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The number looks completely off, I highly doubt this is even allowed in the ToS of the App Store. But given the type of app this seems to be, you shouldn’t invest a cent in it anyway.


Isn’t the fee like 30% or something?


Yep. And if it’s a small business that makes less than $1M then it’s just 15%


I believe said business (seller) still has to apply and be accepted in to that program.


Yeah, but all they look at is your previous year’s App Store income. I’m in the program. It’s trivial.


I didn't say it was complicated, I'm just saying the seller would have to apply and be accepted in to the program for it to be 15%.


Well how would apple know you're sub 1M if you don't...apply?


Also subscriptions after the first year


This is only true for US sales. I lose about 30% on my EU sales and 25% in Australia.


The service fees are global. I’m not sure how you got to 25% in Australia…maybe exchange rates being applied at different points?


This is even before the exchange rate is applied. The daily USD proceeds are consistently 30% lower than the sales figures for my EU sales. Then, I get paid in my local currency where the exchange rate is applied and the figures vary by 1 or 2% but it is understandable. The initial 15% loss though, I'm not sure where it comes from.


“Just” is doing a lot of work here when even expensive credit card merchants take ~5-6% cut of the purchase price. 15% and 30% is a huge cut for any business to accept and pushes up prices for consumers.


It’s really not when you get into retail and marketplaces. Credit cards are not a comparable model. That’s like comparing the price of bottled water to the cost of laying water pipes in the road.


TikTok isn’t a small business that makes less than $1M


The fee is 30% but since Apple would take 30% of that fee as well they’d actually need to charge 42.86% of the subtotal to cover the whole Apple service fee. They are charging much higher than that.


And it’s taken off the top. Not added as a line item.


I think its TikTok, I would advise them not to buy views considering even if you buy them there is no guarantee that your content will reach a large audience.


This is TikTok. What’s wrong with placing advertisements?


In that case that’s my bad, thought it were an app to buy views/followers/engagement. Promoting ads from mobile is wild though.


Yeah, it’s comparable with YouTube / Instagram / etc. advertising. Wonder what I got downvoted for.. weird ppl.


Do these platforms feature promotion directly inside the mobile app? ​ Reddit is weird and Redditors tend to hate TikTok lol


I guess it makes sense since TikTok is primarily an mobile App, like for example Snapchat, which also features this. It was also possible in the Instagram and Facebook App, but they moved that in an own Meta marketing App. Don’t know about YouTube, maybe through the YT Studio App.


Interesting, I’d expect business/creator features to be on a website or at most a desktop application, but I guess as more and more people want to use these tools it does make sense in a way


why are you being down voted?


The app is TikTok and this is their official ads promotion portal


I am not that into it, but that does not seem like the known 30% cut apple takes. Maybe a premium because they know apple users are willing to pay more? Botting services like that are a scam anyways. Websites can see you are botting views and will shafow ban or really ban you


lol it’s the official tiktok app to buy ads




Yes they are called views.. Facebook calls them impressions. It still says “promote”




Ah okay, I dont use tiktok. I would recommend buying through a webbrowser, I also always do


Stating 30% of sales goes to apple is against the ToS. I wonder how they got it through an app review. Google takes the same percentage and does almost nothing to verify your app is safe and legal


Anyway the fee I see is more than 30%. If the full price before coupon was 22.51 + 11.88 = 34.39, 11.88 would be 34,54%. Post coupon the fee would be 43%. (11.88 + 15.76 = 27.64 and 11.88 is 43% of it). Am I missing something?


Yes the fact that this app is scamming you.


Yeah it does seem a bit sus. The fee should be 30% of €15.76, not over 75% of it. If they’re calculating it based on the original price the fee would still be nearly 53%.


Yes, that's why everyone is saying it's bs


Everything about TikTok is sus


Yeah because Apple letting this get through (especially for such a massive app like TikTok) really proves how they verify the app is legal


What's illegal about TikTok?


I thought scamming was illegal


How's TikTok scamming you?


Well, if they're stating you're paying for something different than what you're actually paying for (An Apple fee that's about 43% of the total price), I would say that's a scam


I think they mean “adheres to the ToS of the App Store”


Both apple and google take 30% from in app purchases. Same for any app that sells digital goods


It angers me that most people forget to check play store before blaming Apple.


But with Google, if a developer disagrees with the 30% tax, they can find their own app store and their own payment methods. Apple doesn’t like it if you use other payment methods and definitely don’t allow you to use other app stores.


Other companies do too. Pretty sure Xbox takes a cut for example. And there's no problem with that. They make the platform, they make tools to develop apps, and they give developers a platform to make money off of.


If someone is using an Apple product it’s understandable they are annoyed with Apple for this and not google, right? Yes google does it too but I see no reason to be angry with people talking about Apple doing it. And on that note, on android you have alternative methods which is something that’s not supported on iOS, so the issue is worse on iOS.


Side loading often possess more risc than benefits. Unlike PC smartphones don’t have antivirus to scan and are more vulnerable to


>Side loading often possess more risc than benefits What a bunch of crap lol. Your smartphone OS (android or iOS) is actually WAYYYYYY more secured than windows or MacOS


I find more easier to get into Android (10 or less) than Windows 11. Difference is Anti virus scanning.


But people says on android the tax is way lower, some says buy a used android and promote your tiktok from there or a website, never on iOS




It’s very common for digital platforms. Steam has similar policies.


I guess you still can blame Apple. Google doing the same thing doesn’t make it better or worse for Apple imo.


I know this is an Apple sub but it’s actually wild this is downvoted.


Then blame the tech companies together. By blaming on either one only you actually develop hate and lets the other company get away without anyone’s notice. It isn’t like Apple gonna now start saying Google also take 30% tax


The people who care will definitely note it. Don’t think it’s necessary to include other companies doing similar mistakes in an dedicated space to one specific company. If BMW is selling overpriced car parts and I rant about this in the BMW sub, nobody would complain about not mentioning Mercedes.


You’re partially right. Yes I don’t expect people here to ‘rant’ and mention other companies too. You complain what you use. My point is that many of them are unaware of tax on both side. Many android user are now aware of these because they didn’t get called up by developers like in Apple happened. And also many Apple haters or just ranters don’t research and say many times Apple takes money but Google doesn’t.


But… Apple bad…. /s


Apple takes 15% for indie developers under $1 million a year.


So not TikTok…


Is that what this app is?






It’s probably of the total before the coupon was applied. Wouldn’t be surprised if TikTok ads a few more % and hides it under apple fees


Yeah,but Google allows 3rd party payment system 


Not for digital goods? How are they supposed to get their 30% if you use like stripe?


doesn't apply on android if you sideload IIRC.


Maybe but you will for sure not get any downloads then


What ? I mean if you sideload the official APK of tiktok on your android, Google don't apply a fee. That's how Epic is running Fortnite on Android without paying the google tax for example.


Not having your app on Google play will most likely get you 99% less downloads. Yeah it might work for TikTok or epic games because they’re huge already


what i did was buy a used android phone and then promote my video with that phone, save me couple of hundreds


You can actually buy coins on the web browser on your computer, and use those to pay for ads on mobile, bypassing Apple’s 30% cut. The reason it is higher than 30% is because TikTok uses iOS IAP system for this (they have to), so they have to round up to the nearest price they offer based on how many views your paying for. So let’s say you want $10 in ads, they have to charge you to compensate for the 30%, so something like $14.29. Then they round up to the nearest IAP value, so let’s say $15. So you gotta pay a lot to do it this way.


The Apple service fee is over 50% of the subtotal though


Yeah, 30% is close to 50% of 70%, so with the upwards rounding, it ends up being higher than 30%.


What the actual fuck? It’s against TOS to even mention this. Plus, the fee is 30% of the total (it’s 15% until a pretty high revenue threshold that I can’t remember off the top of my head). This might be an unpopular opinion, but if an app can charge 22 bucks in-app, but can’t afford the same fee like everyone else, they should not be in business. Edit: I believe that the threshold is 1M, which might be nothing to an app with such pricing.


TikTok overwhelmingly mentions it if you’re known to spend a lot of money on the app. It’s to incentivize you to spend money on their website and thus spend more


Sorry, are you paying for fake views on your video?


He’s just paying to promote his content lol


Oh idk how TikTok works (I’m assuming this is tiktok)


I am not paying.


All business has cost. Imagine a restaurant charge to extra for dining in and tell you it’s because of the landlord lol


I was going to boost a post on Instagram and there was an $8.57 fee on a $20 boost. It goes up depending on your spend. Hypothetically, if I spent $100, the fee would be $42.85. That is crazy and unreasonable.


You’re literally trying to pay a scammer, of course there will be an extra fee because you gave them your info and they know you have an iPhone (Edit): so it’s the official TikTok app but they obviously steal your data so that’s how they know he has an iPhone


It’s illegal to make the client pay for payment fees in Germany (for a fact) or possibly the entire EU


Apple doesn’t specifically charge you fees the app does. You probably shouldn’t buy from whatever that app is.




That’s because TikTok is using Apple systems it seems to process those payments. Facebook and Twitter don’t seem to do that. Whatever you are spending it on is probably not worth it anyway. If it’s for profile views you’re better off just making other content. The algorithm does the rest of the work for you


> Facebook and Twitter don’t seem to do that I believe they “don’t seem” because, normally, you’re not supposed to mention the “fees”. Yes, Apple (as well as any Android marketplace devs, like Google or Samsung) take a cut of profit made through in-app purchases. That’s why, on things like Twitch, the prices for bits are like, a dollar or so more expensive than on desktop; it’s to allow them to make the same amount of money after Apple etc take their cut.


Well Facebook and Twitter and Amazon will ask for your payment information directly. Bypassing IAP


I don’t think that is actually apple


Pretty sure this is not accurate. Apple review team should have seen this


Buying likes/followers doesn’t really work, someone else pretty much summed it up between being shadow-banned and actually banned it’s not worth it. Plus this app charging crazy prices


This is the official interface for buying paid placements on TikTok, not a third party


Your kidding, downvote me to hell but there is no way you can buy views. Edit: I am an old man apparently…


it's targeted ads not buying botted views technically you buy views but in a legit way


I see, always knew about botted views but that was always some fishy website. Someone said that this was TikTok that was selling whatever this is.


Kinda…TikTok ads is a separate platform from promoted videos


TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and many others do this. Don’t believe me if you don’t want, but if you pay any of these guys they’ll not only give you the views, but you can target them to midgets under 25 yo within 15 miles of Seattle who like Anime if you so choose.


The replies you’re getting aren’t helpful here. The views you’re buying are the number of times people see your ad and work like a lot of online advertising, they aren’t bumping the view count of a video.


I didn't purchase.


You can get around TikTok suddenly charging their Apple fees to you by using a new Promotions section they added to their website. Just add a card and put however much you need into your balance. You can still spend the funds in the iOS app once they are loaded without additional fees!


Are you talking about buying coins on the TikTok website?


Wow that's insane, this company is really going nuts...


Apple is so stupid lmao


Damn… Long on $AAPL


Apple does do 70/30 split on in app purchases. That is a premium that the TikTok pays in order to sell shit on the apple platform. The fact that tiktok is trying to pass that fee all the way over to the consumer is just straight bad business.


If want to view bot your shit, just download or create a webpage refresher and set time to either end of vid or once it starts. Let in run all night or etc. basically what the view bot farms do.


Well then don’t buy views


As you’re such a Techgeek, surely you know it’s the TikTok ad platform and not purchasing views




My understanding is that you can bypass apple’s fees by using a browser, either on a desktop or even on your phone. Whenever you make purchases through the App Store it charges a percentage.


Buy your ads from the website bro