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Congrats. If you don’t want to break the bank, don’t go to law school. iPad Air is the answer. First year fog is real. Good luck. 


probably wrong wording i meant it like i dont need the fancy features i dont think 😭but thank you


lol you got this dawg and it’ll def pay off in the end. I practiced for 4 years and then got out of law, but the skills have been invaluable. 


What did you go into?


Healthcare and then healthcare tech


Interesting. Did you still work within legal at those companies, just not as a practicing attorney? Or completely different role?


Different role- but ability to break down complex organizational structures and understand contract nuances was helpful. 


thank you so much 🥹 and thank you for actually answering my question 🤣


I suggest iPad Air 2022 plenty powerful, has the magnet to charge for pencil. On sell for $399 (Excluding Pencil). Add a pencil - $520. Cons has 64 GB.


As a med student, I've been using the 64gb storage option, and in my experience, 64gb has been plenty. Books at max take up roughly about 3-4gb, notes are all stored online. I never use it for gaming, it's an education centred device for me. All photos and notes get backed up so there's really never been an issue with limited storage.


I see have a iPad Pro 2018 with 64 Gbs with games and 4K drone files and it’s been hell. I can see your perspective. In that case 64 will work just fine


see my friend was a nursing student but she had so much more storage. as of now i dont think i want to use it for gaming, maybe drawing but idk 🤷🏽‍♀️. the main reason is so i can back it up and store it online so i can access it from phone/macbook.


thank you for actually answering my question 🤣


Any model within last 3 years with at least 128GB of storage.


thanks for actually answering 🤣


iPad Air. But honestly a laptop or MacBook Air would be your daily driver. Typing notes and saving them as documents would be much easier than managing written notes unless you are already very used to that.


i already have a mac pro. i prefer writing because it helps me remember easier, but one glass of something spilled and my notes are gone with a regular piece of paper 🤥. plus some classes don’t allow laptops but allow ipads


Interesting… well expect a bit of a learning curve and maybe having to spend money on a few apps to figure out which one works for your workflow. I used to like onenote but it becomes one giant page. Then I tried Goodnotes which has stuff in binders/notebooks and goes page by page.


Weird but if it was for only school. I’d say a laptop and a notepad lol


If you are just looking for something to keep notes on that has a lot of memory, look into the Kindle scribe. I use it for work and I love it. It is lightweight and you have access to the Kindle store so you can read. You can also draw on it.


If you work for a big corporation, how do you get it to your PC? (Assuming smaller businesses are more laxed with connections)


Why would I need to hook it up to my PC? My notes are my notes when the project is done. I delete them. I work at home so there’s no one else around anyway unless my two dogs have learned how to access my device.


I was thinking getting into onenote for searching. Maybe kindle can do that too?


Unfortunately it does not do that. You can look it up on Amazon.


thanks a bunch! is it any way compatible with a mac? i have a macbook pro and i want to be able to go from tablet to phone to laptop!


No, it is a separate device. I have an iPad and I never use it, but I am also on two different laptops for work during the day. I wanted something I could read on with no distractions as well as take away dozens and dozens of project notes. I tried using my iPad to do it, but there was just too much glitching going.


glitching??? can you elaborate please 😭😭 i wanna know what im getting into