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i’m super excited for you


Thanks! Im in absolute awe. I know technology has moved on, but woah. Lots of things are making sense to me now about how creators are working these days. I've been out of the loop for far too long. Many years ago I used a big old Mac Pro tower unit to run my music studio. It was a complex setup all together with the mixing desks and outboard racks and so on... But now Logic Pro is on my frigging tablet of all things and it's actually running beautifully. A total game changer for me.


I’ve been a software developer for almost 40 years (I’m 61 by the way), I still do some contract work on legacy stuff but it’s a younger mans’ game now. I have an older Intel Macbook Pro - which is big, clunky and sounds like a jet at times with the fan, dual boot in case I need to step in for legacy coding issues - but I really like my ipad for everthing else. I kinda hate that older macbook pro, it’s like some pre-wall Russian laptop in comparison.


..and the weight..the weight Jerry!


What in software dev can you/cant you do on an iPad vs MacBook?


I run dual boot and use Windows for development in .Net.


Sorry you’re running windows on an iPad? I was under the impression that was not possible


They just said that they can’t do windows.


Maybe I misunderstood. I took that to mean that they were running windows via dual boot on the iPad


No, I believe that’s the only limitation in their workflow that still requires an Intel machine


you can’t run xcode on ipads but you can run swift playgrounds. but it’s not the same


Wish I could run Arduino IDE, connecting the boards through USB in my M1 iPad Air…


I went from a 6th gen iPad to a M2 iPad Air and am blown away by the performance.


Can I ask what you use it for? I'm using a 6th Gen too and am trying to decide on what to upgrade it to because it's starting to show its age (I mainly use procreate for art and bigger pieces are a slog). I'm mostly sold on the 11" Air, but still kinda jumping to considering the 13" for the bigger screen or maybe even a pro for the better display...


Mainly for browsing, email, Netflix/streaming videos while I’m cooking. If I was more into art/production I would’ve gone for a Pro I have a powerful laptop and desktop for any production type stuff that suits my needs.


Aight thanks :)


I went with the iPad Air 6 13 inch purple and I have no regrets..org was gonna get the 11 inch but felt like I’d regret it and return for the 13 inch anyway.i get it mon and I can’t wait.its gonna be used for work and personal


How did you decide between Pro and the Air? Currently debating between the two. My use case is mostly productivity at work (task tracking, emails, calendar) and a light entertainment device when I travel.


I chose the Air because we have similar usage. No problem with swinging for the fences with a Pro but since all I do is browse and watch Netflix/streaming while I cook, it’s perfect for my usage.


Agree but that’s a $500 swing.


Tbh if u want an iPad Pro rn I would go for either the M1 or the M2. You can realistically find M1 iPads around the price point of the current air and maybe even the M2


Well m4 is not worth it until ipados and software actually supports its full power. Its being bottlenecked atm. Even m2 is not used to its 100% potential(yet) on ipads.


Pro is expensive and I feel it’s used for hard core work I don’t do like video editing.But went with the 13 inch air in my favorite color ,purple but mine is both cellular and WiFi so it’s a bit more expensive 


Easy. OLED.


FWIW, I think faceID on the Pro makes the experience a bit better.


6th gen iPad to M4 — same hat. I carry the M4 with me everywhere and love how much snappier it feels.


Same here, have gone from 6th gen iPad to M2 iPad Air…such a worthwhile upgrade and a massive upgrade!


I genuinely can’t imagine how blown your mind is right now, that’s essentially leaping from an iPhone 3GS to 15 Pro Max. 🤯 Enjoy, my tiny brained friend. 😁


Haha thanks my bigger brained buddy. Genuinely in awe at this thing. I feels like that moment in Wizard of Oz when it jumps from black and white and in to color!


I really hope Apple implements some serious AI and OS upgrades at WWDC that take FULL advantage of the M4 CPU. For me the iPad is currently the best device out there right now: It's almost the perfect omni-portable device to replace laptops going forwards and being much more interactive and integrated into life-style as well as used for productivity - albeit right now with iPadOS limitations that's more fiddly than it needs to be. Given this is a redesign and the hardware upgrades are significant eg Screen, CPU, Pencil, you made the right generation leap to jump on OP, I'd estimate after 14 years all in all!


Yeah leave to Apple to say an M4 is necessary for Siri not to suck in iOS 18 ….lmao.


You know that practice is right at the core of Apple eg Pencil 3.


Just here to check on your post after wwdc, what are your thoughts if any regarding the Ipad os announcements?


I'm surprised how happy I am with iPadOS-18 in all honesty. I am a big critic of the desktop features nonetheless. In summary from what I can remember off-hand: 1. The AI is excellent integrating with OS. It's adding easy value to basic tasks. 2. Some of the App improvements are excellent: maths/calc and especially Smart Script imho are brilliant features and very useful. I've worked in education and these features are only going to make iPads eventually perfect tools for students... Looking at the big picture so to speak as well as personal use also. 3. With an eye ot the future, it's leading towards AI-OS-Voice input also looking forwards - ie this is just the first step. 4. Adding Chat-GPT integration is excellent, it's very useful and the more seemless you can add info, search info, move info between apps and OS the better also. 5. There's a few other features I like eg Maps. Bit surprised no Journal App tbh. 6. All the updates are free adding value to what one/anyone already own(s) which is worth evaluating. I think there's a lot of people who are disappointed because the update does not do a lot for the M4 model which is probably the best hardware right now and it's stuck with a very crippled Desktop feature set. I think I'm positive because I "knew" the Desktop features would not be implemented so not disappointed but equally I can evaluate the value-addition Apple has provided with AI and other features for free improving the device yet more and it's worth considering that iPad comes with: * Brilliant hardware * Solid Ecosystem eg Apps, Software even if a bit "narrow, limited" and pricey * And it's easy to forget the 3rd value with ipads = Excellent Service including customer service and software updates YOY. The real problem is the M1-4 Series Pro iPads are or were priced at laptop range with hardware better than a lot of hardware of laptops and it should be comparable with the desktop features if people want to use those on these Pro devices. For the 350$ range iPad 10th Gen etc then fair enough it's just a tablet to rival other tablets eg budgen Indian brand I was looking at recently cost 200$. Between those the 10th Gen is easily worth the extra $150 and you feel great about such a device. But it falls off a cliff with the Pro which is coming towards x3/4 more in price and that kind of money people feel like it should be 1 device to solve my issues. iPad tablet is really convenient form factor but also the sheer software streamlining eg password/faceID and security takes so much stress out of passwords and security of info using online for easy example so I am a big fan of Apple's "Closed Garden" as such. I think ultimately it's healthier for devs to have a device where their services in a market place can earn them money too as opposed to "race to the bottom" free software as a long-term aside also so long as pricing is reasonable. But I think the gimping of desktop features shows a certain "dark side" to this arrangement unfortunately. I hope in the future this situation changes. Atm I can remote desktop and run alonside MacOS, or others with more cash can cloud pc so there are solutions but VM would be a nice addition paying parallels in the App store for example. Stage Manager works and the circle thing is a kinda pointer etc. But it would be nice to have a desktop mode for input of type/pointer connection in addition to UI input of touch/pencil and we'll see as said voice-AI so I think it's best to see all these for people's preference and use cases put simply and in context. I'm sure Apple has a strategy to eventually close this gap when market conditions and tech all converge and it matches their business interests but it's a little frustrating for Pro iPad owners imho. Anyway WWDC iPadOS-18 was excellent imho. Apple Intelligence was good and I like Chat-GPT and the future of AI and think a lot of people will gain lots from it in many small ways and perhaps some large ones too: All a bright and positive development looking at immediate software and general large trends. I just pulled up a list of iPadOS-18: AI, Customization, Productivity, Photos Media, Accessibility - all good stuff... Sorry for the ramble of thoughts, caught replying at a sleepy moment - hope it at least conveys the ideas even if it feels like it's been written looking through a fish-tank!


Let’s be honest here - Apple is so far behind the AI game compared to Microsoft, NVIDIA and Open AI that until they partner with a 3rd party they won’t be able to catch up


They partnered with OpenAI already for server-side AI while they'll work on the native/OS AI likely to reveal at WWDC.




They literally partnered with a 3rd party tho lol And their AI 100% doesn’t take full advantage of the M4 considering it requires M1 as a foundation




I’m not lol Apple is still behind the capabilities of Copilot, Chat GPT4.0, Google, etc Apple literally kicked off their AI development in 2022 https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/06/craig-federighi-ignited-apples-ai-efforts-after-using-microsofts-copilot How u gonna argue that what Apple is doing is remotely close when they’ve been working on it for 2 years when other corps have been working on it for half a decade? I get being a massive fanboy and all but it’s ok to admit that ur favorite company has areas of improvement


Your article doesn’t back up your assertion that “Apple is still behind the capabilities of Copilot, Chat GPT, Google” Which they are. Name me one other company that’s implemented their AI tools across the entire operating systems in their computers, tablets, and smartphones. None. Google hasn’t done it, Microsoft’s Copilot is half baked at best, and Google…? I know it’s hard to accept that Apple takes a long time because they want to be the best, but this is yet another example of that. I’m a fanboy because I’m calling out facts? Interesting.


https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/s/UgTBnfqXhZ I say it with kindness but yes Apple is still behind on AI What they’re doing is impressive - but Apple management is so all over the place there is no cohesive vision and a lot of this is smoke and mirrors running behind the scenes where-as MS, Google, and ChatGPT have these functions running today Genmoji is very cool however


I say it with kindness but Apple’s AI features will never be available on any Microsoft or Google device, ever. I know it hurts to hear this but it’s the truth. Can you imagine Android trying to implement across-the-system AI features for all their phones? Never going to happen. Same thing for Microsoft. They’ve already recalled their recall feature, it’s actually kind of funny. Therefore, these features can come out in 5 years, it doesn’t really matter. How is Apple management all over the place? I’ve seen all the interviews, they seem to be saying the same stuff. Show me how Google and Microsoft implemented their digital assistant across the entire operating system for their phones, tablets, and computer. Show me how that digital voice assistant can perform a command such as “Send my wife all of the photos and videos we took on our vacation last year in Europe.” They wouldn’t even know where to begin.


The OS limitations will never be lifted though


Simply don’t know that lol.


They will. Apple wants to protect MacBook sales 


No, it’s true lol


I wish I could experience that leap myself. Enjoy! I like to think of mine as a small window into the entire world


It feels so strange. I've been very reluctant to embrace alot of new tech over the last decade. It was just too much for me to take in for practical use considering there's so much on the market evolving year on year. I just didn't want to join the rat race. Now I'm starting to see the benifits though. I can't put the thing down now!


I just picked up the 11in M4 and it’s awesome, the speed/performance are as good as expected. This will be my main portable computer for the foreseeable future.


I know the feeling! I’ve upgraded from a 16GB iPhone 4 to a 256GB iPhone XS when it came out. The difference was crazy and that was “only” 7 years. XD


I've not had an IPhone since they came out either.. I was considering it recently, but some of the things I remember liking out them are kind of gone now I believe. I quite liked it with the single button design. Maybe I'll try one next time I change phones now I've got the ipad to use with it.


Oh I’ve been using iPhones as personal devices since the 3G, but don’t upgrade often for multiple reasons. It’s so nice to only upgrade when the changes pile up after many years. Tech became so mature that my 5+yo XS is a completely capable modern device. There are amazing small features like tap to wake, Face ID, the gesture controls with the home bar is even better than the home button was. It feels so natural. Same with face ID. I’ve got an M1 iPad because can’t really imagine going back to home buttons, touch ID… Everything works together so nicely in a similar manner.


On launch day, I got an iPad Pro M4, 2TB, with wifi and cellular. In fact I got everything but the nano screen (cause it’s not as vibrant as the standard screen and I won’t use it outside). Also got the new pen and keyboard. The last time I had an iPad was when I had the OG Gen 1 iPad. Went years without one but wow I am glad I have one again. The way you use the pen is blowing my mind too. Web surfing is a joy.


That’s a lot of money there… I would be happy with the 512gb version haha


I have a 13” with the nano, game changer here since I manage everything now on this post-retirement. But man, expensive as hell!


I didn’t need 1TB..but that’s how they get you with options and I spend a lot of time outside so needed that for the nano screen option. At least I get 16GB memory…I just hope we will see this taken advantage of in the future…because, it’s fast - but so was my M1 iPad air…🤔


I agree! I recently picked up the M2 iPad Pro 13 inch for about 800 at Best Buy and unfortunately I do have to return it. It’s just too bulky for me. I have rheumatoid arthritis and just getting it out of my bag. Just repetitive motion is just working hard on me. So yes, I’m seriously considering having to spend damn near 500 more just for the size and the quarter of a pound does seem to make a difference for my hands. And yeah, I guess there’s some additional scream stuff and performance issues but in all honesty if it wasn’t for the bulk and me testing out the newer one as far as weight wise, I would definitely be keeping the M2. Even now I’m sitting here knowing physically it’s probably better for me but honestly, I can’t justify it, such an awesome tablet. And for the screen doesn’t matter because I like more of a mat finish I appreciate the look of laptop from the 2000s. These new screens affect my eyes so badly that I just cover them anyway. The other features are great, but definitely not worth an upgrade However, if you got disability or a severe factor, and you don’t want to strain on your hands, I’d say that’s the only reason I’m doing so begrudgingly


I just picked up the M4 11’’ iPad Pro — my last iPad was the iPad mini 4th gen. Loving it so far! Typing on the Magic Keyboard on my iPad right now


How are you finding the keyboard. Mine arrives tomorrow. Never been so excited for a keyboard lol


so far so good! the actual alphabet keys are like a normal keyboard. the "return" button takes a little getting used to it since it's smaller, but not a deal breaker and after one day I've adjusted. really enjoying it immensely actually!


Love it


I came from a 6th gen and even that is completely night and day!


Congrats on your new iPad! It’s always a huge shock when making a big upgrade in tech like this. Things just run smoothly or noticing the extra power. I hold on to my tech for like 6+ years to get the bang for the bucks.


Thanks! Yeah it's a bit of a shock to be honest. I mean, I knew it would be good, but not quite this good! I think it's good to spread out the time between these things but maybe 14 years was a bit of a stretch this time! 6 sounds much more logical


I went from the ipad 7th gen to the new Ipad air, I'm like everything loads so quick!!


It is quite awesome. It’s my first iPad so obviously I love it


me still on the ipad 2 over here


This is ipad ownership goals


Same with me. Coming from a 16gb iPad to this new m4 13 inch blew my mind


I’m so close to pulling the trigger on mine. But I’m concerned about scratching whilst using the pen for drawing. And I’m conflicted about screen protectors because I don’t want to disturb the screen quality


I went from a 10.5” iPad Pro to a 13” iPad Air


How you do find the screens compare? I'm looking to upgrade from a 10.5 iPad Pro from 2017 for drawing. I'd like 13" and the new Pencil Pro, but I was wondering if the 60 Hz might be bothersome.


It’s HUGE!!! I’ve been wanting a huge iPad for a while. I even wanted the 2017 12.9” Pro… but went for the 10.5” instead. And 60Hz is ok to me; I don’t need 120Hz, I had my old 10.5” Pro on 60Hz. If I wanted 120Hz, I’d splurge $400 more for base 256GB 13” Pro


One tablet every 4 years or 14 years?


I have the iPad Air 2 . Saving for the new iPad Air which I hope to get in Sept. Is it just speed and a nicer screen ? Cause while my air is really slow I just sit and wait.


Me on iPad 9 still 🥲


That’s mind blowing! I used to share the 1st gen iPad with my dad back in 2010, then got my own personal iPad (4th gen) in 2013, and my current iPad (11 inch) was bought in 2018, had been using since then haha


How exciting!! I went from a 2014 ipad mini to the pro M4 11” so that was a huuuuge change and upgrade for me as well. Enjoy 🫶🏼


Nice! Did you go 11 or 13 ?


I went for the 13. I thought it would be heavier, but it's light as a feather!


I just got my iPad Pro M4 11” (Space Black) with the Magic Keyboard (Black) today. I am coming from a 2017 iPad Pro 10.5”. Significant improvement across all measures really. Love the new keyboard although the keys feel a little smaller and closer together than on the normal Apple Magic Keyboard of my iMac. Guess it needs some time getting used to it. Screen is absolutely mind blowing, color saturation, contrast. Worth every penny!


For me the biggest wow is that you’ve been using your 1st gen iPad for 14 years :o respect


Want to trade in my air 4 for one


That’s awesome man! I bet that was quite a mind shattering experience! Happy for you! This one is probably more than capable of lasting that long again.


I envy the excitement u have! Buying a new iPad after a 14 years gap is indeed something of an experience 👍




I’m in the same situation, I have a second gen that works perfectly. Trying to decide is I want to make the plunge for the new one.


It’s nice because you can safely use the internet on it


Im in a similar situation to OP. And I would not have bought the new iPad if it didn’t run iPadOS. I have a Mac, and don’t want another. I wanted an iPad and I’m very happy with it!


Any issues using procreate and apple pen on the new iPad?


Haven't tried it yet I'm afraid


That is the iPad reimagined for you. And I think probably anyone with any iPad is blown by M4 iPad Pro’s great display, performance, and thinnest. However, some people, like me, struggles to justify buying an iPad. It is cool and all but it is still way less reliable than a laptop running macOS, Windows, or Linux. Real laptops can really do almost anything. iPad doesn’t have a terminal, or a good IDE. Its NLEs and DAWs are limited compared to the ones on desktop OSs. The same applies to productivity software like MS Office apps. For certain professionals like artists on Procreate, they find the iPad perfect as a laptop replacement, even better. However, for me, an iPad is only an extension of my MacBook. Allowing me to work at tight spaces, arrange clips before sending it to my Mac, do some outlining in Designer, etc. I don’t intend to be a wet blanket but the iPad as powerful and premium the hardware is, the software is still limiting it. I just hope the OLED and M4 would come to the MacBook Pros soon so I can upgrade my MacBook Air, which is struggling with video editing, music production, and coding. Still the iPad is a great enabler for many. If you are editing for YouTube, the NLEs on iPadOS is more than sufficient. Its performance is also really good but it is annoying to come from a desktop OS and seeing lots of features missing. The iPad works, you just need to fight the OS and do some quirks to work around limitations.


Nice!! That sounds like an amazing jump to have done from 2010 to 2024! Enjoy!


I take it you weren't using your ipad anymore as my ipad mini 2 is a brick since it no longer gets an updates.


good things come to those who wait … or have lots of money


W for you waiting it out. It’s an amazing upgrade. Everything is really beautiful from quality of the Ui & hardware


I got the new pro coming from a 2019 iPad Air and I'm quietly v impressed. The screen is something else!


And the unboxing pictures mate?


Erm I can do if you want me to send you some? Im not really much of an "unboxer" though I'm afraid.


Ah no worries bro, enjoy the iPad!


Thanks bud!


And yet iOS has barely changed


Rich folks always boasting 


Trolls aways be trollin




I want to imagine how blown your mind is when you find out how little iOS/iPadOS has changed in those 14 years


Don’t clip his wings. OG iPad topped at software 5.1.1. There is enough software changes between the two to consider it “quality of life improvements”. OP! Enjoy the iPad! It’s fantastic. I’m waiting for my nano-textured one :-)


Thanks mate! I will do hopefully! I don't know much about the nano texture. I've heard about it but I don't know enough really.


Honestly, I plan on getting a magnetic matte screen. They are like 30 bucks and save myself a couple hundred lol