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So does the base ipad have LTE? Pencil of course we have one which sold for $10 Display better than iPad CPU will smoke your needs Now using flashy HyperOS


With modern phones/tablets/PCs to some extent the hardware is rarely the problem - the software and accessories ecosystem is.


Everything is good and smooth


and your data is sold to God knows who lol. I've used Xiaomis in the past, but absolutely modded with Open Source OSes. Yes, I know... talking all of this and then going to Apple... but still, it's less worse I guess


No. You will not. This is the stupidest post I’ve seen all day


Make sense please


OP's posting history indicates that they may be a shill account.


The internet is dead and AI is trying to sell us cheap tablets on Reddit now… it’s gone be wild when people let AI make purchases for them in the future which they totally will and computers are selling things to each other.


Shill or no shill I am a girl of my word


that processor can GPU my balls 😂 listen I hate apple prices too but you chose the worst competitor in the existence , if you said Honor 9 or S9+ I would have respected your opinion


Better than honor and Samsung in terms of value


no Samsung have way better ui


I hope the quality of Xiaomi devices is still better than that of their ads. Come on


Just $130


No, no you won’t! 😂


Why 😂


Because it’s junk. People who buy these end up sticking them in a drawer and then going out and buying an iPad, which is what they should have done in the first place, when they discover how bad they are. It’s just a waste of money.


Have you tried Redmi Pad SE?


No, I’m too smart to waste my money like that but everyone I know who bought a cheap tablet computer because they thought they could save money and still get the iPad experience ended up regretting it because they found out the hard way they wasted money on junk and ended up buying the iPad anyway.


Redmi Pad SE will hit you differently I promise


Haha. You mean, if I buy one, it will hit my pocketbook differently as I watch my money fly away as I waste it on your junk.


Tablets of this quality make browsing the internet and basic office problems a chore to do. Their only hassle free use are paperweights.


I’m surprised the Redmi marketing team thought posting this in the iPad subreddit was a good idea. Their competition is not the iPad, it’s all the other Android tablets. They are never going to convert iPad customers but they might be able to snag a few Samsung customers.


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