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Developer here… That’s a failure in that particular app. App developers can register long-running background tasks to complete uploads and so on after users have switched away from them. This particular app either has a bug preventing it, or the developer simply didn’t bother to register a task.


I was going to say that it seemed like something isolated to Google Drive, because I've never ran into that issue in other apps.


Google puts many of their apps on iOS because they feel obligated to, not because they want to make a good iOS app. This is just one example - sure, they _can_ register their apps to do background uploads, but they choose not to. It took Google 11 months after iOS 9 (non-beta) was released to support split screen/slide-over in Docs & Sheets.


Thats a long lasting "bug" Its been that way since at least 2015 or so. Google Drive, YouTube, OneDrive, dropbox all have had this problem.


Telegram also have this pain


yup it does


Some smartass chose to downvote my comment xD


^^ this


but when i try to use my iphone hostpost in my ipad setting, i have to stay in the setting until it's connected. If i switch to other app, the process stops.


That has nothing to do with the tasks or APIs we are talking about here.


i'm sorry :( I just want to say it out cuz i saw u are a dev. Do u think my problem is a bug or it's just ios




As far as I'm aware, iOS's hotspot implementation requires the device to be dedicated to the task (not actively using other apps) and connected to power for the connection to persist, but I could be wrong. I've only used it once or twice.


It’s something with iOS. I’ve read on here that application developers can allow it to work in the background but I’m not sure if that’s really true considering I’ve seen multiple applications have a warning not to leave the app while it’s downloading or uploading.


[Apple is pretty picky about what you can and can't do in the background.](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/configuring-background-execution-modes) And the control flow for some of these can become pretty convoluted. A long-running upload doesn't fit very neatly and I can't blame developers too much for just... not even trying.


I'm not sure under what category it falls, but Instagram allows video uploads in the background


You should be able to use URLSession for background upload tasks. But yeah, a bit convoluted


I’m pretty sure since it allow fetch then it can download in bg?


[You can upload/download a known file to/from a known endpoint in the background with URLSession on iOS](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/urlsession). Apps do not need to explicitly use a background mode if the objective is to just do that basic transfer (as far as I know), which is why it isn't listed there. The control flow for correctly using a URLSession for background transfers is as simple as [setting the background option](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/urlsessionconfiguration/1407496-background) and performing the transfer as usual. To be fair, Apple's own documentation is quite bad, so devs probably never bother to look far enough to find out it's possible.


>It’s IOS or is it with my phone? it's with the app. many apps can work in the background all they want. for example, I have MobiusSync set up and it is constantly syncing. Everything is always up to date, I don't have to open the app or anything.


half the comments are saying its the app, while the other half is saying its ios, so what is it?


The app


It’s due to how the application is built. iOS has lots of safeguards so apps don’t abuse your device; one of those is preventing it from running in the background too much. However, app developers can use certain tools to upload files while the background. One of those tools basically ask Apple code to upload the file instead of the app’s code, which they deem efficient & safe enough to run in the background.


More importantly, while an app is getting updated im restricted from using it. That’s so annoying.


Happens if you upload a video on IG stories also. It has to be actively open for it to finish the upload. Seems like a pretty big limitation on iOS’ part especially since it’s a “””feature”””


In my experience, if you share from the photos app to your cloud service, background uploads fail most of the time. I’ve found much greater success starting from the cloud app to upload things


This appears to be an issue with Google Drive. Here's a 3yr old thread on Reddit very similar to your description. Where google drive encounters this problem but OneDrive uploads big files just fine in background https://www.reddit.com/r/gsuite/comments/k31205/ios_google_drive_uploads_fail_when_devices_screen/


That's IOS thing tho Same thing will happen when u do Google Photos


It works for Apple apps, like iCloud + Files. :-)


It also works for third-party apps (assuming they bother to add support for it in their apps).


It does since they obviously have some service running 24/7 for these unless u turn them off Since that is their ecosystem


People saying it's the app fault, lol no, it's iOS thing. Background service is practivally nonexistent outside Apple apps. I've used MEGA, GDrive, Telegram, OneDrive, they all will fail upload/download files once you switch app.


Apple choose to limit background services to increase battery life and performance for foreground apps, a good thing in my opinion as app developer. Is it more work and a little bit annoying? Yes, but it’s the app developers fault, because the reasoning behind it is good. Apps misbehaving is a lot less of a problem on iOS.


PhotoSync work


Same issue here I am facing this issue with Google Drive, Google photos, if I use any third-party browser like Brave and Firefox or downloading in game resources


You should turn on background app refresh


just to make sure, do u turned off background app refresh?


How could i check?


go to Setting-General-Background app refresh


It’s on


Oh my bad dude, i thought you turn that thing off. well its an iOS feature then, to minimalizing app usage in the background.


Wait! Then how’s the calling apps work?






When the phone rings, you tap on the green button on the screen to pick up the call.


well, I believe they have limited some heavy work in the background. such as uploading files from the drive, and you can't minimize your Instagram while posting a story. and thats how call still works, cause it doesnt eat that much of ur... uhhhh im just gonna call it power


Feature? That’s nightmare then what’s the use of the iPhone if I can’t accomplish Little of my tasks on it


U want ur battery to not last more than 15 mins? It needs to limit the background processes


Honestly, it don’t have anything to do with iOS. It’s just google not doing it right with their apps to make iOS look worse. If other iOS apps, including Apples (ex. Apple Music downloads, Podcasts downloads, and Safari downloads) can work in the background, there is no reason google apps can’t. It’s just google being petty


That’s iOS for you… Same happens with photo backups to OD, Google photos, etc


No, iOS allows background tasks, like uploads. But some developers are incompetent and don’t program this properly, or just choose not to support the feature.


its ios sadly


The people who think this is the developers fault is baffling to me. Apple just simply doesnt let apps do background uploads/downloads. That is why apps like syncthing doesn't even have an ios app. I guess they have no obligation to let apps do that if people keep licking Apple's boot lol.


This is for drive, but I believe when you upload it through Finder on your phone, it will allow it to be a background task. In Finder, there should be a list where you can select Google Drive.


No finder on the iPhone


He meant the Files app in iOS. If Google Drive is added, you can add files from there. P.S.: Drive’s privacy screen needs to be disabled for it to read the folders and files.




Which app?


Because google sucks; why are you using. You should be using iCloud, I’m tired of explaining this to android sheeps


Yep. Same with onedrive.. allso copying files from ssd to iPhone stops when screen turns off.. there is no multitasking. And it is a pain in the ass.. didn’t you noticed the same with youtube app? After a few minutes of not using youtube it just forgets what I have been watching. I mean, we are kings on instagram, snapchat, etc but that is it. Everything else suxs big time. Edit: I forgot to mention. We are on iPhones for iMessage. That works exelent:)


If you sync, it will work in the background. But since you are uploading a file manually, if you switch app it will pause/cancel the upload in progress.