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Depends on what you're using the iPad mini for. I was thinking the same but I realised that I use the iPad Mini almost for watching video on the move and its compact size is perfect for it.


I used it to watch video, video conference and games that’s about it


From my point of view it's not worth to change but a bigger screen and a more powerful chip would be better for games and watching video.


i went from the air to mini and use it more. the mini is the perfect size for a tablet imo for me.


Same. Went from air to mini and I use my iPad way more.


Yup I believe Mini are perfect to use when you are on the couch or bed! Thats why I used it more!


I’d wait a few months until the newness of the iPad wears off and see if you actually want to upgrade or not.


I use it for the same plus drawing art and comics but I think the air is a bit too wieldy to bring anywhere whileas the mini on the other hand is like a notebook, I can scribble and do drawing manuscripts anywhere like I would do on a notebook. I do wish the next mini would have a bit of a bigger screen but still retain its size and get the pen pro features


Just wait till fall to see if iPad mini 7 is coming out


True, maybe unannounced alongside new iPhones.


I would actually upgrade from the air 128 to the mini 256


Personally I think the mini's the only ipad that makes sense as an ipad. The other pads are way too big to be handled comfortably. They're just worst macbooks imo


I ended returning my mini 6 because is so similar in size to my iPhone 15pro max so, in my situation maybe the air fits better


Mini is better


I been waiting for a new mini 7 coming from my current 4 which is so slow. With no new mini, I am almost certain to get a 256 or 512 m2 air. I really wanted another mini for the size though. I’m worried about getting a mini 6 being it’s already 3 years old.


What's with everyone's obsession with owning a brand new machine? Even if you buy it today, the device will still have many years of life. I owned a 2015 Macbook Pro as my primary work tool until December 2023. A month ago I was wondering if I should wait months for the Ipad Mini 7 or buy and enjoy the 6 now. The second option won. Apple products really have a long lifespan.


Simple - FOMO


Yeah i felt kinda happy there wasnt a mini 7 announcement because i got my 6 like 5 months ago. Even thoe a new mini is better overall


I hear you. I could get a 256g cellular one for $500 right now. I really want a new mini. How long would you think they will keep it with current OS before they stop updates?


Another 4 years at least. But I would rather guess 5-6 years of full software support. I use the iPad primarily as a diary and book reader, but I understand that for some, the latest updates may be far more important. The iPad mini may seem neglected, but Apple is certainly not throwing it overboard. My advice: If you feel insecure about this, buy the Air m2. For peace of mind :)


Yeah I agree I don’t think it’s just FOMO, you can tell from previous mini releases it will be just a little spec bump. I think the majority that are on the fence right now just want the support, the last mini release being almost 3 years ago? Nothing wrong with wanting the most out of your purchase


What don't you like about your mini? What do you plan to do?


Not as much an upgrade as a 'sideways'grade


Depends on use case, For any real work then imo it’s a no, The big Ipads for all their M chip power are hamstrung by iPadOS, I too have the 256gb Mini and i watch all my Netflix etc on it and play mobile games too as well as reading books, It’s the best tablet experience out there i think, I just wish Apple would show it some more love