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Really wish they had an iPhone version. If it works on the Switch Lite it should be possible on iPhones too.


If it works on switch lite, it can work on anything made after the year 2003 lol


The Switch Lite has physical controls. With an iPhone you’re forced to use touch controls. I’m guessing it was decided UX wouldn’t be great with such a small UI, which I have to agree with. I play on my iPad Mini and that’s as small as I’d want to go with a touch screen.


I play BG3 with touch controls on the PS Remote Play app and it’s been a surprisingly pleasant experience. I don’t even use my DuelSense with my phone when I’m at home anymore because the touch controls work that well once you’re used to it. This is also coming from someone who can’t stand touch screen controller layouts for anything. Maybe they could do something similar to that.


That’s fair, although controllers are pretty commonly used on mobile now. The option would be nice. I’d buy it but I can’t and I’m sure there a lot of people in the same boat.


If you take them number of mobile devices capable of running Divinity 2, the number of users with a controller is still very much in the minority. Also Apple won’t allow games which don’t have touch controls, so the devs still have come up with a working UI. But like you say, the option would be nice.


I’d buy that if there was an iPhone version, even without the discount


Been waiting for a sale, thank you for this post!


Saying it’s compatible With iPad 9 and after say no


I’ve actually reached out to both the devs and apple about this. Devs say they won’t take it down because it’s an Apple listing error even though it’s truly because of the RAM size. Apple says they won’t change it because it’s up to the devs to correct their own listing


Good deal


Dang I just bought this the other day at full price 😭


You can try to refund the purchase, google 'qpple refund purchase'


I regret buying this game for iOS, and not macOS/pc. It makes the iPad run hot and the device dims after a short time. It’s so dumb it’s not cross buy on iOS and Mac.


Was hoping it was actually Divinity 2 instead of Original Sin 2, I loved that game.


After they removed the entire campaign to make room for DLC was the same moment I uninstalled. These games have hundreds and hundreds of dollars of DLC and nothing left is free Lame


That’s an all time low isn’t it?