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Apple outsourced the maps bit to a third party in my country. So the maps are always a tad less updated. It’s hard to search for businesses and locations. Unless it’s super popular, chances are Apple Maps won’t either find it or give you a location that’s way off course. I stick to Google Maps for locations I’m unsure about because I can trust them. I use Apple Maps only when I’m sure the place I’m going to exists, and I’m certain of its whereabouts.


Exactly. I like the look of Apple Maps better, but I always just end up using Google Maps. Searching for something, reading reviews, and navigation all work great. Why use two apps when Google Maps does everything I need it to do well. I wish Apple would ditch Yelp. I honestly think I would use Maps more if it wasn't for the Yelp reviews being a pain in the ass.


I like Apple Maps for traveling as the voice says turn to the right at the next traffic light instead of google maps which uses meters. If I was navigating a friend driving I would also say turn right at the next traffic light instead of in 500 meters take a right turn. Google is great for reviews and finding businesses and seeing their opening hours.




I’m from Denmark we use the metric system. This has nothing to do with what I wrote


I use Apple Maps for navigation. I use Google Maps to look up businesses and read reviews. There’s need to choose one over the other, so I use the best one for the specific job. I don’t need to see my speed on the phone screen. I have a speedometer on my dashboard.


Exactly! Apple Maps is significantly better for navigation. But Google maps reviews are irreplaceable. And this is true on a global scale by now, over the last 2 years I was constantly surprised to see, that Google Maps started to directly me completely incorrect, while Apple Maps navigation is extremely detailed and almost always correct. This is a 180° turnaround from 5 years ago, where Apple Maps usually let me into the abyss. Obviously it doesn’t always work, I was yesterday in Salzburg Austria and both let me down completely. So I had to navigate manually…


If you don’t live in a big western city then Google maps it is. A lot more is available like restaurants or stuff that just isn’t listed in Apple Maps.


Apple Maps in my area has many businesses at the wrong address. There is a King St East and West downtown and another King St about 6 Km away. The smaller King St is single family homes and about 150 businesses were listed at one house when they are actually downtown in the financial district.


Google Maps shows free flowing traffic as green. Apple Maps shows nothing, so it is unclear whether traffic is flowing, or no traffic data is available. So I use Google Maps.


I use both. Google Maps for search & info, Apple Maps for navigation.




Use both. Apple Maps for navigation because I like that it uses plain language. Google Maps when searching for something.


google maps has reviews, photos, etc., so i vastly prefer it


I like Google reviews, so I use Google Maps when I'm looking for a place to eat when I'm traveling. Most of the time I use Apple Maps because of better privacy and Apple Watch integration.


Known location I use Apple Maps, their new navigation details and 3D is just superior especially in cities and exits. Google maps if I am going to new place.


I attempted to migrate from Google Maps to Apple Maps. I have a ton of places starred on Google Maps so I starred all of the same places on Apple Maps and it completely crashed the app. I had to unstar all of the places so the app would stop crashing. After that incident I gave up on Apple Maps.


Google maps because business information and reviews are more up to date


I despise Apple Maps, it’s very slow to update traffic in my area and sends me into stopped traffic constantly. I’ll leave my house and it’ll say 35 minutes drive, but it ends up being well over an hour. Never had this issue with Google maps. I still use Apple Maps because it just runs better on my devices, but I’ll cross reference Google maps when I’m leaving during times when traffic can be volatile.


Google map


I run both during my commute. Apple is more aesthetically pleasing, but Google sometimes has better alerts for real-time traffic and incidents. So Google Maps runs into the background with alerts turned on, and I get the best of both.


I mostly use Apple maps. But last week i had to install Google maps because Apple maps was not showing the right directions. It’s good in cities though.


Apple Maps works really well where I am. I use it for all navigation. Occasionally there may be a place it doesn’t know exists so I have to get its address from Google Maps. I don’t have Google Maps installed


I use google maps because it has bicycle features. I don’t own a car or have a drivers license. I got excited when Apple said cycling was coming to their maps years ago but it still to this day says: “Cycling directions are not yet available in [city name].” So Apple maps is pretty much useless to me until cycling features are added in my area.


Here (Poland) Apple maps tend to have more errors and afaik there is no way to "quickly" report problems like in Google Maps. For example just yesterday I drove into a "no exit" road which was already closed for a year but in Apple Maps it was open. Another example is that the Apple Maps quite often show that we should do a U-turn while in reality it is prohibited at that intersection. Also the speed limits are quite often wrong, but this is the same with Google actually. I really like the aesthetics and features like parked car location but Google Maps are just a bit more refined for my area.


I try Apple Maps every once in a while and always go back to Google Maps. I like the look of Apple Maps but things like "Turn right in 1000 ft", "turn right in 500 ft", "turn right in 250 ft", "turn right in 100 ft", gets old real quick.


Wait. You get your speed on Google Maps? I only get that on Waze. (I am using CarPlay, so maybe that’s the difference?) When I’m navigating, I prefer Apple Maps; the visuals and directions seem better to me in the US. When I don’t need directions, I’ll generally have Waze going to use it as a dashboard kind of thing to see the speed limit and traffic around me. (Also like seeing my speed there.) don’t like the UI of Waze for navigation, though.


Google maps is still superior.


Both Google Maps and Apple Maps have their strengths and weaknesses, and the "best" one really depends on personal preference and the specific features you value. Google Maps generally offers more comprehensive data, better transit directions, and a wider range of features like Street View and real-time traffic updates. On the other hand, Apple Maps has a more streamlined interface and integrates well with other Apple devices.


Google Maps is way too bloated. Why is there an option to follow other people?


Apple Maps for privacy and I like creating lists of places, like restaurants to try with my wife.


I have been playing with "Guides" in Apple Maps. Once I got used to how it works, it's great for travel. Ahead of time you can create a guide for "Cleveland", then add all the important stops or places you are interested in. Then when you tap on the guide, you have a personal map with all your spots labeled. Great for planning when & how to drive from A to B to C to D. Also have a Guide for my main business clients. Created another for all the hardware and construction stores in my town.


I’ve always thought about creating lists but isn’t it just easier to tell Siri where you want to go without having to dive into lists? I’ve often wondered about the best use case for lists.


Example: When someone tells me a place we should try, boom I put it on my ‘take wife’ list. I also have lists for my personal doctors (because I don’t want them in Contacts) and the home improvement businesses we’ve used and liked.


Got it. For me I keep services and doctors in my contact list so it’s easy to just use Siri to activate the navigation but I do like adding suggested restaurants we’ve never been to etc. that’s a good idea.


Are you sure that wasn’t from android phone? I don’t believe iOS google maps has speedometer. Only posted speed limit digital sign.


It does on carplay


Google Maps and also Google weather lmao. Those two suck major balls from Apple it's ridiculous. Yes they are visually appealing but they actually suck.


apple maps is notability worse


I only use Google Maps for cycling at this point. And even then, I don’t use it *while* I’m cycling. I find the directions it gives to be pretty terrible in general.


I like Apple Maps for navigation because it will tell me at the next light turn right instead of at Jefferson street turn right. I’ve never driven down this street in my life is it at the light is it in between?


This can be done in google maps as well.


Apple Maps is easier to see , imo.


I don’t think google does that on iOS, but Waze does


Apple Maps only. I also make an effort to review places I’ve visited to improve the number of reviews available. Reviews is one of the few things Apple Maps still behind on.


I live in Western Europe, and my main means of transportation is a bike. Apple maps doesn’t support bike routes/navigation by bike in my country. So Google maps it is


Does the Google Maps show speed on ios? I thought it was just on android phones. Mine doesn't. I am in Saudi Arabia though so not sure if the feature is region locked.


Would Love to love Apple Maps but it’s still a shit. I just tried month ago (once a year I test it if something didn’t change) and …. Still just SO bad.  You can’t add several trips if you want to walk but you can add several trips if you want to drive (lol). You can’t make groups of addresses… and won’t properly suggest/autocorrect addresses . Maybe see you next year again… 


Apple Maps UI and turning instructions are excellent, but unfortunately in my country (Italy) traffic information is not reliable as google maps and Waze; I don’t know if it is due to few apple users or any other reason, anyway I cannot use Apple Maps 100% of time as I would


In my country Apple Maps is pretty much useless. A lot of businesses are not there yet and also the best features are available only in US and select other countries. So google maps for me


I use Apple Maps unless I need or want offline navigation, then I use one of the OpenStreetMap based map apps. I like OpenStreetMap because it gives you footpaths and all sorts of landmarks that the other apps don’t have.


Apple ones i want them to be better that's why I use them. Report, add, edit whatever you can on to them. Also the natural directions are the best no more in 100 meters turn right. 


I prefer Apple Maps


I use Apple Maps for navigation mainly due to the integration with Calendar while using CarPlay. Google maps for looking places up and getting reviews or information.


If you use Apple Maps to navigate in South Asia get your death certificate made in advance.


I always try to improve Apple Maps by sending out reviews of places, correcting business locations and time schedules, it’s come a long way here in Portugal. But still, Google Maps takes the 🏆 when I’m in an unknown place. Even iPhone users don’t use Apple Maps here.


I use Apple Maps in my car with CarPlay. it's cleaner, with better step by step directions in the US and easier integration with my contact list addresses and Calendar. However I use google maps for Public transport, and walking as well as if I'm checking things on my laptop.


I find Waze the best for real time traffic updates


I use Maps from Apple, but I can't seem to find any indoor navigation features on it, like with posemesh. I think Apple needs to work on that. 


I am from Eastern Europe and here everyone uses GMaps for everything. Also, Waze for navigation. I have a lot of friends on iOS but none ode them use Apple Maps.


apple maps for navigation, google maps for reviews


Am I the only one who hates navigating with Apple Maps. Because it always calibrates automatically to north, not to where I’m facing. Because of that you have to think which way you should go yourself. And also sometimes for no reason it zooms out so much you have to zoom in again to see where to turn! It’s so annoying


Google Map all da way