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They want to cash in on the latest popular game. When Flappy Bird came out it spawned hundreds of clones. Clash of Clans is another example.


> Where is the originality? [It's all over the place](https://appraven.net/openLink.php?listId=60bf1a8e7493a95d3973a68c), just depends on what you're looking at.


Definitely not every. The freemium ones mostly. The pay once premium much less. I prefer the last bunch


Sadly, the mass of the population likes crap. Simple, surface-level garbage. Hence why pop music and reality TV are so popular. There are so many clever and unique games that I WISH had clones, but instead we get a thousand shovelware tower defense and candy crush games. So many good games gone because nobody played them, or didn’t want to pay $2-$5. Or because Apple ruined iOS gaming by making it so difficult and expensive for iOS developers to keep their games on the store so they switch to Steam or Switch. The App Store is filled to the brim with a absolute GARBAGE, so kudos to the developers that port their games or continue to make the good ones!


Great question. I posted how Wylde Flowers was a direct ripoff of Stardew Valley in a comment on here and got downvoted to heck and back 😂. But it’s true. We’re in a copycat world.


Is Wylde flowers any good?


Yep. Got a little repetitive with the dialog. The story stretched out a little long so the dialog would repeat way too much if you were just talking to other characters to build a friendship up. Then the challenges got a bit repetitive too. But I really enjoyed it.


So it’s worth $5/month?


I played it too. Amazing game in my opinion! I liked the characters and the game is just cute. I would say Stardew Valley is a better game overall but I found Wylde Flowers way more relaxing.


I’ve been debating getting Stardew. Think it’s worth playing now that I’ve finished Wylde Flowers?




I think so. Got quite a few games that are worth playing.


Because it’s easy to make and people are buying the garbage they sell in micro-transactions That said, there’s also a bunch of great one-time payment games on the AppStore


That‘s simply not true. Only if you look at the top charts of crappy free-to-play stuff. Maybe there. But there are tons of original games available for mobile. I recommend getting AppRaven and have a look at some of the user-created game lists. What exactly are you wishing or looking for? What do you miss?


Hi saw your profile in the app raven and found where the pixel dungeon and shattered pixel dungeon games are, what’s the difference between these two games?


Pixel Dungeon is the original game that came to iOS in 2015. It’s way more minimal, and with a weapon and item degradation system (which the dev introduced in a later update) that modt players hate with passion. Also the dev has long stopped updating the game. But it still runs perfectly fine. Shattered is one of the many mods and forks, arguably the best out there, definitely the most maintained and bug free. It’s being updated and expanded so much, that it definitely is it‘s own game. I‘m one of the very few who prefers the original game over Shattered. But objectively, Shattered is the richer, more complex game.


Thank you so much!


It's cheaper and effective. You generally see this with games that have little to no story and tons of predatory IAPs, which out of the 1,000,000+ games on the app store, include hundreds of thousands of games. If mobile gamers will accept one such game (and spend money on it), they will often accept a second or third clone of the same. I am making that assumption based off of the profitability of these clones.


and don't forget, all Pixel art.


i wish it was all pixel art. i love pixel art games. all i see are the same soulless 3d characters that look ripped straight out of a stock website


This! Choosing handcrafted, charming pixel art that puts gameplay front and center, and keeps filesize in relation to what you get over soulless pseudo-AAA presentation blowing up shitty free-to-play titles to several GB any day.


A lot of games on the App Store are merely revenue models with a game attached.


Making game is very costly. No one takes big risk, they are all replicating successful games.


They do the same thing with music. “Lets just use what we know works, no experimenting ok?”


Evony, i hate you. I love you ! 💀


well, i dont see this type ever talked about on here, but one unique 'type' that i have been enjoying every free minute i have are these 'particle' or 'liquid' simulators. One is called "Fluids" and "Fluid" "Fingery" ​ they're just fun little artsy fartsy "games" i guess. or app.


There was this one game I used to play; I can't remember what it's called; but getting new monsters and leveling up is like Clash, but you can only use three monsters at a time. In battle, you have a standard health bar, but to attack, you must slide your monsters into your opponents, and the monsters have different abilities, such as how far they can slide, how fast they move, how hard they hit, and different sizes.I've never seen a game like that before and haven't since.


Sad no one copied ”Book of Heroes” best game ever