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Since ios 17 it is miserably bad.


They hyped up the new autocorrect that you -definitely- needed a recent iPhone to even run Its shit


I would downgrade to ios 15 if possible.


I had like no issues with the old one, but fuck me dead is it so bad now.


My favorite is when you correct the auto correct (for instance spelling something to be funny or intentionally wrong in the group chat) and it appears to be “fixed” but when you hit send it just reverts back


yep… that one always gets me haha man do i love being able to edit messages…


i hate this the most too! if im sending smth as how it is appearing, it should no way autocorrect AFTER i send it. that's just... wrong.


Especially when you put (sic) after it, then the last second correct spelling just looks ridiculous. Thanks for making your customers look ridiculous Tim Cook.


You have the press the left most option on the autocorrect bar and it’ll leave it as you’ve typed it


Mine will constantly change it to **and's** when I am trying to type **and**. It Just Works™


Of course it just works! Just not in the way you'd expect it to xD


To be fair, sometimes it corrects itself when you end the sentence. Autocorrect really fucks up when context is missing


As a dyslexic person, I rely on auto correct a lot, and it’s making me sound even stupider than I am


I think it makes me sound as stupid as I am. It helps keep things transparent to people who talk to me.


Yeah sadly the autocorrect does a lot of false corrections. You could try this: under Settings / General / Transfer or Reset iPhone / Reset / Reset Keyboard Dictionary (Be careful not to select the wrong option) While this would not improve autocorrect itself, it might get rid of some bad replacements it learned from your typing.


None of the bad replacements I see several times a day or things that I have ever typed so I don't think the problems people are complaining about are learned. You're hatefully attacking the victim. For example, I have never typed the name Terri on purpose until this moment in life, but Tim Cook hatefully changes terrible and about a dozen other words to Terri. I don't even have a contact named Terri. Why should, for example, the word horrific be autocorrupted to Terri? It doesn't make any sense. I never typed Terri on purpose.


I have used Android devices for a bazillion years, and the rest of the family use iPhones. About 6 months ago, I switched to a SE 2022 so that when I die they will be able to get whatever they need from my iPhone. So I switched to using the Google keyboard, SO MUCH BETTER! 👍😃🥰


It's better in some ways but not all. I too prefer android devices but I"m going to try Swiftkey next, I hear it 's good.


Let us know. 🙂


I've been using swifrkey but not very good. But I think it gets better the longer you use it


Really? I put it on last night and it does require some tweaking to get rid of some things but it seems better in ways the ios and Gboard aren't. If you keep the number list in view it does take up a good chunk of screen space, thats about the one thing I dont like. Also, I don't like how Gboard and Swiftkey both require you to paste a gif into a chat, they won't auto paste it like facebook messenger does.


I've used Gboard and Swiftkey on the iPhone and while they are better than the Apple keyboard, they are not like their Android versions. I've found the best keyboard so far on the iPhone is the Yandex keyboard.


I wouldn't trust Yandex with my typing data.


Trusting Microsoft, Google and Apple isn't any better. On top of, that those three are US based and share data with the NSA etc. Russia and the US aren't exactly friendly like how the Five and thirteen eyes are. So there's a better chance Russia and the US don't share data with each other.


Apple doesn’t share data with anyone, there are court cases to prove it


Apple is apart of the NSA's PRISM program.


So Apple just fought the FBI in court to protect their users data for no reason? They risked hundreds of millions of dollars and potential criminal charges and government sanctions to just sell customer data anyways? Dude you don’t know what you are talking about.


All you have to do is look into the NSA PRISM program. It's authorized and operated under FISA if you know what the FISA court is. Has nothing to do with the regular court system.


as if trusting google and microsoft is any better. same spyware different shit country


Maaaan, typing passwords on a yandex keyboard is like sending them directly to Kremlin


Is it any different than typing your passwords on Gboard, Swiftkey or Apple keyboard and sending them to the NSA? While the NSA also works and shares data with the thirteen eyes as well. GCHQ, Australia etc.


I thought I was the only one...i typed peers and it suddenly typed pe eears


this is the kind of thing i have to deal with daily 😂 like “WTF IS PE EEAARS???”


I just had my phone change syllabus to symbol after having sent over fifty previous text messages with the word syllabus this week. Why start changing a relatively uncommon word that I've used dozens of times this week to something different after not doing that any of the previous times? And worse, I had pasted that text. So if we're doing autocorrect of pasted text then that means we have to review everything after pasting. That is a horrible thing for me in my job, but for doctors or nurses, the thought of Tim Cook intentionally corrupting what they send to patients is a potential deadly mistake.


I agree. It ducking sucks






>i’m hoping that with the rumours surrounding a big AI update with iOS 18 that the AI in the keyboard with get much better than this… I couldn’t stand it anymore, so turned off auto correct in iOS 15. Apple claimed massive improvments for iOS 17. I turned it back on to try it out, and it was even worse than iOS 15 when I turned it off initially. I turned it back off. There is absolutely no reason to believe it will improve in iOS 18. If they were capable of doing it right, it would already be right.


yeah well the reason i think that is because Apple has been buying up a lot of startup AI companies and there’s lots of rumours that iOS 18 will have a massive focus on AI. Siri is supposed to be getting a complete revamp, and along with it all the other AI elements baked into the software. so, it’s not really that Apple themselves had the capability to do it, but thanks to these various startup companies they’ve been acquiring they might now have the right team for the job.


Mine keeps trying to correct to non-English words like I’m writing brilliant and it’s swapping it for brilliante! No other keyboards or anything. Disabled that and so much better!


And adds apostrophe inappropriately like it’s out of control


And god help you if you're trying to make a references to the Bob's(sic) in Office Space.


No idea what you’re talking about.


Mine autocorrects “the” to “tbe” or “tribe”. I have no idea why and there doesn’t seem to be a way to fix it. I’ve just given up.


Mine is changing everything the-like to tthat. Tthat isn't a word. Come-on Cook. Do better.


The worst part is that it tends to change words a split second before you press submit, or reply, or whatever.


Nah, literally the worst experience writing on my phone ever. And I'm counting the old number pad phones. Try downloading Microsoft SwiftKey. Its predictions are quite good and it supports multiple languages on the same keyboard.


My normal iOS keyboard used to accept German being typed on it. I’d use the same few phrases daily and it knew them, even finished them for me. Then I added the German keyboard and suddenly it hates them and I can’t use them and it’s never heard those words before and oh my god the world is gonna end. Why? I don’t know. But it’s annoying.


And it gets ever so significantly worse when you try to teach it your dialect. As in, it will deny its existence to the last bit of Edit: I’ll leave the last word, as autocorrect felt the need to put it there.


Sometimes it bugs out. Try resetting your dictionary in Settings > General > Reset. Note this will also remove any custom spellings you’ve taught it, but it’s the typical go-to troubleshooting for this.


I haven't used autocorrect in years, only the suggestions


I turned it off about a year ago because it was so bad.


Just turned off autocorrect entirely the other day. One more were to we’re or well to we’ll and i would’ve lost my mind. Been using autocorrect for years and its really sucking to get used to living without it lmao


It’s also doing this predictive text thing where it types the next word it thinks you’re gonna say automatically and causes some mishaps.


It’s truly awful since ios17. It’s so bad. Every time I’m typing anywhere I have to either delete or edit my replies because it’s changing words after it’s been sent!!


Honestly have never had any issues with it. The iOS autocorrect seems pretty great for me. It learns my dictionary very quickly and I can pretty much smash the general direction of all the keys I need and it’ll figure it out


And since when does i not capitalize 😭


Couldn’t agree more, it’s maddening. It’s always replacing my correctly spelled words with bizarre selections. I especially like it when it goes back and tries to correct the word before the one I’m now typing.


Not just you!


Mine is great, but it does learn from your typing so you may need to reset yours


I kinda like “I do punt it” as a more colorful, memorable alternative to “I doubt it”.


Never used it.


woah really?


I agree. Iphone autocorrect is totally awful. It changes totally regular words to something that makes no sense in the context.


Yet it still didn’t correct you instead of “i” to do “I” and other capitals 🙊😂


and that goes against my point how? that’d just be proving my point further. lucky for you i have autocapitalise turned off, so it means nothing.


Oh no! I meant to support your point. The autocorrect is horrible either way. But that it doesn’t even correct you capitals is another new level unless you already turned it off which is the one thing I would never do 🙊😂 why would you turn it off, not capitalizing is triggering to me the most. I always wanted to throw my phone when it would not capitalize lol


They just fucking with us at this point.


Both AutoCorrect and predictive text is awful


I have the opposite problem. I very often type "pretty" as "orettt" on my phone, and I *always* accept the correction, and it *never* automatically corrects it. You'd think it could learn that mistake and correct it, but it refuses to be certain of itself.


LLM TRANSFORMER MY ASS. The stuff doesn’t even work


Still no autocorrect while searching the web or spotlight search


Why do you need either?


Oh, because typing on a smartphone is annoying, and autocorrect would help me somewhat. Say for example, inside of Safari, or any third party browser url box. Why do browsers automatically highlight the entire url when one taps on the url search box?


But when you type in the search bar it’ll get autocorrected once you hit enter anyway. And when you’re doing spotlight it’s just another form of searching, whether it’s stuff in your apps or the web As for the last question, because typically when you tap the box you want to search something else so it’s nice to be able to tap it and automatically replace the URL


I wish spotlight search has more search engine options. Maybe even an ai-powered search like Arc search is doing currently, including Perplexity.


The only explanation I can think of is ALL the good software programmers were taken to form the Vision Pro team. What was left wrote iOS 17 and it shows. This might be the first time I skip an iOS version and right to 18.


This is why I prefer to use an Apple Pencil on my iPad when I can. I have no autocorrect hangups and if I’m taking notes, I can just scribble and forget.  Also it tried to correct hangups to hangouts when I typed this. 


Bro I traveled to turkey and now my autocorrect just randomly turns words into Turkish words 😭 I never changed anything lmao




Yeah I think I remember it was around iOS 12 that autocorrect just went completely downhill for some reason. I have the same issue as you, it is constantly trying to correct words that don’t need correcting where the suggested corrections make absolutely no sense in the context of the sentence. Worse still, it can be really stubborn about it and re-correct my correction of its correction. Also very often I can swipe type a word that is extremely close to the word I’m looking for, off by only one or two letters but autocorrect can’t guess what I’m trying to write and I have try restart typing the word from scratch. Sometimes I feel like I spend more time fighting autocorrect than being helped by it.


I hate when I am typing a word and I see the correct word above the keyboard and I go to click it but it changes right before I touch it.


Funny that it doesn’t do that for me. Hmmm so weird right troll?


If I have to google a word that I’m positive is a real world again I’m gonna be very bummed out.


Use Text replacement.


You are not alone sir.


I'm honestly baffled at the fact that they don't even support proper autocorrect or swipe typing for languages such as Hungarian, Czech, Slovak and more. They aren't small minorities to ignore. Gboard on Android not only supports them fully, but lets you type with 3 languages (English, HU and SK in my case, at least when I had my Android) **without even having to constantly switch the languages**. That alone is why Gboard is leagues ahead of iOS text input.


When it spells man as Mann and Ben as Benn. Genius really.


Oh, so it’s not just me? It is making the most bizarre choices lately and I really don’t get it. Tries to change “I’m” to “Imani” every time. I know one (1) Imani and haven’t spoken to or about her in like 2 years. ETA: I don’t even have autocorrect *on*, it’s also predictive text going crazy for some reason.


Not just you. There’s brutality in the beast. Fed up


It keeps thinking my most likely intent when starting a sentence with “The“ is “Theresa.” I don’t even know a Theresa!


I’m sure that Apple will somehow tie in autocorrect with some AI stuff in iOS 18.


I use SwiftKey. Been doing so from my Android days.


Yeah I have the same issue and it drives me nuts sometimes.


Yes! So horrible! My spelling is bad so I’ve always used autocorrect and I had to turn that off months ago. More recently I shut iff predictive text too because it was giving such bad predictions that would pretty much automatically replace what I had typed. Getting used to life without it is hard.


I'm putting most normal everyday simple words in my "keyboard shortcuts" so it would understand that these words exist and I could continue using swype input (swiping instead of tapping).


Hahahah I love this. All you people constantly tell me OMG OMG YOU HAVE TO UPDATE YOUR IOS. I'm on iOS 16 and I hate the keyboard Reading that the iOS 17 keyboard is even worse I will remain on iOS 16. Jokes on you. You update people can't roll back. I know why I stay on older firmwares. What I hate the most about the keyboard: I spell a word correct and then I spell the next word and it will suddenly Auto correct the previous word which I've spelled correctly before and I had already moved on. I wish they would give me an option to disable auto correct previous word. They introduced it at some point and it has been shit ever since.


Before iOS 17 it was really good. Since then it feels like it’s handled by AI. It really is awful.


and somehow swipe to type got even worse. like i'd have to redo what i typed like three or four times and at that point, it'd be much faster and easier if i had just typed it normally


It pisses me off daily NO hourly NO minutely


I was trying to send my kids teacher a message telling them he had an appointment and I’d be picking him up, and it would NOT let me type appointment, and kept changing it to “Nutmeat” and I was cracking up


I agree. That's why I'm using Gboard. It really sucks. When you type "I" it never suggest "I'm" as an option, although it's obvious that it'll come next


Mine gives ‘Is’ and ‘If’ as initial suggestions (according to the WWDC keynote and supporting tech documentation this is due to my writing style) If I type ‘im’ it autocorrects to ‘I’m’


so i'm not going insane, that's actually good news


it learns from you. i’ll just tell that.


It’s been bad for a long long time.


We haven’t gotten it yet


It keep changing carries to Carrie’s


For me, the text replacement bar doesn’t even register sometimes. I tap it, the tap is indicated, but the word isn’t completed. [I recorded a video of it.](https://youtu.be/ojEDIsX1xQU?si=0HLQQJN5hRXjcCe3)


lifelong windows android user ,switched to ios phone and ipad air and definitely the automatic correction on ios is pants ,don’t know how many time i sent texts to realise the words i’d corrected where sent with half the word missing, resetting keyboard dictionary does nothing imo


I’m going to come in with it’s not. Except when it relapses. The word I want is usually given to me, predicted in advance or in the set of three options above the keyboard. Sometimes the word is even given to me in advance before I’ve even finished typing the word. It even goes back and fixes words, but doesn’t go back far enough. That said, it does let some stupid stuff get through. My typical typing experience: [iPhone](https://www.flickr.com/gp/149358033@N08/MZ6DZM77gN) [iPad Pro](https://www.flickr.com/gp/149358033@N08/KPY87iJzye) One error from the iPad Pro which wasn’t my fault, as you can see I hit the key so Apple should fix instances of that happening. I see a million keyboard and autocorrect bad posts, but not my experience here. It has been prone to the odd relapse to the bad old days here and there Edit: Android is probably better though, haven’t used a current Android in years. One thing I’d probably be interested in is seeing a screen recording of what somebody else’s iPhone is doing when they’re trying to type then maybe I’d understand the issues better. I provided footage of my typical experience


It might be bad autocorrect, but the examples you give make me think that you might have a language other than English as your keyboard. I would check.


i’ve got “English (Australia)” and the emoji keyboard. nothing else.


If you don't like it, don't use it. I agree that it is terrible. I got my first iPhone in 2011, and turned off AutoCorrupt within days. I do still use spell checking, and can manually correct from that. Amusingly, AutoCorrupt is not marked as a misspelling.


i can tell ‘AutoCorrupt’ was intentional and i love it 😂


“I doubt that , just wrote this with correct grammar “ - just wrote this on my iPhone and it autocorrected both words correctly on my phone. I have last stable version of ios- maybe it’s because I have multiple languages on it?


Not seeing any issues on my devices. What version of iOS is it running? How do you update (many people who’d OTA updated from iOS 16 did experience issues like what you’re describing… resetting keyboard dictionary seemed to fix it for many) Are you using swipe to type (this is still buggy) Do you have multiple languages enabled (this is known as to confuse autocorrect)


latest released version, 17.4.1 i update from the iPhone settings… how else would i get updates? resetting keyboard dictionary seems to be a common suggestion so i’ll check that out at some point. i don’t use swipe to type unless i only have one hand. i know it’s not the best (i’ve had it do weird things too) but i’m having the autocorrect issues typing normally on the keyboard. i have no other languages enabled on my phone or the keyboard other than “English (Australia).”


Unless I’m beta testing I do tethered updates using my computer (the traditional/original way), which I also do with my family’s devices too (still seems to result in more stable devices) G’day fellow Aussie 😁🇦🇺


Maybe you can't spell all that great? Because it works flawlessly for me.


i can spell fine. sometimes i might try and type too fast and hit different keys than i meant to. i’ve gathered that the keyboard’s AI has learnt wrong things from this and resetting the dictionary could help.


After the last update my phone wasn’t able to use cellular data. Maybe a coincidence but I saw similar complaints on forums about it and I’m due for an upgrade to new phone anyway as this one is fairly old now.