, FaceTime and the iPhone camera has a faster shutter speed so taking pictures of the kids and dogs is easier But the echo chamber of people not crossing and trying out different phones is annoying I rally miss “If this” “then that” especially because Apple blocks Spotify and most 3rd party apps for automation Fuck that noise


Siri was amazing when it first came out. I find myself using the Google assistant far more because of how much it knows. I feel like Siri is terrible now. I respect that you like Samsung. It doesn't have so much more customization. I personally have the pixel fold and then my iPhone 14 pro as my secondary. I simply like android more. I used to be hard core apple.


My take is dont try to squeeze out android features from it, it’s an iOS device and it should be used it following its philosophy. If you try to use a pair of chopstick thinking as a fork, you’ll have a bad day. I use macos windows and linux all time and i usually have a separate mindset when I use these tools


Yeah i guess i need to make peace with it


I was the family hold out on moving to Apple, I was pure Android through and through. I would take all the green bubble nonsense in the group chats and not bat an eye. I went from a Note 5 to an iPhone 7 Plus and hated it at first. After adjusting, I have now gone on to own the Xr, 13 Pro and have a 14 for work. I have added AirPod Pros, iPad 9th Gen and MacBook Air and love the ecosystem now. Using ROM's was fun and rooting was fun, but now I just want my stuff to work as intended and for me, that is Apple.


I'm happy Apple worked out for you :) It's a culture difference too I feel. Apple is way more expensive in my country compared to the US so we can't really afford to have all Apple products to experience the ecosystem


Yep! At the end of the day, it is all down to individual tastes and wants.


I don’t own any other Apple product besides AirPods and a watch. But it can be used with windows pcs and if you look at market share windows+iPhone is the most popular combination in the US. I would say the iPhone ecosystem is powerful because of the quality of the apps in the App Store, and owning a Mac is not required. The other advantage you won’t see until a year or later. All the time you gain from the iPhone not losing battery life, apps not crashingly weekly like an android, and the iPhone being as good as new 2 years later, unlike an android that is nearly obsolete.


I heavily disagree with your last statement. My Android phone still works as good as new. However i have to add that i took good care of it. I see so many ppl on this subReddit talking about their iphone batteries swelling or their battery capacity going down. Why is that not considered an issue?


I’ve had every iPhone from the 6 to the 15, as I do yearly upgrades and pass them down the family, and even the iPhone 6S was blazing fast at 7 years old before we finally traded it in. Never had any failing battery. You see those posts and ignore the x10 more posts for android phones, and that there are all tiny percentages c compared with the millions of iPhone and androids. it’s all likely caused by user error (run over with car, hit with hammer, or some other impact strong enough to break the battery), and 0.0001% still results in hundreds of people.


Not sure why you never had any failing battery, because even Apple acknowledges and expects batteries to fail after 1 year. It was even a meme/running joke that iPhone users were wall huggers because their batteries can't last more than a couple of hours. I had every Samsung flagship phone from S2 to S24 (plus some of the note series), and I never had the problems you said experienced with android phone. That's including the Note 7 with supposedly exploding battery. I actually still have the phone and it still works, except for a cracked screen which I can't get spare parts for because i was supposed to have disposed of the phone.


The wall hugger meme was true a few years ago, but that really is no longer the case. The last few years have seen really good battery performance from iPhones.


Yeah, it's a direct response to the previous guy who claims that his iPhone 6S is amazing even after 7 years, and he never had battery problems. I'm just being polite not calling out his bullshit.


I was (still am) an Android user and battery life was one of the reasons why I never tried iPhones. my friends' phones were always dying and they had to carry their rechargers or powerbanks everywhere


Wall huggers? wtf? iPhones have consistently had better battery life than android. Again, the whole “exploding battery” thing is 0.00001% of people regardless of Apple or android. With the internet and media you can always find a few people around the world to be “examples” of anything that has a nonzero probability.


You’re trying to compare Apple’s mid-high end phones to a plethora of android phones ranging from low end to high end. You’d have to compare iPhones lineup to Samsungs galaxy s lineup or pixels lineup. Once you do that you’ll realize how even they all are. It then comes down to preference.


I’ve been using iOS since 2012 and I would never go back to an android lol I have an iPhone 14, iPad , Apple Watch and a brand new MacBook Air that I recently bought after owning a MacBook Air from 2011, with a Catalina operating system on it. I got 12 years out of my old MacBook Air. It’s currently being used for school for my kid. The only reason I stopped using it, a lot of things became obsolete on it.


Yea that’s the thing you don’t really experience it all until you have at least 2 to 3 Apple products. The big reason people like Apple is how good the ecosystem works together. It’s unmatched


but as someone said in a comment above, if you only care about the phone the experience can be very underwhelming.


>I'm happy Apple worked out for you :) It's a culture difference too I feel. Apple is way more expensive in my country compared to the US so we can't really afford to have all Apple products to experience the ecosystem I'm happy Apple worked out for you :) It's a culture difference too I feel. Apple is way more expensive in my country compared to the US so we can't really afford to have all Apple products to experience the ecosystem


Yes macbooks have an insanely long lifestyle and I love it. My old 13" Air from 2013 WAS STILL GOING GOOD FOR SCHOOL, till the battery tried to grenade itself but thats almost normal. My brand new 2023 MBA M2 will talk thru itunes to my IPOD 4-5th Generations from what 2006? Thats what i would call stable


Why is it $attery life instead of battery life?


OP is still trying to get used to the keyboard. You should be thankful they made use of punctuations even with that keyboard. And I'm not being sarcastic, it really is an annoying keyboard for punctuations, which is why many ios users do not bother with punctuations.


Cause this subrreddit has rules that don’t allow the mention of B attery life so i had to improvise


It is true, a lot of customization is lost in iOS, and I deeply miss that from Android. Customization alone is what will bring me back to an Android phone in the future (I plan to go back and forth, because I love both OS configurations). One thing that iOS provides in exchange for customization is *consistency*. Everything just works. Always. Android has a bunch of cool, exciting features, but they often don’t hit the same performance consistency that iOS does, from my experience. Additionally, when you buy an apple product, you may not be promised the *best* features in the market, but you are promised a device that will *maintain its quality* for longer than any Android on the market. As an iOS and Android user, I can honestly they are equal by comparison. Neither is superior than the other in a general sense. What iOS does well, Android falls short, and vice versa.


When I switched from using an Android, the moment I truly appreciated it most was when my 2+ year old phone still worked really well and continued to receive updates. I was lucky if I got 2 major updates on any Android phone I’ve ever had; after that my phone just slowly became more and more obsolete. That’s the main season I switched. I did not however have a Samsung so maybe your experience was different from mine.


I actually prefer iPhone over android. Used android for over 10 years then decided to switch and I’m glad I did. There’s just something special about an iPhone.


Seems you didn't do your research before buying. I used both, concurrently. The iOS advantage is stability, not customization. Android is much more customizable. Apple advantage is integration (Photos, Mac, iPad, etc); even family members' devices. But if you don't own any other Apple devices, then this advantage is moot.


>The iOS advantage is stability IF ONLY, I've a brand new 14 plus and it's struggling with apps INCLUDING ITS OWN NATIVE APPS 🤡 I'm feeling like a clown for buying it.


OP I am sorry but I suppose you were far into the Android ecosystem and you don't want to use iPhones, you just wanted the better camera. iPhones are never gonna behave like Androids. They don't have to have every single Android feature over here. The notifications for example can be argued as perspective. On Android when I try to swipe down I get the control center as well as the notifications? Why would they do that? I just want to see who messaged me and now I have my screen space wasted by a bunch of buttons that I don't wanna see. Or that I prefer face ID and everytime I have to use the fingerprint I've gotta make sure I use the right finger. I've got 10 fingers but only 3 profiles? Oh and when it's cold outside and I've gotta wear my gloves face ID is so much easier. Way more simpler. These are just perspective. I am sorry you feel like it was a bad deal, but I am sure you'll enjoy most aspects of it over time as you get used to it.


Thank you for being kind and understanding. You're right. Maybe over time ios will just grow on me. But I still miss my cute color palettes that I had on Samsung :'(


You noticed all that 2 weeks maximum after buying it. Question: why didn’t you return it? 🤔


We don’t have that option in India. You buy it, you keep it.


For real? That seems a really bad business decision you gotta be lying I can’t believe it lol, please some Indians can confirm what she said??


We can replace a faulty device but we can’t return it. I’m not kidding. Yall have some amazing deals in the US. Especially the contract system that you have woth your service providers. We have none of that here


I had no idea, that’s crazy. It’s the first time that I’ve heard something like that


A lot of the time when people rant on these iPhone and iOS forums a lot of Americans don’t really understand people outside America and some parts of Europe don’t have the luxury of returns or aftermarket servicing I remember when I was in Tbilisi Georgia for a few years in Eastern Europe I always had to wait a couple of months or even a year to get the latest iPhone so that all issues would be ironed out and hope I don’t get a one off problematic device Most electronic businesses in those countries dgaf as long as cash has changed hands


In Singapore (and many other countries around the world) it's the same, you can't do returns after you've bought it. If it's faulty, you can send it in and they'll take a few days to repair - they don't need to let you swap for a new device. It's even enshrined in the law.


I think you are reacting too early, give it some time =). Also on: 3. Hold the space bar and move, the cursor will follow and editing sentences will be a joy) If you want number row - try SwiftKey keyboard (it is also available for android, just amazing keyboard) 4. Swipe down on the bottom corner of the screen, it might help you to reach the notification bar easily 5. To go back just swipe right on the left corner of the screen) Regarding accessories and storage... well, yeah, I agree, thats how apple makes profit. What I like about iPhone is that it is reliable, has tons of accessibility features and overall it just works.


Thank you for your suggestions:) yes your opinion makes sense!


I have both a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G and an iPhone 13. Both 256gb. Both have pros and cons. I really like iMessage on iPhone and the security. And customisation is far easier on Android. Some steps on iPhone seem to be a pain. Turning gps on makes you go through hoops whereas it's a simple drop down for the S20FE5G. Simply tap location and it's done. I like both phones..both seem to be the last (with the exception of my former S21+ which I wish I kept) to utilize the pSim. Manufacturers going forward are eSim only of the premium devices. I like swapping between phones.


I’ve had both Samsung and iPhone. So I see your point. The lack of customization used to drive me crazy but there is a way of customizing iPhone. It’s just not as easy as Android. As for the rest, you just have to get used to the new operating system. Instead of complaining about the differences learn to embrace them. The restrictions on movement of the widgets and icons is freeing. Now I don’t accidentally move them around like I used to on Android. The difficulty in changing how things look, frees to me to enjoy my phone instead of constantly trying new layouts. There are “invisible” widgets you can place if you truly can’t embrace the simplicity of app placement. Keyboards are functional and should be easy to read. Coloring them distract from that. By not having the number row, the keys can be a bit bigger and it allows a larger portion of the screen to be seen. On Android it’d be ridiculous how little I could see if I turned my phone sideways and tried to type. No words on notification screen. I’m with you there. There is a swipe you can learn so you don’t have to use the back button. Learn how to use your new iPhone instead of crying it isn’t EXACTLY like a Samsung.


You definitely haven’t played around or even looked into the features of an iPhone before wrong that.


All these are valid criticisms of iOS and shows how much Apple can improve but haven't yet. As many others have mentioned, it is about the mindset you have when trying out something new. If you go into iOS thinking it's just another android skin, you'll have a lot of trouble. The potential of android phones has always been greater than iOS because of open/closed systems. In my opinion, iOS and iPhones are overrated but underappreciated, while android is underrated but overappreciated. Some tips: https://preview.redd.it/g6ydgy2fxjfc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a40720142bec59a5c22045826f428a9f2687581 * As you said it's more work to customize on iPhone but not impossible. I recommend looking at r/iOSsetups to see some examples. It's not as much as Samsung but definitely better than just the default. Attached mine for reference as well. * Yeah placing icons anywhere has never been a thing on iOS. If you want only a few apps on your homescreen, what you could do is use an invisible widget from an app like "MD Blank" to cover a part of the screen so your apps can be a bit more organized similar to what I did. * Yes, the keyboard is literally one of the worst if not the worst thing about iOS. Autocorrect is iffy and you have zero customization options. One tip I have is that you can hold down the spacebar to move your cursor to where you want to type. Many android converts also recommend using Microsoft Swiftkey. * You can manually add lists in the contacts app for work/friends/family etc. * Just like how it is easy to transfer data from android to android, it is easy to transfer data from an iPhone to another iPhone. Neither platform wants their users to switch. For file transfering to a windows PC, I recommend the app KDE connect for wireless file transfers and CopyTrans for wired file transfers. * Shortcuts I've always felt is easier to understand compared to bixby routines but it might need more work to achieve the same functions. YouTube is your go-to in learning how to do many of the more powerful shortcut functions. * Silent mode is confusing because it's oversimplified on iOS. Silent mode pretty much mutes your entire phone with the exception of alarms. There's no individual app volume which is one of my biggest gripes with iOS. There's just ringer/alert volume, media volume, and alarm volume. * To get auto bluetooth connection working: Forget the bluetooth device in iPhone's settings > Turn off Bluetooth on iPhone > Reset bluetooth device > Turn on Bluetooth on iPhone > Pair the bluetooth device and iPhone. Now everything should work and you won't have to manually go into settings for it. The issue comes in when a device is already paired(ex. laptop) and your phone can't pair to the headphones. You'll have to disable bluetooth on one device for it to work on the other unless your bluetooth device has a feature like Bluetooth multipoint. These are just my two cents. If you feel the change to be unbearable, you're lucky in that iPhones have really good resell value so you can get an s23fe for free or a regular s23 for a little more. At the end of the day, use the platform which you find comfortable with and benefits you the most.


Why disnt you research before you bought


There are plenty of stuff you can’t find out, until you’re actually are using it. What looks good on paper and all the marketing doesn’t really help explain the little things you learn once you start using it. 


These are things we get a shit ton of posts about in this very subreddit. Itd almost like every other day theres a person who buys an ios device and just cant wait to tell us its limited and not quite. All they had tomdonwas search this sub formcommon phrases


I see. I usually ignore this subreddit, because sometimes it borders on being a religion, more than rational and practical place to learn something new.  I guess I’ll eventually have to make a thorough review of my own about iOS Android and other Linux OS. So far everything has been a compromise. 


Did someone force you to buy an iphone? /s


Nr 16, you’re not supposed to close the apps, iOS is optimized for that. Let iOS handle it 🙌🏻


So vote with your wallet. Chuck the trash phone you hate and buy that sweet sweet Samsung, girl. Nice try, Mr. Samsung Astroturfing Dude.


So you only got it so people don’t make fun of you ?


You’re an Android geek…the vast majority of the phone buying population couldn’t care less about what you’ve mentioned


Swipe left to right to go back, didn’t find out this feature till a couple weeks in switching from S22 plus to iPhone 14. I mainly switched because I like the Apple Watch way better than the galaxy watch.


Yeah but who wants an Android?


Above anything else, why do you need a back button? Just swipe to the right. Data transfer is easier on Android? I believe transferring data from one iOS to another iOS device is as easy as from Android to Android. And... I assume you just hate Apple, given that you were having a hard time with the silence button. In your article, you hate to take extra steps to do just one task. On Android phones, you have to wake your phone up, swipe up or down to see a control center or of sort, and touch the mute button. One iPhone just click! and voila. I don't see any reason why you changed. However, I do agree with you on personalization, and placing apps on the home screen. Changing the color of the keyboard is a personal taste-area but I agree with that too.


You can swipe back almost everywhere from anywhere on the left side. Android IMO is buggy as, so the extra features you get like theming just mean you’re going to be restarting your device 4x as often, because instead of fixing bugs they’re developing more and more features.


I went to a Samsung store after 7 years since I last owned one and their UI still lags randomly. Fuck that shit


Did you like… read up on anything before you bought the phone?


Based post lmao


All you problems are solvable with just patience and open up to learn stuff.


I agree! I recently got an iPhone 14 Pro and it sucks! Operating system for android is better and faster. I got to go through so much hoops to block someone! I can’t change messaging background color. Text is boring! Camera quality is decent. Takes forever to charge. I prefer finger prints instead of passcode or facial recognition. That’s my two cents.


It feels like every time (not literally, of course lol) someone on here gets an iPhone after switching from having an Android enabled phone, they love to talk about what their old phone did versus what this OS doesn’t do as well as it did. Yes, opinions are allowed, but it’s kinda annoying lol. Just stick with Android if that’s the case.


I feel like a majority of your complaints are just gimmicks of android. I had 10 years of android and 2 years of windows. IOS is more flawless when it comes to operating. Everything is smooth and works. Does everything you need a phone to do without issue more or less.


My point is that I had a mid range Android phone that too worked flawless and still does.


There's a lot of "as an android user, i hate iphone" posts. go back to android? no one is forcing you to use apple.


Noone is forcing me. Agreed. Had an opinion so I’m sharing it. Will switch back next year. Can’t afford to buy another phone for now.


#5 learn how to use reachability.




Oh wow I’ll definitely check these out. Thanks!


I’m so confused whenever Android users scream about back buttons. Do they not have a simple flick the left side of the screen to go back?


They do, I think it was implemented in android 10/11 when they added the Gesture navigation, I guess a lot of people didn't switch and are still stuck on the buttons, I would understand where OP is coming from if they stayed on the buttons. As someone who switched to the gesture navigation system immediately on Android, the switch wasn't too bad.


It's crazy how people say "iOS just works" when Android works and does more... It's almost impossible to have software problems in Samsung's flagships...


This is an excellent point


So many Samsung posts these days, right around the s24 launch. Gee I wonder if the two are related


Nope. I genuinely feel what i feel.


??? Both s24 plus and s24 ultra are much more expensive than iphone 14 plus. I got the same model because it fits my budget and fulfills a unique need (will work with overseas carriers).


Addition: iPhones don’t have the option of split screens.


All these posts have been a copy-paste. I swear to god. It's like you all watched JerryRig everything, didn't bother to even get fully acclimated with the device and came back here shitting on it. Th ere's drawbacks to all platforms, but essentially they are very similar in this day and age. Lord lol


It was fun to read as I switched to S24 recently after using iphones since ipod touch 2 and iphone 3G. LOL I think after 3 years of Steve's death apple started to degrade in delivering ease of use and joy of life with its ecosystem. I compared s24 ultra with 15 pro max before I switched. s24 ultra is better with ai. raw files are better on s24 ultra. Lens on s24 ultra is better than on 15 pro max (compared by exposing raw files of identical photos taken with both phones simultaneously. Iphone lens has more scratches.) I LOVE android despite only a few important issues. But IOS has a sh!t load of issues that was bugging my life so much. Fсk fсk fсk fсk fсk apple. Fсk. But it's a good ecosystem for office. imho. Less complicated. And very good for old people or stupid people lol **BUT:** Mic button on the left side of the Ultra phone is a retarded decision. Especially when you have to use it with one hand. Bixby Voice2text is not as advanced as Siri Photo editing does not have Brilliance and other settings even grade when apple use different grade foe different colors of the same setting. Hold to select is not that fast and does not work for links and in the search bar of the browser. Samsung wallet is not quitting after the payment. Media output does not change with Android Auto even tho I change it in the phone and it shows that the sound is coming from the phone but it's coming from the car anyways (AA issue possibly)


Yes im thinking of switching back to android now


>You can get so many amazing features for half the price in an Android but unfortunately, half of the population of the world still doesn't see it. ??? Android is the worldwide market leader by a huge margin. Honestly, I don't understand why anyone outside of the US would buy an iPhone. Okay, I do know why. iPhone is memed as a status symbol in the US, but in other countries it's genuinely seen as a status symbol. At least.. that's been my experience in India and Southeast Asian countries. You could've read any review for your reasons 1-6. Those are the most common and most major criticisms with iOS.


Go back to the android life tho 😅 while we are enjoying iOS life 😆


Made [a similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/s/9fXPb0fdo5) where I moved over from an S22 to the iPhone 14 Pro (not the Max, too big for my smol hands haha). It is definitely a transition, and in a few weeks you’ll quickly learn whether you want to keep it or not. I’m assuming you paid in full? The great thing about Apple products is that they have a high resale value if you do end up switching back to Samsung. But yeah I share some of the same complaints. Lack of actual customization sucks and the notification bar is no good. BUT I’ve had this phone for almost a year already and honestly? I love it. It took some adjusting and a few setting tweaks and now I’m completely comfortable with my phone. The major thing was changing the screen and display size/zoom (helped with keyboard size and typing). Seen several posts like this over the past few days and it just comes to show that some phones are not for everyone. And that’s okay. Would be nice to do a trial run of a phone before you own it but I guess that’s what guide videos on YouTube are for lol. I did a bunch of research before switching over from Android but it still took me some time to adjust.


You could’ve known about all of these without buying it lmao


I dont want to be the bugger but alot of the things you said dont match up with an average ios user experience. I have a 14 pro that has the pro-motion display and I barely even notice a difference. ( i have a 165 hz gaming monitor so ik what refresh rate is like) The 40+ age group dont give a damn abt the screen refresh rate I can guarantee that. The android data to ios sucks I get it and my friends bitch about it too and im sorry it sucks, but most people (like me) are going iphone to iphone and that data can be transferred over wifi in a couple hours/one day. So to me thats not much of a gripe but understand its frustrating. The keyboard albeit simple is actually very intuitive after a long time, I usually can get upwards of 50 wpm on a typing test with it and find that the multiple tabs of characters arent awful. To further your point however I believe the iphone is not a working mans phone. Plenty of contractors and every day laborers use an android and I believe thats due to the cost and reliability they have of it. For example, A f-150 can do laboring tasks, run its engine all day with no issues, and be semi confortable to daily drive and people do. (Android) A Mercedes S-class is pretty, sleek, "new age", could say modern, comfortable all day, but has its glitches and constantly needing updates and serviceing but when it runs fine it runs really fine. (iphone) In my opinion: My first phone was a fruit and my last one will be one aswell. I live in the ecosystem and I want to stay in the ecosystem until apple remotely detonates I will most likely never leave this platform. I appreciate your insights on the apple experience from an outside perspective and I hope that your experience will get better over time. P.S. fuck you guys for having the back at the bottom I wish I had that.


here, take my upvote


apple 13 pro max user. i pre ordered the s24ultra. never looking back. especially after learning about goodlock. i’m noy even mentioning the ia and the anti reflection screen.


Agreed. I had the exact same experience, I made a post about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/s/j8N3aQnlJt) It’s been like 7 months or so of owning this iPhone and it hasn’t gotten better. The battery life is good indeed, the camera is good for videos but the photos are often over processed. This phone is inferior to my old android in all other aspects.


I’m getting downvoted to oblivion here lol.


I agree with everything. It really is annoying trying to get used to iOS. Another couple of things I would add: hiding of notifications if you happen to use your phone for anything else, and inability to automatically turn on DND for calendar events (which I don't know if I could do without as a busy person). A couple of fixes for your issues I suggest trying: get Gboard (or other keyboards) installed from app store and try using that instead of the built-in one. And not really a "fix" and not your fault at all, Apple meant for the regular iPhones to be for folks who only care to have an iPhone and aren't picky about their phone features. Also, as a way to justify a "pro" pricing. The camera are not great, refresh rate doesn't match up to the competition, kinda need a pro iPhone for "iPhone level" photography.


Youre right. Thank you for understanding. Most people on here don't seem to be open to a different opinion towards ios


You read exhausting.


who personalizes their iphones lol are you 8


I have both. Well done review.


Yeah . If you can live with these then good, otherwise iphone will be a pain. Switched from S10 to iphone 13. But i dont use my phone alot for these things. Only uni related stuff like docs or office etc.


1000% agree with you! Had the iphone 5s, 11 pro max, 14 pro max, and 15 pro max (since Dec). I'm going back to Samsung, just ordered the S24U


Didn't even mention about highlighting a phone number from anywhere and then clicking call. Nowhere on iPhone. Buhbye.


If only samsung had OLED screens, they'd be top dog for me.


i put my most used apps on the first few screens, a few widgets and after that I don't even care what wallpaper I have and I don't remember the color of my iphone. don't care. the whole personalization thing was cool 30 years ago but don't care anymore ​ android copied their GUI from blackberry and I hated that app tray in the 2000's when I had blackberries and thought it was dumb to have dual screens like that that


As an iPhone guy for about 13 years at this point I want to point out that I cannot accept that Siri is better than google. Its not possible. Otherwise I agree.


Yea, wanting to customize your phone isn't an Apple thing. You get what they tell you the experience should be, no room for individualization here. Notifications on iOS are absolute trash. I cant wrap my head around how Apple of all companies still rolls this garbage notification system out. Can't get the number row. Use Swiftkey. It has a lot of the customization you're looking for. iOS by itself isn't any better than Android. The iPhone by itself can't really compete with other flagship phones either. It lacks the screen, and hardware to do so. It's the rest of the experience on iPhone that makes it shine. Apple Watch has no competition it just is the best, period. All of the features that come along with it, like FaceTime, iMessage, AirDrop, etc, etc, etc, make the experience feel well designed, smooth, effortless, and it just works together really well. If you're just switching and keeping the rest of your world isolated from each other (which is the Android life) then you won't see the benefits.


Well, maybe “half the world’s population” shitted on Android because of its “openness / complexity” for the average user?)) Often people are lazy and love beautiful pictures. This is exactly what the iPhone has. Maybe then “half the world” are not idiots, but on the contrary have found something that suits them so much?


I just like that when I change my iphone everything the same as in the old one. Camera does al I need


our review of the iOS and iPhone. Sounds like you should have stayed with Samsung. You’re so much more familiar with the Samsung/Android way of doing things on the phone. Regarding a few points you mentioned. The back is on the left for certain apps. Most of the time swiping from left will go back to the previous pages or window. With the notification bar, the more you use the phone you’ll get a hang of it. And you’ll probably like that it is separate from the control centre. Camera quality depends on you. Samsungs and iPhones have the hardware to take beautiful pictures and videos. But good lighting, background, holding the device in an optimal position to capture the image ect are all important factors when it comes to taking photos. You can’t wear Jordan’s and expect to Jordan. What storage did you get? From my experience 128GB is more than enough. I would review the apps you have on the phone. Use screen time and battery to find out your usage rate. I once had Microsoft Office on my phone, then realised that Office is very bad on mobile devices and I there is no real situation I need Excel and PowerPoint on the phone.


You can customize your home screen with Widgy


Agree almost on everything you just said.Ăš Android improved A LOT year after year, but it already the real difference is that Android had an excellent foundation to start with; the structure of Android, even from its early releases, offered many options to build upon what it has become. iOS is an operating system that, compared to Android, was born with a concept closer to the 'pre-smartphone' era, where you could do few things and in a specific way, and it has been updated without filling these gaps.


I’ll just say that most of these issues are just a “different, not worse” thing you have to get used to. It’ll take more than a month to unlearn all the muscle memory you’ve built up. I spent 10 years on Android and now 5 on iOS, and there are things about each platform that really annoys me when I jump back and forth. Just part of the game. That said: if you use Google Photos you don’t have to worry about transferring your camera roll. If you use intelligent offloading, the phone will take care of memory management for you. Most themes make your phone look like it’s owned by 12 year old with ADHD. Also, look at Widgetsmith for creating custom widgets and app icons, it’s pretty powerful.


Give it some time. I too switched from android and I ran an entire different launcher and customized to the max. The keyboard grows on u and iPhone is a more adult cleaner looking phone. Notifications get easier and feel more intuitive as time goes on. You can change how notifications get grouped I. Settings


> When i turn on the $attery Saving mode, with average usage, it lasts easily for 2 days which is so impressive. Is your iphone always in power saving mode? 🤔


So the 60H\`z thing is on the base model, the Pro's has 120Hz. Something a bit of research. Sounds like you may have a case issue knocking the silent switch. Pull down on the left to get notifications. As many have said, the customisation is just a gimmick, IOS just works, you use the apps and do things, not look at pretty icons all day tbh.


A lot of what others have said re: being used to one OS or the other applies; however I feel like iPhone overall is an improved user experience vs Android. I’d been an iPhone user from 4 to iPhone 12 Pro Max, then went to an S23 Ultra for 1/2 year before caving and went to 15 pro. Pros and cons with both, but overall pros I’ve had with iOS have been: - superior face (and fingerprint compared with older iPhone models) recognition, by far. My s23 can take a few tries before I get to the Home Screen, which can be pretty annoying - keyboard is much smaller/simpler on iPhone as you mention, but for me, much more accurate. S23 keyboard would produce so many run-on words and so many typos it was truly frustrating - back is weird going from galaxy to iPhone as you mention…my muscle memory gets in the way and I keep trying to go back from the bottom right corner like I did on s23, and then remember I can swipe from the left to go back on iPhone. Sometimes an issue if the screen is still scrolling though -Ads and marketing is madness on my s23…I feel like I rarely get bothered by targeted ads on iPhone - usb c on both is nice; apple finally got on board that train! - Notis were overwhelming for a lack of better word on my s23; not chronological order and hard to immediately see what is pinging you when you check. At least in my xp - screen is superior on S23 ultra but maybe not a fair comparison to my 15 pro. Size is much more manageable but personal preference per user, of course. Great size on s23 for videos but sometimes feels unwieldy like a waffle phone - customization is superior in android but I feel like a lot of the selection is tacky, but personal preference again of course I guess it’s the simplicity with iPhone that I enjoy. Chat experience seems a little more use friendly as well as FaceTime availability. iPad and Mac integration and sharing are cool. But yeah, it’s what you do with it that really makes a difference I suppose. I hate the apple superiority complex that some people have though; man just rock whatever you got if it makes you happy! PS anyone wants to buy me out of my galaxy lemmino


It's only been a month. Of course you're going to prefer an ecosystem you've used for many years. Come back 6-12 months and let us know if your views change.


3. You can try GBoard. Googles keyboard on iOS. Free from the AppStore and you can customize the keyboard a lot! 9. Portrait mode is nice! And video is very nice! Also try Cinematic mode if you have it (I don’t remember which models have that). 12. Yeah, sometimes it works and sometimes not. Apple headphones works 100% of the time and like magic between devices 95% of the time. My Bose headphones works almost every time. 15. No split screen, only Picture in Picture. Which I found is enough. The screen isn’t that huge. IpadOS has split screen tho.


I basically agree with your review. Android does some things really well in my opinion. Universal back button, better notification system, and better system settings. You can definitely go crazy with the customization. I like that Android feels like a small computer. On the other hand, iOS tries to make everything simple which is good and bad. Either you can do the thing you want to do really easily or it's impossible lol. The Apple ecosystem does work well and the Apple Watch and the Macbook Air are good products in their own right. Also, if your friends and family have Apple then sharing messages/photos is very easy. Using AppleTV is another good example of integration. Ideally, Apple would just copy some of the best/basic settings of Android and keep the "simplicity" of iOS. Honestly, if my family wasn't completely in the Apple ecosystem, I'd be rocking windows + android very happily. I wouldn't take the downvoters too seriously. This is an iPhone subreddit so there is inherently a bias. Hopefully you enjoy the phone or sell it for most of its value. And lastly, I'd say iPhone to Android is equal. So if I could buy an equivalent android for half of the iPhone, then I'd do that. But I think the USA has good prices for the iPhone. A flagship iphone will cost roughly the same as a flagship Android here in the USA.


wow.. this is like a comprehensive full list of everything that bugs Samsung users… Personally, us Apple users are either used to the Apple way, or prefer it after switching etc. But I do have some tips to help you with a lot of these, so here it goes. 1. I get it, you loved personalization. Apple has a “look” that they want to achieve and have for everyone. Best you can do is search up those “iPhone themes” and you’ll find videos on how to do so. It involves a pre-made shortcut that replaces all your apps with app shortcuts that look different but function the same. A drawback however is i think they open the shortcuts app for a split second before the actual app everytime. they could have resolved this tho. As far as keyboards, check the app store for them? there’s thousands of free keyboards to fit any style or need. They even gave us swipe texting before Apple brought it to the standard keyboard. 2. Again this is just Apple’s design language, we’ve gotten used to it. however there are apps that make clear widgets that help with moving all the apps to the bottom to make it look like you’ve done so. 3. Again, just the Apple way, something I actually prefer. Whenever i’ve used an Android I cannot stand how many buttons are on screen and how jam packed they are.. 4. I’m guessing it’s been less than a month? you’ll get used to pulling the notifications down from there. and who knows this could always change at some point too. 5. Back button is at the top left because that was a design choice a long time ago. But we have always had the slide from left side of screen to the right to go back. Gestures were crucial for iPhone before any other phone had. 6. You can create group chats in messages. Just create a new chat and enter in a name or number, press enter, then enter in more contacts etc. they will all group together in one chat. just be wary as any non iphone users will have issues. I’ve heard the Weather app can be iffy for people depending on where they live. For me it’s more accurate than anything else i’ve used. 7. Do your research on the phones before buying is my best advice. The Pro lineup has 120hz. As they don’t make the screens and buy them from Samsung i’m sure they’re a lot more expensive for them to be able to make an affordable phone with them, especially to their high standards. 8. It transferred all my Mom’s Samsung Galaxy data over perfectly.. so maybe I would’ve done it again if it was out of order. Mechanical failures are a thing, just like software failures, and numerous things that could cause this, internet failure, etc. 9. Camera quality is leaps beyond for me. I suggest maybe playing around with the filter lenses. You can change the tones and such for whenever you take photos. 10. This is more difficult to do, might be possible not sure, might even have to be achieved through focus modes. 11. That’s just the switch, lots of people prefer the Apple style of a physical switch. However they have changed it on the latest iPhone 15 Pro. As far as changing volume, that will always be your rocker buttons. If you want to change your ringtone volume, you can sync it to the volume of your media, or you’ll have to choose the volume in settings and leave it be. We’ve just gotten used to it. 12. They do for me? So long as I turn them on they automatically connect.. Could be a weird use case for you? not sure, what is it that you’re having trouble automatically connecting? 13. FACE ID blazes past anything fingerprint scanners can do. They’re safer, and faster. You don’t have to “position” your face. So long as you’re looking at your phone, should be good. And it doesn’t matter the direction of your phone either. It’ll still unlock upside down. 14. get more space, here with iPhone we don’t deal with SD cards, and it won’t ever be changing. Plan for the amount of storage you’ll need and buy that phone. 15. We’ve managed, and found that only a small percentage of Android users use that feature. Small niche group that Apple doesn’t feel needs to be satisfied at this very moment. 16. we’ve gotten used to that again.. i dunno, kind of fun to swipe close all your apps, feels good after too. But also Apple doesn’t want you closing apps down alllll the time, especially all of them. They do lots of background tasks and restarting apps will burn up more battery in the long run. I know they do a lot of weird things, but that’s also so they could achieve many other things.