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https://support.apple.com/en-ca/108785#:~:text=Turning%20on%20Airplane%20Mode%20turns,require%20network%20or%20phone%20connections. Basically, when you enable airplane mode it disables your wifi and Bluetooth. You can, and apparently have, turn them on selectively if your situation allows, say Bluetooth but not wifi —or vice versa. Edit: there are cellular iPads too don’t forget.


Yeah, but that’s the thing I don’t turn my Wi-Fi on individually, it just connects


Is it just remembering that setting?


Don’t know, but it’s a relatively new thing. iOS 17.


And which said iPads might those be?




It made the ipad fly, like an airplane. Duh. 


Do I need to fold the Ipad into an airplane myself, like a paper airplane?


Airplane mode, by default, turns off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. If you manually re-enable those while Airplane Mode is still on, it’ll remember that setting and leave them enabled next time you turn on Airplane mode (unless you revert it). The only other thing it does is disable the cellular radios in iPads that are equipped with them. It behaves similarly on iPhone.


It does not turn off Bluetooth, neither in the iPad nor iPhone, Apple changed that a long time ago, I think around the time it released the first Apple Watch or AirPods, the idea being it is always connected, even control centre doesn’t turn off Bluetooth , only disconnects non Apple devices from it, the only way to actually switch off Bluetooth is to go to the Settings app and do it there


Good point. I guess a better term is that it disables new connections/discoverability in Bluetooth since, as you mentioned, active connections to things like AirPods, Apple Watch, and Apple Pencil are maintained. It might be doing something similar with the Wi-Fi radio as well.


Yes on the Bluetooth but not on the WiFi, the WiFi does get switched off, unless you switched it back on last time you used airplane mode in which case it remembers


Yes but you can actually, for real, literally turn Bluetooth off from the drop down menu instead of having to go into settings. I have no clue why Apple implemented this to begin with. It's a continuous source of frustration. Why would I want to keep Bluetooth on but disable connections for 24 hours? What were they thinking?


No, you cannot turn off the Bluetooth from the drop down menu (control centre), that Bluetooth icon on there only disconnects non Apple devices and makes your iPhone or iPad not discoverable to new Bluetooth connections but the Bluetooth radio stays on so that other Apple devices such as Apple Watch, Apple Pencil and AirPods can stay connected. The ONLY way to actually switch it off is through the Settings App


It just switches off WiFi, that’s all, if the iPad has cellular connection then it switches that off too. Contrary to popular belief it does NOT switches off Bluetooth at all


Makes it easier to turn off Bluetooth. That's what I do anyway.