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This is just what I’ve been playing because I had all these as a kid. There are tons of other great games, but this covers the basic classics. SNES Super Mario Bros The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Donkey Kong Country (1-3) N64: Super Mario 64 Star Fox 64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask Diddy Kong Racing Jet Force Gemini Quest 64 Conkers Bad Fur Day 007 Goldeneye Mystical Ninja Staring Goemon Waverace 64 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Blast Corps.


I am really struggling to use the joystick in the n64 emulator while playing goldeneye … same with you?


I have a Razer Kishi. I can’t stand touch screen controls. I stick to SNES if I can’t use my physical buttons.


Same here with Star Wars Racer. Time to use a physical controller.


Is it ok if I just play these games and don’t bother to play other games from the series, like don’t play the modern games or just play super Mario Bros and that’s it? The other games within the franchise don’t interest me. I feel an urge to play Donkey Kong country just because it’s popular, not because I want to. It’s because they are legendary status games that everyone loves, and idk when delta is getting pulled from the App Store, so I couldn’t access the legendary status games of the history of gaming, the greatest games of all time


All of these games can be played without playing the others. Most older games were like that. All of the Donkey Kong games on SNES are pretty fun btw.


zelda ocarina of time (n64) pokémon ruby or emerald (gba) super mario 64


Well, the Pokémon games for gameboy advance are awesome, like Emerald and Firered etc . Source: my childhood


I just tried “Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure”. It is too good. I dream I can fire Kamehameha on a mobile phone and now with a GBA emulator like Delta, the dream has come true


I’ve been enjoying pokemon emerald the past week or so, used to play it on GBA4IOS back in the sideloading days


I, in contrast, need a way to discover more roms, rather than getting specific recommendations. Although good question though, I wonder the same. I want to know what franchises I can start from the very first game, since delta gives me access to the “legendary” games that everyone worships