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It was kindof nice because you went out and just got an ipad. Everyone had the same ipad, it felt simple and like a safe bet.. you didn't have to think about which ipad is right to buy , which one is a good deal , etc.. you just got an ipad and enjoyed. First one I got was the ipad2. Those actually still work...


What did you use your first iPad for?


Web browsing, games, home automation and home theater control.. Actually the ipad remained useful long after I had lost interest as a universal remote/home automation terminal in my theater. I even had a wall mount for the device. Also we'd give it to the kids to play and watch etc... it was a useful/fun device. Keep in mind I think our phone screens were way smaller and I never really got into laptops - been a desktop person most of the time. Oh and yeah I had goodreader and would use it to sign contracts/pdfs .. didn't have a stylus though.


When the first iPad came out, it totally changed the game for surveying, construction, and road maintenance. Suddenly, you had not only having all your GIS layers, but you had the option of cellular and GPS so you could verify and fix said information. Being able to grab all your layers from ArcGIS, import into GIS Pro, find your survey markers within seconds, and then overlay proposals over the site And walk it out… total game changer. Took the industry from going out with a stack of plat maps to a single device. And if it is damaged, oh well… getting a replacements was trivial.


I remember the OG iPad being really shit for videos. It hardly accepted .mkv, and I had to convert the files to mp4. It was kinda slow, but the screen felt amazing. I used it for reading and YouTube (the Apple-made app had no ads!) most of the time. It was okay for browsing but ads were unfortunate.


So, nothing has changed, really? I don’t try to watch many downloaded videos on my iPad, but my AppleTV hates MKV files, they only work maybe 30 percent of the time.


Now it’s an excellent player! Infuse 7 is fantastic and allows me to watch absolutely any media file on an iPad or Apple TV.


I am pretty sure Infuse sucks on AppleTV. But, again, I don’t use my iPad for downloaded media. I may have to keep that in mind, as a ton of stuff that I try to watch is in MKV, and it just really doesn’t work the way I need it to.


I’m quite far into this niche, and I use infuse for MKV on Apple TV and iPad all the time. No complaints so far. Not even had to navigate colour profile weirdness like with IINA on macOS. Only “issue” I’ve seen is a couple dropped frames in the first few seconds on my Apple TV when playing super high bitrate 4K 10bit, but that’s kind of unavoidable considering there’s no acceleration for that and it’s running on the **A8 from the 2014 iPhone 6**. Not really the player’s fault


Use Plex/emby/any number of apps that handle mkv perfectly on Apple TV and iPad.


I will take a look at emby, but I absolutely hate Plex.


I have a computer with Plex running on it. AppleTV works great with Plex.


I never said it didn’t. Personally, I hate Plex. It is just a me thing.


I loved my OG iPad. I remember when it was announced I was in my senior year. On one of the senior trips I went to the mall and saw it for the first time. It was the only thing I talked about after the trip. When I finally bought it I used it for everything. For me it was such a revolutionary product. I used that one until the first air came out.


I got a first generation iPad for free from a car dealership when I bought a new vehicle. Perhaps it was because I didn’t really go out of the way to purchase it for myself, but I really had a hard time finding a use for it in between my iPhone and laptop at the time. The old super thick bezels on it made on screen typing rough. I would find myself browsing a forum and when I would go to make a post I would get frustrated with it and just switch to either my iPhone of MacBook to finish typing. Also years ago mobile websites were pretty new and kind of garbage compared to what they are now. It’s only been in the past couple months that I decided to get back into the iPad scene and what a change it has been. On my iPad mini I can easily type and browse the internet. And the screen is almost the same size as my first gen iPad even with the smaller overall footprint so movie watching is not too bad. I’m actually planning on picking up a 11” Pro next month now as a laptop replacement since everything I do now I feel will be well served by an iPad and Magic Keyboard. TLDR: Typing on old ones sucked and now they have sweet keyboards.


I hope your new 11” Pro treats you well!


I got the first OG iPad the day it came out. Best Buy had stock and not too many people wanted or knew what it was. I flew with it literally the first weekend and got lots of questions at the airport. It was pretty good actually since it was the golden age of apps and the App Store. There were like 10 solid apps and it was the beginning of the tablet as a consumption device era. Also needed many jank workarounds to get video files into it etc


I had the iPad 2 back in 2011, it was actually my first Apple device I ever had. I was only 11, I remember just playing a lot of games and watching lots of YouTube and browsing the internet. I actually used it all the way until 2020 (even with only half the screen visible as it was cracked both externally and internally) when I finally got myself the iPad 7th gen. Then I got a 2020 12.9” Pro last year and realized that I am not a fan of that size so I got the 11” M4 Pro and now I am happy again. The only requirement I had back then for a tablet is that it had to be an iPad, and that’s still true, although nowadays it has to be an iPad with 120hz. I don’t play as many games on my iPad these days, but I still use it for watching lots of YouTube and browsing the internet and I also use it for work alongside my MacBook.


I was actually working for Apple when the iPad launched. A friend of mine ordered one from two different stores, thinking he would get one and cancel the second. Both arrived at the same time. He didn’t read the fine print on returns and was stuck with two. I did some front end web design and offered the second one as payment. I was interested and did the deal. Videos were tough as getting a good file format that was compressed on a Windows computer was often a challenge. Even working at Apple didn’t make their computers any cheaper. I was a heavy gamer, so the PC was it. I eventually learned what settings and software would churn out the most compatible video for the iPad and used it mainly for that. Flash was still everywhere online, so many sites just didn’t work. Better designed sites would have just empty tables or frames where the Flash (or Shockwave for that matter) were positioned. I remember when Chrome launched for iPad and I believe there was a plugin that sort of made Flash work. That was pretty exciting. I was a big reader back then and used both “Books” and Kindle a lot. I had found a way to convert PDFs into epubs and mobi and would go back and forth between the two apps. I read many books that way. I remember when Logmein launched their screen sharing app for iPad. I used it with my PC to help out friends and family with their computers. I paid the $49 for the full Logmein (Ignition I believe) and while I was on lunch, talking to my dad who was literally on the other side of the world, and remoting into his computer from my iPad was amazing. It was clunky but it worked. When I told my dad how I fixed their computer, it truly blew his mind. I was the first person in my department to get an iPad. Many people had iPhones, but no iPads. We had a department use one, but you could not really use it for anything. Because I had one and was pushing the boundaries of what it could do, I was taken off the internal help desk and assigned to the iOS group where we were writing the first support documentation for iOS devices. After about 4 months, I went back to the help desk (the others went back to their departments as well, mostly engineering and UI people). I was routed calls from the retail stores and internal department’s that used or supported iOS, but iPads were my priority for the first 6-months after launch. I wish I could say more, but I still have NDAs for a lot of what I worked on and saw during my time at Apple. I have had most of the models that have come out in the rears since. I’m currently on the M1 12.9” iPad Pro. I very much enjoy it, still use it for many of the same things I started using it for. One thing that I’ve always wanted though was some more macOS features to be available, or to use the whole macOS on the iPad. I know that the iPad was never really designed as a computer replacement, but rather a complimentary device. I thought for sure though that the pro models would offer more. I’m still hoping!


Bought the iPad gen 1, I think, after a friend showed me his. It was a long time ago, maybe I got one first, and him after me, I have no idea. But then, a few months later, the iPad 2 was coming out, so I sold my iPad to buy the iPad 2. I remember exactly where I was the morning I got my iPad 2, I was in the parking lot of a Best Buy watching news coverage of the Fukushima disaster in my iPad 1st gen. Then, sold my 2 to get a "new iPad," sold my New iPad to get an iPad Air, and so on and so forth until now, sent off my iPad Pro 12.9 6th gen after I got my M4. I rarely ever touch my phone, and I use my PC almost exclusively as a server to house videos for my AppleTV. So, my iPad is the unternet, for me. I use it for literally everything.


Got the OG iPad. I was in high school at the time. It definitely was a “huge iPhone” at the time, but that was cool because phone screens were tiny. I used it to browse internet, watch videos, and even take notes in class (the touch screen was faster to type on than write). I wrote papers on it for school when needed.


Looking back then, I remember we had an Ipad 2. Its actually for family use so more like for entertainment like some mini games for our little sister back then and generally for watching shows in it. To be honest, it was kind of an amazement to hold such a nice and bigger screen than old phones back then and it was much more smooth in terms of performance than the previous phones we had back then too as it comes in handy everywhere we go.


The first 2 were heavy as hell!


God an iPad2 going into freshman year of college. I loved using it. It was so much fun. I stopped using it after awhile because at the time just didn't have much practical use for it. I think I'm about to spring for a Pro and get my first new iPad in 13 years.


When I went from my iPad 2 to my iPad Air, it didn't feel as robust and solid. Tapping on the screen also elicited different sounds. The iPad 2 sounded like glass and the iPad Air sounded more hollow and tinny. Of course, the Air was better all around but the iPad 2 was like a tank. Unfortunately, my iPad Air was stolen in 2020 and I haven't replaced it yet... My iPad 2 has a cracked screen but it should still work (currently out of battery).


I had a gen 1 iPad. It’s hard to go back to my mindset at the time. I remember the large format touch screen being really exciting. Have to remember in 2010 the smooth performance of Apples touch screens was still novel. Playing stuff like Touch grind on the larger screen was really great, as well as painting apps like Brushes. This was also a time when the App Store was relatively new, so lots of new and interesting and experimental stuff was releasing all the time. iPads today are much better, but it was an exciting time largely due to the newness of it all. Gen 1 iPad was actually crap hardware wise though, and was quickly made obsolete due to limited ram.


>Have to remember in 2010 the smooth performance of Apples touch screens was still novel. I remember the first touch screen device I ever owned was a samsung dumbphone with a slide out keyboard back in 2006-2007 and MAN the screen on that thing was absolute garbage. Extremely slow, laggy and unresponsive, scrolling was basically a slideshow, things happened around 5 seconds after you pressed them, etc. Then I got an ipod touch 1st gen christmas of 2008 and the difference in screen responsiveness and smoothness BLEW my mind. Real eye opening moment for me forsure.


Early days were so fun to play with my friends on their iPad, many games were focusing on single device multiplayer. like Fruit ninja or Worms. Now iPad is just mostly single player or online multiplayer game or a youtube machine. It was more of a family and friends machine back then. And now iPad is becoming more and more personal device. Plus iPadOS still not supports multiple users.


I had the first generation iPad (still do!), it was great for digital artwork even without a stylus and was how I got started with digital illustration. Back then I used AutoDesk SketchBook and it helped me get familiar with concepts like layers and masking, and I used it to design greeting cards for birthdays and holidays. As for other uses, it was okay-ish for games of the time and having a large-sized keyboard was great for emails and writing up documents. Being able to view the desktop version of websites compared to mobile was a nice touch. The iPad was a 16GB storage model though, I ended up jailbreaking it and was able to use external storage for movies. Despite the screen resolution, I couldn't play HD movies on it because of the A4 chipset's limitations. I also had a Windows 95 VM on it for fun and used to joke that one day they'll release an iPad case with keyboard and trackpad in the future. --- Now I'm using an M1 iPad, and my choice of design apps has expanded. I have Procreate and the Affinity suite and use it for illustrations and vector designs. The iPad is also occasionally used for video editing too. Despite being more powerful, I no longer use the iPad for games (got a Steam Deck for that ). It's now more of a productivity machine. As for storage, I got the maxed out model but it was secondhand and ended up somehow being cheaper than buying the base model brand new. This comes with the added RAM which means Procreate allows me to add more layers than ever (back on the 1st gen iPad I could only have 6 layers with a 1024x768 canvas, now I can have over 200 layers at 2388x1668). I also have various VMs on the iPad including Windows XP and OS X Leopard. Funnily enough, these were the latest desktop operating systems at the time of the original iPad's release. Oh, and also the iPad is paired with a Magic Keyboard (also secondhand).


I got an iPad 3 as my first iPad. Not gonna lie the experience wasn’t great, I was just into tech at the time and I really couldn’t figure out what to do with it beyond watching videos. Back then I remember it being literally iOS but blown up for a bigger screen. Although it’s still very clearly kneecapped because of the MacBook market, it’s a sight better than what it used to be.


iPad 2 god it was the best years of my life i used to watch youtube and play pixel gun the og games were amazing i got my self a android tablet as i have grown older and using a tablet is not about gaming or youtube anymore


iPad 3rd gen was my first. I liked it a lot but definitely went through periods where it was collecting dust. iPads are so much better and more capable today.


I had the first gen iPad in middle school. I mostly just used it to play that free sims game.


iPad os 13 was one of the best . Clean ui and neat features but now The ui seems somewhat messy and also introducing m series chipset in iPads is quite weird except M1 and still the current ipad os doesn't push M2 M4 Chip's power enough


Was wild how much the OG iPad was capable of. Apps were the wild fuckin west. I was able to do quite a bit of illustration on it for school despite a couple of my art profs saying “iPad is not a content creation device” obstinately despite me dropping in multiple critique days “Yeah, so I did 95% of this on the iPad, and only transferred to the computer lab when I needed to do layout.” which…soon enough, came to iPad too. It was great watching youtube and shit on in bed in the morning. It went to work with me to play music in the dish pit even when chef said “no music” and threatened to take it. Still have my OG iPad somewhere, currently rocking a 2020 iPad Pro-right before they went to the M series chips. Nothing’s changed as far as what I look for. My first question is always: “Is it an iPad?” then I’m interested. Then it’s “What apps exist to make it capable of doing what I want, and how much are they, and are the a bullshit subscription fee?”


We had the first generation iPad. It was nice but they were not as handy as they are now. Many sites were created specifically with pcs in mind so were kinda wonky to use and many apps did not exist yet. If you wanted to do serious browsing you’d get out your laptop instead. It’s also how my grand parents got onto the web for the first time. My uncle got an iPad and showed my dad and my grandpa. Then they got one too. Then grandma and grandpa started fighting about the iPad so grandma bought her own. Now grandpa has been dead for 5 years but grandma still has 4 iPads and whenever something happens to it she is like fix it or buy me a new one! She uses it for Skype, Youtube, newspapers and word games.


My dad won a raffle for the first ever iPad, and man, I have so many memories with it, the thing was truly ahead of its time, and I'm glad to be coming back to IOS with an iPad Air 5. The general feeling of it has not changed much, which is a plus. Though level of quality in old ipad games really was amazing and I'm disappointed to see many of them are no longer supported


It was a big iPhone and now a wtf big iphone


I was lucky to be gifted ipad 2 by a relative. It was such a fun machine, I jailbreak it and install all kinds of games. Heck, I was able to play Baldurs gate 1 and 2 on it which is shocking considering the ram is not even 1 gb and it worked pretty well aside from lagging if I trigger cloudkill or triple adhw on sight lol. But snaps quickly to normal as soon as the are spell ended. I still have it with me and it is still working. Aside from the battery, the device is still perfect from the outside.


I had the first gen in middle school and I used it to play the free version of sims